Article (Scientific journals)Les champs électromagnétiques de faible intensité produisent une vague calcique dans les fibroblastes
Bomans, J.; Lambert, C. A.; Scarpa, B. et al.
1996 • In Bulletin et Mémoires de l'Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique, 151 (3-4), p. 243-9, discussion 250-2
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Abstract :
[en] Human fibroblasts display a Ca2+ wave after irradiation with an electromagnetic field (EMF) of low intensity (100 to 900 microT) as seen by LASER confocal microscopy and excitation of Fluo 3. The number of excited cells is proportional to the intensity of EMF between 100 and 900 microT. Cellular activation by a dialysable serum factor is required to induce the Ca2+ wave. It also depends on extracellular Ca2+ and active tyrosine kinases and phospholipase C gamma.
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