
Florence Eric


Département des sciences de l'antiquité > IRSS: PragmApolis

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Guiheux, Gilles (7)
Martiniello, Marco  (6)
Chan, Chris King-chi (4)
Qiu, Jack Linchuan (4)
Cabestan, Jean-Pierre (3)
Main Referenced Keywords
China (21); china (20); agency (16); power (13); representation (12);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
IRSS-CEDEM - Institut de recherches en Sciences Sociales. Centre d'Études de l'Ethnicité et des Migrations - ULiège (5)
Pragmapolis (3)
Academia Sinica (1)
Centre d'études Français sur la Chine Contemporaine, CEFC (1)
Centre d'études français sur la Chine contemporaine, CEFC (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Sociology & social sciences (178)
Political science, public administration & international relations (3)
Communication & mass media (3)
Anthropology (2)
History (1)

Publications (total 187)

The most downloaded
Florence, E. (2008). Struggling around dagong: discourses about and by rural migrant workers in the Pearl River Delta [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

The most cited

21 citations (Scopus®)

Florence, E. (2007). Migrant Workers in the Pearl River Delta : Discourse and Narratives about Work as Sites of Struggle. Critical Asian Studies, Vol. 39 (n° 1), 120-150. doi:10.1080/14672710601171756

Theses and dissertations

Doctoral thesis

Florence, E. (2008). Struggling around dagong: discourses about and by rural migrant workers in the Pearl River Delta [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.



Written in collaboration

Martiniello, M., Brans, M., Jacobs, D., Rea, A., Swyngedouw, M., Adam, I., Balancier, P., Florence, E., & Van Der Straeten, T. (2004). Recherche et Politiques Publiques : le cas de l'immigration en Belgique. Gand, Belgium: Academia Press.

Florence, E., & Jamin, J. (2003). Médiations interculturelles et institutions. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: Academia Bruylant.

Direction and/or edition of collective works and journal's special issues

Florence, E., & Guiheux, G. (Eds.). (December 2023). Régimes de travail en Chine. Identités, institutions, agentivité. Mouvement Social, 285, 1-190.
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Florence, E., & Guiheux, G. (Eds.). (December 2023). Labor Regimes in China. Identity, Institutions, and Agency. Mouvement Social, 285, 1-190.
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Chan, C. K.-C., Florence, E., & Qiu, J. L. (Eds.). (2021). L'agentivité au-delà de la précarité : les plateformes et la multiplication des régimes de travail en Chine. Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China: Perspectives chinoises.
Peer reviewed

Chan, C. K.-C., Florence, E., & Qiu, J. L. (Eds.). (2021). Agency Beyond Precarity: Platforms and the Multiplication of Labour Regimes in China. Honk Kong, China: French Centre for Research on Contemporary China.

Florence, E., & Cabestan, J.-P. (Eds.). (2018). Twenty Years After: Hong Kong's Changes and Challenges under China's Rule. Honk Kong, China: French Centre for Research on Contemporary China.

Florence, E., & Cabestan, J.-P. (Eds.). (2018). Vingt ans après : transformations et défis de Hong Kong sous le régime chinois. Hong Kong, China: Centre d'Etudes et d'Information sur la Chine.

Florence, E., & Defraigne, P. (Eds.). (2012). Towards a New Development Paradigm in Twenty-First Century China. Economy, Society and Politics. United States: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203095416

Martiniello, M., & Florence, E. (Eds.). (2005). The Links Between Academic Research and Public Policies in the Field of Migration and Ethnic Relations: Selected National Case-Studies. International Journal on Multicultural Societies, 7 (1).
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Articles in scientific journals

