Wuidar, S. (2023). Flexibilité et pénurie de l’emploi sous tension. Une analyse par la régulation du travail dans le secteur belge de la construction [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/310554 Les dynamiques d’emploi dans le secteur belge de la construction sont au cœur de multiples tensio... |
Sulbout, J. (2022). Alone, together? Towards an Ecosystemic Approach to the Career Sustainability of Skilled Contingent Workers [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/297388 Contemporary changes in the world of work have led to radical transformations in employment relat... |
Naedenoen, F. (2022). Vers le Total Workforce Management : état des pratiques en entreprise à la lumière de la théorie néo-institutionnelle et de la théorie de la régulation [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/297399 Les entreprises recourent de plus en plus à des travailleurs externes (intérimaires, freelances, ... |
Florin, L. (2021). Les conceptualisations des nouvelles formes d'emploi. Un parcours réflexif [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/262824 Sous l’effet de changements sociétaux, technologiques et économiques au cours des dernières décen... |
Parmentier, M. (2021). Emotional anticipation of future vocational transitions: A person-centered approach [Doctoral thesis, UCL - Université Catholique de Louvain]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/311020 |
Fox, F. (2020). Vers un processus d’innovation managériale durable : une lecture par la traduction et les compromis [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/250736 L’innovation managériale, au cœur des débats contemporains, demeure opaque à certains égards, not... |
Jemine, G. (2019). Organizing Strategic Decision: Decisional Work in New Ways of Working Projects [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/233316 |
Esposito, G. (2018). New Public Management and Strategic Change in the European Railways - A critical study on the EU governance of megaprojects [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/226428 Over the last five decades, European public sectors have undergone a profound process of organiza... |
Brazier, C. É., Masdonati, J., & Parmentier, M. (In press). Chronicles of Involuntary Career Changes: A Qualitative Longitudinal Analysis. Journal of Career Assessment. doi:10.1177/10690727241289126 Although extensive research on career transitions exists, little is known about the challenges an... |
Parmentier, M., Pirsoul, T., Pierre Bouchat, & Nils, F. (In press). Emotional Anticipation at the Prospect of Finding a Job: A Person-centered Approach. Journal of Personnel Psychology. doi:10.1027/1866-5888/a000355 Abstract: Although job seekers experience strong emotions during job search, little is known abou... |
Masdonati, J., Brazier, C. É., Kekki, M., Parmentier, M., & Neale, B. (In press). Qualitative longitudinal research in vocational psychology: a methodological approach to enhance the study of contemporary careers. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. doi:10.1007/s10775-024-09692-5 Although temporality is pivotal to most career development processes, qualitative longitudinal re... |
Wuidar, S., Bakebek, L., & Monteith, W. (2024). Producing ‘The Right Candidate’: The Social Embeddedness of Labour Market Intermediaries for Migrant Workers in the Belgian Construction Sector. Work, Employment and Society. doi:10.1177/09500170241275862 Structural labour shortages have increased demand for skilled and documented migrant workers in W... |
Cornet, A., Collet, I., & Wuidar, S. (03 July 2024). Modèle d’analyse de la place des femmes dans les métiers du digital et du numérique : l’influence du genre. Question(s) de Management, n° 49 (2), 113-129. doi:10.3917/qdm.229.0113 Les femmes restent minoritaires dans les filières des STEM (Sciences, Technologie, Engineering, M... |
Coppe, T., Parmentier, M., Kelchtermans, G., Raemdonck, I., März, V., & Colognesi, S. (March 2024). Beyond traditional narratives about teacher professional development: A critical perspective on teachers' working life. Teaching and Teacher Education, 139, 104436. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2023.104436 We argue that overlooking teacher professional development's (TPD) temporal and spatial situatedn... |
Jemine, G. (2024). Beyond the storm: an exploratory survey on HR managers' representations of epidemic-induced telework. International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 23 (2), 156-174. doi:10.1504/IJITM.2024.10062200 This paper sets out to provide insights into how HR managers experienced epidemic-induced telewor... |
De Clercq, M., Parmentier, M., & Van Meenen, F. (2024). Fair enough?! Investigating the specific challenges of diverse university first-year students. Research Papers in Education, 39 (1), 1-21. doi:10.1080/02671522.2022.2089214 The transition into higher education (HE) is a particularly challenging process for students due ... |
Alarda, L., Pichault, F., Esposito, G., & Crutzen, N. (2024). Setting sustainability agenda at the local level: a process of compromise making. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 90 (3), 633-650. doi:10.1177/00208523231211178 This paper examines how local actors set the sustainability agenda. By relying on the economies o... |
Jemine, G., & Blaise, M. (2024). Orchestrating public reforms through joint organizations: the case of a new remuneration policy in Belgian healthcare. Public Management Review. doi:10.1080/14719037.2024.2365245 While remuneration policies in the public sector are a powerful lever for attracting and retainin... |
Jemine, G., Puyou, F.-R., & Bouvet, F. (2024). Technological innovation and the co-production of accounting services in small accounting firms. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 37 (1), 280-305. doi:10.1108/AAAJ-08-2022-5981 Increasingly, emerging information technologies such as shared software and continuous accounting... |
Jemine, G. (November 2023). It takes two to tango: Reconceptualizing union power and union effectiveness in a relational perspective. Industrial Relations Journal, 54 (6), 445-470. doi:10.1111/irj.12403 This paper reports on a public transport company in which local unions, by repeatedly threatening... |
Parmentier, M., Pirsoul, T., Bouchat, P., & Nils, F. (October 2023). Emotional anticipation of high school graduation: Similarity of profiles across gender, educational track, and grade. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 23 (3), 531 - 554. doi:10.1007/s10775-022-09528-0 The present study investigated adolescents’ emotional anticipation profiles at the prospect of hi... |
Pirsoul, T., Parmentier, M., & Nils, F. (October 2023). Emotional Intelligence Profiles and Job Search Correlates in the Context of the School-to-Work Transition. Journal of Career Development, 50 (5), 1038 - 1057. doi:10.1177/08948453221141445 The current study adopted a person-centered approach to explore emotional intelligence profiles a... |
Pirsoul, T., Parmentier, M., Sovet, L., & Nils, F. (September 2023). Emotional intelligence and career-related outcomes: A meta-analysis. Human Resource Management Review, 33 (3), 100967. doi:10.1016/j.hrmr.2023.100967 The concept of emotional intelligence has spanned researchers' interest to a considerable extent ... |
Kuburas, I., & Pichault, F. (August 2023). L'émergence d’un nouvel acteur dans le dialogue social sectoriel belge : d'une expérimentation organisationnelle à une expérimentation institutionnelle ? @GRH, 48 (2023/3), 15-38. doi:10.3917/grh.048.0015 Cette étude s’intéresse aux conditions de passage d’une expérimentation organisationnelle à une e... |
Pirsoul, T., Parmentier, M., & Nils, F. (March 2023). One step beyond emotional intelligence measurement in the career development of adult learners: A bifactor exploratory structural equation modeling framework. Current Psychology, 42 (7), 5834 - 5850. doi:10.1007/s12144-021-01772-x Emotional intelligence has been recognized as an important meta-competency for helping individual... |
Beuker, L., & Gérard, J. (March 2023). Construire l’action publique par les chiffres : le cas de l’accompagnement des chômeurs en Belgique francophone. Politiques et Management Public, 3, 297-322. Dataset: 10.3166/pmp.40.2023.0018 Ce papier s’intéresse à l’influence des outils techniques et organisationnels mobilisé par les in... |
Jemine, G., Puyou, F.-R., & Dubois, C. (2023). The diffusion of management fashions as software in an intermediated market: The case of continuous accounting. Management Accounting Research, 61 (December), 100852. doi:10.1016/j.mar.2023.100852 Increasingly, management techniques and trends in accounting are incorporated into software. Cont... |
Billsberry, J., & Vleugels, W. (2023). A Consolidation of Competing Logics on Selecting for Fit. Academy of Management Perspectives, 37 (3), 220-238. doi:10.5465/amp.2022.0163 Fit plays a key role in organizational entry decisions. However, selecting staff based on
their a... |
Vleugels, W., & Flatau-Harrison, H. (2023). Curvilinear relationships in person-environment fit research: Is there evidence for a too-much-of-a-good-thing effect? Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 96 (3), 669 - 677. doi:10.1111/joop.12432 In this paper, we revisit this well-established linear relationship of person-organisation, deman... |
Vleugels, W., Verbruggen, M., De Cooman, R., & Billsberry, J. (2023). A systematic review of temporal person-environment fit research: Trends, developments, obstacles, and opportunities for future research. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 44 (2), 376 - 398. doi:10.1002/job.2607 In this systematic review, we present a comprehensive overview of the temporal person environment... |
