
Stevenaert Achille

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Beckers, Albert  (199)
Martin, Didier  (57)
Abs, R. (38)
Valdes-Socin, Hernan  (35)
Hennen, Georges  (33)
Main Referenced Keywords
Humans (38); Female (24); Male (19); Adult (18); Middle Aged (17);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Endocrinology, metabolism & nutrition (191)
Surgery (49)
Neurology (12)
Oncology (6)
Radiology, nuclear medicine & imaging (4)

Publications (total 255)

The most downloaded
Verhelst, J., Abs, R., Maiter, D., van den Bruel, A., Vandeweghe, M., Velkeniers, B., Mockel, J., Lamberigts, G., Petrossians, P., Coremans, P., Mahler, C., Stevenaert, A., Verlooy, J., Raftopoulos, C., & Beckers, A. (December 1999). Cabergoline in the treatment of hyperprolactinemia: a study in 455 patients. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 84 (7), 2518-22. doi:10.1210/jcem.84.7.5810

The most cited

425 citations (OpenAlex)

Verhelst, J., Abs, R., Maiter, D., van den Bruel, A., Vandeweghe, M., Velkeniers, B., Mockel, J., Lamberigts, G., Petrossians, P., Coremans, P., Mahler, C., Stevenaert, A., Verlooy, J., Raftopoulos, C., & Beckers, A. (December 1999). Cabergoline in the treatment of hyperprolactinemia: a study in 455 patients. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 84 (7), 2518-22. doi:10.1210/jcem.84.7.5810

PETROSSIANS, P., Tichomirowa, M., Stevenaert, A., MARTIN, D., Daly, A., & Beckers, A. (2012). The Liege Acromegaly Survey (LAS) : A new software tool for the study of acromegaly. Annales d'Endocrinologie, 73, 190-201. doi:10.1016/j.ando.2012.05.001
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Robe, P., Nguyen-Khac, M.-T., Lenelle, J., Stevenaert, A., Kaschten, B., Dubuisson, A., Scholtes, F., Racaru, T., COUCKE, P., & MARTIN, D. (November 2009). Does radiation treatment delay affect survival in glioblastoma. Surgical Neurology, 72 (5), 519.
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Robe, P., Nguyen Khac, M.-T., Lenelle, J., Stevenaert, A., Kaschten, B., Dubuisson, A., Scholtes, F., Racaru, T., Coucke, P., & Martin, D. (21 March 2009). Does radiation treatment delay affect survival in glioblastoma ? [Paper presentation]. Réunion annuelle de la Société Belge de Neurochirurgie, LIEGE, Belgium.

Stevenaert, A., Vroonen, L., Perrin, G., Daly, A., & Beckers, A. (2009). Cushing disease : Pituitary microsurgery on hormonal balance. In European Neuroendocrine Association - Workshop : Novel insights in the management of Cushing's syndrome (pp. 44).

Vroonen, L., Martin, D., Valdes Socin, H. G., Daly, A., Beckers, A., & Stevenaert, A. (2009). Cushing disease : Influence of microsurgery on hormonal balance. In European Neuroendocrine Association - Workshop : Novel insights in the management of Cushing's syndrome (pp. 44).

Rutten, I., Baumert, B. G., Seidel, L., Kotolenko, S., Collignon, J., Kaschten, B., Albert, A., Martin, D., Deneufbourg, J.-M., Demanez, J.-P., & Stevenaert, A. (January 2007). Long-term follow-up reveals low toxicity of radiosurgery for vestibular schwannoma. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 82 (1), 83-89. doi:10.1016/j.radonc.2006.11.019
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Dubuisson, A., Stevenaert, A., Martin, D., & Flandroy, P. P. (2007). Intrasellar arachnoid cysts. Neurosurgery, 61 (3), 505-13; discussion 513. doi:10.1227/01.NEU.0000290896.69825.40
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Dubuisson, A., Beckers, A., & Stevenaert, A. (January 2007). Classical pituitary tumour apoplexy: clinical features, management and outcomes in a series of 24 patients. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 109 (1), 63-70. doi:10.1016/j.clineuro.2006.01.006
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Daly, A., Jaffrain-Rea, M.-L., Ciccarelli, A., Valdes Socin, H. G., Rohmer, V., Tamburrano, G., Borson-Chazot, C., Estour, B., Ciccarelli, E., Brue, T., Ferolla, P., Emy, P., Colao, A., De Menis, E., Lecomte, P., Penfornis, F., Delemer, B., Bertherat, J., Wemeau, J. L., ... Beckers, A. (September 2006). Clinical characterization of familial isolated pituitary adenomas. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 91 (9), 3316-23. doi:10.1210/jc.2005-2671
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Tikhomirova, M., Petrossians, P., Daly, A., Betea, D., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (2006). Diagnostic Characteristics and Therapeutic Responses in Acromegaly : The Liège Acromegaly Survey. In 50th Meeting of the German Endocrine Society and 23rd Meeting of Dutch Endocrine Society : Essen, Germany, 1-4 March 2006.

Petrossians, P., Tichomirova, M., Daly, A., Betea, D., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (2006). Les patients acromégales sont-il mal pris en charge? De la mauvaise utilisation des bases de données. In 23ème Congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie - Abstract book (pp. 32 (P1-044).

Stevenaert, A., Robe, P., Martin, D., & Beckers, A. (07 October 2005). Transsphenoidal surgery for Cushing’s disease. Early and long-term results in 106 patients [Paper presentation]. CNS 2005, Boston, United States.

Scholsem, M., Dubuisson, A., Robe, P., Deprez, M., Stevenaert, A., & Martin, D. (March 2005). Symptomatic pituitary metastasis [Paper presentation]. Réunion scientifique de la Société Belge de Neurochirurgie, Leuven, Belgium.

Robe, P., Nguyen Khac, M.-T., Deprez, M., Princen, F., Rutten, I., Martin, D., Stevenaert, A., & Bours, A. (March 2005). Connexin 30 expression in high grade gliomas : correlation with survival and resistance to ionizing radiation [Paper presentation]. Réunion scientifique de la Société Belge de Neurochirurgie, Leuven, Belgium.

Petrossians, P., Borges-Martins, L., Espinoza, C., Daly, A., Betea, D., Valdes Socin, H. G., Stevenaert, A., Chanson, P., & Beckers, A. (January 2005). Gross total resection or debulking of pituitary adenomas improves hormonal control of acromegaly by somatostatin analogs. European Journal of Endocrinology, 152 (1), 61-66. doi:10.1530/eje.1.01824
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Daly, A., Tikhomirova, M., Petrossians, P., Bologne, J.-C., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (2005). Control of tumor size and hormonal hypersecretion in acromegaly : a large single-center experience. In European Congress of Endocrinology - Abstract book (pp. 72 (P2-33).

Rutten, I., Bolle, S., Kaschten, B., Stevenaert, A., Deneufbourg, J.-M., & Deprez, M. (2005). Recurrent intracranial melanocytoma associated with a nevus of Ota. Acta Neurochirurgica, 147 (3), 313-5; discussion 315. doi:10.1007/s00701-004-0457-3
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Beckers, A., Petrossians, P., Borges Martins, L., Espinosa, C., Betea, D., Valdes Socin, H. G., Stevenaert, A., & Chanson, P. (2004). Surgical debulking of GH secreting pituitary adenomas improves GH control of acromegaly by somatostatin analogs. In ENEA congress : Napoli, April 2004.

Beckers, A., Adam, C., Ciccarelli, A., Rixhon, M., Petrossians, P., & Stevenaert, A. (2004). Approaching the true prevalence of pituitary tumors. In ENEA congress : Napoli, April 2004.

Kaschten, B., Lemaire, C., Luxen, A., Stevenaert, A., & HUSTINX, R. (2004). 18F-tyrosine PET in Neurooncology : an alternative to 11C-methionine. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 45 (SUPPL), 264.
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Stevenaert, A., Perrin, G., Martin, D., & Beckers, A. (2004). Cushing's disease : very long-term results of transsphenoidal, clinical and genetic studies. In 12th International Congress of Endocrinology - Abstract book (pp. 301 (P862).

Dubuisson, A., Kaschten, B., Lenelle, J., Martin, D., Robe, P., Fassotte, M.-F., Rutten, I., Deprez, M., & Stevenaert, A. (2004). Primary central nervous system lymphoma - Report of 32 cases and review of the literature. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 107 (1), 55-63. doi:10.1016/j.clineuro.2004.03.005
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Beckers, A., Ciccarelli, A., Valdes Socin, H. G., Betea, D., Daly, A., Petrossians, P., & Stevenaert, A. (2004). Gonadotropin secreting tumors. In The Encyclopedia of Endocrinology and Endocrine Diseases (pp. 326-330 (Vol. 2). San Diego - California, United States: Academic Press.

Petrossians, P., Borges-Martins, L., Espinoza, C., Daly, A., Betea, D., Valdes Socin, H. G., Stevenaert, A., Chanson, P., & Beckers, A. (2004). La réduction chirurgicale de la masse tumorale des adénomes hypophysaires améliore le contrôle médical de l'acromégalie par les analogues de la Somatostatine. In XXIème Congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie - Abstract book (pp. 255 (C010) (Vol. 65 N°4).

