[en] We present a finite element model for a single-layer CORT cable composed of three coated conductors wound around a tube and carrying an AC current. We use a coordinate transformation that takes into account the helicoidal symmetry of the cable and enables the problem to be studied with an equivalent two-dimensional model. We show that this model correctly captures the full three-dimensional pattern of the current flow and allows us to calculate the AC losses as a function of the pitch angle and the length of the gap between conductors. We compare the results with a full 3D model based on the H-formulation and compare the AC losses with well-established analytical formulae.
Disciplines :
Electrical & electronics engineering Energy Materials science & engineering
Author, co-author :
Vanderheyden, Benoît ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'électricité, électronique et informatique (Institut Montefiore) > Electronique et microsystèmes
Dular, Julien; CERN - Centre Européen de Recherche Nucléaire [CH]
Geuzaine, Christophe ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'électricité, électronique et informatique (Institut Montefiore) > Applied and Computational Electromagnetics (ACE)
Wozniak, Mariusz; CERN - Centre Européen de Recherche Nucléaire [CH]
Elschner, Steffen; University of Applied Science, Mannheim, Germany
Grilli, Francesco; KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology [DE]
Language :
Title :
Modelling a single-layer CORT cable with coordinate transformation
Publication date :
Event name :
HTS 2024 --- 9th International Workshop on Numerical Modelling of High-Temperature Superconductors
Event organizer :
Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
Event place :
Bad Zurzach, Switzerland
Event date :
June 10-13, 2024
Audience :
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Tags :
CÉCI : Consortium des Équipements de Calcul Intensif