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Poster (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
The phosphorylation of RelA on Ser547 does not modulate NF-kB activation after TNFa treatment like after a genotoxic stress
Trussart, Charlotte; Orban, Tanguy; Di Valentin, Emmanuel et al.
2015DISCOLBEL meeting in KUL


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Keywords :
Biologie moléculaire; Cancer; Agents chimiothérapeutiques
Abstract :
[en] NF-kB controls the expression of hundred of genes involved in inflammatory and innate responses, proliferation, survival, cancer initiation and progression. Numerous post-translational modifications of p65 modulating NF-kB transcriptional activity are known. We identified Ser547 as a new site of p65 phosphorylation targeted by ATM kinase, which coordinates the “DNA Damage Response” pathway in the event of DNA double-strand breaks. We demonstrated that the phosphorylation of Ser547 regulates the transcription of a sub-set of NF-κB dependent genes after genotoxic stress by modifying HDAC1 recruitment(1). Presently, we are investigating the role of this specific phosphorylation in an inflammatory context. We observe that the mutations of p65 (S547A or S547D) also affect the transcriptional potential of the NF-κB in a promoter specific manner after an exposition to TNFα and H2O2. The study of the molecular mechanism of this regulation after TNFα and H2O2 exposition are both in progress.
Disciplines :
Biochemistry, biophysics & molecular biology
Author, co-author :
Trussart, Charlotte ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Doct. sc. (bioch., biol. mol.&cell., bioinf.&mod.-Bologne)
Orban, Tanguy ;  Université de Liège > Département des sciences de la vie > Génétique et biologie moléculaires animales
Di Valentin, Emmanuel  ;  Université de Liège > Département des sciences de la vie > GIGA-R : Virologie et immunologie
Piette, Jacques ;  Université de Liège > Département des sciences de la vie > GIGA-R : Virologie - Immunologie
Habraken, Yvette ;  Université de Liège > GIGA-R : Virologie - Immunologie
Language :
Title :
The phosphorylation of RelA on Ser547 does not modulate NF-kB activation after TNFa treatment like after a genotoxic stress
Publication date :
06 February 2015
Number of pages :
Affiche (A0)
Event name :
DISCOLBEL meeting in KUL
Event organizer :
Patrizia Aggostini
Event place :
Louvain, Belgium
Event date :
6 février 2015
Available on ORBi :
since 26 May 2015


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