Managing age diversity in companies: transferring competences between generations at work – Project Génération+
Dujardin, Jean-Marie; Randaxhe, David
2016 • In Field, John; Schmidt-Hertha, Bernhard; Waxenegger, Andrea (Eds.) Universities and Engagement - International perspectives on higher education and lifelong learning
[en] The book will offer an answer to the question ‘What can be understood by University Lifelong Learning today?’ by collating the work of specialists from across Europe and beyond who have first-hand experience in the field of university engagement through continuing education. With a diverse range of expertise from the UK, Ireland, Germany, Finland, Malta, Belgium, New Zealand, Austria and the USA, readers are guaranteed a varied and informative collection of perspectives on this important topic.
Taken as a whole, the book provides a theoretical background for readers, drawing on recent research and practice examples from a variety of countries and institutional settings, as well as demonstrating a variety of conceptual approaches, confirming the diverse range of possible solutions. Key topics covered include:
- research into policy and practice;
- engaging with business and industry;
- engaging with communities;
- engaging with an ageing society;
- active citizenship and regional competitiveness.
Developed in collaboration with the European University Continuing Education Network (EUCEN), Universities and Engagement is an invaluable contribution to research in the subject of lifelong learning. It will be of value to academics, practitioners and professionals with an interest in higher education and community management, and will be particularly suited to those interested in lifelong learning, adult education and community development.
Disciplines :
Human resources management
Author, co-author :
Dujardin, Jean-Marie ; Université de Liège > HEC-Ecole de gestion : UER > UER Management et didactique des sciences économiques
Randaxhe, David ; Université de Liège > HEC-Ecole de gestion : UER > UER Management
Language :
Title :
Managing age diversity in companies: transferring competences between generations at work – Project Génération+
Publication date :
Main work title :
Universities and Engagement - International perspectives on higher education and lifelong learning
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