Pochet, B. (2019). 10 ans d'ORBI à L'ULiège. Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France.
This article is a report of the event organized to mark the tenth anniversary of the ORBi institu...
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Chalono, D., & Thirion, P. (Other coll.). (09 August 2017). ORBi : an institutional repository to promote Open Access [Paper presentation]. World Humanities Conference 2017 - Humanities and knowledge as a public good, Liège, Belgium.
Since 2008 the University of Liège as implemented an institutional repository - ORBi - based on a...
Chalono, D., & Dohogne, C. (Other coll.). (25 October 2016). ORBi : user friendly interface & services [Paper presentation]. Open Science on the Move, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Thirion, P. (December 2015). Valeurs ajoutées des archives ouvertes : ORBi de l'Université de Liège. I2D: Information, Données et Documents, 2015 (4), 61-62.
En 2008, l’Université de Liège appuie son répertoire institutionnel Open Repository and Bibliogra...
Rentier, B. (30 October 2015). Good practices from Universities: University of Liège, Belgium - Impact of Open Archives on Research Communication Efficiency : The ORBi Experience [Paper presentation]. PASTEUR4OA Eastern European Meeting of Research Funders and Research Performing organizations: “Working Together to Promote Open Access (OA) Policy Alignment in Europe”, Budapest, Hungary.
ORBi, the institutional repository at the University of Liège (ULg), Belgium, is currently the mo...
Rentier, B. (19 November 2013). Where are we today ? The ORBi experience [Paper presentation]. Berlin Open Access Conference : 10th anniversary of the Berlin Declaration, Berlin, Germany.
Thirion, P. (16 November 2012). Green first ! ORBi, le choix d’une politique [Paper presentation]. Carrefour de l'IST : Acquisitions et accès aux ressources électroniques : quel futur ?, Nancy, France.
Rentier, B., & Thirion, P. (23 October 2012). OA à l’Université de Liège : le pari d’ORBi [Paper presentation]. A la découverte de l’Open Access [Soirée Open Access Week 2012 organisée à l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie], Paris, France.
Rentier, B., & Thirion, P. (22 October 2012). OA at Liège University : the ORBi gamble [Paper presentation]. Workshop nacional MedOAnet, Braga, Portugal.
Thirion, P. (19 October 2012). ORBi : pari tenu ? [Paper presentation]. Séminaire INRA : Open access : suivons la voie verte !, Paris, France.
Stirbu, S., Thirion, P., Schmitz, S., Binard, M., & Greco, N. (May 2012). Reference visualization and download analysis of the “geographical literature” in the Open Repository of ULg (ORBi) [Poster presentation]. 4th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, Limerick, Ireland.
Set up by the University of Liège, ORBi (Open Repository and Bibliography) knew a lightning incre...
Rentier, B., & Thirion, P. (2011). The Liège ORBi model: Mandatory policy without rights retention but linked to assessment processes [Paper presentation]. Berlin 9 Pre-conference on Open Access policy development Workshop, Washington, DC, United States.
The decision to build an institutional repository at the University of Liège was taken in 2005. I...
Stirbu, S. (22 October 2010). ORBi, the open repository of Ulg and the geographers: first statistics analyzed [Paper presentation]. 4th Belgian Geography Days, Leuven, Belgium.
Set up by the University of Liège, ORBi (Open Repository and Bibliography) knew a lightning incre...
Thirion, P. (22 September 2010). ORBi, archive ouverte de l'Université de Liège et PoPuPS, publications en open access de l'Université de Liège [Paper presentation]. Publier et être lu : l'OPEN ACCESS, une alternative au modèle commercial ?, Metz, France.
Présentations des initiatives en Open Access de l'Université de Liège (ULg) et de son Réseau des ...
Thirion, P., Renaville, F., Bastin, M., & Chalono, D. (07 July 2010). ORBi in orbit, a user-oriented IR for multiple wins: why scholars take a real part in the success story [Paper presentation]. OR2010 - The 5th international conference on Open Repositories, Madrid, Spain. doi:10.2390/biecoll-OR2010-38
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