[en] The aim of the session was to share some personal oculoplastic surgery complications. First event described : the unfortunate injection of contact adrenaline 1/1000 instead of xylocaïne 1% adrenaline 1/100000 in a lip mucosa during the harvesting of a muquous graft was responsible for a ST segment depression. Second event described : the injection of xylocaïne 1% adrenaline 1/100000 during a simple conjonctivo-mullerectomy lead to a significant eyelid suffering. The patient was old and in a palliative context. These two events permit to develop the risks associated with the use of adrenaline during oculoplastic surgery.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
XHAUFLAIRE, Gaël ; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège - CHU > Service d'ophtalmologie
Language :
Title :
Simple oculoplastic cases turned out to be complicated...