Beckers, A., Ciccarelli, A., Daly, A., Adam, C., Rixhon, M., Petrossians, P., & Stevenaert, A. (2004). Une approche de la vraie prévalence des tumeurs hypophysaires. In XXIème Congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie - Abstract book (pp. 282 (P018) (Vol. 65 N°4).

Beckers, A., Ciccarelli, A., Daly, A., Rixhon, M., Petrossians, P., & Stevenaert, A. (2004). Approaching the true prevalence of pituitary tumors. In 12th International Congress of Endocrinology - Abstract book (pp. 344 (P1084).

Scholsem, M., Martin, D., Dubuisson, A., Kaschten, B., Lenelle, J., Robe, P., & Stevenaert, A. (30 November 2003). Traitement chirurgical des brèches ostéo-méningées de l'étage antérieur de la base du crâne: à propos de 109 cas [Paper presentation]. Réunion de la Société de Neurochirurgie de Langue Française, Paris, France.

Stevenaert, A., Perrin, G., Martin, D., & Beckers, A. (29 March 2003). Results of transsphenoidal microsurgery in Cushing's disease [Paper presentation]. Réunion de la Société Belge de Neurochirurgie, Mont-Godinne, Belgium.

Valdes Socin, H. G., Chanson, P., Delemer, B., Tabarin, A., Rohmer, V., Mockel, J., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (2003). The changing spectrum of TSH-secreting pituitary adenomas: diagnosis and management in 43 patients. European Journal of Endocrinology, 148 (4), 433-442. doi:10.1530/eje.0.1480433
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Laret, V., Valdes Socin, H. G., Betea, D., Radermecker, M., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (2003). Le cas clinique du mois. Masse médiastinale antérieure chez une patiente acromégale. Revue Médicale de Liège, 58 (12), 724-728.
Peer reviewed

Beckers, A., Betea, D., Valdes Socin, H. G., & Stevenaert, A. (2003). The treatment of sporadic versus MEN1-related pituitary adenomas. Journal of Internal Medicine, 253 (6), 599-605. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2796.2003.01164.x
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Salmon, B. L., Deprez, M., Stevenaert, A., & Martin, D. (2003). The extraforaminal juxtafacet cyst as a rare cause of L5 radiculopathy: a case report. Spine, 28 (19), 405-7. doi:10.1097/01.BRS.0000085101.37990.4C
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Valdes, S., Laret, V., de Fays, C., Betea, D., Martin, D., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (05 October 2002). Déficience sévère en hormone de croissance chez les patients non diabétiques avec un microadénome corticotrope: effets de la chirurgie hypohysaire et implications thérapeutiques [Paper presentation]. Réunion de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie, Tours, France.

Betea, D., Valdes Socin, H. G., Hansen, I., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (October 2002). Acromégalie et grossesse. Annales d'Endocrinologie, 63 (5), 457-63.
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Valdes, S., Laret, V., Dufays, C., Betea, D., Martin, D., Allouch, A., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (12 September 2002). Severe growth hormone deficiency in non diabetic patients with corticotroph microadenomas: effects of pituitary surgery and implications for GH replacement [Paper presentation]. ENEA 2002 10th Meeting of the European Neuroendocrine Association, Munich, Germany.

Martin, D., Valdes Socin, H. G., Beckers, A., & Stevenaert, A. (May 2002). Maladie de Cushing et adénome corticotrope: fonctions antéhypophysaires avant et après microchirurgie transsphénoidale. Neuro-Chirurgie, 48 (2-3, Pt 2), 226-233.
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Beckers, A., Valdes Socin, H. G., Betea, D., & Stevenaert, A. (May 2002). Diagnostic differentiel et traitement medical dans la maladie de Cushing. Neuro-Chirurgie, 48 (2-3 Pt 2), 163-172.
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Stevenaert, A., Perrin, G., Martin, D., & Beckers, A. (May 2002). Maladie de Cushing et adénome corticotrope: résultats de la microchirurgie hypophysaire. Neuro-Chirurgie, 48 (2-3, Pt 2), 234-265.
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Dubuisson, A., Kaschten, B., Lenelle, J., Martin, D., Robe, P., Fassotte, M., Rutten, I., Deprez, M., & Stevenaert, A. (25 April 2002). Primary cerebral lymphoma. A retrospective study of 32 patients [Paper presentation]. Réunion des Neurochirurgiens de l'Est, Reims, France.

Martin, D., Collignon, F., Schils, F., Lenelle, J., & Stevenaert, A. (25 April 2002). Le syndrome centro-médullaire aigu traumatique. Corrélations cliniques et radiologiques [Paper presentation]. Réunion des Neurochirurgiens de l'Est, Reims, France.

Schils, F., Franzen, R., Maquet, V., Schoenen, J., Martin, D., & Stevenaert, A. (23 March 2002). Use of polylactide scaffolds in different models of spinal cord injury to promote axonal regeneration [Paper presentation]. Réunion de la Société Belge de Neurochirurgie, Mont-Godinne, Belgium.

Valdes Socin, H. G., Bataille, Y., Meurisse, N., Flandroy, P., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (February 2002). Le cathétérisme bilatérale des sinus pétreux avec dosages multihormonaux dans la maladie de Cushing. Annales d'Endocrinologie, 63 (1), 23-30.
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Valdes Socin, H. G., Vroonen, L., Betea, D., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (2002). Acromégalie : Diabète, intolérance au glucose et sensibilité à l'insuline. In XXème Congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie - Abstract book (pp. 305 (P040).

Valdes Socin, H. G., Jaffrain-Réa, M. L., Tamburrano, G., Cavagnini, F., Cicarelli, E., Colao, A., Delemer, B., Brue, T., Rohmer, V., Wemeau, J. L., Levasseur, S., Teh, B., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (2002). Familial isolated pituitary tumors : clinical and molecular studies in 80 patients. In The Endocrine Society's 84th Annual Meeting - Abstract book (pp. 647 (P3-663).

Valdes Socin, H. G., Laret, V., de Fays, C., Betea, D., Martin, D., Allouch, A., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (2002). Severe Growth hormone deficiency in non diabetic patients with corticotroph microadenomas : effects of pituitary surgery and implications for GH replacement. In 10th Meeting of the European Neuroendocrine Association - Abstract book (pp. 132 (PB-278).

Collignon, F. D., Martin, D., Lenelle, J., & Stevenaert, A. (January 2002). Acute traumatic central cord syndrome: magnetic resonance imaging and clinical observations. Journal of Neurosurgery, 96 (1 Suppl), 29-33. doi:10.3171/spi.2002.96.1.0029
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Valdes Socin, H. G., Poncin, J., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Jaffrain Rea, M. L., Tamburrano, G., Delemer, B., Rohmer, V., Levasseur, S., Stevens, V., Stevenaert, A., Teh, B., & Beckers, A. (2002). Familial Pituitary tumors. In Neuroendocrinologica : Dalla Riserca di base alla Clinica (pp. 24-28).

Valdes Socin, H. G., Laret, V., de Fays, C., Betea, D., Martin, D., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (2002). Déficience sévère en hormone de croissance chez les patients non diabétiques avec un microadénome corticotrope : Effets de la chirurgie hypophysaire et implications thérapeutiques. In XXème Congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie - Abstract book (pp. 316 (P062).

Hansen, I., Petrossians, P., Thiry, A., Flandroy, P., Gaillard, R. C., Kovacs, K., Claes, F., Stevenaert, A., Piguet, P., & Beckers, A. (October 2001). Extensive inflammatory pseudotumor of the pituitary. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 86 (10), 4603-4610. doi:10.1210/jc.86.10.4603
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Stevenaert, A., Valdes Socin, H. G., Flandroy, P., & Beckers, A. (2001). Surgical outcome inagromecalics treated with somatostatin analogues before surgery. In 5th European Congress of Endocrinology - Abstract book.

Valdes Socin, H. G., Stevenaert, A., Legros, J.-J., & Beckers, A. (2001). Metamorphosis of acromegaly to a non-functioning pituitary adenoma. In 5th European Congress of Endocrinology - Abstract book.

Valdes Socin, H. G., Poncin, J., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Jaffrain-Réa, M. L., Tamburrano, G., Delemer, B., Levasseur, S., Teh, B., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (2001). Les adénomes hypophysaires familiaux isolés non liés aux syndromes MEN1 et carney Complex : Etude multicentrique. In Annales d'Endocrinologie : XIXe Congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie - Abstract book (pp. 322 (C016) (Vol.62 N°4, cahier 1).

Valdes Socin, H. G., Poncin, J., Vanbelinghen, J. F., Stevens, V., Jaffrain, R. M., Tamburrano, G., Delemer, B., Rohmer, V., Levasseur, T., Betea, D., Teh, B., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (2001). Familial Isolated pituitary adenomas not related to the MEN1 syndrome. In 5th European Congress of Endocrinology - Abstract book.

