Intermetallic compound; Uranium; Electrical resistivity; Magnetic susceptibility; Specific heat; Low temperature; High magnetic field; Antiferromagnetism
Abstract :
[en] We report on the bulk electronic properties of U2Ni2Sn, which crystallizes in the tetragonal U3Si2 structure. Pronounced anomalies in the temperature dependencies of magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and electrical resistivity indicate magnetic ordering below TN = 26 K. An antiferromagnetic ground state is corroborated by the occurrence of three metamagnetic transitions at about 30, 39 and 51 T in the field dependence of the magnetization. The lack of any saturation tendency in the highest field applied (57 T) may suggest further transition(s) to occur in even higher fields.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Kindo, Koichi; Research Center for Extreme Materials
Fukushima, T.; Research Center for Extreme Materials
Kumada, T.; Research Center for Extreme Materials
de Boer, Frank R.; University of Amsterdam > Van der Waals-Zeeman Laboratory
Nakotte, Heinz; University of Amsterdam > Van der Waals-Zeeman Laboratory
Prokes, Karel; University of Amsterdam & Charles University > Van der Waals-Zeeman Laboratory & Department of Metal Physics
Havela, Ladislav; Charles University > Department of Metal Physics
Sechovsky, Vladimir; Charles University > Department of Metal Physics
Seret, Alain ; European Commission (EC) - Joint Research Centre (JRC) > Institute for Transuranium Elements
Winand, Jean-Marc; European Commission (EC) - Joint Research Centre (JRC) > Institute for Transuranium Elements
Spirlet, Jean-Claude; European Commission (EC) - Joint Research Centre (JRC) > Institute for Transuranium Elements
Rebizant, Jean; European Commission (EC) - Joint Research Centre (JRC) > Institute for Transuranium Elements
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