[en] In many cases of colics in the horse, the activated neutrophils release myeloperoxidase, a specific oxidative enzyme. This study evaluated the levels of myeloperoxidase in plasma and peritoneal fluid of horses suffering from all types of colics at the time of the admission in clinic, and followed the evolution of the plasmatic rates of this enzyme during the postoperative period. A prognostic value of the rates of myeloperoxydase was searched. The measurements were performed by an equine specific immunoenzymatic test in 154 horses at the time of the admission and in 29 during the postoperative period. At the admission time, the plasmatic rates of myeloperoxidase were significantly higher in case of surgical pathology. High gravity and shock scores as well as a fatal outcome were associated with increased plasmatic levels in myeloperoxidase. High levels of the enzyme in the peritoneal fluid were associated with a high shock score. The evolution of the plasmatic values during the postoperative period did not vary significantly according neither to the complications, the final outcome, nor the recovery time. Measurements of the enzymatic activity in plasma, peritoneal fluid and in intestinal biopsies would make it possible to complete these results.