The Impact of Energy on the Cost of Transport by Inland Waterways: a, Example of Bulk Transport
Marchal, Jean; Planchar, R.; Potier, G.
1988 • In Proceedings of the "International Seminar on "Energy Efficiency in Land Transport", Luxembourg, Congrès sur invitation de la C.E.E, p. 97-101
transport fluvial; coûts; consommation énergétique
Research Center/Unit :
LHCN (Laboratoires d'Hydraulique, Constructions Hydrauliques et Navales) Port de Liège Somef
Disciplines :
Civil engineering
Author, co-author :
Marchal, Jean ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Services administratifs généraux > Vice-Recteur aux Relations internationales - ANAST (Systèmes de transport et constructions navales)
Planchar, R.
Potier, G.
Language :
Title :
The Impact of Energy on the Cost of Transport by Inland Waterways: a, Example of Bulk Transport
Publication date :
May 1988
Journal title :
Proceedings of the "International Seminar on "Energy Efficiency in Land Transport", Luxembourg, Congrès sur invitation de la C.E.E