[en] Biological rhythms evolved to adapt to and to anticipate the 24-h cycle of light and darkness. The physiological framework that underpins these circadian (about 24-h) rhythms comprises oscillations in the expression of clock genes and their protein products. The molecular machinery of the circadian system plays a pivotal role in a wide range of functional systems, ranging from the control of cell cycle, to the regulation of cardiac and metabolic function, and of the human sleep–wake cycle. However, disruptions of the fine-tuned regulation of clock gene expression can result in numerous symptoms and disorders, including circadian rhythm sleep disorders (CRSD), metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular diseases. This article focuses on the implication of the molecular mechanisms driving circadian rhythms in CRSD. A general portrait of the complex interplay of genetic and environmental factors on the human sleep–wake cycle is also presented.
Disciplines :
Neurosciences & behavior
Author, co-author :
Chellappa, Sarah Laxhmi ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Unités de recherche interfacultaires > GIGA-CRC In vivo Imaging (Centre de Recherche du Cyclotron)
Viola, A.U.; Centre for Chronobiology, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Mongrain, V.; Center for Advanced Research in Sleep Medicine, Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal, Montréal, Canada ; Department of Psychiatry, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada
Language :
Title :
Circadian rhythm sleep disorder: genetic and environmental factors
Publication date :
Main work title :
Encyclopedia of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms: Volume 1-6, Second Edition
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