Wuidar, S. (2023). Pourquoi l’État peine à endiguer le phénomène du dumping social ? Enquête au cœur de l’inspection du travail dans le secteur de la construction. Travail, Emploi, Formation, (17), 11-27. Dataset: https://metices.centresphisoc.ulb.be/fr/publication/controle-du-travail-controle-au-travail La fraude sociale est un problème majeur dans secteur de la construction en Belgique. Depuis une ... |
Focacci, C. N., & Pichault, F. (2023). How does institutional context shape work-related functionings for regular and self-employed workers? A contextualised application of the capability approach to Belgium, France and the Netherlands. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 43 (13/14), 36-61. doi:10.1108/IJSSP-12-2022-0312 Purpose
According to Sen's theoretical framework of capability (1985), individuals reach their fu... |
Jemine, G., Stuer, D., & Sulbout, J. (2023). Building bridges across borders: An integrative literature review of project work and careers. European Management Review, 20, 128-144. doi:10.1111/emre.12520 Project-based forms of work have been steadily increasing in all sorts of organizations,
which ha... |
Wuidar, S., & Bakebek, L. (December 2022). Intermédiation du travail en arène politique locale : le recrutement de la main-d’œuvre locale sur le projet du barrage de Nachtigal au Cameroun. Gérer et Comprendre, N° 150 (4), 7-17. doi:10.3917/geco1.150.0007 Cet article traite des pratiques d’intermédiation sur le marché du travail qui se développent dan... |
Parmentier, M., Pirsoul, T., Bouchat, P., & Nils, F. (December 2022). Emotional anticipation of the school-to-work transition: A multigroup latent profile analysis. Career Development Quarterly, 70 (4), 284 - 299. doi:10.1002/cdq.12309 This study extends the investigation of future-oriented emotions by investigating students’ emoti... |
Wuidar, S., & Flandrin, P. (December 2022). Digitaliser le notariat, entre évolution de l’identité professionnelle et maintien du monopole. Relations Industrielles, 77 (3). doi:10.7202/1094214ar Le notariat connait depuis les années 2000 un phénomène de modernisation qui se traduit par la di... |
Sulbout, J., & Pichault, F. (2022). Free agents seeking for career support: exploring the expectations of skilled contingent workers vis-à-vis labour market intermediaries. Personnel Review. doi:10.1108/pr-10-2021-0727 Purpose
Recent studies on contingent workers highlight their boundaryless and protean nature, and... |
Parmentier, M.* , Pirsoul, T.* , & Nils, F. (August 2022). Career Adaptability Profiles and Their Relations With Emotional and Decision-Making Correlates Among Belgian Undergraduate Students. Journal of Career Development, 49 (4), 934 - 950. doi:10.1177/08948453211005553 This study used a person-centered approach to investigate university students’ profiles of career... * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Masdonati, J., Frésard, C. É., & Parmentier, M. (2022). Involuntary Career Changes: A Lonesome Social Experience. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 899051. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.899051 Like any other career process, career changes are influenced by relationships. Moreover, involunt... |
Flatau-Harrison, H., Vleugels, W., Kilroy, S., & Bosak, J. (2022). Understanding the relationship between absence constraints and presenteeism among nurses and midwives: Does social support matter? Health Care Management Review, 47 (4), 330 - 339. doi:10.1097/HMR.0000000000000340 BACKGROUND: The substitution hypothesis identifies absence constraints such as job and organizati... |
Vleugels, W., Kilroy, S., Vervoort, L., Put, C., & De Witte, H. (2022). The Combined Influence of Occupational Stressors and Individual Lifestyle Behaviors on Employee Stress Complaints: Additive or Interactive Effects? International Journal of Stress Management, 29 (4), 372-378. doi:10.1037/str0000269 The topic of employee health and well-being is of significant interest to occupational health res... |
Jemine, G., Pichault, F., & Dubois, C. (2022). New Ways of Working in academia: maneuvering in and with ambiguity in workspace design processes. M@n@gement, 25 (4), 16-30. doi:10.37725/mgmt.v25.4447 As a result of growing financial pressures and changing space demands, universities are increasin... |
Jemine, G., & Guillaume, K. (2022). Lifting the veil on HRIS adoption: the role of vendors and consultants in the diffusion of HR innovations. Information Technology and People, 35 (7), 2418-2440. doi:10.1108/ITP-02-2021-0114 Purpose: This paper aims to analyze the adoption process of human resource information systems (H... |
Coppe, T., Raemdonck, I., März, V., Parmentier, M., Brouhier, Q., & Colognesi, S. (27 October 2021). L’insertion professionnelle des enseignants au travers des multiples aspects de la socialisation au travail : l’ISaTE, un instrument de mesure pour les appréhender. Mesure et Évaluation en Éducation, 43 (3), 67-102. doi:10.7202/1083008ar Cette étude présente la conception et le processus de validation d’un instrument de mesure de la ... |
Florin, L., & Pichault, F. (2021). Between entrepreneurs and workers: Cleavages and compromises in rationales and policy solutions regarding ‘dependent contractors’. Economic and Industrial Democracy. doi:10.1177/0143831X211030345 The emergence of dependent contractors challenges the existing institutions regarding social prot... |
Sulbout, J., Pichault, F., Jemine, G., & Naedenoen, F. (2021). Are skilled contingent workers neglected? Evidence from a cross-sector multiple case study on organizational career management practices. European Management Journal. doi:10.1016/j.emj.2021.07.005 The study aims to discover the extent to which organizations support the careers of skilled conti... |
McKeown, T., & Pichault, F. (March 2021). Independent professionals as talent: Evidence from individual views of working as a contractor. Human Resource Management, 60 (2), 313-328. doi:10.1002/hrm.22045 In this article we challenge the assumption that independent professionals (IPros),
that is profe... |
Parmentier, M., Dangoisse, F., Zacher, H., Pirsoul, T., & Nils, F. (March 2021). Anticipatory emotions at the prospect of the transition to higher education: A latent transition analysis. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 125, 103543. doi:10.1016/j.jvb.2021.103543 While some attention has been devoted to the study of emotions in vocational psychology, research... |
Jemine, G., Pichault, F., & Dubois, C. (2021). The politics behind design projects: when space, organization, and technology collide. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 14 (3), 743-766. doi:10.1108/IJMPB-01-2020-0020 While more and more organizations commit to transformation projects with the aim of redesigning s... |
Vleugels, W., De Boeck, G., Sjollema, S., & Dorenbosch, L. (2021). Prestatiemanagement 2.0? Naar een beter begrip van mensgedreven prestatiemanagement in de praktijk. Tijdschrift voor HRM, 24 (2), 1-21. doi:10.5117/thrm2021.2.vleu As an HR tool, performance management aims to increase employee commitment and motivation and see... |
Gosse, C., Parmentier, M., & Van Reybroeck, M. (2021). How Do Spelling, Handwriting Speed, and Handwriting Quality Develop During Primary School? Cross-Classified Growth Curve Analysis of Children's Writing Development. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 685681. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.685681 Aim: Longitudinal studies are rare in the field of writing research, and little is known about th... |
Stordeur, M.-F., Colognesi, S., Parmentier, M., & Nils, F. (2021). Quels liens entre la reprise d'études universitaires et leur profil de personnalité? Neuf profils de personnalité pour différentes raisons de reprendre une formation. Education et Formation. De plus en plus d'adultes reprennent le chemin de l'université pour obtenir un master complémenta... |
Vignoli, E., Nils, F., Parmentier, M., Mallet, P., & Rimé, B. (October 2020). The emotions aroused by a vocational transition in adolescents: why, when and how are they socially shared with significant others? International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 20 (3), 567 - 589. doi:10.1007/s10775-019-09417-z Adolescents (N = 359) completed a self-report questionnaire assessing the emotional impact of an ... |
Pichault, F., Fatien Diochon, P., & Nizet, J. (August 2020). Autonomy of independent professionals: A political process perspective. European Management Journal, 38 (4), 623-633. doi:10.1016/j.emj.2019.12.007 This article looks into the issue of autonomy, often portrayed as a key feature of modern work ar... |
Koene, & Pichault, F. (2020). Embedded Fixers, Pragmatic Experimenters, Dedicated Activists: Evaluating Third-Party Labour Market Actors’ Initiatives for Skilled Project-Based Workers in the Gig Economy. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 1-30. doi:10.1111/bjir.12563 Non-standard career paths — in which workers jump from one employment arrangement to another acco... |
Beuker, L., & Pichault, F. (July 2020). Quelles formes de dialogue social pour les travailleurs autonomes ? Revue RH et M : Ressources Humaines et Management, 78 (Juillet), 36. Ce document analyse des initiatives émanant de syndicats, de quasi ou proto-syndicats et d’autres... |
