[en] The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the potential role of approaches that integrates the BIM and productivity measurement tools to increase the productivity in construction. A concept of operation will be proposed in the context of a pilot project that is designed to be used in future projects that use a new constructive system which is developed by industrial partners; this system offers a controlled and protected building environment. The research methodology is structured into four steps. 1) Benchmarking the firm's current situation through direct observations, surveys and interviews to identify issues and challenges related to the use of technologies, the current process, and the organizational structure of the project. 2) Defining the desired situation based on the project’s stakeholders’ expectations. 3) Using Focus Groups to determine and sort the requirements for an instrumentation of the new Construction Process. 4) Determining the instrumentation to be installed to support the new operation modes that are to be used by industrial partners. This instrumentation is supported by BIM, Productivity and ICT tools, and will be validated through site tests and interviews with project’s stakeholders. Preliminary results showed a problem of coordination and communication in the project, and identified resistance factors to technology adoption, specifically BIM implementation. The paper also highlights several wastes that have been found during pilot project analysis, and that have been correlated to the wastes found from literature.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Tahrani, Souha; Ecole de technologie supérieure - Montreal > GRIDD
Schmitz, Dimitri ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département Argenco : Secteur A&U > Architecture
Leonard, Michael; Ecole de technologie supérieure - Montreal > GRIDD
Villeneuve, Thierry; Ecole de technologie supérieure - Montreal > GRIDD
Laberge, Vincent; Ecole de technologie supérieure - Montreal > GRIDD
Valdivieso, Fernando; Ecole de technologie supérieure - Montreal > GRIDD
Forgues, Daniel; Ecole de technologie supérieure - Montreal > GRIDD
Language :
Title :
Towards a concept of operation using BIM technologies to improve productivity in construction projects.
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