Under Pressure: Strategic Choices and Contextual Trade-offs of SMEs Facing Industry 4.0 Implementation
Zabudkina, Anastassiya; Lisein, Olivier; Pichault, François
2024 • In Braccini, Alessio Maria; Pallud, Jessie; Pennarola, Ferdinando (Eds.) Technologies for Digital Transformation: Moving Towards the Future of Organisations
[en] Besides sharing similar characteristics of staff headcount, turnover, and bal-ance sheet total, each SME has its unique context that may influence their in-tention to implement Industry 4.0. The contextual factors encouraging or preventing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from implementing Indus-try 4.0 receive an increasing attention by the research community. However, there is still a scarcity of studies that go beyond simple inventorying of con-textual enablers and barriers and that try to assess their influence on SMEs’ strategic choices regarding Industry 4.0 implementation. The authors of this study decided to tackle these gaps by conducting a narrative literature review focused on the following research question: How contextual enablers and barriers influence SMEs’ strategic choices regarding Industry 4.0 implemen-tation? Analysed through the lens of institutional approach, the results allow the authors to generate a global framework composed of 35 contextual trig-gers potentially leading SMEs to trade-offs regarding 5 dimensions of strate-gic choices for Industry 4.0 implementation.
Research Center/Unit :
LENTIC - Laboratoire d'Études sur les Nouvelles Formes de Travail, l'Innovation et le Changement - ULiège HEC Recherche. Changing workplace and strategic HRM - ULiège
Disciplines :
General management, entrepreneurship & organizational theory Management information systems Human resources management
Author, co-author :
Zabudkina, Anastassiya ; Université de Liège - ULiège > HEC Liège : UER > UER Management: Gestion du changement, innovation et intrapreneuriat
Lisein, Olivier ; Université de Liège - ULiège > HEC Liège : UER > UER Management: Gestion du changement, innovation et intrapreneuriat
Pichault, François ; Université de Liège - ULiège > HEC Liège : Centres attachés > LENTIC
Language :
Title :
Under Pressure: Strategic Choices and Contextual Trade-offs of SMEs Facing Industry 4.0 Implementation
Publication date :
29 May 2024
Main work title :
Technologies for Digital Transformation: Moving Towards the Future of Organisations
Author, co-author :
Pennarola, Ferdinando; Bocconi University > Department of Management and Technology
Editor :
Braccini, Alessio Maria; Tuscia University > Department of Economics and Business
Pallud, Jessie; EM Strasbourg Business School, Strasbourg Cedex
Publisher :
Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, Switzerland
Collection name :
Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Funding text :
This study has been initiated by the Digital Lab and co-financed by its partners, Wallonie Entreprendre, Equans, John Cockerill, and AGC.
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