Last December, an article in Nature magazine announced that, in 2023 alone, 10,000 articles had been withdrawn from several scientific journals due to fraud. This figure is just the tip of the “Fake Science” iceberg.
The proliferation of questionable, if not fraudulent, articles calls into question the very relevance of the prevailing economic models for disseminating research.
€493,935 were paid by researchers in 2023 as APC (Article Processing Charges), an average of €2,297 per article! This represents an increase of 12.8% compared with 2022. Colossal sums lost for scientific research. However, solutions do exist to bring the bill down.
L'ULiège vous invite à la 2e édition de l'Open Science Day le 7 novembre 2024. Cet événement offre l'opportunité aux membres de la communauté ULiège d’échanger autour de leurs pratiques de Science Ouverte et de (re)découvrir certains outils, nouvelles fonctionnalités ou initiatives développées ou en chantier à l’ULiège en la matière.
Deux formats seront proposés : des présentations longues (20 min) pour explorer en profondeur des projets scientifiques, et des présentations flash (5 min) axées sur des solutions pratiques.
First steps on ORBi? Learn more about the project and the ULiège mandate, the functionalities of the public interface and everything you need to add your publications on ORBi.
Be seen to be read! - Are the references deposited on ORBi "really" visible? How can I improve the visibility of my researches and my presence on the web?
ORCID is an international unique identifier that makes it possible to clearly identify a researcher, link him to his publications and solve homonymic problems. Learn how to create it and connect ORBi information with ORCID.