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References of the abstract :
Robotein® is a technological platform built on competences and infrastructures available
in the academic setting of two labs that offer a complete structural biology portfolio: the Center
for Protein Engineering (CIP, Université de Liège, Belgium) and the Structural Biology and
Bioinformatics Centre (SBBC, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium). Equipped with two Hamilton
workstations (one EasyPick Microlab STARlet and one Microlab STAR), one system for
biomolecular interactions analysis (Octet HTX by fortéBIO – Pall Life Sciences), one system for
automated electrophoretic separation of RNA, DNA and proteins (LabChip GXII by Perkin Elmer),
one high-throughput protein arrayer (Marathon Classic Microarrayer by Arrayjet) combined with
an infrared imager (128x128 focal plane array detector FTIR imaging microscope by Agilent) and
two microplate readers (Infinite M200 PRO by TECAN), we offer automated screening for optimal
cloning and gene expression in both bacteria and yeast, protein purification, refolding and
stabilization (formulation), and protein biochemical and biophysical characterization, on either a
collaborative or service basis