Stevenaert, A., Valdes Socin, H. G., Flandroy, P., & Beckers, A. (2001). Résultats de la chirurgie trans-sphénoïdale chez les acromégales traités par analogues de la somatostatine avant chirurgie. In Annales d'Endocrinologie : XIXe Congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie - Abstract book (pp. 388 (P107) (Vol.62 N°4, cahier 1).

Valdes Socin, H. G., Kaschten, B., Rutten, I., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (2001). Fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy : treatment of 24 pituitary adenoma. In 5th European Congress of Endocrinology - Abstract book.

Valdes Socin, H. G., Bataille, Y., Meurisse, N., Flandroy, P., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (2001). Apport du cathétérisme des sinus pétreux inférieux (CSPI) dans la prédiction de la localisation d'un adénome hypophysaire. In Annales d'Endocrinologie : XIXe Congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie - Abstract book (pp. 390 (P110) (Vol.62 N°4, cahier 1).

Valdes Socin, H. G., Stevenaert, A., Legros, J.-J., Clayton, R. N., & Beckers, A. (2001). Métamorphose d'une acromégalie en un adénome hypophysaire non-fonctionnel : Etudes clinique et génétiques. In Annales d'Endocrinologie : XIXe Congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie - Abstract book (pp. 389 (P109) (Vol.62 N°4, cahier 1).

Valdes Socin, H. G., Chanson, P., Delemer, B., Tabarin, A., Rhomer, V., Mockel, J., Parotte, M. C., Betea, D., Stevenaert, A., Sassolas, G., & Beckers, A. (2001). Thytropin producing pituitary adenomas : a large belgo-french experience of 41 cases. In 5th European Congress of Endocrinology - Abstract book.

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., Poncin, J., Vambelinghen, J. F., Jaffrain Rea, M.-L., Tamburrano, G., Delemer, B., Rohmer, V., Levasseur, S., Stevens, V., Stevenaert, A., Teh, B., & BECKERS, A. (2001). Familial Pituitary Tumors. (1ere Edition. Editeurs G Tamburrano, FF Casanueva, R Baldelli). Rome, Italy: Pubblicazioni Medico Scientifiche Lilly.

Salmon, B., Martin, D., Lenelle, J., & Stevenaert, A. (2001). Juxtafacet Cyst of the Lumbar Spine. Clinical, Radiological and Therapeutic Aspects in 28 Cases. Acta Neurochirurgica, 143 (2), 129-34. doi:10.1007/s007010170117
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Petrossians, P., Ronci, N., Valdes Socin, H. G., Kalife, A., Stevenaert, A., Bloch, B., Tabarin, A., & Beckers, A. (2001). ACTH silent adenoma shrinking under cabergoline. European Journal of Endocrinology, 144 (1), 51-57. doi:10.1530/eje.0.1440051
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Robe, P., Princen, F., Martin, D., Malgrange, B., Stevenaert, A., Moonen, G., Gielen, J.-L., Merville, M.-P., & Bours, V. (15 July 2000). Pharmacological Modulation of the Bystander Effect in the Herpes Simplex Virus Thymidine Kinase/Ganciclovir Gene Therapy System: Effects of Dibutyryl Adenosine 3',5'-Cyclic Monophosphate, Alpha-Glycyrrhetinic Acid, and Cytosine Arabinoside. Biochemical Pharmacology, 60 (2), 241-9. doi:10.1016/S0006-2952(00)00315-4
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Collignon, F., Martin, D., Lenelle, J., & Stevenaert, A. (18 March 2000). Le syndrome centro-médullaire: corrélation clinique et radiologique. A propos d'une série de 18 cas [Paper presentation]. Réunion de la Société Belge de Neurochirurgie, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Valdes Socin, H. G., Chanson, P., Delemer, B., Tabarin, A., Rohmer, V., Mockel, J., Parotte, M. C., Stevenaert, A., Sassolas, G., & Beckers, A. (2000). Adénomes hypophysaires producteurs de TSH : Suivi à long terme de 40 cas. In XVIIIème Congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie - Abstract book.

Valdes Socin, H. G., Betea, D., Stevens, V., Poncin, J., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (2000). Familial Isolated pituitary adenomas not related to the MEN-1 syndrome : A study of 27 patients. In 10th Meeting of the Belgian Endocrine Society, 2 December 2000.

Petrossians, P., de Herder, W., Kwekkeboom, D., Lamberigts, G., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (January 2000). Malignant prolactinoma discovered by D2 receptor imaging. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 85 (1), 398-401. doi:10.1210/jc.85.1.398
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Valdes Socin, H. G., Poncin, J., Stevens, V., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (2000). Adénomes hypophysaires familiaux isolés non liés avec la mutation somatique NEM-1 : Suivi de 27 patients. In XVIIIème Congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie - Abstract book.

Rutten, I., KASCHTEN, B., Rodriguez, C., Piret, P., Collignon, J., Flandroy, P., Stevenaert, A., & Deneufbourg, J.-M. (2000). Pratique de la radiothérapie stéréotaxique cérébrale selon un fractionnement classique ou en dose unique à l'aide d'un accélérateur linéaire classique. Cancer Radiotherapie, 4 (suppl 1), 99s-100.
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Valdes Socin, H. G., Rutten, I., Kaschten, B., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (2000). Traitement complémentaire par radiothérapie stéréotaxique fractionnée dans les adénomes hypophysaires : suivi de 22 patients. In XVIIIème Congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie - Abstract book.

Verhelst, J., Abs, R., Maiter, D., van den Bruel, A., Vandeweghe, M., Velkeniers, B., Mockel, J., Lamberigts, G., Petrossians, P., Coremans, P., Mahler, C., Stevenaert, A., Verlooy, J., Raftopoulos, C., & Beckers, A. (December 1999). Cabergoline in the treatment of hyperprolactinemia: a study in 455 patients. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 84 (7), 2518-22. doi:10.1210/jcem.84.7.5810
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Beckers, A., Valdes Socin, H. G., & Stevenaert, A. (October 1999). Effets antitumoraux des agonistes dopaminergiques et des analogues de la somatostatine. Médecine Therapeutique. Endocrinologie, 1 (2), 183-191.
Editorial reviewed

Lebrun, Y., Luyckx, F., Brue, T., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (September 1999). Une étiologie immunologique à l'hyperprolactinemie: la macroprolactinémie. Revue Médicale de Liège, 54 (9), 759-63.
Peer reviewed

Beckers, A., & Stevenaert, A. (September 1999). L'acromégalie. Tempo Médical, 204, 14-25.

Poncin, J., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (June 1999). Somatic MEN1 gene mutation does not contribute significantly to sporadic pituitary tumorigenesis. European Journal of Endocrinology, 140 (6), 573-6. doi:10.1530/eje.0.1400573
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Verloes, A., Stevenaert, A., Teh, B. T., Petrossians, P., & Beckers, A. (May 1999). Familial Acromegaly: Case Report and Review of the Literature. Pituitary, 1 (3-4), 273-277. doi:10.1023/A:1009958510378
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Collignon, F., Martin, D., & Stevenaert, A. (13 March 1999). Les encéphalocèles antérieurs: à propos de deux cas [Paper presentation]. Réunion de la Société Belge de Neurochirurgie, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Valdes Socin, H. G., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (1999). Efectos antitumorales de los agonistas dopaminergicos y de los anàlogos de la somatostatina. Revista Argentina de Endocrinologia y Metabolismo, 36 (4), 234-246.
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Baillet, L., Ronci, N., Epelbaum, J., Beckers, A., Loiseau, H., Fournier, M. C., Stevenaert, A., Guérin, J., Rivel, J., Roger, P., Bloch, B., & Tabarin, A. (1999). Expression of somatostatin receptor subtypes 2 and 5 in human prolactinomas. In 81st Annual Meeting of the Endocrine society - Abstract book (pp. 384).

Khalife, A., Ronci, N., Stevenaert, A., Tabarin, A., & Beckers, A. (1999). Diminution de volume d'un macro-adénome à ACTH (silencieux) sous Cabergoline. In XVIIème Congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie - Abstract book.

Hansen, I., Ronci, N., Stevenaert, A., Tabarin, A., & Beckers, A. (1999). Hypophyseal failure and amaurosis revealing an extensive inflammatory pseudotumor. In The 6th International Pituitary Congress - Abstract book (pp. 109).

Robe, P., Martin, D., Lenelle, J., & Stevenaert, A. (1999). Posterior epidural migration of sequestered lumbar disc fragments. Report of two cases. Journal of Neurosurgery, 90 (2 Suppl), 264-6. doi:10.3171/spi.1999.90.2.0264
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Verhelst, J., Abs, R., Maiter, D., Van Den Bruel, A., Vandeweghe, M., Velkeniers, B., Mockel, J., Lamberigts, G., Petrossians, P., Coremans, P., Malher, C., Stevenaert, A., Verlooy, J., Raftopoulos, C., & Beckers, A. (1999). Cabergoline in the treatment of Hyoerprolactinemia : A study in 455 patients. In 9th Meeting and workshop of the European Neuroendocrine Association - Abstract book (pp. 43).

Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., Teh, B. T., Petrossians, P., & Verloes, A. (1999). Familial Acromegaly : Case report and review of the litterature. In The 6th International Pituitary Congress - Abstract book (pp. 68).

Khalife, A., Ronci, N., Stevenaert, A., Tabarin, A., & Beckers, A. (1999). Shrinkage of a ACTH silen adenomas under cabergoline treatment : report. In The 6th International Pituitary Congress - Abstract book (pp. 100).

Beckers, A., & Stevenaert, A. (1999). L’acromégalie et son impact sur la fonction reproductrice. Glunaïkeia, 4 (8), 212-218.

Beckers, A., & Stevenaert, A. (09 October 1998). Acromegalie : Onderzoeken. Medical News, 51, 8.

Beckers, A., & Stevenaert, A. (09 October 1998). Acromégalie : Examens complémentaires. Medical News, 51, 8.

Beckers, A., & Stevenaert, A. (02 October 1998). Acromégalie : Diagnostic différentiel. Medical News, 50, 8.

Beckers, A., & Stevenaert, A. (02 October 1998). Acromegalie : Differentiaal-diagnose. Medical News, 50, 8.

Hakkaart-van Roijen, L., Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., & Rutten, F. F. (October 1998). The burden of illness of hypopituitary adults with growth hormone deficiency. PharmacoEconomics, 14 (4), 395-403. doi:10.2165/00019053-199814040-00006
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Petrossians, P., Delvenne, P., Flandroy, P., Jopart, P., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (October 1998). An unusual pituitary pathology. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 83 (10), 3454-3458. doi:10.1210/jc.83.10.3454
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Beckers, A., & Stevenaert, A. (25 September 1998). Acromégalie : Consultation. Medical News, 49, 8.

Beckers, A., & Stevenaert, A. (25 September 1998). Acromegalie : Consult. Medical News, 49, 8.

Kaschten, B., Dubuisson, A., Lenelle, J., Martin, D., Waltregny, A., Schils, F., Marneffe, V., Reznik, M., & Stevenaert, A. (14 March 1998). Analyse des facteurs pronostiques des gliomes cérébraux [Paper presentation]. Réunion de la Société Belge de Neurochirurgie, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Poncin, J., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (1998). Somatic MEN1 gene mutation does not significantly contribute to tumorigenesis in 35 anterior pituitary adenomas not associated with the MEN1 syndrome. In 80th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine society - Abstract book (pp. 467).

Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (1998). Presurgical octreotide treatment in acromegaly. In 5th International Pituitary congress - abstract book (pp. 29).

Kaschten, B., Stevenaert, A., Sadzot, B., Deprez, M., Degueldre, C., Del Fiore, G., Luxen, A., & Reznik, M. (1998). Preoperative evaluation of 54 gliomas by PET with fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose and/or carbon-11-methionine. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 39 (5), 778-85.
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Hansen, I., Petrossians, P., Flandroy, P., Thiry, A., Claes, F., Dive, D., Stevenaert, A., Franck, G., & Beckers, A. (1998). Insuffisance hypophysaire et amaurose subaiguës causées par une pseudotumeur inflammatoire extensive du sinus sphénoïde. In XVI Congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie - Abstract book.

Poncin, J., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (1998). Somatic MEN1 gene mutation does not significantly contribute to tumorigenesis in 35 anterior pituitary adenomas not associated with the MEN1 syndrome. In 5th International Pituitary congress - abstract book (pp. 52).

Beckers, A., & Stevenaert, A. (1998). Overview of presurgical somatostatin analog treatment in acromegaly. In IV european Congress of Endocrinology - Abstract book (pp. 17-19).

Dubuisson, A., Foidart-Dessalle, M., Reznik, M., Grosdent, J.-C., & Stevenaert, A. (November 1997). Predegenerated Nerve Allografts Versus Fresh Nerve Allografts in Nerve Repair. Experimental Neurology, 148 (1), 378-87. doi:10.1006/exnr.1997.6667
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Verhelst, J., Abs, R., Vandeweghe, M., Mockel, J., Legros, J.-J., Copinschi, G., Mahler, C., Velkeniers, B., Vanhaelst, L., Van Aelst, A., De Rijdt, D., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (October 1997). Two years of replacement therapy in adults with growth hormone deficiency. Clinical Endocrinology, 47 (4), 485-494. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2265.1997.3041112.x
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Dubuisson, A., Martin, D., Lenelle, J., & Stevenaert, A. (May 1997). Le pied tombant (foot drop). Un problème de diagnostic différentiel. Revue Médicale de Liège, 52 (5), 355-62.

Abs, R., Smets, G., Vauquelin, G., Verhelst, J., Mahler, C., Verlooy, J., Stevenaert, A., Wouters, L., Borgers, M., & Beckers, A. (1997). 125I-Tyr0-hCRH labelling characteristics of corticotropin-releasing hormone receptors: differences between normal and adenomatous corticotrophs. Neurochemistry International, 30 (3), 291-297. doi:10.1016/S0197-0186(96)00102-7
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Tabarin, A., Ronci, N., Carrié, F., Beckers, A., Loiseau, H., Sangalli, F., Guérin, J., Stevenaert, A., Charron, G., Fournier, M. C., Rivel, J., Roger, P., & Bloch, B. (1997). Expression des récepteurs somatostatinergiques SSTR2 et dopaminergiques D2 dans les adénomes somatotropes. Annales d'Endocrinologie, 58 (2).
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Van Roijen, L., Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., van Busschbach, J. J., Van Eijk, W., & Rutten, F. F. H. (1997). The Burden of Hypopituitarism in Adults after Pituitary Surgery. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 4 (Suppl. B), 139-142.
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Beckers, A., Petrossians, P., & Stevenaert, A. (1997). An epidemiological survey of 783 patients who underwent pituitary surgery in a single Centre over a 25-year periods. In 24th International Symposium on GH and growth factors in Endocrinology and Metabolism - Abstract book (pp. 51).

Ronci, N., Tabarin, A., Beckers, A., Loiseau, H., Charron, G., Fournier, M. C., Stevenaert, A., San Galli, F., Guérin, J., Rivel, J., Roger, P., & Bloch, B. (1997). Somatostatini SSTR2 and dopamine D2 receptors gene expression in Growth hormone-producing pituitary adenomas. In 78th Endocrine Society Annual Meeting - Abstract book.

Ronci, N., Tabarin, A., Beckers, A., Loiseau, H., Charron, G., Fournier, M. C., Stevenaert, A., San Galli, F., Guérin, J., Rivel, J., Roger, P., & Bloch, B. (1997). Somatostatin SSTR2 and Dopamine D2 receptors gene expression in Growth Hormone-producing pituitary adenomas. Annales d'Endocrinologie, 58 (1).
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Martin, D., Robe, P., Franzen, R., Delree, P., Schoenen, J., Stevenaert, A., & Moonen, G. (01 September 1996). Effects of Schwann Cell Transplantation in a Contusion Model of Rat Spinal Cord Injury. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 45 (5), 588-597. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-4547(19960901)45:5<588::AID-JNR8>3.0.CO;2-8
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Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (August 1996). Presurgical Octreotide: Treatment in Acromegaly. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental, 45 (8 Suppl. 1), 72-4. doi:10.1016/S0026-0495(96)90088-8
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Martin, D., Lenelle, J., Flandroy, P., Vanderschelden, P., & Stevenaert, A. (27 April 1996). Pretherapeutic assessment of intracranial aneurysms with intra-arterially enhanced 3-D CT-angiography [Paper presentation]. The 64th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Minneapolis, United States.

Dubuisson, A., Lenelle, J., Martin, D., Kaschten, B., & Stevenaert, A. (16 March 1996). Les hernies discales dorsales : a propos de 7 cas opérés [Paper presentation]. Réunion de la Société Belge de Neurochirurgie, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Beckers, A., Delhougne, B., Deneux, C., Abs, R., Chanson, P., Fierens, H., Laurent-Puig, P., Duysburgh, I., Stevenaert, A., Tabarin, A., Delwaide, J., Schaison, G., & Belaiche, J. (1996). Acromégalie et polypes coliques. In A. Beckers (Ed.), Acromégalie : Les conséquences de l'hypersomatropisme. Rueil-Malmaison, France: Sandoz.

Tabarin, A., Carrie, F., Beckers, A., Loiseau, H., Ronci, N., Sangalli, F., Stevenaert, A., Guerin, J., Rivel, J., Roger, P., & Bloch, B. (1996). Dopamine D2 receptor gene expression in growth hormone-producing pituitary adenomas. In 10th international Congress of Endocrinology - Abstract book.

