[en] Wind Turbines seem for many people to be an intrusive change in the cultural landscape especially in countryside (Pasqualetti). The Lacsawep research project aims to analyse and asses the landscape capacity and social attitudes toward wind energy parks in Belgium. Two complementary research lines are developed. On the one hand, a representative survey is done in order to understand the way people valorise landscape in relation to the location of wind energy. On the other hand, the research looks for the background and the underlying in-depth process explaining attitudes and possible “NIMBY-ism” toward energy park. The paper focuses on the attitudes relating to five wind parks in different areas in Belgium. The first case studies underline one interesting concept to understand the acceptation of wind turbines in local landscape: the “reterritorialisation”. People may accept a scar in their landscape if the turbines work “symbolically” for their needs. The paper analyses what people means by landscape, and how they are ready to barter a part of their landscape capital for a local effort to reduce the ecological footprint.