Florin, L., & Pichault, F. (22 May 2020). Emerging forms of precariousness related to autonomy at work: Towards an empirical typology. Frontiers in Sociology, 5, 34. doi:10.3389/fsoc.2020.00034 Societal, technological and economical changes in the last decades have led to the development of... |
Tufan, P., & Wendt, H. (2020). Organizational identification as a mediator for the effects of psychological contract breaches on organizational citizenship behavior: Insights from the perspective of ethnic minority employees. European Management Journal. doi:10.1016/j.emj.2019.07.001 This study examines the contribution of the psychological contract (PC) framework to the understa... |
Jemine, G., Dubois, C., & Pichault, F. (2020). When the Gallic Village Strikes Back: The Politics Behind ‘New Ways of Working’ Projects. Journal of Change Management, 20 (2), 146-170. doi:10.1080/14697017.2020.1720777 In the last decade, the interest of managers and professionals for New Ways of Working (NWoW) has... |
Jemine, G., Dubois, C., & Pichault, F. (2020). From a new workplace to a New Way of Working: legitimizing organizational change. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, 15 (3), 257-278. doi:10.1108/QROM-10-2018-1690 Several studies have recently documented projects of organizational transformation and modernizat... |
Parmentier, M.* , Pirsoul, T.* , & Nils, F. (December 2019). Examining the impact of emotional intelligence on career adaptability: A two-wave cross-lagged study. Personality and Individual Differences, 151, 109446. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2019.05.052 Developing career meta-competencies has become crucial to cope with the unpredictability of today... * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Jemine, G. (December 2019). L'outil face au manager: le contrôle du travail à l'ère du numérique, un terrain controversé? Cahiers du Numérique, 15 (4), 137-162. De nombreuses contributions récentes semblent indiquer que le contrôle des employés dans les orga... |
Taskin, L., Parmentier, M., & Stinglhamber, F. (November 2019). The dark side of office designs: towards de-humanization. New Technology, Work and Employment, 34 (3), 262 - 284. doi:10.1111/ntwe.12150 Recent research on flexible office designs have shown that open-plan and/or flex offices may not ... |
de Ridder, M., Taskin, L., Ajzen, M., Antoine, M., & Jacquemin, C. (April 2019). Le métier de manager en transformation : une démarche prospective. Revue Management et Avenir, 3 (109), 37-60. Proposant d’actualiser la caractérisation traditionnelle du métier de manager en rôles et activit... |
Pichault, F., & McKeown, T. (March 2019). Autonomy at work in the gig economy: analysing work status, work content and working conditions of independent professionals. New Technology, Work and Employment, 34 (1), 59-72. doi:10.1111/ntwe.12132 This paper offers a critical perspective on the debate surrounding autonomy at work for a specifi... |
Tapanainen, T., Lisein, O., Hosoya, R., & Kamioka, T. (March 2019). IT Manager Behavior in Crisis Response: Understanding Crisis Cases Using Recommendations from the Crisis Management Literature. Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems, 29 (1), 144-164. doi:10.14329/apjis.2019.29.1.144 In their role as stewards of organizational information technology (IT), IT managers participate ... |
Bobadilla, N., Göransson, M., & Pichault, F. (2019). Urban entrepreneurship through art-based interventions:unveiling a translation process. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 31 (5-6), 378-399. doi:10.1080/08985626.2018.1539125 his paper explores the conditions under which urban entrepreneurship can develop through art-base... |
Vleugels, W., Tierens, H., Billsberry, J., Verbruggen, M., & De Cooman, R. (2019). Profiles of fit and misfit: a repeated weekly measures study of perceived value congruence. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28 (5), 616 - 630. doi:10.1080/1359432X.2019.1583279 Value congruence is generally studied as a stable experience instead of a dynamic phenomenon. Thi... |
Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (2019). Vers l'autonomie? Enjeux RH liés aux nouveaux arrangements de travail. Revue de Droit Social, 1, 9-29. L’autonomie au travail est souvent associée aux nouveaux arrangements de travail, en particulier ... |
Alarda, L., & Banerjee, S. B. (2019). Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood: The NGOization of Palestine. Business and Society, 1-33. doi:10.1177/0007650319870825 In this article, we examine the shifting roles played by non-state actors in governing areas of l... |
Vleugels, W., De Cooman, R., Verbruggen, M., & Solinger, O. (2018). Understanding dynamic change in perceptions of person–environment fit: An exploration of competing theoretical perspectives. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39 (9), 1066 - 1080. doi:10.1002/job.2294 The longstanding assumption in person–environment (PE) fit research is that perceived fit embodie... |
Esposito, G., Ferlie, E., & Gaeta, G. L. (2018). The European Public Sectors in the Age of Managerialism. Politics. doi:10.1177/0263395717727253 During the past 50 years, European public sectors have undergone a profound process of organizati... |
Esposito, G., Gaeta, G. L., & Trasciani, G. (14 August 2017). Administrative Change in the EU: a Cross-Country Empirical Study on the Contextual Determinants of NPM Reform Rhetoric. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 88 (3), 323–344. doi:10.1111/apce.12142 Framed within the paradigm of New Public Management (NPM),
structural reforms in the EU aimed at ... |
Fox, F., & Pichault, F. (2017). Au-delà des success stories, quel processus de libération ? Étude de cas au sein du secteur public belge. Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels, XXIII (56), 87-107. Si l’on peut s’attendre à ce qu’un processus de libération s’inscrive logiquement dans une perspe... |
Griep, Y., Baillien, E., Vleugels, W., Rothmann, S., & De Witte, H. (2014). Do they adapt or react? A comparison of the adaptation model and the stress reaction model among South African unemployed. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 35 (4), 717 - 736. doi:10.1177/0143831X13495719 This study investigates affective experience as a function of unemployment duration in South Afri... |
Vleugels, W., Rothmann, S., Griep, Y., & De Witte, H. (2013). Does financial hardship explain differences between belgian and south african unemployed regarding experiences of unemployment, employment commitment, and job search behaviour? Psychologica Belgica, 53 (2), 33 - 49. doi:10.5334/pb-53-2-75 The purpose of this study was to investigate whether Belgian and South African unemployed differe... |
Griep, Y., Rothmann, S., Vleugels, W., & De Witte, H. (2012). Psychological dimensions of unemployment: A gender comparison between Belgian and South African unemployed. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 22 (3), 303 - 313. doi:10.1080/14330237.2012.10820535 This study sought to compare South African and Belgian unemployed in their subjective experience ... |
Pichault, F. (October 1984). Le point sur la télématique administrative: valeur d'usage ou valeur d'échange? Bulletin de l'IDATE, 17, 559-569. |
Pichault, F., Castro, J.-L., & Chevalier, F. (2022). Towards a Polyphonic Approach to Change Management. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. This book develops a critical view of the current main theories in change management, showing tha... |
Pichault, F., Castro, J.-L., & Chevalier, F. (2021). Gestion du changement. Vers un management polyphonique. Bruxelles, Belgium: De Boeck Supérieur. Ce livre clarifie la notion même de changement à partir des outils que les sciences de gestion
me... |
Matmati, M., Chapelet, B., El Ghazali, I., & Pichault, F. (Eds.). (2019). La collaboration université-entreprise par la recherche-action et la recherche-intervention. France: Editions Campus ouvert. |
Semenza, R., & Pichault, F. (Eds.). (2019). The challenges of Self-Employment in Europe. Status, Social Protection and Collective Representation. Edward Elgar. |
Kereselidze, N., Tõnismann, T., Parmentier, M., van der Weijden, I., Hinostroza Paredes, Y., E, L., & Skakni, I. (In press). Institutional mechanisms supporting PhD graduates' transition into diverse careers. In E. Löfström, I. van der Weijden, S. Bengsten, ... K. Inouye, Transitions in Researcher Education and Careers. Routledge. The need to rethink doctoral education towards career diversification has been a global debate in... |
Naedenoen, F., & Noël Florent. (2024). Peter Doeringer et Michael Piore. De la segmentation du marché du travail au total workforce management. In Coron Clothilde, Chevalier Françoise, Gaillard Hugo, ... Oiry Ewan (Eds.), LES GRANDS AUTEURS EN GESTION DES RESSOURCES HUMAINES. France: EMS Management & société. |
Vleugels, W. (2024). Person–environment misfit. In Elgar Encyclopedia of Organizational Psychology (pp. 498–504). Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781803921761.00099 Misfit occurs when an employee’s characteristics are incompatible with those of their work enviro... |
Vleugels, W. (2024). Person–environment fit. In Elgar Encyclopedia of Organizational Psychology (pp. 491–497). Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781803921761.00098 This entry reviews and synthesizes what is known about person-environment (PE) fit. The PE fit mo... |
