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Abstract :
[en] Testosterone (T) influences the volume and cellular characteristics of a variety of steroid-dependent brain nuclei in many vertebrates. In castrated quail, the volume of the sexually dimorphic (males > females) medial preoptic nucleus (POM), a key area in the control of male sexual behavior, is markedly increased by T but previous studies always assessed this effect after a period of 8-14 days and its specific time-course was unknown. We recently found that following treatment with T, the POM volume increases in a time-dependent fashion: a significant increase was already detected after only one day and the response reached it maximum (volume doubling) after 14 days of treatment. This however raised the question of the cellular mechanism underlying such a rapid brain plasticity (increase in cell size, neuropil volume, dendritic branching, extracellular space?). To research whether a change in extra- vs. intra-cellular space could be responsible for the rapid T-induced increase in POM volume, we repeatedly analyzed by in vivo diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) the brain of castrated male quail before as well as after 1, 2, 7 and 14 days of T implantation. MRI was performed on a 7T-system (Bruker) using a multislice diffusion weighted-spin echo sequence. Coronal slices with an image resolution of 100*100*500µm³ were obtained covering the whole telencephalon. Images were accurately coregistered allowing voxel-wise paired comparisons of the ADC data between the different time periods. The ADC significantly increased after one day of T treatment (696±16 vs 758±30 µm²/s, p=0.011, N=5) in POM and this effect apparently persisted during the whole experiment. By contrast, T insensitive regions like the nucleus rotundus (586±170 vs 511±26 µm²/s, p-value=0.24) and nucleus mesencephalicus lateralis, pars dorsalis (934±107 vs 911±64 µm²/s, p=0.68) were not affected after the first day nor later in the experiment. These data indicate that T increases the extracellular water volume in POM specifically, either as a result of cell shrinkage or of an increase in the space between cells, and that changes in the ratio of extra- to intra-cellular water mediate, at least in part, the fast plasticity of the POM volume observed after exposure to T.