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Abstract :
[en] Introduction and Objective: To describe a new, simple surgical technique for the treatment of female stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and to evaluate its feasibility.
Methods: We have developed a novel surgical treatment of SUI, the transobturator inside-out tension-free urethral suspension, which uses specifically designed surgical tools: a pair of stainless steel helical passers, two plastic tubes with a pointed distal end and one guide. Using these instruments, a synthetic tape is passed from underneath the urethra, through the obturator foramens, towards the thighs, without entering the pelvic region at any time during the procedure. The tubes bear a lateral opening, which allows the insertion of the helical passer into its lumen. The proximal end of each tube is attached to a non-absorbable synthetic tape. The guide acts as a shoe-horn to ease the introduction of the tubes assembled onto the helical passers from the perineal space through the obturator foramen. After perforation of the obturator membrane, a rotational movement of the helical passer around the upper part of ischio-pubic ramus allows the exit of the pointed tip of the tube and, further, of the tape at the level of the thigh on either side. The tape is positioned without tension under the junction between mid and distal urethra.
Results: The procedure was carried out in 210 consecutive patients (mean age = 62 years) using the same operative protocol in all case subjects, independently of the patient’s size and weight. Mean operative time was 14 min (range = 6 to 20) in case of isolated SUI treatment. No bladder or urethra injury and no vascular (hematoma or bleeding) or neurological complication were observed.
Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that our novel transobturator inside-out surgical technique for treating SUI is feasible, accurate, and quick. This technique avoids damage to the urethra and bladder and, therefore, makes cystoscopy not necessary. Further prospective studies are currently ongoing to determine the efficacy of our new surgical approach for treating SUI.