[en] Recent operative satellite multispectral sensors like MERIS, MODIS with more traditional AVHRR and SeaWiFS and high resolution ASTER and ASAR give an unique opportunity for investigation of the marine processes with spatial scale from few hundred meters and temporal variability from few hours. In addition to this, QuikScat wind data helps to better understand an eventual forcing variation. One of the most important processes in coastal area is water (and probable pollutants) transport and mixing. Optical and thermal properties of the water or surface roughness peculiarities can be used as tracers or markers on subsequent images for the estimation of the currents structure and pollution displacement in ocean upper layer. Such kind of investigation is subject to significant interest near the ports and cities surroundings due to strong anthropogenic impact. Processes for the Tangier bay area were investigated by the means of the above-mentioned satellite data coupled with CTD and ADCP field measurements (August 2003). This analysis shown the strong influence of the mesoscale processes like eddies and wind driven upwelling on the currents patterns in the coastal zone. On the basis of the ASTER and ASAR data we estimated typical pollutions pathways. MODIS (Aqua and Terra ) and MERIS data were used for investigation of the variations of the water optical properties on time scale from few hours. This scale is important according to the typical 12 hours tidal motions in Tangier bay area Mutual analyses shown that mixing on Camarinal sill play a significant role in exchange processes in Tangier bay . AVHRR SST data set were analyzed together with QuikScat wind data. This analysis shown that Westward winds caused coastal upwelling phenomena with temperature difference up to 10° C. Quikscat spatial wind variability was also compared with NCEP wind data in nearest point --6W, 36N. Animations for different seasons, on the basis of subsequent thermal AVHRR images, highlighted the variability of regional dynamics. In addition, SeaWiFS time series images were processed, analyzed and compared with MODIS and MERIS data. Multispectral and multisensors approach for Tangier coastal areas study shown high efficiency at that scale, and can obviously be used for other regions.
Research Center/Unit :
MARE - Centre Interfacultaire de Recherches en Océanologie - ULiège
Disciplines :
Earth sciences & physical geography
Author, co-author :
Tigny, Vincent
Elabdellaoui, Jamal
Djenidi, Salim ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'astrophys., géophysique et océanographie (AGO) > GeoHydrodynamics and Environment Research (GHER)
Stanichnaya, Ryma
Soloviev, Dimitry
Language :
Title :
Satellite data for local investigation in coastal zones: case study for Tangier area (Morrocco)