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Comparison of measurements of the laxity index with 3 versus 5-point circles on stress radiographs performed with the Vezzoni- modified Badertscher hip distension device
Vanderbeek, Pauline; Etienne, Anne-Laure
2019Congrès européen d'Imagerie médicale vétérinaire


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Abstract :
[en] Introduction/Purpose The laxity index (LI) obtained with Vezzoni-modified Badertscher distension device (VMBDD) presents many advantages compared to the distraction index obtained on the PennHIP distraction radiograph (only 2 X-rays, only a single operator, no legal obligations,…). In a recent study, they described a measurement method of the LI on stressed radiographs performed with VMBDD of which a step consisted to delimit the femoral head by a circle from 5 predefined points. However, the majority of image analysis software package allows 3-point circles with the exception of Digimizer which only the trial version is free. The aim of this study was to compare the LI obtained with measurements made with 3 versus 5-point circles. Methods The radiographic images used in this study were acquired on 15 dogs presented to the Veterinary University Clinic in Liège, for obligatory hip screening and lameness from the hips. The 30 LI were measured independently by a last year student and a senior clinician in radiology with 3 and 5-point circles. 5 dogs obtained official LI from the Belgian kennel club SRSH-KMSH (5-point circles). Non-parametric Wilcoxon tests were used to compare the measurements. Results The LI measurements performed by the two operators were not significantly different (p=0,45 and 0,1 for the left and right hip, respectively). The LI made from 3-point circles are not significantly different from those to 5 points (p=0,5 for both hips). The measurements were not significantly different from those of the SRSH-KMSH. Discussion/ Conclusion These results suggested that usual image analysis software package with 3-point circles allowed correct measurements. They confirmed that a high degree of experience in radiographic assessment is not necessary to perform the LI.
Disciplines :
Veterinary medicine & animal health
Author, co-author :
Vanderbeek, Pauline
Etienne, Anne-Laure ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'Ens. et de Clinique des Equidés (DCE) > Imagerie médicale des équidés
Language :
Title :
Comparison of measurements of the laxity index with 3 versus 5-point circles on stress radiographs performed with the Vezzoni- modified Badertscher hip distension device
Alternative titles :
[en] Comparaison de mesures d’indices de laxité avec des cercles à 3 versus 5 points sur des radiographies de hanComparaison de mesures d’indices de laxité avec des cercles à 3 versus 5 points sur des radiographies de hanches sous contrainte obtenues avec le dispositif de distension de Badertscher modifié par Vezzoniches sous contrainte obtenues avec le dispositif de distension de Badertscher modifié par Vezzoni
Publication date :
Event name :
Congrès européen d'Imagerie médicale vétérinaire
Event organizer :
ECVDI Congress (European College Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging)
Event place :
Basel, Switzerland
Event date :
du 21 au 24 août 2019
Audience :
Available on ORBi :
since 27 September 2021


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