With peer reviewing

Florence, E. (December 2023). Struggling over public spaces and scales of visibility: workers’ grassroots organisations in twenty-first century China. Mouvement Social, 285, 167-185.
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Florence, E., & Guiheux, G. (December 2023). Régimes de travail en Chine (1949-2024). Continuités, ruptures et nouvelles approches. Mouvement Social, 285, 3-25.
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Florence, E., & Guiheux, G. (December 2023). Continuity, ruptures and new insights into labour regimes in China (1949-2024). Mouvement Social, 285, 3-25.
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Florence, E. (December 2023). Lutte pour les espaces publics et échelles de visibilité : les organisations de travailleurs locales dans la Chine du XXIe siècle. Mouvement Social, 285, 167-185.
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Chan, C. K.-C., Florence, E., & Qiu, J. L. (01 March 2021). Précarité, plateformes et agentivité : la multiplication des formes du travail en Chine. Perspectives Chinoises, 1 (2021).
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Florence, E., Chan, C. K.-C., & Qiu, J. L. (March 2021). Editorial – Precarity, Platforms, and Agency: The Multiplication of Chinese Labour. China Perspectives, 2021 (01), 3-7. doi:10.4000/chinaperspectives.11268
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Qian, J., & Florence, E. (2021). Migrant worker museums in China: public cultures of migrant labour in state and grassroots initiatives. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. doi:10.1080/1369183X.2020.1739373
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Florence, E., & Cabestan, J.-P. (September 2018). Vingt ans après la rétrocession. Des transformations économiques et politiques de Hong Kong et de son avenir sous le régime chinois. Perspectives Chinoises, 144 (2018/3), 3-9.
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Florence, E., & Cabestan, H. K. B. U. (September 2018). Twenty Years After the Handover Hong Kong’s Political and Social Transformation and Its Future under China’s Rule. China Perspectives, 114 (2018/3), 3-9.
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Florence, E. (2017). Demandes sociales, gouvernance et médiation intellectuelle en Chine postmaoïste. Tracés : Revue des Sciences Humaines, 17 (2017), 159-166. doi:10.4000/traces.7155
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Florence, E. (2007). Migrant Workers in the Pearl River Delta : Discourse and Narratives about Work as Sites of Struggle. Critical Asian Studies, Vol. 39 (n° 1), 120-150. doi:10.1080/14672710601171756
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Florence, E. (2006). Debates and Classification Struggles Regarding the Representation of Migrant Workers. China Perspectives, (n°65), 15-27.
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Florence, E. (2006). Les représentations des travailleurs migrants en Chine. Perspectives Chinoises, (n° 94), 13-26.
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Martiniello, M., & Florence, E. (2005). The Links between Academic Research and Public Policies in the Field of Migration and Ethnic Relations: Selected National Case Studies – Thematic Introduction. International Journal on Multicultural Societies, 7 (1), 3-10.
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Florence, E., & Martiniello, M. (2005). The Links Between Academic Research and Public Policies in the Field of Migration and Ethnic Relations: Selected National Case-Studies. Thematic Introduction. International Journal on Multicultural Societies, Vol. 7 (n°1), 3-10.
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Martiniello, M., & Florence, E. (2005). Social Science Research and Public Policies: the Case of Immigration in Belgium. International Journal on Multicultural Societies, 7 (1), 49-67.
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Florence, E., & Martiniello, M. (2005). Social Science Research and Public Policies: the Case of Immigration in Belgium. International Journal on Multicultural Societies, Vol.7 (n°1), 49-67.
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Florence, E. (1999). Les Migrations en Chine : Implications sur le plan. Hommes et Migrations, (n° 1220), 73-95.
Peer reviewed

Without peer reviewing

Florence, E. (September 2024). Des lieux en commun. Une ethnographie des rassemblements publics en Chine (Compte rendu). Sociologie du Travail, 66 (3).
Editorial reviewed

Florence, E. (January 2018). Rural Migrant Workers in Independent Films: Representations of Everyday Agency. Made in China (a quarterly journal on labour, civil society, and rights), 3 (Winter).

Florence, E. (January 2017). Chine : permanence de l’Etat-Parti . Politique : Revue Belge d'Analyse et de Débat, 100, 28-35.

Florence, E. (January 2015). Chine, une mise à jour. Politique : Revue Belge d'Analyse et de Débat, 88.

Florence, E. (2013). Migrant labour Culture in Post-Mao China. Vie des Idées.

Florence, E. (2013). Censure, liberté d’expression et dynamiques sociopolitiques en Chine contemporaine. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Florence, E. (2010). Cinq arguments pour approcher la puissance économique chinoise. LiègeU, 14-18.

Florence, E. (2007). Representations of Migrant Workers in the Pearl River. Critical Asian Studies, 39 (1), 121-150.

Florence, E. (1999). Les travailleurs migrants à travers la presse quotidienne de Shenzhen (1993-1999). Techniques, Territoires et Société, Vol. 36 (n° 1), 285-293.

Chapters in collective works (including proceedings published in collective works)

With peer reviewing

Florence, E. (2020). The Cultural Politics of Labour in Postsocialist China. In Latham, Kevin, The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Chinese Culture and Society (pp. 212-229). Routledge.
Peer reviewed

Florence, E. (2020). 如何做一个深圳人:深圳发展第二个十年中的外来工. In W. O. D. M. A. Wong, 向深圳学习. Shenzhen, Unknown/unspecified: Haitian Chubanshe.
Peer reviewed

Florence, E. (2019). Struggling around the politics of recognition. The formation of communities of interpretations and emotions among a collective of migrant workers in 21st Century China. In V. Frangeville & G. Gaffric (Eds.), China's Youth Cultures and Collective Spaces. Creativity, Sociality, Identity and Resistance (pp. 170-186). London, United States: Routledge.
Peer reviewed

Florence, E. (2018). Rural workers’ ‘regimes of appearance’ and the formation of communities of engagement in post-Mao China. In V. Frangeville & G. Gaffric, China's Youth Cultures and Collective Spaces. Creativity, Sociality, Identity and Resistance. New York, United States: Routledge.
Peer reviewed