Zabudkina, A., Lisein, O., & Pichault, F. (2024). Under Pressure: Strategic Choices and Contextual Trade-offs of SMEs Facing Industry 4.0 Implementation. In F. Pennarola, A. M. Braccini (Ed.), ... J. Pallud (Ed.), Technologies for Digital Transformation: Moving Towards the Future of Organisations. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-52120-1_7 Besides sharing similar characteristics of staff headcount, turnover, and bal-ance sheet total, e... |
Jemine, G., & Pichault, F. (2023). Behind the Scenes of Strategy: Middle-Management Tactics for Shaping Digital Transformation. In Torben Juul Andersen, Responding to Uncertain Conditions: New Research on Strategic Adaptation (pp. 41-63). Emerald Publishing Limited. doi:10.1108/978-1-80455-964-220231003 The abundance of technological innovations has dramatically increased
the prominence of digital t... |
Naedenoen, F., & Franssen, M. (2023). The Belgian construction sector: growing practices of digitalization and the challenge of relevant social dialogue practices. In Serena Rugiero & Daniele Di Nunzio, Digital Transitions and Innovation in Construction Value Chains. Industrial Relations and Equitable Socio-technical Change (pp. 49-65). Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781803924045.00010 |
Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (2022). The Challenges of Total Talent Management in the Gig Economy. In I. NESS, The Routledge Handbook of the Gig Economy (1st Edition, pp. 74-92). New York, United States: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003161875 Dataset: 10.4324/9781003161875-7 The growing use of external project-based or task-based workers for a limited period of time rais... |
De Cooman, R., & Vleugels, W. (2022). Person–Environment Fit: Theoretical Perspectives, Conceptualizations, and Outcomes. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management. Oxford Research Encyclopedias. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190224851.013.377 The idea of person–environment (PE) fit builds upon interactional psychology, which suggests that... |
Parmentier, M. (2022). Les émotions orientées vers le futur: Un rôle négligé dans la prise de décision et le comportement. In Demarque Christophe & Auzoult Laurent, Anticipation psychologique et représentations de l'avenir: Enjeux théoriques, méthodologiques, et pratiques. Bruxelles, Belgium: Mardaga. |
Beuker, L., & Pichault, F. (2021). Conjuguer action collective et autonomie au travail : vers de nouvelles formes de dialogue social. In A. Stévenot & F. Géa, Le dialogue social. L'avènement d'un modèle ? (pp. 567-584). Bruylant. Dans ce chapitre, portant sur les nouvelles formes de dialogue social, sont explorées différentes... |
Jemine, G., Fauconneau-Dufresne, S., Pichault, F., & Rondeaux, G. (2021). Beyond flexibility: confronting conceived and lived spaces of New Ways of Working. In N. Mitev, J. Aroles, K. Stephenson, ... J. Malaurent, New Ways of Working Organizations and Organizing in the Digital Age (pp. 293-318). Palgrave Macmillan. Over the last decade, managerial interest for “NWoW” projects aiming at modernizing workspaces an... |
Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (2021). Gestion des Ressources Humaines externes. Entre laisser-faire et soutien. In R. Beaujolin & E. Oiry (Eds.), Les grands courants en gestion des ressources humaines (pp. 383-398). Paris, France: EMS. Le développement des nouvelles formes d’emploi transforme la vie des organisations
contemporaines... |
Jemine, G. (2021). Deconstructing New Ways of Working: A Five-Dimensional Conceptualization Proposal. In N. Mitev, J. Aroles, K. Stephenson, ... J. Malaurent, New Ways of Working Organizations and Organizing in the Digital Age (pp. 453-480). London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. Several academics interested in workspace transformations have investigated what has been broadly... |
N'Dri, K. J., & Pichault, F. (2020). Théorie de l’Acteur Réseau (TAR) : principes et méthode pour la recherche sur les systèmes d’information enracinée dans le terrain africain. In E. Kamdem, F. Chevalier, ... M. A. Payaud, La recherche enracinée en management. Contextes nouveaux et perspectives nouvelles en Afrique (pp. 161-176). Paris, France: EMS Management & Société. Quel cadre théorique peut-on suggérer pour une gestion efficace des systèmes d’information dans l... |
Pichault, F. (2020). Quelles stratégies de mobilisation collective pour les travailleurs autonomes ? Une typologie. In D. Dumont, A. Lamine, ... J.-B. Maisin, Le droit de négociation collective des travailleurs indépendants (pp. 31-52). Bruxelles, Belgium: larcier. |
Pichault, F. (2019). La collaboration université-entreprise par la recherche-action et la recherche-intervention. In M. Matmati, B. Chapelet, I. El Ghazali, ... F. Pichault (Eds.), La collaboration université-entreprise au service de l'innovation au Maghreb (pp. 153-166). France: Editions Campus ouvert. |
Beuker, L., Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (2019). Comparing the National contexts. In R. Semenza & F. Pichault, The Challenge of Self-Employment in Europe. Status, social protection and collective Representation (pp. 140-178). Massachusetts, United States: Edward Elgar Publishing Inc. This book aims at explaining the variance in legal status, working conditions, social protection ... |
Fox, F., & Pichault, F. (2018). Le changement et ses raisons : entre libération et émancipation. In M. Lauzier & N. Lemieux, Améliorer la gestion du changement dans les organisations. Vers de nouvelles connaissances, stratégies et expériences (pp. 83-112). Québec, Canada: Presses de l'Université du Québec. |
Esposito, G., Doleschel, J., Kaloud, T., & Urban-Kozłowska, J. (2017). The changing nature of railways in Europe: empirical evidence on prices, investments and quality. In M. Florio (Ed.), The Reform of Network Industries Evaluating Privatisation, Regulation and Liberalisation in the EU (pp. 171-196). Northampton Massachusetts, United States: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781786439031 Network services such as electricity, natural gas, telecommunications, transport and water are cr... |
De Cooman, R., & Vleugels, W. (2016). Overeenstemming in waarden als sleutel tot succes: Van fit met de job naar fit met de organisatie. In MensenOrganisaties: 24 evoluties onder de loep. Netherlands: Uitgeverij Thema. (Her)ken je dit gevoel? Je hebt een aantrekkelijke job met voldoende autonomie en een
mooi loon,... |
Pichault, F. (1987). Social experiments with I.T. from the Initiators Point of View. In I. Qvortrup, C. Ancelin, J. Frawley, J. Hartley, ... F. Pichault, Social Experiments with Information Technology and the Challenges of Innovation (pp. 241-260). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Reidel. |
Vleugels, W., & De Cooman, R. (2016). Linking P-E fit with performance in different time windows: Disentangling causal relationships. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016 (1), 1871 - 1876. doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2016.200 |
Beriyan, B. B., Song-Naba, F., & Lisein, O. (2021). Facteurs de tension et pratiques de conciliation entre "vie entrepreneuriale" et "vie estudiantine" des étudiants-entrepreneurs: une étude empirique au Burkina-Faso. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/267433. |
Bonnet, M., & Pichault, F. (2010). Préface. In B. Tidjani (Other coll.) & E. Kamdem (Other coll.), Gérer les ressources humaines en Afrique. Entre processus sociaux et pratiques organisationnelles. Paris, France: EMS. |
Naedenoen, F., & Colmont, C. (2024). EMMA : one hundred years of energetical transition. (Project no. 101052341/SOCPL-2021-IND-REL, European Union (Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion)). Bruxelles, Belgium: REJEnerAxion. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/326320 |
Naedenoen, F., Jemine, G., Sulbout, J., & Pichault, F. (2023). La formation continue des travailleurs « non-standard » en Wallonie : vers une démarche expérimentale. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/312084 |
Naedenoen, F. (2023). Amélioration des politiques de rémunération et de gestion du temps de travail d'une administration publique. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/312086 |
Naedenoen, F. (2023). Amélioration du processus d'entrée d'un ministère belge. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/312085 |
Billsberry, J., & Vleugels, W. (2023). Misconceptions About Job Candidates Fitting In. United States: Academy of Management Insights. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/306355 |
Jemine, G., & Franssen, M. (2021). Anticiper l’après-crise du Covid-19. Rapport intermédiaire: Politiques et perceptions managériales du travail à distance contraint. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/262459 |
Fox, F., & Franssen, M. (2019). Évaluation des fonctionnements structurels et organisationnels d'une Maison médicale. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/242932 |
Weertz, L., Lisein, O., Sadzot, H., Moreau, C., & Brolis, O. (2024). Rapport 4 de l’étude Digi Bx : Stratégie et recommandations à destination de la région bruxelloise pour le soutien de la digitalisation des organisations non-marchandes. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/324640 |
Weertz, L., Lisein, O., Gelardi, R., & Beuker, L. (2024). DigitalEES - Digitalisation des Entreprises d'Economie Sociale - Rapport 5: "Conception d'un outil d'auto-diagnostic des pratiques de gestion du changement des responsables de projets de digitalisation". https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/325567 |