Beckers, A., & Stevenaert, A. (1996). Les adénomes gonadotropes. Revue Française d'Endocrinologie Clinique, Nutrition, et Métabolisme, 37 (4-5), 299-305.
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Verhelst, J., Abs, R., Mockel, J., Vandeweghe, M., Copinschi, G., Stevenaert, A., Legros, J., Velkeniers, B., Malher, C., Vanhaelst, L., Vanhaelst, A., & Beckers, A. (1996). Two years or replacement therapy in 148 adults with growth hormone déficiency in Belgium. In 10th international Congress of Endocrinology - Abstract book.

Tabarin, A., Carrié, F., Ronci, N., Charron, G., Fournier, M. C., Beckers, A., Loiseau, H., Sangalli, F., Stevenaert, A., Guérin, J., Rivel, J., Roger, P., & Bloch, B. (1996). Dopamine D2 receptor gene expression in growth hormone-producing pituitary adenomas. In 4th International Pituitary Congress of Endocrinology - Abstract book.

Beckers, A., Louis, O., Verhelst, J., Stevenaert, A., & Abs, R. (1996). The treatment of prolactinomas with cabergoline. In 10th international Congress of Endocrinology - Abstract book.

Dubuisson, A., & Stevenaert, A. (1996). Recurrent ganglion cyst of the peroneal nerve: radiological and operative observations Case report. Journal of Neurosurgery. doi:10.3171/jns.1996.84.2.0280
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Bochicchio, D., Losa, M., Buchfelder, M., Stevenaert, A., Beckers, A., Hagen, C., Bjerke, P., Kruse, A., Lindholm, J., Fahlbusch, R., Muller, O. A., Vonwerder, K., Ambrosi, B., Faglia, G., Giovanelli, M., Angeli, A., Maira, G., Pieters, G., Carvalho, D., ... Teasdale, G. M. (November 1995). Factors influencing the immediate and late outcome of cushing-disease treated by transsphenoidal surgery : A retrospective study by the european cushings-disease survey group. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 80 (11), 3114-3120. doi:10.1210/jcem.80.11.7593411
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Delhougne, B., Deneux, C., Abs, R., Chanson, P., Fierens, H., Laurent-Puig, P., Duysburgh, I., Stevenaert, A., Tabarin, A., Delwaide, J., Schaison, G., Belaiche, J., & Beckers, A. (November 1995). The prevalence of colonic polyps in acromegaly : a prospective colonoscopic and pathological study in 103 patients. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 80 (11), 3223-3226. doi:10.1210/jcem.80.11.7593429
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Dubuisson, A., Martin, D., Bruggeman, L., Flandroy, P., & Stevenaert, A. (07 May 1995). 132. Intrasellar arachnoïd cysts: diagnosis and treatment [Paper presentation]. 10th European Congress of Neurosurgery, Berlin, Germany.

Stevenaert, A., Lenelle, J., Martin, D., Kaschten, B., Dubuisson, A., & Beckers, A. (07 May 1995). Presurgical octreolide treatment in acromegaly: does it improve surgical cure? [Paper presentation]. 10th European Congress of Neurosurgery, Berlin, Germany.

Dubuisson, A., Martin, D., Bruggeman, L., Flandroy, P., & Stevenaert, A. (22 April 1995). Intrasellar Arachnoïd Cysts: Diagnosis, Management, and Pathophysiology [Paper presentation]. The American Association of Neurological Surgeons: The 63rd Annual Meeting, Orlando, United States.

Stevenaert, A., Lenelle, J., Martin, D., Kaschten, B., Dubuisson, A., & Beckers, A. (11 March 1995). Traitement préchirurgical par octréolide dans l'acromégalie [Paper presentation]. Réunion de la Société Belge de Neurochirurgie, Leuven, Belgium.

Delhougne, B., Deneux, C., Abs, R., Stevenaert, A., Laurent-Puig, P., Chanson, P., Delwaide, J., Fierens, H., Belaiche, J., Schaison, G., & Beckers, A. (1995). Increased prevalence of colonic adenomas in acromegalics patiens. In Belgian week of gastroenterology : Knokke, March 16th-18th 1995 - Abstract book.

Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (1995). Presurgical Octreotide Treatment in Acromegaly. Acta Neurochirurgica, 133, 216.

Laurent-Puig, P., Deneux, C., Delhougne, B., Beckers, A., Abs, R., Stevenaert, A., Schaison, G., Chanson, P., & Buffet, C. (1995). Prévalence des polypes coliques chez l'acromégale, étude coloscopique de 80 patients. In Journées Francophones de pathologie digestive - Abstract book.

Stevenaert, A., Lenelle, J., Martin, D., Kaschten, B., Dubuisson, A., & Beckers, A. (1995). Presurgical Octreotide Treatment in Acromegaly : does it improve surgical cure rate? In 10th European Congress of Neurosurgery - Abstract book.

Abs, R., Verhaert, G., Demez, P., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (1995). Cabergoline in prolactinomen. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 51, 795-802.

Louis, O., Abs, R., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (1995). Traitement du prolactinome : apport de la cabergoline. Annales d'Endocrinologie, 56 (4), 352.

Beckers, A., Moreau, L., Mockel, J., Vandeweghe, M., Copinschi, G., Stevenaert, A., Legros, J.-J., Verhelst, J., Velkeniers, B., Mahler, C., Vanhaelst, L., & Abs, R. (1995). The treatment of Growth Hormone Deficiency in adults : the 148 belgian patients. In The Endocrine Society : Annual meeting, Washington DC, June 1995.

Delhougne, B., Deneux, C., Abs, R., Stevenaert, A., Laurent-Puig, P., Chanson, P., Delwaide, J., Fierens, H., Belaiche, J., Schaison, G., & Beckers, A. (1994). Increased prevalence of colonic adenomas acromegalic patients. In Fourth Meeting of the Belgian Endocrine Society : 19 november 1994 - Abstract book.

Martin, D., Schoenen, J., Robe, P., Stevenaert, A., & Moonen, G. (06 November 1994). Les transplantations de cellules de Schwann syngéniques dans les lésions médullaires : résultats, limitations et perspectives [Paper presentation]. Joint Meeting of the Belgian Neurological Society and the Queen Elisabeth Medical Foundation, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Beckers, A., Abs, R., Reyniers, E., De Boulle, K., Stevenaert, A., Heller, F. R., Kloppel, G., Meurisse, M., & Willems, P. J. (November 1994). Variable regions of chromosome 11 loss in different pathological tissues of a patient with the multiple endocrine neoplasia type I syndrome. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 79 (5), 1498-1502. doi:10.1210/jc.79.5.1498
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Legrand, V., Beckers, A., Pham, V. T., Demoulin, J. C., & Stevenaert, A. (September 1994). Dramatic improvement of severe dilated cardiomyopathy in an acromegalic patient after treatment with octreotide and trans-sphenoidal surgery. European Heart Journal, 15 (9), 1286-9. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.eurheartj.a060668
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Martin, D., Delacollette, M., Collignon, J., Dooms, G., Lenelle, J., Moonen, G., & Stevenaert, A. (July 1994). Radiation-Induced Myelopathy and Vertebral Necrosis. Neuroradiology, 36 (5), 405-7. doi:10.1007/BF00612129
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Deneux, C., Delhougne, B., Beckers, A., Laurent-Puig, P., Abs, R., Stevenaert, A., Schaison, G., & Chanson, P. (1994). Prévalence des polypes coliques chez l'acromégale. Etude coloscopique de 80 patients. In XIIème congrès de la Société Française d'endocrinologie - Abstract book.

Verloes, A., Beckers, A., Pétrossians, E., & Stevenaert, A. (1994). Familial aspects in acromegaly. In 26th Annual meeting of European society of Human Genetics. Abstract book.

Abs, R., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (1994). Autonomously functioning thyroid nodules in a patient with a thyrotropin-secreting pituitary adenoma: possible cause--effect relationship. European Journal of Endocrinology, 131 (4), 355-8. doi:10.1530/eje.0.1310355
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Martin, D., Schoenen, J., Moonen, G., & Stevenaert, A. (17 October 1993). Transplants of syngenic cultured, DRG-derived Schwann cells into the lesioned adult rat spinal cord [Paper presentation]. Xth International Congress of Neurological Surgery. World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies, Acapulco, Mexico.

Lenelle, J., Bex, V., Dubuisson, A., Kaschten, B., Martin, D., & Stevenaert, A. (24 September 1993). Stabilité du rachis cervical lors de l'abord antérieur des myélopathies cervicarthrosiques [Paper presentation]. Réunion du Club Français de Neurochirurgie du Rachis, Amiens, France.

Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (July 1993). Presurgical Octreotide Treatment in Acromegaly. Acta Endocrinologica, 129 (1), 18-20.
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Martin, D., Robe, P., Malgrange, B., Schoenen, J., Moonen, G., & Stevenaert, A. (08 June 1993). Les transplantations de cellules de Schwann syngéniques dans les lésions médullaires : Résultats, limites et perspectives [Paper presentation]. 43ème Congrès de la Société de la Neuro-Chirurgie de Langue Française, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (1993). Presurgical octreotide treatment in acromegaly. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 16 (1-8), 137.
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Martin, D., Schoenen, J., Stevenaert, A., & Moonen, G. (1993). Acute Traumatic Central Cord Syndrome: Clinical, Magnetic Resonance and Pathological Features.

verhelst, J., Abs, R., Beckers, A., Mahler, C., Verlooy, J., Stevenaert, A., Wouters, L., Borgers, M., Klöppel, G., & Smets, G. (1993). Decreased number and defect of the internalization process of corticotropin-releasing hormone receptors in adenomatous corticotrophs. Acta Clinica Belgica, 48, 348.
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Ghuysen, A., Beckers, A., & Stevenaert, A. (1993). Aspects cliniques de la néoplasie endocrinienne multiple de type 1 (NEM-1). Médecine and Chirurgie Digestives, 22 (8), 468-470.
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Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (1993). Presurgical octreotide treatment in acromegaly. In 3rd International pituitary congress - Abstract book.

Smets, G., Abs, R., Verhelst, J., Mahler, C., Verlooy, J., Stevenaert, A., Wouters, L., Borgers, M., Klöppel, G., & Beckers, A. (1993). Decreased number and defect of the initialization process of corticotropin-releasing hormone receptors in adenomatous corticotrophs. In The 75th Annual meeting of the Endocrine society - Abstract book.

Ghuysen, A., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (1993). Aspects cliniques de la neoplasie endocrinienne multiple de type 1 (NEM-1). Revue Médicale de Liège, 48 (6), 309-63.
Peer reviewed

Martin, D., Schoenen, J., Robe, P., Stevenaert, A., & Moonen, G. (1993). Les transplantations de cellules de Schwann syngéniques dans les lésions médullaires : Résultats, limitations et perspectives [Paper presentation]. Réunion Scientifique de la Fondation Médicale Reine, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Demez, P., Verhaert, G., Stevenaert, A., Abs, R., & Beckers, A. (1993). The treatment of prolactinomas with cabergoline : results in 56 patients. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 16, 133.
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Verhelst, J., Abs, R., Verhaert, G., Demez, P., Stevenaert, A., Mahler, C., & Beckers, A. (1993). The treatment of prolactinomas with cabegoline : results in 56 patients. In Neuro-endocrinologie PRL, VI International prolactin congress - Abstract book.

Beckers, A., Abs, R., Demez, P., & Stevenaert, A. (1993). Le traitement des adénomes à prolactine : utilisation d'un nouvel agoniste dopaminergique à longue durée d'action, la cabergoline, chez 56 patients. Médecine et Hygiène, 51 (1990), 1978-1980.
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verhaert, G., demez, P., abs, R., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (1993). The treatment of prolactinomas with cabergoline : results in 56 patients. Acta Clinica Belgica, (48).

DELVENNE, P., KASCHTEN, B., Deneufbourg, J.-M., Demanez, J.-P., Stevenaert, A., Reznik, M., & BONIVER, J. (1993). Detection of Epstein-Barr virus in a case of undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma by in situ hybridization with digoxigenin-labelled PCR-generated probes. Virchows Archiv. A: Pathological Anatomy and Histopathology, 423, 145-150. doi:10.1007/BF01606589
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Reznik, M., Stevenaert, A., Bex, V., & Kratzenberg, E. (1993). Focal Brain Invasion as the First Manifestation of Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis in an Adult. Case Report. Clinical Neuropathology, 12 (4), 179-83.
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Stevenaert, A., Lenelle, J., Martin, D., Bex, V., Kaschten, B., & Beckers, A. (30 November 1992). Administration de Sandostatine (octréotide) avant chirurgie transphénoïdale dans l'acromégalie [Paper presentation]. Réunion de la Société de Neurochirurgie de Langue Française, Paris, France.

Martin, D., Lenelle, J., Schoenen, J., & Stevenaert, A. (30 November 1992). Le syndrome centro-médullaire aigu traumatique : Caractéristiques histo-pathologiques et radiologiques [Paper presentation]. Réunion de la Société de Neurochirurgie de Langue Française, Paris, France.

Martin, D., Schoenen, J., Stevenaert, A., & Moonen, G. (08 September 1992). Acute traumatic central cord syndrome: clinical, magnetic resonance and pathological features [Paper presentation]. 38th Annual Conference of the American Paraplegia Society, Las Vegas, United States.

Stevenaert, A., Harris, A. G., Kovacs, K., & Beckers, A. (September 1992). Presurgical octreotide treatment in acromegaly. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental, 41 (9 Suppl. 2), 51-8. doi:10.1016/0026-0495(92)90031-5
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Beckers, A., Abs, R., van der Auwera, B., Willems, P. J., Kovacs, K., Reznik, M., & Stevenaert, A. (August 1992). Aldosterone-secreting adrenal adenoma as part of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1): loss of heterozygosity for polymorphic chromosome 11 deoxyribonucleic acid markers, including the MEN1 locus. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 75 (2), 564-70. doi:10.1210/jcem.75.2.1639957
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Martin, D., Schoenen, J., Delree, P., Gilson, V., Rogister, B., Leprince, P., Stevenaert, A., & Moonen, G. (August 1992). Experimental Acute Traumatic Injury of the Adult Rat Spinal Cord by a Subdural Inflatable Balloon: Methodology, Behavioral Analysis, and Histopathology. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 32 (4), 539-50. doi:10.1002/jnr.490320409
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Stadnik, T., Stevenaert, A., Beckers, A., Van Herzele, D., Luypaert, R., Buisseret, T., & Osteaux, M. (May 1992). Contrast behavior between microadenoma and normal pituitary gland after gadolinium injection as a function of time at 1.5 T. Neuroradiology, 34 (3), 184-9. doi:10.1007/BF00596332
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Beckers, A., Petrossians, P., Abs, R., Flandroy, P., Stadnik, T., De Longueville, M., Lancranjan, I., & Stevenaert, A. (1992). Treatment of macroprolactinomas with the long-acting and repeatable form of bromocriptine: a report on 29 cases. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 75 (1), 275-80. doi:10.1210/jcem.75.1.1619019
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Beckers, A., Abs, R., Willems, P. J., Van Der Auwera, B., Meurisse, M., PETROSSIANS, P., Kovacs, K., Reznik, M., & Stevenaert, A. (1992). Aldosterone-secreting adrenal adenoma as part of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) : loss of heterozygosity for polymorphic chromosome 11 DNA markers, including the MEN1 locus [Paper presentation]. Ninth International Congress of Endocrinology.

Beckers, A., Abs, R., Willems, P. J., Van Der Auwera, B., Kovacs, K., Reznik, R., & Stevenaert, A. (1992). Aldosterone-secreting adrenal adenoma as part of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) : loss of heterozygosity for polymorphic chronosome 11 DNA markers, including the MEN1 locus [Paper presentation]. 74th Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Program and Abstracts Book, San Antonio.

Beckers, A., & Stevenaert, A. (1992). Les adénomes hypophysaires à TSH. Revue Française d'Endocrinologie Clinique, Nutrition, et Métabolisme, 33 (2), 151-156.
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Beckers, A., GHUYSEN, A., Abs, R., Verhelst, J., de Longueville, M., Mahler, C., & Stevenaert, A. (1992). Le traitement des prolactinomes par un nouvel agoniste dopaminergique (le CV 205-502) : résultats chez 48 patients. Médecine et Hygiène, 50, 2064-2069.
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Stevenaert, A., Abs, R., Mahler, C., Leonet, A., Vandalem, J. L., & Beckers, A. (1992). Thyrotorpin-secreting pituitary adenomas - Report of 8 cases [Paper presentation]. Ninth International Congress of Endocrinology.

Beckers, A., Abs, R., Mahler, C., Leonet, A., Vandalem, J.-L., & Stevenaert, A. (1992). Thyrotropin-secreting pituitary adenomas. Report of 8 cases [Paper presentation]. Sellar and Parasellar lesions, European Association of Neurosurgical Societes, Winter-Meeting, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Petrossians, P., Beckers, A., Abs, R., Flandroy, P., Stadnik, T., De Longueville, M., Lancranjan, I., & Stevenaert, A. (1992). Treatment of macroprolactinomas with the long-acting and repeatable form of bromocriptine (PARLODEL LAR) : a report on 29 cases [Paper presentation]. Ninth International Congress of Endocrinology.

Stadnik, T., Stevenaert, A., Beckers, A., Luypaert, R., & Osteaux, M. (January 1992). Diagnosis of primary thyrotrophin-secreting microadenoma by 1.5 T MR. European Journal of Radiology, 14 (1), 18-21. doi:10.1016/0720-048X(92)90055-E
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Beckers, A., Petrossians, P., Abs, R., Flandroy, P., Stadnik, T., de Longueville, M., Lancranjan, I., & Stevenaert, A. (1992). Treatment of macroprolactinomas with the long-acting and repeatable form of bromocriptine (Parlodel LAR): report on 29 cases [Paper presentation]. Sellar and Parasellar lesions, European Association of Neurosurgical Societes, Winter-Meeting, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (1992). Cushing's disease : results of transsphenoidal microsurgery in 70 patients [Paper presentation]. Sellar and Parasellar lesions, European Association of Neurosurgical Societes, Winter-Meeting, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (1992). Presurgical treatment with Sandostatin in Acromegaly [Paper presentation]. Sellar and Parasellar lesions, European Association of Neurosurgical Societes, inter-Meeting, Thessaloniki, Greece.

mahler, C., verhelst, J., abs, R., Beckers, A., De longueville, M., & Stevenaert, A. (1992). Clinical experience with CV 205-502 (Sandoz) in the treatment of prolactinomas. In ninth Internation Congress of Endocrinology-Abstract book (pp. 277).