Florence, E. (2014). The recent labour unrest in China and the politics of handling collective mobilization by the Party-state. In Brown, Kerry (Ed.), The EU-China Relationship: European Perspectives (pp. 441-451). London, United Kingdom: The New Imperial Press.
Peer reviewed

Florence, E., & Madariaga College of Europe Foundation, D. (2012). Introduction. In E. Florence & P. Defraigne (Eds.), Towards a New Development Paradigm in Twenty-First Century China. Economy, Society and Politics (pp. 1-8). London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203095416-8
Peer reviewed

Florence, E. (2001). Migrant workers in the Pearl River Delta : Between Discursive Inclusion and Exclusion. In M. Martiniello, C. Withol de Wenden, ... H. Entzinger (Eds.), Migration Between States and Markets (pp. 42-63). Aldershot, United States: Ashgate.
Peer reviewed

Without peer reviewing

Florence, E., & Junxi, Q. (2022). " 2008: ‘Make Contributions and Offer Your Youth for Tomorrow’s Dream’: The Establishment of the Shenzhen Migrant Worker Museum. In I. Franceschini & C. Sorace, Proletarian China: A Century of Chinese Labour (pp. 598-607). Brooklyn, United States: Verso Books.
Editorial reviewed

Florence, E. (2021). Struggling around mediation: people, organization and meanings. The case of a worker grassroots organization in the suburb of Beijing. In China’s Youth Cultures and Collective Spaces Creativity, Sociality, Identity and Resistance. New York, United States: Routledge.

Florence, E. (2017). How to Be a Shenzhener: Representations of Migrant Labor in Shenzhen’s Second Decade. In M. A. O'Donnell, W. Wong, ... J. Bach, Learning from Shenzhen: China’s Post-Mao Experiment from Special Zone to Model City (pp. 86-103). Chicago, United States: Chicago University Press.

Florence, E. (2016). The Cultural Politics of Labour in Post-Socialist China: The Case of Subject-Formation and Identity Politics of Peasant Workers. In R. P. B. S. Bhattacharya, Vernacularity in Labour Politics (pp. 102-132). Delhi, India: Tulika Books.

Florence, E. (2016). Médiation des expériences, représentations et luttes autour de la visibilité des travailleurs migrants en Chine. In C. Servais, La médiation : Théorie et terrains (pp. 183-214). Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium: De Boeck Université.

Florence, E. (2009). Migrant Workers in the Pearl River Delta : Discourse and Narratives about Work as Sites of Struggle. In R. Murphy & V. Fong (Eds.), Media, Identity and Struggle in twenty-first century China (pp. 26-45). United States: Routledge.

Florence, E. (2007). Politique publiques en matière d’éducation en rapport avec les jeunes d’origine étrangère en Communauté française de Belgique. In M. Martiniello, A. Rea, ... F. Dassetto (Eds.), Immigration et intégration en Belgique francophone. Etat des savoirs. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: Academia Bruylant.

Florence, E. (2006). ‘Migrants aveugles’ : luttes de classement et contrôle social dans la Chine des réformes économiques. In Une criminologie de la tradition à l’innovation. En hommage à Georges Kellens (pp. 107-131). Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.

Florence, E. (2004). Migrant workers in the Pearl River Delta : Between Discursive Inclusion and Exclusion. In H. Entzinger, M. Martiniello, ... C. Withol de Wenden (Eds.), Migration Between States and Markets (pp. 42-63). Aldershot, United Kingdom: Ashgate.

Book reviews

Florence, E. (31 January 2022). Review of: Maurizio Atzeni and Immanuel Ness (eds.) (2018) Global Perspectives on Workers' and Labour Organizations. Global Labour Journal, 13 (1). doi:10.15173/glj.v13i1.5069
Editorial reviewed

Florence, E. (2021). SIU, Kaxton. 2020. Chinese Migrant Workers and Employer Domination: Comparisons with Hong Kong and Vietnam. London: Palgrave Macmillan. China Perspectives, (2021/3), 73-74. doi:10.4000/chinaperspectives.12360
Editorial reviewed

Florence, E. (January 2020). SOLINGER, Dorothy J. (éd.). 2018. Polarized Cities. Portraits of the Rich and Poor in Urban China. China Perspectives, 2020/1 (Janvier), 57-58. doi:10.4000/chinaperspectives.10007
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Florence, E. (December 2017). "Subaltern China: Rural Migrants, Media, and Cultural Practices, by Wanning Sun,". China Journal, 79, 134-137.

Florence, E. (2016). Migrant Labor in China: Post-Socialist Transformations. China Perspectives, (2016/2), 75-76.

Florence, E. (2015). Masculinités et migrations chinoises. La vie des idé

Florence, E. (2014). Après le Communisme. Vie des Idées.