Beuker, L., Gelardi, R., Lisein, O., & Weertz, L. (2024). DigitalEES - Digitalisation des Entreprises d'Economie Sociale - Rapport 4: "Guide méthodologique - Gérer les phases "Projet" et "Post-Projet" d'un projet de digitalisation". https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/325566 Les challenges liés à la digitalisation sont nombreux et questionnent les processus de transforma... |
Sadzot, H., Weertz, L., Moreau, C., Lisein, O., & Brolis, O. (2024). Rapport 3 de l’étude Digi Bx : Études de cas de ‘success stories’ de digitalisation d'organisations non-marchandes. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/325863 |
Sadzot, H., Weertz, L., Moreau, C., Lisein, O., & Brolis, O. (2024). Rapport 2 de l’étude Digi Bx : Exploration des politiques de soutien à la digitalisation des organisations non-marchandes dans et hors de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/325862 |
Wuidar, S., Bleys, E., & Lisein, O. (2024). Projet "Numérique pour Tous" - Diagnostic, analyse des risques et recommandations concernant les formes de fracture numérique des "agents non-connectés" au sein du Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. LENTIC - Université de Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/319553 |
Focacci, C. N., Rondeaux, G., & Pichault, F. (2024). Case reports for specific occupations: the case of middle managers. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/314172 |
Rondeaux, G., Focacci, C. N., & Pichault, F. (2024). Sustainable Employment in the Age of Digitalisation: challenges, obstacles and opportunities - Transversal analysis. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/314170 |
Antoine, M., Weertz, L., Sadzot, H., Brassart, C., & Moreau, C. (2023). Étude benchmarking sur les politiques publiques étrangères de soutien aux entreprises d’économie sociale en matière de transformation numérique. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/311697 Le présent rapport fait état de l’étude benchmarking menée portant sur les politiques publiques é... |
Lisein, O., Beuker, L., & Jemine, G. (2023). Avenir de l’Emploi dans le Secteur de l’Aide et des Soins à Domicile – Rapport : 'Evaluation de 5 projets pilotes centrés sur les enjeux du recrutement et de la fidélisation du personnel dans le secteur de l’aide et des soins à domicile & Recommandations institutionnelles'. LENTIC - Université de Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/311785 Le secteur de l’aide et des soins à domicile fait face à des défis majeurs, qui ne font que s’amp... |
Brolis, O., De Rouck, E., Moreau, C., Sadzot, H., Weertz, L., & Lisein, O. (2023). Rapport 1 de l’étude Digi Bx : La maturité digitale des organisations non-marchandes bruxelloises. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/311535 |
Weertz, L., Sadzot, H., Brolis, O., Lisein, O., & Moreau, C. (2023). DigitalEES - Digitalisation des Entreprises d'Economie Sociale - Rapport 3: "Guide méthodologique - Gérer les phases "Avant-Projet" d'un projet de digitalisation". https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/311513 Les challenges liés à la digitalisation sont nombreux et questionnent les processus de transforma... |
Weertz, L., Sadzot, H., Lisein, O., Moreau, C., & Brolis, O. (2023). DigitalEES - Digitalisation des Entreprises d'Economie Sociale - Rapport 2: "Accompagnement de 15 projets pilotes - Analyse transversale et Recommandations". https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/309830 Les challenges liés à la digitalisation sont nombreux et questionnent les processus de transforma... |
Weertz, L., Sadzot, H., Lisein, O., & Moreau, C. (2023). DigitalEES - Digitalisation des Entreprises d'Economie Sociale - Rapport 1: "Accompagnement de 15 projets pilotes - Monographies". https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/309832 Les challenges liés à la digitalisation sont nombreux et questionnent les processus de transforma... |
Lisein, O., Tintin, M., Marenne, C., Fox, F., Korne, T., Löwenkamp, F., Schackmann, P., Wendel, D., Plapper, P., Kolla, S. S. V., Kacem, I., & Abdelsadek, Y. (2022). Projekt "ProdPilot - ProduktivitätsPilot für die KMU der Großregion" - WP2 Bericht - "Durchführung von 30 Fallstudien in KMU der Großregion". LENTIC - Université de Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/299217 Dieser Schwerpunkt 2 des Interreg V A Großregion-Projekts "ProdPilot - Steuerung der Produktivitä... |
Lisein, O., Tintin, M., Marenne, C., Fox, F., Korne, T., Löwenkamp, F., Schackmann, P., Wendel, D., Plapper, P., Kolla, S. S. V., Kacem, I., & Abdelsadek, Y. (2022). Projet "ProdPilot - Pilotage de la Productivité pour les PME de la Grande Région" - Rapport WP2 - "Réalisation de 30 études de cas en PME de la Grande Région". LENTIC - Université de Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/299215 Cet axe 2 du projet Interreg V A Grande Région "ProdPilot – Pilotage de la Productivité pour les ... |
Wuidar, S. (2021). Case study on BIM in the construction sector (DISCUS Project- Digital transformation in the construction sector: challenges and opportunities). European Commission – DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/260225 This case study addresses the impact of BIM technologies on work organization, labor force and wo... |
Franssen, M. (2021). Case study - Mobic/Scidus. Lentic - HEC Liège - ULiège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/267044 This document aims to present the findings from a case study led in the Belgian construction sect... |
Franssen, M., Naedenoen, F., & Pichault, F. (2020). Digitalisation and restructuring: which social dialogue? Results from the transnational survey. Lentic. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/253867 This report presents the results of a transnational survey led in the context of the DIRESOC proj... |
Teissier, C., & Naedenoen, F. (2020). Digitalisation and restructuring: which social dialogue? Lessons from the DIRESOC project. Belgium: LENTIC. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/255127 This synthesis report is the conclusion of the DIRESOC research journey. The intent is first to g... |
Moreau, C., Wuidar, S., Pichault, F., & Brolis, O. (2019). Les impacts de la digitalisation sur les entreprises sociales actives dans le secteur des services aux personnes. Agence du Numérique. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/244034 |
Kirov, V., Naedenoen, F., Franssen, M., & Beuker, L. (2019). Digitalisation and restructuring: which social dialogue ? Transnational analysis. LENTIC. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/244752 This report aims at explaining the national and sectoral debates over digitalisation, restructuri... |
Vander Sijpe, F., Pichault, F., Naedenoen, F., & Florin, L. (2019). Naar een Total Workforce Management. Een kwalitatieve analyse met betrekking tot de rol van intermediaire spelers op de arbeidsmarkt. Belgium: Securex. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/240533 |
Franssen, M. (2019). "Is there anything I can help you with?" Modernisation through digitalisation: the case of Hotel Alban. Lentic. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/253868 This document aims to present the findings from a case study led in the tourism industry on the i... |
Vander Sijpe, F., Pichault, F., Naedenoen, F., & Florin, L. (2019). Vers le Total Workforce Management. Une analyse qualitative du rôle des intermédiaires sur le marché du travail. Belgium: Securex. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/240534 |
Pichault, F., Naedenoen, F., & Florin, L. (2018). Vers le Total Workforce Management Une analyse qualitative du rôle des intermédiaires sur le marché du travail. Securex. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/231006 |
Naedenoen, F., Florin Louis, & Pichault, F. (2018). Vers des formes innovantes et durables de sécurisation des parcours professionnels flexibles. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/304662 Le 12 décembre 2016, la Ministre wallonne de l’Emploi signait un Arrêté Ministériel par... |
Brolis, O., Moreau, C., Pichault, F., Stouffs, A., & Paul, S. (2018). L'impact de la transformation digitale sur le secteur des services à la personne - Rapport du volet 3. Agence du Numérique - Région Wallonne. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/233599 |
Paul, S., Stouffs, A., Brolis, O., Lisein, O., Moreau, C., & Pichault, F. (2018). L'impact de la révolution numérique sur le secteur des services à la personne - Rapport d'avancement de l'étude sur le volet 2. Agence du Numérique - Région Wallonne. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/233598 |
Brolis, O., Paul, S., Stouffs, A., Wattecamps, C., Moreau, C., Pichault, F., & Lisein, O. (2018). L'impact de la révolution numérique sur le secteur des services à la personne - Rapport d’avancement de l'étude sur le volet 1. Agence du Numérique - Région Wallonne. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/233592 |
Beuker, L., Franssen, M., & Naedenoen, F. (2018). Digitalisation and restructuring: which social dialogue ? Literature review and experts interviews. LENTIC. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/244753 This report provides an overwiew of the Belgian situation regarding digitalisation, restructuring... |
Scheffers, P., Seijkens, N., Rondeaux, G., Beuker, L., Lisein, O., & Pichault, F. (2017). Rapport d'étude sur la nature, l'évolution et la quantification des prestations des architectes. Bruxelles, Belgium: CfgOA. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/217078 |
Pichault, F., Naedenoen, F., & Florin, L. (2017). Focus Report : Evolution des formes atypiques d'emploi en Belgique. Securex Groupe. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/219518 Dans notre économie de réseau actuelle, des formes atypiques d’emploi dépassant le cadre classiq... |
