[en] This chapter discusses different approaches used to model soil dynamic processes: physical (temperature and water), chemical, and biological (nitrogen and carbon). It presents insights on the spatial variability of soils and their impact on yield variations as well as a case study of a multi‐model ensemble to predict changes of soil organic carbon and its feedback to yield in sites across the world. Process‐based models models use a mechanistic approach to represent the complex biophysical processes that influence greenhouse gas emissions and plant growth. These models simulate N2O emissions derived from nitrification. Compared with nitrification, denitrification is more complex in terms of its biochemistry, and it produces N2O as an obligate intermediate. New datasets for different agroecosystems, crop rotations, and agronomic practices that include high‐frequency soil water, soil mineral N, and N2O measurements are currently being developed.
Disciplines :
Computer science Agriculture & agronomy
Author, co-author :
Basso, Bruno
Cammarano, Davide
Migliorati, Massimiliano De Antononi
Maestrini, Bernardo
Dumont, Benjamin ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département GxABT > Phytotechnie tempérée
Grace, Peter R.
Language :
Title :
Chapter 20: Modeling Soil Dynamic Processes
Publication date :
Main work title :
Agroclimatology: Linking Agriculture to Climate, Volume 60
Author, co-author :
Hatfield, J.L., Sivakumar, M.V.K.
Publisher :
American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Society of America
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