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Abstract :
[en] In this talk, I first presented the project 'Crossing Boundaries. Understanding Complex Scribal Practices in Ancient Egypt' in the framework of which this research is situated. After having introduced divination practices in Ancient Egypt as a whole, discussing evidence from before and (mostly) after the New Kingdom, I turn to types of divinations that are attested during the New Kingdom (hemerology and menology, oneiromancy and lecanomancy). Fragments from the Museo Egizio (Turin) that have been identified by Roccati back in 1984 are then presented, which includes divinations by thunder (brontologion), earthquakes, and divinations for the foundation of a house. Previous discussions have linked similar Demotic fragments to the Mesopotamian Enūma Anu Enlil (Collombert 2014), but one can argue that the monthly organization of the Mesopotamian Iqqur Ipuš divinations is a closer parallel to these texts. Based on the available fragments, at least two different original scrolls can be reconstructed.