Fox, F., Franssen, M., Göransson, M., & Rondeaux, G. (2015). Le management à distance aujourd’hui et demain. État des lieux du travail à distance dans une entreprise internationale du secteur des télécommunications. Lentic, HEC-Liège, ULg. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/207543 |
Naedenoen, F., & Fox, F. (2015). Vulnerability and Restructuring. IRENE Network. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/242940 |
Naedenoen, F., & Fox, F. (2014). Monitoring Learning and Innovation in European Restructuring. IRENE Network. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/242939 |
Kuburas, I. (26 October 2024). Harmonisation des conditions salariales en santé: expérimentations des interlocuteurs sociaux sectoriels en Belgique [Paper presentation]. CRIMT, Montréal, Canada. Nous visons à explorer la façon dont les acteurs sociaux, notamment les représentants syndicaux e... |
Colmont, C. (26 October 2024). Union revitalization and sectorial challenges : Numerical tool in a union organization practices. The case of Retail Quebec union [Paper presentation]. CRIMT 2024. |
Tirol-Carmody, K., Kristof-Brown, A., Zhang, Q., Li, C., Reid, S., Nahrgang, J., Black, N., Vleugels, W., Deprez, J., Zabinski, A., Lambert, L., Dimotakis, N., & Gray, T. (2024). Misfit Managed: Navigating, preventing, and even benefitting from misfit at work [Paper presentation]. 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, United States. Person-environment (PE) fit, the perceived compatibility between an employee and their work envir... |
Pichault, F. (Other coll.). (24 November 2023). La cohérence des outils de la GRH des magistrats en question (recrutement, mobilité-carrière, évaluation) [Paper presentation]. Justice et magistrat·es : une GRH en miettes ? Une analyse contextualiste, comparative et pluridisciplinaire, Paris, France. |
Kuburas, I., & Pichault, F. (July 2023). The emergence of a new player in the belgian field of social dialogue : from organizational to institutional experimentation? [Paper presentation]. Socio-Economics in a Transitioning World: Breaking Lines and Alternative Paradigms for a New World Order, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This study focuses on the conditions of transition from organizational experimentation to institu... |
Wuidar, S., & Bakebek, L. (10 July 2022). Informality and the state from north to south: a cross-country analysis of the construction sector regulation in Cameroon and Belgium [Paper presentation]. Conférence annuel de la society for the advancement of socio-economics (SASE), Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Lisein, O. (January 2021). L'Intrapreneuriat, une alternative à l'Entrepreneuriat à stimuler davantage ? [Paper presentation]. Webinaire "Renforcement de l'Entrepreneuriat Universitaire au Maghreb", Casablanca, Morocco. Organisé ces 20, 21 et 22 janvier 2021 par l’Université Hassan II de Casablanca, le Webinaire "Re... |
Parmentier, M. (May 2025). An Examination of Green Workplace Behaviors Using Variable- and Person-centered Approaches [Paper presentation]. 22nd European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Prague, Czechia. Objectives: Environmental sustainability has emerged as a strategic and ethical priority for orga... |
Weertz, L., Lisein, O., Moreau, C., & Sadzot, H. (November 2024). La transformation digitale des soins de santé: convertir le potentiel en réalité effective [Paper presentation]. 12ème Colloque ARAMOS: "Travailler dans les organisations de santé et médico-sociales: quels défis contemporains ?", Nantes, France. Cette communication explore la transformation digitale des soins de santé à travers l'analyse de ... |
Jemine, G., & Wuidar, S. (13 September 2024). Beyond crises: the expansion of HR directors’ roles and strategic priorities [Paper presentation]. Repenser la GRH, le changement, et la technologie : pour une approche empirique et polyphonique, Liège, Belgium. |
Zabudkina, A., Lisein, O., & Pichault, F. (05 September 2024). The Unknown Known: Perceptions of Industry 4.0 shaped by SMEs’ Executives [Paper presentation]. BAM2024 Conference, Nottingham, United Kingdom. The implementation of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) has been a top priority for industrial companies for se... |
Toscanelli, C., Parmentier, M., & Hirschi, A. (September 2024). Another perspective on the work environment: Combinations of challenge and hindrance demands and job resources and their link with well-being outcomes [Paper presentation]. EAWOP Small Group Meeting, Graz, Austria. Research Goals – Even though the literature has extensively stressed the importance of considerin... |
Toscanelli, C., Parmentier, M., & Hirschi, A. (August 2024). Another Perspective on Well-being at Work: Profiles of Job Boredom, Burnout and Work Engagement and their Link with Psychosocial Work Environment [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Motivation and Emotion, Berne, Switzerland. |
Weertz, L. (05 July 2024). Building digitalization projects in social enterprise: Case studies in action research to support the social mission [Paper presentation]. 40th EGOS Colloquium: Crossroads for Organizations: Time, Space, and People, Milan, Italy. Under the influence of favorable political discourses, social enterprises are seeking to digitali... |
Colmont, C. (03 July 2024). Dialogue social sectoriel et entreprises : expérimenter pour faire face aux enjeux contemporains. Le cas du commerce alimentaire belge [Paper presentation]. Journées Internationales de la Sociologie du travail. |
Focacci, C. N., Pichault, F., & Rondeaux, G. (July 2024). Managers in the era of digital transformation: Navigating the dual realities of time [Paper presentation]. 40th EGOS Colloquium. |
Weertz, L., Lisein, O., & Pichault, F. (29 May 2024). Construction de projets de digitalisation en entreprise sociale : Etudes de cas au travers de la théorie de l’acteur-réseau dans le cadre d’une recherche-action [Paper presentation]. 29e Conférence de l’Association Information et Management - 2024, Montpellier, France. Sous l'influence de discours politiques favorables, les entreprises sociales cherchent à se
digit... |
Colmont, C. (26 May 2024). Vers un meilleur emploi ? Projets d'expérimentations institutionnelles dans le dialogue social sectoriel dans le commerce alimentaire : une approche comparée Québec et Belgique [Paper presentation]. ACRI/CIRA. L'accélération du temps, un phénomène contemporain majeur, exerce des pressions considérables sur... |
Père, M. (19 April 2024). The implementation of DEI policies from non-European MNEs in their Belgian subsidiaries: the case of an American firm [Paper presentation]. 39th Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management, Barcelone, Spain. |
Pirsoul, T., Parmentier, M., & Vleugels, W. (2024). Affect and person-environment fit: A systematic review and meta-analysis [Paper presentation]. Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, Rotterdam, Netherlands. |
Parmentier, M., Brazier, C., & Masdonati, J. (2024). Emotional Dynamics and Work-related Identity Loss and Recovery during Involuntary Career Change [Paper presentation]. Careers Division Community Conference 2024, Amsterdam, Netherlands. In today’s job market characterized by complex, volatile, and turbulent career trajectories and t... |
Jemine, G. (2024). New Ways of Working projects under uncertainty: the challenges of sensegiving strategies and sensemaking work [Paper presentation]. 40th EGOS Colloquium, Milan, Italy. Over the past decade, there has been a growing trend for organizations to experiment with new wor... |
Urbanaviciute, I., Parmentier, M., & Toscanelli, C. (2024). The importance of occupational insecurity as a stressor in a new world of work: A comparative analysis of younger and older workers [Paper presentation]. 16th EAOHP Conference. Introduction
The contemporary labour market is characterized by rapid technological developments ... |
Vleugels, W., Deprez, J., de Jong, J., & van der Heijden, B. (2024). PE fit and career sustainability: The interplay between supplementary and complementary fit in predicting happiness, health, and productivity at work [Paper presentation]. Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, Rotterdam, Netherlands. This paper investigates the impact of person-environment (PE) fit on career sustainability, focus... |
Sulbout, J., Keegan, A., Pichault, F., & Jemine, G. (08 August 2023). Constructing Career Sustainability: the importance of skilled contingent workers' career ecosystem [Paper presentation]. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, United States. |
Père, M. (04 August 2023). The implementation of DEI policies from non-European MNEs in their Belgian subsidiaries: the case of an American firm [Paper presentation]. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, United States - Massachusetts. |
Weertz, L., Lisein, O., & Pichault, F. (21 July 2023). On justification of digitalization projects in hybrid organizations [Paper presentation]. Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics - SASE 2023 Annual Conference : Socio-Economics in a Transitioning World: Breaking Lines and Alternative Paradigms for a New World Order, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The digitalization of hybrid organizations is an emerging topic of interest to a growing number o... |