Verhelst, J., Abs, R., Beckers, A., De Longueville, M., Stevenaert, A., & Mahler, C. (1992). Evaluatie van de nieuwe dopamine-agonist CV 205-502 in de behandeling van prolactinomen. Acta Antwerpiensia, 9, 19-25.

Smets, G., Abs, R., Beckers, A., Mahler, C., Stevenaert, A., Reznik, M., Borgers, M., & Klöppel, G. (1992). Quantification and distribution pattern of corticotropin-releasing hormone receptors at the cellular level in normal and adenomatous human pituitary [Paper presentation]. 9th International Congress of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry.

Collignon, F., Flandroy, P., Martin, D., Delacollette, M., Dooms, G., Moonen, G., & Stevenaert, A. (06 October 1991). MR of radiation induced myelopathy [Paper presentation]. XVIIth Congress of the European Society of Neuroradiology, Zurich, Switzerland.

Beckers, A., Kovacs, K., Horvwarth, E., Abs, R., Reznik, M., & Stevenaert, A. (September 1991). Effect of treatment with octreotide on the morphology of growth hormone secreting pituitary adenomas : study of 24 cases. Endocrine Pathology, 2 (3), 123-131. doi:10.1007/BF02915452
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Beckers, A., Abs, R., Mahler, C., Vandalem, J. L., Pirens, G., Hennen, G., & Stevenaert, A. (February 1991). Thyrotropin-Secreting Pituitary Adenomas: Report of Seven Cases. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 72 (2), 477-83. doi:10.1210/jcem-72-2-477
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Martin, D., Delrée, P., Schoenen, J., Rogister, B., Rigo, J.-M., Leprince, P., Stevenaert, A., & Moonen, G. (1991). Transplants of syngenic adult dorsal root ganglion neurons to the spinal cord of rats with acute traumatic paraplegia: morphological analyses. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 2, 303-308.
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Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (1991). Medico-surgical treatment of acromegaly. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation.
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Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (1991). Presurgical Sandostatin treatment in acromegaly [Paper presentation]. Sandostatin, State of the Art.

Scippo, M.-L., Beckers, A., Frankenne, F., Reznik, M., Stevenaert, A., Igout, A., & Hennen, G. (1991). Adenohypophysis hormone gene products in 14 pituitary adenomas: analysis by immunohistochemistry and northern blotting. Archives Internationales de Physiologie, de Biochimie et de Biophysique, 99 (2), 135-40. doi:10.3109/13813459109146952
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Dubuisson, A., Fissette, J., Vivario, M., Reznik, M., & Stevenaert, A. (1991). A Benign Tumor of the Sciatic Nerve: Case Report and Review of the Literature. Acta Neurologica Belgica, 91 (1), 5-11.
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Velkeniers, B., Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., Smits, J., Finne, E., & Vanhaelst, L. (1991). Cyclical Cushing's disease : a case report. Pathology - Research and Practice, 187 (5), 603-607. doi:10.1016/S0344-0338(11)80154-8
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Verhelst, J., Abs, R., Beckers, A., Coeck, C., De Longueville, M., Stevenaert, A., & Mahler, C. (1991). CV 205-502 : Een niewe lang-werkende dopamine-agonist voor de behandeling van hyperprolactinemie. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde.

Abs, R., Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., & Hennen, G. (September 1990). Acromegaly, multinodular goiter, and silent polyostotic fibrous dysplasia : a variant of the Mc Cune Albright syndrome. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 13 (8), 671-675. doi:10.1007/BF03349592
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Martin, D., Delrée, P., Schoenen, J., Rogister, B., Leprince, P., Rigo, P., Stevenaert, A., & Moonen, G. (September 1990). Experimental acute spinal cord injury in rats : behavioural and histopathological analyses. Morphological studies on autologous transplants of cultured, adult DRG-derived Schwann cells to the injured spinal cord in adult rats [Paper presentation]. International Symposium : Neural Transplantation to Spinal Cord Injuries, Aarhus, Denmark.

Van Damme, H., Martin, D., Devoghel, J.-C., Stevenaert, A., Zicot, M., Fourny, J., & Limet, R. (May 1990). La neurostimulation épidurale pour artérite sévère des membres inférieurs. Revue Médicale de Liège, 45 (5), 219-27.

Martin, D., Delrée, P., Schoenen, J., Flandroy, P., Stevenaert, A., & MOONEN, G. (May 1990). Experimental acute spinal cord injury using subdural inflatable balloon [Paper presentation]. European Society for Surgical Research, BERLIN, Germany.

Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., Foidart, J.-M., Hennen, G., & Frankenne, F. (1990). Placental and Pituitary Growth Hormone Secretion During Pregnancy in Acromegalic Women. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 71 (3), 725-31. doi:10.1210/jcem-71-3-725
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Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., Pirens, G., Flandroy, P., Sulon, J., & Hennen, G. (1990). Cyclical Cushing's disease and its successful control under sodium valproate. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 13 (11), 923-9. doi:10.1007/BF03349657
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Beckers, A., Abs, R., Petrossians, P., & Stevenaert, A. (1990). The treatment of macroprolactinomas with long acting repeatable bromocriptine. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation.
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Beckers, A., Frankenne, F., Stevenaert, A., Foidart, J.-M., & Hennen, G. (1990). The physiology of pituitary and placental GH function during pregnancy in acromegalic as compared on normal women [Paper presentation]. Endocrinology under 35.

Stadnik, T., Stevenaert, A., Beckers, A., Luypaert, R., Buisseret, T., & Osteaux, M. (1990). Pituitary microadenomas: diagnosis with two-and three-dimensional MR imaging at 1.5 T before and after injection of gadolinium. Radiology, 176 (2), 419-428. doi:10.1148/radiology.176.2.2164234
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Beckers, A., Frankenne, F., Stevenaert, A., Foidart, J.-M., & Hennen, G. (1990). The physiology of pituitary and placental GH function during pregnancy in acromegalic as compared on normal women. In Endocrinology under 35, sienna italy - Abstract book.

Beckers, A., Abs, R., Mahler, C., Vandalem, J. L., Brichant, J., Hennen, G., & Stevenaert, A. (1990). Thyrotropin-secreting pituitary adenomas : report of 7 cases. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation.
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Lenelle, J., Gillet, P., Mouchamps, M., Martin, D., & Stevenaert, A. (December 1989). Sarcome d'Ewing du rachis : à propos de trois observations [Paper presentation]. Réunion annuelle de la Société de Neurochirurgie de Langue Française, PARIS, France.

Stadnik, T., Stevenaert, A., Beckers, A., Buisseret, T., & Osteaux, M. (1989). Value of fast GD-injection and dynamic MR in the diagnosis of microadenomas at 1.5 Tesla [Paper presentation]. Radiological Society of North America. 75 th Scientific assembly and annual meeting.

Petrossians, P., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (1989). Die medikamentöse behandlung von prolaktinomen mit Cabergolin. In Aktuelle Diagnostik und therapie bei Störungen der Prolaktinsekretin (pp. 40-50). SMV.

Beckers, A., Frankenne, F., Stevenaert, A., Foidart, J.-M., & Hennen, G. (1989). The physiology of pituitary and placental GH secretion during pregnancy in acromegalic as compared to normal women. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation.
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Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (1989). Medico-surgical treatment of acromegaly [Paper presentation]. 9th International Congress of Neurological Surgery.

Petrossians, P., Stevenaert, A., & Beckers, A. (1989). Tratamiento farmacologico de la hiperprolactinemia. In Hiperprolactinemias : Avances en el Diagnostico y tratamiento de las hiperprolactinemias (pp. 22-25).

Beckers, A., Courtoy, R., Stevenaert, A., Boniver, J., Lange, J. M., Frankenne, F., Reznik, M., & Hennen, G. (August 1988). Mammosomatotropes in Human Pituitary Adenomas as Revealed by Electron Microscopic Double Gold Immunostaining Method. Acta Endocrinologica, 118 (4), 503-12. doi:10.1530/acta.0.1180503
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Martin, D., Mouchamps, M., collignon, J., Lenelle, J., & Stevenaert, A. (26 March 1988). A propos des kystes de l'angle ponto-cérébelleux [Paper presentation]. Réunion annuelle de la Société Belge de Neurochirurgie, BRUXELLES, Belgium.