Florence, E. (15 March 2014). Compte rendu de "De Proche en proche. Ethnographie des formes d’association en Chine contemporaine". Perspectives Chinoises, 1 (2014), 77-79.
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Florence, E. (2014). La Chine et ses migrants. La conquête d'une citoyenneté. Perspectives Chinoises, 4, 74-76.
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Florence, E. (2011). The Challenge of Labour in China: Strikes and the Changing Labour Regime in Global Factories. Local Economy, 26 (5), 450-453.
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Florence, E. (2011). Urban Poverty in China. Local Economy, 26 (5), 450-453.
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Florence, E. (2011). Les Ruses de la démocratie en Chine. Protester en Chine. Études Chinoises, XXX, 280-285.

Florence, E. (February 2010). Xiang Biao, Transcending Boundaries. Zhejiangcun : The Story of a Migrant Village in Beijing. Perspectives Chinoises, Février 2010.
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Florence, E. (2008). Creating Market Socialism: How Ordinary People Are Shaping Class and Status in China. Études Chinoises, XXVII, 318-322.
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Florence, E. (2004). Politics in China. Moving Frontiers. China Information, Volule XVIII (n°2).
Peer reviewed

Florence, E. (2002). The Offense of Hooliganism and the Moral Dimension of China's Pursuit of Modenrity. Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie, Vol. XVIII.
Peer reviewed

Florence, E. (2002). The Otherness of Self. A Genealogy of the Self in Contemporary China. Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie, Volume XIV.
Peer reviewed

Florence, E. (2001). New Chinese Migrants in Europe : The case of the Chinese community in Hungary. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, Vol. 7 (Issue 1).
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Florence, E. (2001). « En quête d’un nouveau droit du travail ». Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie, Vol. XIV.
Peer reviewed

Florence, E. (2001). Small Town China. Goverance, Economy, Environment and Lifestyle in Three Zhen. Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie, Vol. XVIII.
Peer reviewed

Florence, E. (2001). Disputes au village chinois. Formes du juste et recompositions locales des espaces normatifs. Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie, Vol. XVI.
Peer reviewed

Florence, E. (2000). Internal and International migration. Chinese Perspectives. Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie, Vol. XVII, 141-142.
Peer reviewed

Florence, E. (2000). Rural Labor Flows in China. Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie, Vol. XVIII.
Peer reviewed

Florence, E. (2000). China’s Economic Security. Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie, Vol. XVII, 232-233.
Peer reviewed

Florence, E. (2000). Genetic Knowledge and Social Marginalization in the People's Republic of China. Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie, Vol. XVII, 535.
Peer reviewed

Florence, E. (1999). Women’s Work in Rural China, Change and Continuity in an Era of Reform. China Information, Volume XIV (Summer/Spring 1999), 137-138. doi:10.1177/0920203X9901300416
Peer reviewed

Florence, E. (1998). Migration in China’s Guangdong Province. Major Results of a 1993 Sample Survey on Migrants and Floating Population in Shenzhen and Foshan. Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie, Vol. XVI, 85-86.
Peer reviewed

Florence, E. (1998). Floating Population and Migration in China. The Impact of Economic Reforms. Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie, Vol. XVI, 84-85.
Peer reviewed


Expert reports

Florence, E. (2011). The recent labour unrest in China and the politics of handling collective mobilization by the Party-state. Brussels, Belgium: European Commission.

Learning materials

Florence, E. (2010). « De Mao à l’économie socialiste de marché : clés pour une meilleure compréhension de la société chinoise contemporaine. (ULiège - Université de Liège, Formation Business across borders: intercultural awareness).

Florence, E. (2010). Quand langue et culture chinoises se conjuguent. (ULiège - Université de Liège, Formation Business across borders: intercultural awareness).

Unpublished communications

Scientific congresses and symposiums with international audience

On request

Florence, E. (25 June 2021). 100 Years of the Chinese Party and Workers [Paper presentation]. The CCP’s 100-year trajectory through the prism of its founding principles: Organization, ideology, social bases, modernization and nation-building agenda, Paris, France.
Editorial reviewed

Florence, E. (27 February 2021). A discussion on “Global Perspectives on Workers and Labour Organizations [Paper presentation]. Authors meet critics, International Sociological Association, Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Editorial reviewed

Florence, E. (12 February 2021). Politiques de la visibilité : le cas d’un collectif de travailleurs migrants dans la banlieue de Pékin [Paper presentation]. Séminaires ESOPP, Études sociales et politiques des populations, de la protection sociale et de la santé. Formes de la précarité au travail en régime de croissance économique, Paris, France.

Florence, E. (28 March 2019). Retour sur la poésie des travailleurs migrants des années 1990 [Paper presentation]. Paroles de migrants : enjeux politiques, économiques et littéraires des textes de migrants, Paris, France.

Florence, E. (24 April 2018). Let's sing our song! The politics of recognition and the formation of 'communities of interpretation and of emotion' among rural workers in China [Paper presentation]. HKU-CUHK Joint Sociological Forum Series, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China.

