[en] Sixty years since its inception, the Venice Charter remains a widely cited document in the field of heritage conservation. Whether embraced, debated, or critiqued for its Eurocentric bias, its enduring influence is undeniable. As the last major general scope document preceding the proliferation of specialized charters, its universalist aspirations are central to its legacy.
This contribution questions the feasibility of the Charter’s universalist ambitions, probing its applicability across diverse cultural contexts and the varying interpretations of its principles. By examining the abortive revision attempts initiated in the 1970s and the complexities surrounding its translations, including retranslations, the study reveals the practical challenges in realizing its ideals.
Drawing from the archives of R.M. Lemaire, former Secretary General and President of ICOMOS, this analysis highlights the divergence in interpretations and the resulting coexistence of multiple ‘Venice Charters’ globally. Through specific examples, it underscores the utopian nature of universalism in heritage matters and prompts a critical reassessment of the Charter’s role in contemporary heritage conservation practices.
Research Center/Unit :
AAP - Art, Archéologie et Patrimoine - ULiège
Disciplines :
Art & art history Architecture
Author, co-author :
Houbart, Claudine ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Unités de recherche interfacultaires > Art, Archéologie et Patrimoine (AAP)
Language :
Title :
Revisiting the Venice Charter's Universalist Ideals: A Critical Examination
Publication date :
November 2024
Event name :
ArquiMemória 6 – Encontro Internacional sobre Preservação do Patrimônio Edificado
Event organizer :
Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade Federal da Bahia (FAUFBA)
Event place :
Salvador de Bahia, Brazil
Event date :
5-8 november 2024
By request :
Audience :
Development Goals :
11. Sustainable cities and communities
Name of the research project :
Funders :
ULiège FSR - Université de Liège. Fonds spécial pour la recherche