intérêt général; missions de service public; service d’intérêt général
Abstract :
[en] This paper introduces key notions to public services in Belgium and Europe such as:
collective interest, public interest and general interest, analysed in a historical and
evolutionary perspective, and then presented and discussed in their present
understanding. Particular emphasis is put on the French notions issued from the French
law given their contribution in shaping European law which is regulating today an
important part of the organisation of public services.
Missions attributed to public services are then classified following a Matriochka model,
on the basis on their scope/proximity to the general interest: missions of general
interest, missions of public service, missions of universal service and, finally, missions
of minimum service. The seven basic principles framing public services are also
The second part of the paper deals with the notion of public service under the
European Union’s perspective. Here the concept of services of general interest (SGI) is
introduced and shaded with other deriving notions such as: services of general
economic interest (SGEI) and social services general interest (SSGI). Principles and
values at the basis of the European notions are finally presented and analysed through
a review of legislation.
Research Center/Unit :
CIRIEC - Centre International de Recherches et d'Information sur l'Économie Publique, Sociale et Coopérative - ULiège
Disciplines :
Economic systems & public economics
Author, co-author :
Caponetti, Lia ; Université de Liège > Département de science politique > Politique européenne
Sak, Barbara
Language :
Title :
Comment définir le service public à travers ses différentes facettes, missions et principes?
Ce rapport est l’une des quatre parties (disponibles aussi en
néerlandais) d’une étude plus globale « Enjeux et importance des
services publics en Belgique », réalisée en 2016 par le CIRIECBelgium,
le CRISP (Centre de recherche et d’information sociopolitiques)
et la FAR (Form’Action André Renard) à la demande de la
Centrale générale des Services publics (CGSP) / Algemene Centrale
der Openbare Diensten (ACOD). Une synthèse et mise en perspective
de cette étude sera également publiée dans la collection des Working
Papers du CIRIEC.