Florence, E. (19 February 2016). Social media, popular culture and the formation of communities of practices and engagement [Paper presentation]. Digital Practices, Urban Spaces and Struggles for visibility, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China.

Florence, E. (26 November 2010). Struggling around ‘dagong’: dialectics of contention and accommodation [Paper presentation]. Consortium for African and Asian Studies, “Migration, mobility and globalization, Paris, France.

Florence, E. (11 October 2010). An ethnographic look at migrant workers’ rationales : processes of identification and contention [Paper presentation]. CERI Seminars. Migration Inside China, Paris, France.

Florence, E. (24 February 2010). Migrant workers’ narratives and experiences of social mobility in South China: identification-legitimation or hegemony as ‘discursive framework’? [Paper presentation]. Leiden UNiversity China Seminars, Leiden, Netherlands.

Florence, E. (11 December 2008). Migrant workers’ narratives of ‘dagong’: identification, contention and hegemony as discursive framework [Paper presentation]. CEFC Seminars, Hong Kong SAR China.

Florence, E. (29 November 2008). Narrating the Hometown and ‘the South’: Contention, Identification and Legitimation of Transition [Paper presentation]. ”, International workshop Chinese on the move and Making of Individual identities, Paris, France.

Florence, E. (15 November 2007). et paroles des travailleurs migrants dans le Delta de la Rivière des Perles [Paper presentation]. Colloque International, « Chine-Europe : identités en miroir », Bruxelles, Belgium.

Florence, E. (31 January 2003). Analyse de deux figures des migrants ruraux dans la presse de Shenzhen : ‘inclusion’ et ‘exclusion’ [Paper presentation]. Protection sociale et conditions d’emploi dans la Chine contemporaine, Migrations internes et externes, organisée par le Réseau Thématique européen ‘emploi, chômage et protection sociale : cohésion sociale et mondialisation, Bruxelles (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Belgium.

Florence, E. (22 March 2000). Les discours de presse à l’égard des migrants à Shenzhen (1993-1989 : ‘dagongzai’ et ‘dagongmei’ émergence d’une identité collective [Paper presentation]. Séminaire 1999-2000 « La Diversité citadine. Comparaisons internationales », Paris, France.

On personal proposal

Florence, E. (08 December 2023). Exploring the trajectories, coping strategies and belonging of post-2019 Hongkongers in Belgium, the Netherlands and France [Paper presentation]. when Hong Kong Studies Go Global, Taipei, Taiwan.
Peer reviewed

Florence, E. (05 October 2023). Making Death, injuries and exhaustion visible: rural migrant workers’s struggles for dignity and quest for accountability in South China [Paper presentation]. Thanatic Ethics, Workshop 4: In search of accountability, Montpellier, France.
Editorial reviewed

Florence, E. (07 September 2023). A few thoughts on two decades of changing conditions of China research and the media [Paper presentation]. China-Europe: Reconnecting in an Era of Competition and Rivalry?, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Editorial reviewed

Florence, E., & Qian, J. (03 June 2018). Migrant worker museums in China: public cultures of migrant subjectivities in state and grassroots initiatives [Paper presentation]. Museums as contested terrains: Memory work and politics of representation in Greater China, Londres, United Kingdom.

Florence, E. (22 March 2014). The cultural politics of labor in post-socialist China: the case of subject formation and identity politics of peasant workers [Paper presentation]. IXth Labor History Conference, New Delhi, India.

Florence, E. (26 October 2012). "Illegalisation, visibilisation and appropriation: a few thoughts on the politics of migrant labor in South China" [Paper presentation]. Norms in the Margin and Margins of the Norms, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Florence, E. (25 October 2012). « ‘Quitter le village pour emprunter le chemin vers le Sud’ : luttes hégémoniques autour de catégories d’émancipation en Chine » [Paper presentation]. Théories, pratiques et conflits autour de l'émancipation humaine: 1789-2012, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Florence, E. (14 March 2012). “The train to my hometown, A look at the representation of rural migrant workers” [Paper presentation]. "A multidisciplinary Exploration of Chinese Independent Films", Liège, Belgium.

Florence, E. (10 December 2011). Singing the ‘dagong’ via the web: suffering, longings and ideals. An exploration of the everyday politics of migrant labour in South China [Paper presentation]. Digital Es-Asia, Den Hague, Netherlands.

Florence, E. (02 December 2011). Catégorisations autour de la figure du « travailleur rural » dans le Delta de la Rivière des Perles. Luttes hégémoniques, légitimation et identifications [Paper presentation]. PORTRAITS DE GROUPES : REPRÉSENTATIONS COLLECTIVES ET SÉRIES DE PERSONNAGES EN CHINE ET EN EXTRÊME-ORIENT, Paris, France.

Florence, E. (30 September 2009). Ordering, silencing and making visible: the politics of othering migrant workers in Shenzhen [Paper presentation]. Urban Development and Informal Settlement in China, Leuven, Belgium.

