[en] This paper describes a case report and reviews the literature concerning isolated torsion of the splenic pedicle in a dog. Splenic torsion is found in young, large and deep-chested dogs with a prevalence of 3.5 to 6%. The pathogenesis of isolated splenic torsion is unknown, Clinical signs and diagnostic procedures are non specific. Only sonographic changes are valuable in performing an etiologic diagnosis, The surgical treatment consists in a splenectomy, An early diagnosis and surgical treatment usually lead to a good prognosis.
Disciplines :
Veterinary medicine & animal health
Author, co-author :
Zonderland, J. L.
Balligand, Marc ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département clinique des animaux de compagnie et des équidés > Chirurgie et clinique chirurgicale des petits animaux
Snaps, Frédéric ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département clinique des animaux de compagnie et des équidés > Imagerie médicale
Heimannn, M.
Language :
Title :
La torsion isolée de la rate : cas clinique et revue de la littérature
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