Automated optimisation; net zero; buildings; design; decision support
Abstract :
[en] Automated mathematical building performance optimisation (BPO) paired with building performance simulation (BPS) is a promising solution to use as a means to evaluating many different design options and obtain the optimal or near optimal for a given objective or combination of objectives (e.g., lowest life-cycle cost, lowest capital cost, highest thermal comfort) while achieving fixed objectives (e.g., net zero-energy) (Wetter 2001; Charron and Athienitis 2006; Christensen and Anderson 2006; Brown, Glicksman et al. 2010; Bucking, Athienitis et al. 2010 ). Traditionally, buildings are designed based on heuristic rules separating the design process into early and late design stages with two different discipline specialisations mainly architecture and engineering. By employing optimisation techniques building designers can cross those barriers between disciplines and address the design process as one continuous stage. Optimisation can allow that by addressing all building design parameters, as shown in Figure 4.1, in a holistic approach allowing the optimisation of geometry, envelope, comfort, systems and renewable. The previously often ill defined design problem would under this perspective be defined as a problem with explicit multi-objective criteria. This will push fully integrated net zero-energy building (Net-ZEB) designs where the builder designers can act to influence the direction of the optimisation. Despite optimisation’s potential in Net-ZEB buildings, it remains largely a research tool and has yet to emerge in common industry practice. As this section reports, major obstacles to BPO in industry include lack of appropriate tools, lack of resources (time, expertise), and the requirement that the problem be very well defined (e.g., constraints, objective function, finite list of design options). The objective of this section is to document the current state-of-the-art and future research in terms of Net-ZEB optimisation tools in practice and its use for design and operation of buildings for energy, comfort and cost optimisation.
Research Center/Unit :
Sustainable Buildings Design Lab
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Attia, Shady ; Université de Liège > Département Argenco : Secteur A&U > Techniques de construction des bâtiments
Hamdy, Mohamed
Carlucci, Salvatore
Pagliano, Lorenzo
Bucking, Scott
Hasan, Ala
Language :
Title :
Modelling, Design, and Optimisation of Net-Zero Energy Buildings
Alternative titles :
[en] Building Performance Optimisation of Net Zero-Energy Buildings
Publication date :
01 February 2015
Main work title :
Building Performance Optimisation of Net Zero-Energy Buildings
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