[en] The present invention relates to a process and apparatus for measuring the three dimensional shape
(or 3D shape) of an object, specifically adapted to inter ferometric measuring methods.
Research Center/Unit :
HOLOLAB - Université de Liège CEA - Centre Européen en Archéométrie - ULiège
Disciplines :
Inventor :
Tilkens, Bernard; DEIOS s.a. - Angleur
Renotte, Yvon ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de physique > Optique - Hololab
Moreau, Vincent; DEIOS s.a. - Angleur
Language :
Title (54) :
Process and apparatus for measuring a 3D shapes of an object
Publication date (43-45) :
02 June 2005
Filing date (22) :
10 November 2004
Patent/publication number (10-11) :
WO2005049840 A2
Patent status (13) :
Priority number (30) :
03078577.8 PT 17.11.2003
International classification (IPC) (51) :
C12N 15/82
European classification (ECLA) (52) :
G01B11/25; G01B11/24
Applicant (71) :
Université de Liège - Interface Entreprise Université
Publication organism (19) :
World Intellectual Proprety Organization
Name of the research project :
OSIRIS (Optical Systems for Interferometric Relief Investigation and Scanning)
Funders :
DGTRE - Région wallonne. Direction générale des Technologies, de la Recherche et de l'Énergie