Florence, E. (23 June 2009). ‘Dagongzhe’ Write to the magazines: suffering, borders stretching and longings. Dialectics of identification and legitimation [Paper presentation]. International conference Innovation and Creativity in the Chinese Media, Londres, United Kingdom.

Florence, E. (13 December 2008). Shenzhen and ‘the South’: identification, contention and legitimation of transition [Paper presentation]. International Conference on “Globalization: Cultures, Institutions and Economics, Hong Kong (Chinese University of Hong Kong), China.

Florence, E. (25 May 2005). The Public Transcript of ‘dagong’ as a Site of Struggle [Paper presentation]. States of transgression : Strategies of Domination, Accomodation and resistance, Singapour, Singapore.

Florence, E. (16 March 2001). Emergence des discours de presse sur les migrants en Chine : Une comparaison entre Pékin et Shenzhen [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de recherches de l’Association française d’études chinoises (AFEC), Paris, France.

Scientific conferences in universities or research centers

Florence, E. (11 April 2024). Struggling for public spaces, negotiated visibility and recognition: the case of a grassroots organization in 21st century China [Paper presentation]. The Bernhard Karlgren Seminar Series. Université de Goteborg, Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden.

Florence, E. (08 March 2024). On the art of interpreting and emitting mixed signals. The politics of development and survival of a grassroots organization in China [Paper presentation]. China contemporary issues seminar series.

Florence, E. (05 December 2022). Playing with with scales of visibility: the politics of recognition of a grassroots collective in China [Paper presentation]. WASEDA University, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies Seminar Series.

Florence, E. (28 January 2022). Workers’ grassroots collective action in China. Playing with visibility and the politics of recognition in an authoritarian context [Paper presentation]. École Universitaire de Recherche en Études sur l’Asie Orientale, Université Paris Cité.

Florence, E. (2021). Politique de la visibilité et luttes autour de la reconnaissance. Le cas d’un musée de travailleurs dans la banlieue de Pékin [Paper presentation]. EAST Seminars, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Florence, E. (2021). De 'Un pays deux systèmes' à la Loi de sécurité nationale. Hong Kong et la question des libertés publiques [Paper presentation]. EAST Conferences.

Florence, E. (12 December 2019). How did we get there? A few thoughts on social movements and the AntiELAB in Hong Kong [Paper presentation]. “China’s Global Narrative and its Engagement with Hong Kong”, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Florence, E. (22 October 2019). The socio-political background of the rise of the Anti-ELAB movement in Hong Kong [Paper presentation]. Chinese Frames Seminar, Leuven, Belgium.

Florence, E. (04 April 2019). Luttes autour de la visibilité et politique de la reconnaissance : le cas d'un musée de travailleurs migrants à Pékin [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Travailleurs et travailleuses en Asie, Paris, France.

Florence, E. (27 March 2018). Travailleurs migrants, politique de l'identité et luttes autour du 'régime de l'apparaître' [Paper presentation]. Séminaires ENS-EHESS, « Chine contemporaine : l’apport des sciences sociales ».

Florence, E. (23 November 2017). Migrant workers’ cultural practices in post-Mao China: exploring struggles around the politics of recognition and ‘regimes of appearance [Paper presentation]. Society of Fellows in the Humanities Lectures Series, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China.

Florence, E. (07 August 2017). Studying Power in post-Mao China : From Theory to the Field [Paper presentation]. Global China Seminar Series, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China.

Florence, E. (25 April 2017). "Struggling around borders: visibility/invisibility, the state, and the politics of undocumented labor in post-Mao China." [Paper presentation]. Florence, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China.

Florence, E. (20 April 2017). Representing Presant Workers through Documentary Films in Post-Mao China [Paper presentation]. Polytechnics University of Hong Kong Research Seminar, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China.

Florence, E. (30 November 2015). The cultural politics of migrant labour in Postsocialist China: dialectics of state and identity formation [Paper presentation]. USC Lunch-on Seminars, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China.

Florence, E. (30 April 2014). Migration in post-socialist China: cultural struggles, narration and the shaping of identities [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Sciences humaines et sociale, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Florence, E. (05 March 2014). Studying power relations and problematizing 'politics' in China [Paper presentation]. Master course in Asian Studies, Gent, Belgium.

Florence, E. (10 February 2014). Studying power relations through migrant workers' narratives in post-socialist China: from Scott and Foucault to Gramsci [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Master en Communication au CERI, Sciences po Paris, Paris, France.

Florence, E. (22 November 2013). The politics of labor collective mobilization in South China [Paper presentation]. Understanding China Training Pogramme, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Florence, E. (03 July 2013). Representing rural migrants in films: an exploration of the subjectivities and agency of rural migrants in independant Chinese documentaries [Paper presentation]. Contemporary China Seminar, Shanghai, China.

Florence, E. (20 June 2013). Exploring the cultural politics of labour in South China [Paper presentation]. IES Seminars, Beijing, China.

