To help you highlight and analyze scientific production, ORBi offers a series of bibliometric indicators presented as graphs. These indicators have been created in collaboration with and for ULiège's scientific community. Our team remains available for any questions or suggestions you may have.
Indicators are calculated for all ORBi references returned by the query.
By default, the search is based on the identifier of the user, but you can modify the query to create an indicator report:
You can display only the indicators considered relevant to your research sector via the "Sector" filter (STM, HEC, SHS).
By default, indicators are displayed for publications from the last 20 years, but this filter can also be modified if required.
Export options are available for each graph (graph export as image or PDF, data export in spreadsheet format).
Note: in linear graphs, lines can be activated and deactivated by clicking in the legend to highlight the selected data.
Line graph showing the number of publications by year, with total number, number of full-text publications and number of OA publications. You can filter by document type: articles, PR (peer-reviewed) articles, parts of books.
Line graph showing the percentage of Open Access by year of publication, compared with the percentage of publications with full text (open or restricted access).
Bar graph showing the number of articles reviewed (peer review or editorial review) per year of publication.
Top 20 scientific journals with the highest number of articles published.
Word cloud with publication keywords. The most frequent keywords have a larger font and are therefore more visible. Note that the same term with different spellings will be considered as different keywords.
Percentage of ULiège/CHU members cited as co-authors of publications. Please note that all co-authors should normally be included in publications submitted to ORBi.
Top 20 affiliations of non-ULiège co-authors most represented in references. Note that the distinction is based on the complete affiliation and not on the institution alone, so it is possible to find here a global institution (a university, for example) and also departments or laboratories belonging to this institution. Also note that different spellings of the same affiliation may be recognized as different affiliations.
Line graph of the number of articles published in A+, A or B journals in the HEC Liège Academic Journal Guide, by year of publication. Note that to be recognized as such, journal titles must have been selected from our list of scientific journals when the article is registered in ORBi.
H-index for each citation source available in ORBi, calculated for all articles in the query.
H-index for each citation source available in ORBi calculated by year of publication.
Line graph showing the total number of citations received by all articles published in the given year on the x-axis. Each citation source is represented by a different line.
Citations are added to ORBi references automatically using unique identifiers such as the DOI. If your publication has a DOI, import it via this DOI or add it manually in the reference. If your publication is correctly referenced (title, first author, correct year of publication, journal) then ORBi can also retrieve this DOI automatically. Correct publication information is therefore very important.
Line graph showing the average number of citations (each citation source is represented by a different line) per publication year.
The 20 most cited peer-reviewed journal articles (all citation sources combined). Click on each title to open the detailed publication on ORBi.
This graph only works if your query concerns ULiège authors:
This shows the percentage of publications in which the authors of the query are (co-)first or (co-)last authors.
The 20 most frequent publishers of books and book chapters in the query result.
The percentage of articles published in Q1 Scimago scientific journals.
These are the journals in the top quartile of the SCIMAGO Journal and Country Rank (SJR) for each field of research, based on the citations received by each journal's articles in the previous three years.
It thus represents the 25% most prestigious journals in this ranking for a given research field and year of publication. The same journal could therefore be in Q1 Scimago for some of the fields it covers, but not for others. Similarly, it could be in Q1 Scimago in these fields for some publication years and not others.
Guerrero-Bote, V. & Moya-Anegón, F. (2012). A Further Step Forward in Measuring Journals' Scientific Prestige: The SJR2 Indicator. Journal of Informetrics, vol. 6(4), pp. 674-688.
Line graph showing, for each publication year, the total number of articles in the query result that were published in a journal in Q1 Scimago for at least one research field. An article is counted as published in a journal in Q1 Scimago only if the journal was in Q1 Scimago for the publication year of this article.
Line graphs showing, for each year of publication, the total number of articles published in a Q1 Scimago journal for a given research field. An article is counted as published in a journal in Q1 Scimago in a specific research field only if the journal was in Q1 Scimago for this research field and for the publication year of the article.
One graph is obtained per field of research, for each field of research in which there is at least one article published in a Q1 Scimago journal.