The country of residence and migrant transnationalism: how do opportunity structures in countries of residence affect transnational attitudes and behavior of migrant organizations from the African Great Lakes region
Van Houte, Marieke; Perrin, Nathalie; Orrnert, Anna
2013 • In Halm, Dirk; Sezgin, Zeynep (Eds.) Migration and Organized Civil Society: Rethinking national policy
Perrin, Nathalie ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Institut des sciences humaines et sociales > Centre d'études de l'ethnicité et des migrations (CEDEM)
Orrnert, Anna
Language :
Title :
The country of residence and migrant transnationalism: how do opportunity structures in countries of residence affect transnational attitudes and behavior of migrant organizations from the African Great Lakes region
Publication date :
Main work title :
Migration and Organized Civil Society: Rethinking national policy
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