2013 • NSBM Fall Meeting 2013: "First Euregional Meeting on Structural Bioinformatics and Modeling of Biomolecules in Belgium, Germany and Netherlands"
[en] The peptide studied here was designed to form beta amphiphilic films with the aim to stabilize purified membrane proteins. This interaction has notably been followed by FRET. Hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues are alternate and positively and negatively charged residues place respectively at the start end the end of the peptide. The peptide has been studied by atomistic and coarse grained molecular dynamics in water, chloroform and mixed solutions. The peptide was observed to spontaniously form beta films at the chloroform water interface. Moreover, when we simulate the interaction of this peptide with a membrane protein and with a membrane protein in a micelle of dodecylphosphocholine. The peptide was observed to form beta films at the membrane protein surface and even remove surfactants from the membrane protein surface. The simulations confirms the behaviour of this peptide observed in vitro and shows that it could be used instead of detergents.
Research Center/Unit :
Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire Numérique
Disciplines :
Biochemistry, biophysics & molecular biology
Author, co-author :
Crowet, Jean-Marc ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Chimie et bio-industries > Biophysique moléc. numér.
Dony, Nicolas ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Centre d'ingénierie des protéines
Deschamps, Antoine; Université Catholique de Louvain - UCL > Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics of Bacteria
Soumillion, Patrice; Université Catholique de Louvain - UCL > Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics of Bacteria
Lins, Laurence ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Chimie et bio-industries > Biophysique moléc. numér.
Language :
Title :
Simulations of a beta amphiphilic peptide as potential surfactant of membrane proteins
Publication date :
25 October 2013
Event name :
NSBM Fall Meeting 2013: "First Euregional Meeting on Structural Bioinformatics and Modeling of Biomolecules in Belgium, Germany and Netherlands"
Event organizer :
Netherlands Society on Biomolecular Modelling (NSBM)
Event place :
Maastricht, Netherlands
Event date :
25 october 2013
Audience :
Name of the research project :
IAP/Belspo P7/44 project : Integrative Protein Science (iPROS)
Funders :
BELSPO - SPP Politique scientifique - Service Public Fédéral de Programmation Politique scientifique