Synthesis and complete processing of a high-molecular-weight precursor polypeptide to viral structural proteins in toad oocytes micro-injected with avian myeloblastosis virus ribonucleic acid.
Hubert, Evelyne; Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Travnicek, M.
Bolognesi, D. P.
Cleuter, Yvette
Huez, Georges
Marbaix, Gérard
Portetelle, Daniel ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Chimie et bio-industries > Biologie animale et microbienne
Chantrenne, H.
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Synthesis and complete processing of a high-molecular-weight precursor polypeptide to viral structural proteins in toad oocytes micro-injected with avian myeloblastosis virus ribonucleic acid.