
Arnould Sophie

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Main Referenced Co-authors
Van Caillie, Didier  (2)
Alexandre, Marc  (1)
Sougné, Danielle  (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
Business failure (1); Financial management (1); Organisational structure (1); Professional legal organisation (1); SMEs (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CEPE - Centre d'Études de la Performance des Entreprises - ULiège (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Accounting & auditing (2)

Publications (total 2)

The most downloaded
Van Caillie, D., & Arnould, S. (2001). The follow-up of financial value creation indicators to prevent bankruptcies in Belgian SMEs : an empirical multivariate approach. In Babson College Conference, Acts of the 2001 Babson College Conference (pp. 1-15).

Van Caillie, D., Arnould, S., Alexandre, M., & Sougné, D. (2009). Etude de faisabilité de la transposition en Belgique francophone du système français de gestion des « comptes de tiers ». (Université de Liège / OBFG n° 2006 012). Bruxelles, Belgium: OBFG.

Van Caillie, D., & Arnould, S. (2001). The follow-up of financial value creation indicators to prevent bankruptcies in Belgian SMEs : an empirical multivariate approach. In Babson College Conference, Acts of the 2001 Babson College Conference (pp. 1-15).
Peer reviewed

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