Colmont, C. (20 July 2023). An experimentation of redesign of sectorial social dialogue in food commerce : the case of Delhaize enterprise in Belgium [Paper presentation]. SASE 2023- Labour Market and Employment Policies: From organizational to institutional experimentation, Rio de Janero, Brazil. For several years, food commerce has gone through a multi-crisis. Indeed, since the seventies we ... |
Jemine, G., & Blaise, M. (06 July 2023). Linking organizations as external translators of public reforms: implementing a new remuneration policy in the Belgian healthcare sector [Paper presentation]. EGOS 39th Colloquium 2023, Cagliari, Italy. |
Rondeaux, G., & Beuker, L. (July 2023). Being a recruiter in the age of digitalization: a sustainable job? Analysis of technological-related changes from the workers’ perspective in Belgium [Paper presentation]. SASE (Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics) annual congress, Rio, Brazil. The process of digitalisation has substantial, but contradictory effects on labour markets and mo... |
Jemine, G. (09 June 2023). Organizing collective action in ephemeral online environments: from Mintzberg to r/place [Paper presentation]. Organizations, Artifacts & Practices (OAP) 13th Workshop, Barcelona, Spain. On the 1st of April 2022, one of the largest discussion and community website, Reddit, launched t... |
Parmentier, M., Brazier, C. E., & Masdonati, J. (2023). Three decades of research on career transitions: A bibliometric review [Paper presentation]. International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance, The Hague, Netherlands. |
Margherita, E. G., & Zabudkina, A. (2023). Building human-centric organisations with Industry 4.0 technologies in the Industry 5.0 era: A micro and meso level perspective [Paper presentation]. the 9th International Conference on Socio-Technical Perspective in Information Systems Development (STPIS 2023), Portsmouth, United Kingdom. Manufacturing organisations are adopting Industry 4.0 (I40) technologies. Such technologies enabl... |
Raemdonck, I., Parmentier, M., & Ruth, K. (2023). Career Sustainability of Young and Older Workers: Future Time Perspective Profiles and their relationships with goal orientation and learning motivation [Paper presentation]. EAWOP, Katowice, Poland. |
Brazier, C., Parmentier, M., & Masdonati, J. (2023). Chronicles of Involuntary Career Changes: A Longitudinal Qualitative Analysis [Paper presentation]. International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance, The Hague, Netherlands. |
Vleugels, W., Deprez, J., de Jong, J., & van der Heijden, B. (2023). The interplay between supplementary and complementary fit in predicting career sustainability [Paper presentation]. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, United States. |
Vleugels, W., & Flatau-Harrisson, H. (2023). Fitting in and doing good, or doing good to fit in? [Paper presentation]. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, United States. |
Masdonati, J., Brazier, C. E., & Parmentier, M. (2023). Qualitative Longitudinal Research in Vocational Psychology: A Promising Strategy for Grasping the Complexity of Lifelong Career Development [Paper presentation]. International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance, The Hague, Netherlands. |
Pirsoul, T., & Parmentier, M. (2023). Emotional intelligence profiles in career development: Preliminary evidence and insights for future research [Paper presentation]. International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance, The Hague, Netherlands. |
Beriyan, B. B., Song-Naba, F., & Lisein, O. (December 2022). Les pratiques de conciliation entre la vie entrepreneuriale et la vie estudiantine des étudiants-entrepreneurs en Belgique [Paper presentation]. 9ième édition du Colloque international de l’Association Sénégalaise des Sciences de Gestion, Dakar, Senegal. Les étudiants-entrepreneurs sont au quotidien tiraillés entre leurs obligations liées à leurs étu... |
Anne Keegan, & Sulbout, J. (09 November 2022). Understanding Belgian Project Managers’ Career Shocks: A Qualitative Study [Paper presentation]. 12th Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, Twente, Netherlands. |
Naedenoen, F., & Pichault, F. (19 October 2022). Managing external workers: a new playground for HR department? total workforce management practices among belgian companies [Paper presentation]. 33ème Congrès de l’AGRH, Brest, France. The labour market is undergoing many changes. Since the advent of the employee status - following... |
Zabudkina, A., Lisein, O., & Pichault, F. (15 October 2022). Analytical framework of potential tensions in case of industrial SMEs facing Industry 4.0 implementation [Paper presentation]. The XIX Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS & The XIV Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, Catanzaro, Italy. The concept of Industry 4.0 still triggers multiple challenges that SMEs should overcome before, ... |
Cornet, A., & Wuidar, S. (October 2022). Pratiques de GRH pour attirer et retenir les femmes dans les métiers du numérique [Paper presentation]. 33e congres agrh, brest, France. Notre communication présente les résultats d’une étude réalisée1 sur l’analyse des trajectoires
d... |
Sulbout, J., & Anne Keegan. (24 August 2022). Exploring the career shocks of Belgian project managers [Paper presentation]. 2022 Irish Academy of Management Conference: Reenergising Management for a Greater Future, Dublin, Ireland. |
Sulbout, J., & Pichault, F. (07 July 2022). A qualitative study of freelancers’ career transition through the lens of career shocks [Paper presentation]. European Group for Organizational Studies, Vienne, Austria. |
Jemine, G. (07 July 2022). “Then your buses will not run tomorrow”: escalating indecision and union power in the public transport sector [Paper presentation]. 38th EGOS Colloquium, Vienna, Austria. |
Sulbout, J., & Pichault, F. (06 July 2022). Why Freelancing? A Qualitative Study to Reveal the Sources of Freelancers’ Career Shocks [Paper presentation]. Academy of Management, Seattle, United States. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2022.16319abstract Workers face unexpected career events that lead them to reflect on their career paths and potenti... |
Kpegba, N., Lisein, O., & Sylla, K. (June 2022). Politique de gestion des ressources humaines et émergence de l’intrapreneuriat au sein des entités innovantes au Bénin [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Conference on Digital, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Financing, Lyon, France. S'inscrivant dans la continuité de précédentes études sur le sujet, l'objectif de notre recherche... |
Jemine, G., & Pichault, F. (June 2022). Behind the Scenes of Strategy: Middle-Management Tactics for Shaping Digital Transformation [Paper presentation]. EURAM 2022 - Leading Digital Transformation, Zurich, Switzerland. The abundance of technological innovations has dramatically increased the prominence of digital t... |
Lisein, O. (June 2022). Etude de cas multimédia "DGH - Innovation and Change Management Experimentation": genèse, contenu, objectifs pédagogiques et techniques d'animation du cas [Paper presentation]. Atelier thématique "Etudes de cas pédagogiques", XXXIème Conférerence de l'Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS): "Les nouvelles frontières d'un management en transition", Annecy, France. Développé sous la forme d’un site web pédagogique, l’étude de cas « DGH - Innovation and Change M... |
Nonkoudje, G., Lisein, O., & Hounkou, E. (March 2022). Effet de la performance des structures d'incubation sur le dynamisme entrepreneurial au Bénin [Paper presentation]. 1er Colloque sur le Management de la Créativité et des Pratiques Innovantes - CreaPI 2022, Orléans, France. Alors que les structures d’incubation constituent un instrument de plus en plus utilisé par les p... |
Beriyan, B. B., Song-Naba, F., & Lisein, O. (December 2021). Pratiques des étudiants-entrepreneurs du Burkina-Faso face au défi de la conciliation vie entrepreneuriale/vie estudiantine [Paper presentation]. 8ième édition du Colloque international de l’Association Sénégalaise des Sciences de Gestion, Dakar, Senegal. Une proportion de plus en plus importante d’étudiants de l’enseignement supérieur créent leur ent... |
Margherita, E. G., & Sulbout, J. (11 October 2021). Freelancers 4.0: the impacts of freelancers on the adoption of Industry 4.0 under a socio-technical perspective [Paper presentation]. 7th International Workshop on Socio-Technical Perspective in IS development (STPIS’21), Online, Italy. |
Beriyan, B. B., Song-Naba, F., & Lisein, O. (October 2021). Proposition d’une typologie des étudiants-entrepreneurs: Vers une transposition ou une adaptation au contexte africain? [Paper presentation]. 16èmes Rencontres Internationales de la Diversité (RID): "Le management de la diversité: un levier de performance dans les organisations privées et publiques", Aix-en-Provence, France. Le phénomène de la création d’entreprise par des étudiants durant leur parcours d’études supérieu... |
Franssen, M., Lisein, O., Rondeaux, G., & Wuidar, S. (October 2021). Développement de l’intelligence artificielle et évolution attendue des compétences: quels enjeux pour l’offre de formation? Analyse en Belgique Francophone [Paper presentation]. XVIe Conférence Internationale EUTIC 2021: "Les défis de la transition numérique", Bruxelles, Belgium. Parmi les – nombreux – enjeux de la transition numérique, la question de ses conséquences sur l’e... |