Florence, E. (03 February 2013). « Aigre, sucré, amer et épicé » Comment les travailleurs migrants racontent leurs expériences de vie et de labeur en Chine [Paper presentation]. Conférences de l'IBHEC, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Florence, E. (05 September 2012). “The cultural politics of migrant labour rights in South China: from narrating the “dagong” to online boundary-spanning” [Paper presentation]. European Association of Chinese Studies Conference, Paris, France.

Florence, E. (23 February 2012). "Pistes pour une étude des relations de pouvoir en République populaire de Chine: variations autour des processus de légitimation et identification en rapport avec les travailleurs ruraux dans le Delta de la Rivière des perles" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire EEHESS "L'espace du politique en Chine" (Yves Chevrier et Xiaohong-Planes), Paris, France.

Florence, E. (28 November 2011). Quels outils théoriques afin d’étudier les relations de pouvoir ? Le cas des migrants dans le Sud de la Chine [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de recherches (2e Master en sociologie), Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium.

Florence, E. (27 April 2010). Narrer le ‘dagong’: identification, hégémonie et légitimations de transition [Paper presentation]. Cours de Sociologie des idéologies (Prof. Marc Jacquemain), Liège, Belgium.

Florence, E. (05 May 2009). L'étude de la domination et de la résistance: de Scott à Gramsci [Paper presentation]. Cours de Sociologie des idéologies (Prof. Marc Jacquemain), Liège, Belgium.

Florence, E. (27 November 2008). Struggling around ‘dagong’ [Paper presentation]. Guest lecture cours "Language and Politics", Leuven, Belgium.

Florence, E. (27 November 2008). Discourse analysis and the study of domination and resistance: the case of rural workers in the Pearl River Delta [Paper presentation]. Guest lecture cours "Research methodology in Chinese Studies", Leuven, Belgium.

Florence, E. (02 June 2006). Chine : émergence d’une grande puissance ? [Paper presentation]. Conférences FUCID (Facultés universitaires Notre Dame de Namur), Namur, Belgium.

Florence, E. (10 November 2005). La représentation médiatique des travailleurs migrants dans la presse de Shenzhen [Paper presentation]. Séminaire "Question d'actualité" ULB, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Florence, E. (02 June 2005). Etat des lieux sur la question des réformes économiques et des migrations internes en Chine [Paper presentation]. Master Institut Royal Supérieur de Défense, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Florence, E. (26 April 2005). Les migrations internes en Chine [Paper presentation]. Conférence cours "Société chinoise contemporaine", Bruxelles, Belgium.

Florence, E. (14 April 2005). Narratives de réussite et d’échecs en tant que site de luttes, le cas de travailleurs migrants dans le Delta de la Rivière des Perles [Paper presentation]. Brown Bag Seminars (Centre d'études de l'ethnicité et des migrations), Liège, Belgium.

Florence, E. (18 March 2005). Mise en perspective historique des questions de mobilité en République populaire de Chine [Paper presentation]. Conférence cours "Les relations entre la Chine et la Russie", Bruxelles, Belgium.

Florence, E. (17 December 2004). Historicité de la condition rurale en République populaire de Chine [Paper presentation]. Conférence cours "Compléments de criminologie", Liège, Belgium.

Florence, E. (05 January 2004). Migrant Workers in the Pearl River Delta : How to be a Person from Shenzhen [Paper presentation]. CEFC Seminars, Hong Kong, China.

Florence, E. (19 February 2003). Aperçu historique de la question de la mobilité en République populaire de Chine [Paper presentation]. Rencontres intersections (réseau de doctorants de l'ULg), Liège (Université de Liège), Belgium.

Florence, E. (29 March 2001). Les migrants en République populaire de Chine : entre subordination et autonomie [Paper presentation]. Les rencontres du CEDEM, Liège, Belgium.

Scientific congresses and symposiums with national audience

Florence, E. (27 April 2023). Réseaux de personnes, institutions et émotions: chaînes de médiation des experiences de travailleurs migrants en Chine [Paper presentation]. cours, Culture et société du monde chinois (ORIEB450), ULB.

Florence, E. (15 September 2017). Public spaces, Mediation, and Scales of Visibility : the case of the representation of rural workers in post-Mao China [Paper presentation]. Anthropology of Media and Mobility, Cologne, Germany.

Florence, E. (09 March 2015). Les représentations des travailleurs ruraux en République populaire de Chine: retour sur les modes de construction de hiérarchies sociales et de la visibilité d'une catégorie sociale [Paper presentation]. Grépo, Groupe de projet de l'Association française de science politique sur la représentation politique, Paris, France.

Florence, E. (26 September 2002). Premières analyses d’entretiens approfondis avec des travailleurs migrants du Delta de la Rivière des Perles [Paper presentation]. Premières journées Dynamiques Migratoires et Postmigratoires Internationales (DYMIPO), Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium.

