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Poster (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Colorectal Cancer : Biomarkers and Effect Size
Di Giovanni, Nicolas; Meuwis, Marie-Alice; Louis, Edouard et al.
201912émes journées scientifiques du RFMF


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Keywords :
Metabolomics; Gas chromatography; Colorectal Cancer
Abstract :
[en] Colorectal cancer kills more than 700.000 persons each year worldwide. Nevertheless, its diagnosis is still largely based on invasive tissue sampling and gaps remain in the understanding of its pathogenesis, with complex combinations between lifestyle, genetics, epigenetics, chronic inflammation (IBD) and microbiota. We analyzed serum samples from patients affected by colorectal cancer (CRC, n = 18) and by colorectal cancer in remission (R-CRC, n = 17), and samples from healthy patients matched for biases (HC, n = 19 and R-HC, n = 17). The aim was to find candidate biomarkers able to diagnose the active state of the disease as well as to compare the concentration levels of the molecules of interest with the remission state to better understand the biolocal processes beneath the observed clinical and metabolic symptoms. To do so, an optimized and validated (NIST SRM 1950) comprehensive GC×GC-(HR)TOFMS method we developed was used. It includes an in-house QC system, data processing based on multiple statistical techniques and identification using full mass spectrum, linear retention indices and accurate mass provided by state-of-the-art high-resolution (HR) time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Because the experimental design prevented a direct comparison between the active and remission samples, which were not directly matched for biases, we used a measure called effect size that has the advantage to not only focus on statistical significance but on effect (here signal variation) magnitude. We will discuss the interest and application of effect size in metabolomics and we will present the highlighted candidate biomarkers in terms of discrimination potential.
Research Center/Unit :
Organic and Biological Analytical Chemistry Group (Obiachem), MS Lab
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Di Giovanni, Nicolas ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de chimie (sciences) > Chimie analytique, organique et biologique
Meuwis, Marie-Alice  ;  Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège - CHU > Service de gastroentérologie, hépatologie, onco. digestive
Louis, Edouard  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences cliniques > Hépato-gastroentérologie
Focant, Jean-François  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de chimie (sciences) > Chimie analytique, organique et biologique
Language :
Title :
Colorectal Cancer : Biomarkers and Effect Size
Publication date :
21 May 2019
Number of pages :
Event name :
12émes journées scientifiques du RFMF
Event organizer :
Réseau Francophone de Métabolomique et de Fluxomique
Event place :
Clermont-Ferrand, France
Event date :
21-23 mai 2019
Available on ORBi :
since 29 May 2019


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