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Fitness evaluation and molecular characterization of a recombinant murine norovirus (MuNoV) during serial passages in cell culture
Ferreira de Oliveira Filho, Edmilson; Di Felice, Elisabetta; Toffoli, Barbara et al.
2015Xth International congress for Veterinary Virology


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Abstract :
[en] Objective: Viral recombination can dramatically change virulence properties of the viruses and has been evidenced in silico for different human NoV strains isolated from clinical cases. Previously, a recombinant Wu20/CW1 strain was obtained after in vitro coinfection of RAW264.7 cells with parental MuNoV strains CW1 and Wu20 (Mathijs et al 2010). The recombinant strain showed reduced plaque size compared to the parental strains and it was suggested that this was due to modified virulence properties in vitro. The aim of this study was to observe and molecularly characterize the natural genetic evolution of the recombinant MuNoV strain across in vitro replications. Methods: MNV strains used in this study were CW1, WU20 (Thackray et al., 2007, kindly provided by prof. H. Virgin) and Rec MNV (Mathijs et al., 2010). RAW 264.7 cells (ATCC TIB-71) grown in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (Invitrogen) complemented (DMEMc) with 10 % heat inactivated FCS (BioWhittaker), 2 % penicillin (5000 U /ml) and streptomycin (5000 mg/ml) (PS; Invitrogen) and 1 % HEPES buffer (1 M; Invitrogen). The recombinant strain was serially replicated in vitro in RAW264.7 cells (up to 14 passages). RAW 264.7 (Mouse leukaemic monocyte macrophage) cells were infected with MNV for 72 hours and afterwards lysed by freeze and thaw and viruses purified by ultracentrifugation of both cells and supernatant. Viral plaque sizes of early and late progenies (30 for each virus) were compared with the Image J software. The experiment was repeated two times. RNA was extracted from 140 ml purified suspension 1:5 diluted using the QIAamp Viral RNA Mini KitTM (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. cDNA was generated using a poly-A primer tagged GCCAACGACCGGGAGGCCAGC(T)20 previously described (Müller et al 2007) using superscript ii reverse transcriptase kit (Invitrogen®) treated with RNase H or with other antisense primers using iScript select kit (Bio-Rad®). For the genetic characterization two different studies were conducted. The first study aimed to develop a sequencing strategy in order to obtain the complete genome of the recombinant MNV. Then, in the second study, sequences obtained from different viral passages into RAW cells (e.g. P5 and P14) were compared in order to study the viral adaptation. Primers were designed using the Primer Express® software and netprimer® (Premier biosoft). PCR was performed using taq polymerase with thermopol buffer (new England biolabs) as per manufacturer’s instructions. Afterwards, fragments were excised from agarose gel and DNA purified using the QIAquick Gel Extraction KitTM (Qiagen) and cloning using the PGEM T easy cloning kit (Promega) plasmid DNA was transferred to sequencing by GATC Biotech (Koblenz, Germany). Results: The size of the lysis plaque surface of P2 and P14 showed a considerable divergence. The average plaque size increased from the earlier to the later progenies (from 0.1 mm2 to around 0.5 mm2). A significant difference was demonstrated between them with the Mann and Whitney non parametric statistical test. The genetic characterization of the recombinant strain obtained in vitro was previously based on partial genomic sequences, which provided limited information. Accordingly to our initial molecular analysis of 1.5 kb partial genomic sequence comprising the part of the RdRp and the part of the VP1 did not show any genetic modifications between passage 4 (accession number HM044221) and passage 14 recMNV. Therefore, a strategy for sequencing the complete genome of the different MNV strains was established. The genome of the recombinant MNV was divided into seven regions and the amplification was performed using either new designed or previous published primers. Molecular analysis using the nearly complete genome of the recombinant MNV passage 14 and the two parental strains (CW1 and WU20) showed nine modifications in the genome, comprising three aminoacid changes. Accordingly, two modification were in the RdRp region aa position 1384 Glycine (G) instead of Aspartic acid (D) and aa position 1393 Serine (S) instead of Asparagine (N) and one modification was in the capsid region one modification on aa position 296 Glutamic Acid (E) instead of Lysine. Conclusion: Even preliminary, our data provide evidence of virus adaptation to a new environment (here a cell culture system) after a recombination event. In order to specify whether these hints of genetic mutations could explain fitness modifications during in vitro evolution we need to compare the sequences of passage 14 and the previous viral cellular passages. In addition, two other parameters of in vitro virulence modification will be investigated: (i) virus production and (ii) growth kinetics. The data should provide interesting information about genetic evolution in the genus Norovirus, especially regarding recombination events and explain how a recombinant strain, first disadvantaged compared to its parental strains, could regain fitness by genetic evolution.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Ferreira de Oliveira Filho, Edmilson
Di Felice, Elisabetta
Toffoli, Barbara
Zonta, William 
Terzian, Ana Carolina
Mathijs, Elisabeth
Thiry, Etienne  ;  Université de Liège > Département des maladies infectieuses et parasitaires (DMI) > Virologie vétérinaire et maladies virales animales
Mauroy, Axel ;  Université de Liège > Département des maladies infectieuses et parasitaires (DMI) > Virologie vétérinaire et maladies virales animales
Language :
Title :
Fitness evaluation and molecular characterization of a recombinant murine norovirus (MuNoV) during serial passages in cell culture
Publication date :
01 September 2015
Event name :
Xth International congress for Veterinary Virology
Event organizer :
European Society for Veterinary Virology
Event place :
Montpellier, France
Event date :
31th of August to 3rd of September
Audience :
References of the abstract :
Proceedings of the Xth International Congress for Veterinary Virology, pg40-41.
Available on ORBi :
since 04 November 2015


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