Florence, E. (26 May 2000). Approche comparative de l’immigration chinoise en Hongrie et en Italie au cours des années 1990 [Paper presentation]. Séminaire « L’immigration asiatique », Paris, France.

Florence, E. (26 April 2000). L’émigration chinoise à destination de l’Europe : aspects socio-économiques et politiques du lieu d’origine, regard sur les effets des chaînes migratoires [Paper presentation]. Séminaire « L’immigration asiatique », Paris, France.

Florence, E. (04 May 1999). L’anti-traditionnalisme du Mouvement du 4 mai 1919 : quelques réflexions sur la « périphérisation » de la culture chinoise populaire [Paper presentation]. Colloque autour de la commémoration du 80e anniversaire du Mouvement du 4 mai : la Chine et les autres civilisations », Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Florence, E. (15 May 1998). Les migrations en Chine: aspects socio-politiques et économiques [Paper presentation]. « China: Integratie en stabiliteit », Gand, Belgium.

Promotion and popularisation of research

General audience and popularisation articles

Florence, E. (March 2014). Chine: espoirs et incertitudes à l'ère de Xi Jinping. Politique : Revue Belge d'Analyse et de Débat, n°84 (Mars 2014), p. 14-16.

Conferences given outside the academic context

Florence, E. (2013). La loi, l'Etat-Parti et la société : défis socio-politiques au lendemain du 18 ème Congrès du Parti communiste chinois [Paper presentation]. Module Société et Economie (Espace Universitaire de Liège), Liège, Belgium.

Florence, E. (2012). Socio-political landscape at the eve of the 18th Party Congress [Paper presentation]. Lunch-on seminars of the DG Trad, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium.

Florence, E. (2012). The People’s Republic of China : sociopolitical landscape on the eve of the 18th Party congress [Paper presentation]. Lunch-on seminars of the DG Trad, European Commission, Luxemburg, Luxembourg.

Florence, E. (2010). La question sociale en Chine aujourd’hui : esquisse de bilan [Paper presentation]. Cycle de conférences sur la géopolitique Attac, Liège, Belgium.

Florence, E. (2009). Ebauche d’un cadre politique, social et économique de la Chine contemporaine. De la Chine de Mao à l’économie socialiste de marché [Paper presentation]. Journée d’étude Chine, ACV-CSC, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Florence, E. (2008). Justice et équité dans la Chine des réformes économiques [Paper presentation]. Les mardis citoyens, Amay, Belgium.

Florence, E. (2008). Mise en perspective historico-politique de la Chine contemporaine [Paper presentation]. Soirée débat "Faut-il avoir peur de la Chine?", Arlon, Belgium.

Florence, E. (2006). Droits, justice, dignité en Chine [Paper presentation]. Conférences Réseau ULg, Liège, Belgium.

Florence, E. (2006). ‘Nouveaux flux migratoires’ : réflexions sur les modes de représentation des migrations dans le contexte de la globalisation [Paper presentation]. Conférence "Connaissances et vie", Gand, Belgium.

Florence, E. (2005). Mondialisation et migrations internationales [Paper presentation]. Conférence cycle "Connaissances et vie", La Louvière, Belgium.

Florence, E. (2005). Les travailleurs migrants dans le Delta de la Rivière des Perles: désirs, réalisation de soi et souffrances [Paper presentation]. Conférence Université des séniors, ULg, Liège, Belgium.

Florence, E. (2005). La mobilité en République populaire de Chine depuis 1949 [Paper presentation]. Cycle conférences université des séniors (ULg), Liège, Belgium.

Florence, E. (2003). Migrations et mondialisation [Paper presentation]. Université des alternatives (Module "Migrants sans frontières"), Bruxelles, Belgium.

Florence, E. (2003). Tentative de mis en perspective historique des migrations contemporaines [Paper presentation]. Conférences Université des aînés, Mons, Belgium.

Florence, E. (2003). Les ‘nouveaux’ flux migratoires dans un contexte de mondialisation [Paper presentation]. Conférence "Connaissances et vie", Courtrai, Belgium.

Florence, E. (2002). Migration et mondialisation : les « nouveaux » flux migratoires [Paper presentation]. Formation "immigration", Namur, Belgium.

Florence, E. (1999). Aspects socio-politiques de la question de l’eau en Chine [Paper presentation]. Cycle de conférences « Les conflits verts. Quels enjeux pour le Sud et le Nord ? », Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Florence, E. (1997). La question démographique en Chine: tentative de mise en perspective historique [Paper presentation]. La mort de Deng Xiaoping, Liège, Belgium.

Communication in media

Florence, E. (2022). Hong Kong : la fin des libertés publiques et de l’État de droit ? Paris, France: Médiapart.

Florence, E. (2022). Carta Academica: Hong Kong: la fin des libertés publiques et de l’État de droit? Bruxelles, Belgium: Le Soir.

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