[en] This text focuses on how teachers and other institutional actors (such as headmasters,
psychologists and social workers) offer guidance to pupils in secondary schools. It stresses the epistemological and empirical challenges inherent in a study of decisionmaking in school guidance as used by teachers, based on field theory. The text begins with a presentation of several sociological studies of how teachers construct their judgments about pupils. It emphasizes the strength of the concept of field as a key to understanding the role played by teachers in the formal process of educational (school) guidance, specifically in the case of the French "Grandes Ecoles". This section goes on to show that, with the weakening of the autonomy of (the) educational institutions, (the) French sociology of education moved away from (the) Bourdieu’s perspective, (and) to focus(ed) on the moral pluralism inherent in education and the ethical tensions that institutional actors face. The second part of the text discusses the findings of socioanthropological fieldwork undertaken in secondary schools in the French Community of Belgium. This section argues that the dynamics of judgments made by teachers today canbest be understood through their structural linkages with the structure of the field of secondary education.
Disciplines :
Sociology & social sciences
Author, co-author :
Andre, Géraldine ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Institut des sciences humaines et sociales > Sociologie du développement
Hilgers, Mathieu
Language :
Title :
Collective Agents in the School Field: Positions, Dispositions and Position-taking, in Educational and Vocational Guidance
Publication date :
Main work title :
Bourdieu's Theory of Social Fields. Concept and applications
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