Castermans, A., Stevenaert, A., Born, J., Lahaye, T., Lenelle, J., Jacquemin, D., Colon, J.-C., & Colot, G. (1988). Les facio-craniostenoses. Acta Chirurgica Belgica, 88 (2, Mar-Apr), 89-94.
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Chachati, A., Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., Hennen, G., Godon, J. P., & Lefebvre, P. J. (1988). Renal function and albumin excretion rate in acromegaly : evidence for glomerular hyperfiltration. Diabète et Métabolisme, 14, 202-203.
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Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., & Hennen, G. (1988). Nouvelle thérapeutique pour l'acromégalie. Revue Médicale de Liège, 33 (11), 429-32.
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Beckers, A., Hennen, G., Reznik, M., Thibaut, A., & Stevenaert, A. (1988). Les adenomes hypophysaires a TSH. Revue Médicale de Liège, 43 (10), 396-402.
Peer reviewed

Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., Kovacs, K., Horvath, E., Bastings, E., & Hennen, G. (1988). The treatment of acromegaly with SMS 201-995. In A. M. Landolt, P. U. Heitz, J. Zapf, J. Girard, ... E. Del Pozo (Eds.), Advances in Pituitary Adenoma Research (Advances in the Biosciences) (pp. 227-228 (Vol. 69). New York, United States: Pergamon Press.

Stevenaert, A., Beckers, A., Kovacs, K., Bastings, E., De Longueville, M., & Hennen, G. (1988). Experience with Sandostatin in various groups of agromegalic patients. In S. W. J. Lamberts (Ed.), Sandostatin in the treatment of acromegaly (pp. 95-101). Springer Verlag.

Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., Bastings, E., De Longueville, M., & Hennen, G. (1988). Relapsing acromegaly resistant to both Parlodel and Sandostatin treatment. In S. W. J. Lamberts (Ed.), Sandostatin in the treatment of acromegaly (pp. 159-161). Springer-Verlag.

Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., Bastings, E., De Longueville, M., & Hennen, G. (1988). SMS 201-995 can exert a direct analgesic effect. In S. W. J. Lamberts (Ed.), Sandostatin in the treatment of acromegaly (pp. 157-158). Springer-Verlag.

Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., Bastings, E., De Longueville, M., Kovacs, K., Reznik, M., & Hennen, G. (1988). Le traitement de l'acromégalie par SMS 201-995 : résultats obtenus chez 38 patients. Annales d'Endocrinologie.
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Beckers, A., Chachati, A., Stevenaert, A., Godon, J. P., & Hennen, G. (1987). Renal function in acromegaly before and two months after successfull adenomectomy : evidence of glomerular hyperfiltration.

Chachati, A., Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., Meyers, A., Godon, J. P., & Hennen, G. (1987). Renal function in acromegaly before and two months after successfull adenomectomy. Evidence for glomerular hyperfiltration.

Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., & Hennen, G. (1987). SMS 201-995 : Therapeutic indications of acromegaly. In First european Congress of Endocrinology - Abstract book (pp. 16).

Chachati, A., Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., Hennen, G., & Godon, J. P. (1987). Renal function and albumin excretion rate in acromegaly. Evidence for hyperfiltration.

Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., & Hennen, G. (1987). Hypothalamic cushing's disease.

Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., & Hennen, G. (1987). Preoperative and long term treatment of acromegaly with SMS 201-995.

Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., & Hennen, G. (1987). SMS 201-995 : Therapeutic indications for acromegaly.

chachati, A., Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., Hennen, G., & godon, J. (1987). Renal function and albumin excretion rate in acromegaly. Evidenc for hyperfiltration. In Kidney and protein in health and disease. 5th International symposium of nephrology-Abstract book (pp. 23).

Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., & Hennen, G. (1987). Nouvelles approches dans le traitement des affections hypothalamo-hypophysaires. Médecine et Hygiène, 45 (1712), 2186-2189.
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Stevenaert, A., Beckers, A., Vandalem, J. L., & Hennen, G. (1986). Early normalization of luteinizing hormone pulsatility after successful transsphenoidal surgery in women with microprolactinomas. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 62 (5), 1044-1047. doi:10.1210/jcem-62-5-1044
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Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., Thibaut, A., & Hennen, G. (1986). Treatment of acromegaly with the somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995.

HANS, P., Stevenaert, A., & Albert, A. (1986). Study of hypotonic polyuria after trans-sphenoidal pituitary adenomectomy. Intensive Care Medicine, 12 (2), 95-9. doi:10.1007/BF00254519
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Stevenaert, A., Beckers, A., De longueville, M., & Hennen, G. (1986). Preoperative treatment of acromegalics with SMS 201-995. In Acromegaly centennial symposium - Abstract book.

Beckers, A., Courtoy, R., Stevenaert, A., Reznik, M., Boniver, J., & Hennen, G. (1986). Immunocytochemical demontration of hormones in cell granules of several human pituitary adenomas. Histochemical Journal, 18 (1), 55.
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Beckers, A., Chachati, A., Stevenaert, A., Hennen, G., Meyers, A., & Godon, J. P. (1986). Acromegaly : renal functions before and 2 months after successfull adenomectomy. Kidney International.
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Chachati, A., Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., Meyers, A., Hennen, G., & Godon, J. P. (1986). Acromégalie : fonction rénale avant et deux mois après guérison par adénomectomie sélective. Nephrologie, 7, 124.
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Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., Courtoy, R., Reznik, M., Boniver, J., & Hennen, G. (1986). Immunocytochemical demonstration of hormones in cells granules of several human pituitary adenomas. Histochemical Journal.
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Stevenaert, A., Beckers, A., De Longueville, M., & Hennen, G. (1986). Preoperative treatment of acromegalics with SMS 201-995.

Chachati, A., Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., Meyers, A., Hennen, G., & Godon, J. P. (1986). Le rein acromégale est-il hyperfiltrant ? Proceedings des Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique Médicale.
Peer reviewed

Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., thibaut, A., & Hennen, G. (1986). treatment of acromegaly with the somatostatin analogue SMS201-995 (Sandoz). In Internatinal Symposium Somatostatin - Abstract book.

Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., Thibaut, A., & Hennen, G. (1986). Treatment of acromegaly with the somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995.

courtoy, R., Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., Reznik, M., Boniver, J., & Hennen, G. (1985). Immunogold staining of pituitary hormones in human adenoma biopsies. Biology of the Cell.
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Beckers, A., Courtoy, R., Reznik, M., Stevenaert, A., Hennen, G., & Boniver, J. (1985). Localisation ultrastructurale d'hormones hypophysaires par reaction immunocytochimique sur coupes fines d'adenomes. Comptes Rendus des Séances de la Société de Biologie et de ses Filiales, 179 (3), 397-402.
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Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., & Hennen, G. (1985). Cushing's disease : episodic pattern of hypersecretion with two distinct rhythms. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation.
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Beckers, A., Courtoy, R., Stevenaert, A., Reznik, M., Boniver, J., & Hennen, G. (1985). Ultrastructural immunocytochemical localization of hormones in human pituitary adenomas. Neuro Endocrinology Letters.
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Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., Mashiter, K., & Hennen, G. (1985). Follicle Stimulating Hormone -Secreting Pituitary adenomas. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 61 (3), 525-528. doi:10.1210/jcem-61-3-525
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Beckers, A., Courtoy, R., Reznik, M., Stevenaert, A., Boniver, J., & Hennen, G. (1985). Immunogold staining of pituitary hormones in human adenoma biopsies. Biology of the Cell.
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Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., Vandalem, J. L., & Hennen, G. (1985). Effect of transsphenoidal surgery on the LH pulsatility in women with microprolactinomas. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation.
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Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., & Pirens, G. (1985). Anormal pattern of pulsatile luteinizing hormone secretion in women with microprolactinoma : effect of surgical cure [Paper presentation]. The Endocrine Society Meeting.

Stevenaert, A., Beckers, A., vandalem, J., & Hennen, G. (1985). Effect of transphenoidal surgery on the LH pulsatility in women with microprolactinomas. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation.
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Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., Hennen, G., & Franchimont, P. (1985). Etude clinique et biologique de la fonction hypophyso-gonanique dans les prolactinomes. Acta Clinica Belgica.
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Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., Hennen, G., Vandalem, J. L., & Madhiter, K. (1983). Non secreting pituitary adenomas : a revised diagnosis.

Beckers, A., Stevenaert, A., Madhiter, K., Vandalem, J. L., & Hennen, G. (1983). Non secreting pituitary adenomas : a revised diagnosis. European Workshop on Pituitary Adenomas, Amsterdam, September.

Depresseux, J.-C., & Stevenaert, A. (1977). La cisternographie radio-isotopique - Corrélation avec les autres méthodes d'investigation de l'hydrocéphalie de l'adulte. Journal Belge de Radiologie, 60, 99.
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Depresseux, J.-C., & Stevenaert, A. (1976). Méthodes radio-isotopiques d'étude du fonctionnement des dérivations du liquide céphalo-rachidien. Neuro-Chirurgie, 22 (4), 411-428.
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Paulus, J.-M., OGER, A., Rorive, G., CONINX, P., & Stevenaert, A. (1965). LES THROMBOCYTOP'ENIES IDIOPATHIQUES ET SYMPTOMATIQUES; 'ETUDE DE DEUX CENTS CAS. Revue Belge de Pathologie et de Médecine Experimentale, 31, 146-85.

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