Yatskiv, Yaroslav S.; Main Astronomical Observatory of the NAS of Ukraine - MAO NASU > director
Alexandrov, Alexander N.; Kiev National Taras Shevcheno University, Astronomical Obsrvatory - AO KNU > astrophysics > senior researcher
Vavylova, Iryna B.; Main Astronomical Observatory of the NAS of Ukraine - MAO NASU > Astro-spaceinformation and computing centre - ASICC > head of the Laboratory for Astro-Information
Zhdanov, Valery I.; Kiev National Taras Shevcheno University, Astronomical Obsrvatory - AO KNU > astrophysics > head of the department, professor
Zhuk, Alexander I.
Kudrya, Juri N.; Kiev National Taras Shevcheno University, Astronomical Obsrvatory - AO KNU > astrophysics > senior researcher
Parnovsky, Serge L.; Kiev National Taras Shevcheno University, Astronomical Obsrvatory - AO KNU > astrophysics > professor
Fedorova, Olena ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'astrophys., géophysique et océanographie (AGO) > Astroph. extragalactique et observations spatiales (AEOS)
Khmil, Serge V.; Kiev National Taras Shevcheno University, Astronomical Obsrvatory - AO KNU > astrophysics
Title :
Загальна теорiя вiдносностi: горизонти випробувань