Franssen, M., & Naedenoen, F. (30 September 2021). When digital transformations cause restructuring: the role of a qualitative social dialogue [Paper presentation]. Inclusive Futures for Europe BEYOND Industrie4.0 and Digital Disruption, Sofia, Bulgaria. This communication presents the results of an European survey undertaken as part of the DIRESOC p... |
Sulbout, J., & Pichault, F. (26 August 2021). "I hate them, but I need them" An empirical investigation into skilled contingent workers' discourses towards labour market intermediaries’ career support [Paper presentation]. Irish Academy of Management Conference 2021. |
Marenne, C., & Lisein, O. (August 2021). SME decision-makers’ uses and expectations regarding organizational self-assessments: an empirical study in Belgian manufacturing SMEs [Paper presentation]. 2021 Irish Academy of Management (IAM) Annual Conference. Purpose – Self-assessment instruments have been widely used to guide the improvement of business ... |
Esposito, G., Desdemoustier, Pichault, F., & Crutzen, N. (10 July 2021). Smart city development as public entrepreneurship: an in-depth case study analysis based on actor-network theory [Paper presentation]. 37th EGOS Colloquium - “Organizing for an Inclusive Society: Meanings, Motivations & Mechanisms”. This article investigates smart city development as a government-led innovation process in which ... |
Jemine, G., Puyou, F.-R., & Dubois, C. (08 July 2021). The misfortunes of artificial intelligence solutions for accounting firms: The forgotten role of distribution channels in the diffusion of innovations [Paper presentation]. 37th EGOS Colloquium, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Accounting firms have increasingly been depicted as subject to disruptive technological innovatio... |
Sulbout, J., Pichault, F., & Jemine, G. (08 July 2021). We need to talk about sustainability! A focus on skilled contingent workers’ career scripts [Paper presentation]. 37th EGOS Colloquium in July 2021 - Organizing for an Inclusive Society: Meanings, Motivations & Mechanisms, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Franssen, M., & Rondeaux, G. (05 July 2021). Artificial Intelligence Applications in Human Resources Management: Implications for Skills [Paper presentation]. After Covid? Critical Conjunctures and Contingent Pathways of Contemporary Capitalism. Context
Over the past years, the use of artificial intelligence-based tools has emerged in vast a... |
Sulbout, J., Pichault, F., & Jemine, G. (05 July 2021). Constructing Career Sustainability: A Focus on Skilled Contingent Workers¿ Career Scripts [Paper presentation]. 2021 – SASE Conference After Covid? Critical Conjunctures and Contingent Pathways of Contemporary Capitalism. |
Bakebek, L., Wuidar, S., & Pichault, F. (June 2021). Régulations formelles et informelles du travail dans le secteur de la construction au Cameroun : le cas du Barrage de Nachtigal [Paper presentation]. Managlobal Summer School, Dakar, Senegal. Cette communication traite du recrutement des travailleurs locaux dans le cadre du projet de cons... |
Marenne, C., Jemine, G., & Lisein, O. (June 2021). Revisiting organizational self-assessment: towards a dynamic conceptualization [Paper presentation]. XXXème Conférence de l'AIMS - Association Internationale de Management Stratégique: "Le Management stratégique à l'épreuve des grands défis mondiaux". Organizations frequently seek for methods and tools to monitor activities and respond to changes ... |
Marenne, C., & Lisein, O. (April 2021). Are they doing it right? Manufacturing SMEs decision-makers’ uses and expectations regarding organizational self-assessment [Paper presentation]. 2nd EIASM Conference on Management Accounting and Control in SMEs. Purpose – Self-assessment instruments have been widely used to guide the improvement of businesse... |
Marenne, C. (08 December 2020). Toward an dynamic conceptualization of organizational self-assessment [Paper presentation]. 14TH EIASM Colloquium on organizational change and development. Organizations frequently seek for contemporary methods and tools to monitor activities and respon... |
Jemine, G., Pichault, F., & Dubois, C. (04 December 2020). The Politics Behind Design Projects: When Space, Organization, and Technology Collide [Paper presentation]. EURAM 2020 Online Conference. |
Pichault, F. (Other coll.). (October 2020). Les nouvelles formes de travail dans le secteur public [Paper presentation]. 9e Colloque en ligne "L’entrepreneuriat : quels défis pour le management public ? ", en ligne, France. |
Franssen, M., Lisein, O., Rondeaux, G., & Wuidar, S. (October 2020). Développement de l’intelligence artificielle: Quels ajustements dans l’offre de formation en Belgique francophone ? [Paper presentation]. 2ième Journée de recherche internationale sur l’intelligence artificielle (IRMIA-2020): "L’IA, l’Humain, les Organisations, la Société", La Rochelle, France. L’impact de la digitalisation, et en particulier de l’intelligence artificielle (IA), sur l’emplo... |
Florin, L. (25 August 2020). Building Legitimacy for International Labour Market Statistics. A Comparison of Eurofound and the ILO [Paper presentation]. European Consortium for Political Research General Conference. Labour market statistics are at the core of many public policy decision and, as Miller (2005) put... |
Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (10 August 2020). Why should we care about external workers? Exploring the conceptual foundations of total workforce management [Paper presentation]. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management "Broadening our Sight", Vancouver, Canada. The growing use of external skilled workers (or Independent Professionals) by modern organization... |
Sulbout, J., Jemine, G., Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (18 July 2020). Organizational Career Management for External Workers: Where Are We Now? [Paper presentation]. Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution. |
Sulbout, J., Jemine, G., Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (09 March 2020). Organizational Career Management for external workers: where are we now? [Paper presentation]. Small Group Meeting: Towards inclusive careers across the lifespan: Integrating HRM and careers perspectives, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Jemine, G., Stuer, D., & Sulbout, J. (15 February 2020). Careers in the project era: a systematic literature review of project work and career development [Paper presentation]. Careers in Context: Theorizing in and about Turbulent Times, Vienna, Austria. |
Sulbout, J., Jemine, G., Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (14 February 2020). With or without you? Skilled external workers and OCM practices [Paper presentation]. 1st Careers Division Community Conference: Careers in Context: Theorizing in and about Turbulent Times, Vienna, Austria. |
Sanfratello, A., & Lisein, O. (November 2019). Implémenter des tableaux de bord RH dans le secteur hospitalier: retour sur les dynamiques d'élaboration et les processus d'appropriation dans deux hôpitaux universitaires [Paper presentation]. 30ème Congrès de l'Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH): "La GRH peut-elle sauver le travail ?", Bordeaux, France. Nombre d’activités au sein des organisations sont aujourd’hui monitorées et pilotées à travers de... |
Pichault, F. (14 October 2019). Vers l’autonomie? La sécurité sociale à l’épreuve des nouvelles formes d’emploi [Paper presentation]. World Social Security Forum, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Pichault, F. (24 September 2019). Quand le travail devient l’objet du changement [Paper presentation]. Le travail au cœur des transformations de la fonction publique. Actions, analyses, prospective, Paris, France. |
Florin, L., & Pichault, F. (29 June 2019). Emerging forms of precariousness related to autonomy at work: Proposals for an Empirical Typology of Self-Employment [Paper presentation]. 31st Annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, New-York, United States. Societal, technological and economical changes in the last decades have led to the development of... |
Pichault, F. (25 June 2019). Les générations X, Y, Z… Alpha et leurs influences sur le management des équipes, l’organisation du travail, l’accompagnement au changement [Paper presentation]. Rencontres Managériales du Conseil Départemental de l’Oise, Bresles, France. |
Naedenoen, F. (April 2019). The impact of total workforce management on the HR department [Paper presentation]. International interdisciplinary conference on HRM, Gôteborg, Sweden. |
Sanfratello, A., & Lisein, O. (August 2018). Implémenter des tableaux de bord RH dans un secteur hospitalier en mutation: retour contrasté sur les enjeux de l'outillage managérial des services médicaux de quatre hôpitaux [Paper presentation]. 9ème Conférence francophone en Gestion et Ingénierie des Systèmes Hospitaliers (GISEH), Genève, Switzerland. Les tableaux de bord sont aujourd’hui des outils de gestion et d’aide à la prise de décision larg... |
Fauconneau-Dufresne, S., Jemine, G., Pichault, F., & Rondeaux, G. (05 July 2018). Activity-based working environments as social constructs: a discussion of the sensemaking perspective [Paper presentation]. 34th EGOS Colloquium: Surprise in and around Organizations: Journeys to the Unexpected, Tallinn, Estonia. |
Jemine, G., Dubois, C., & Pichault, F. (22 June 2018). Legitimizing New Ways of Working: discursive and material dimensions of a transformation project [Paper presentation]. New Ways of Working (NWW): Rematerializing Organizations in the Digital Age, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Fauconneau-Dufresne, S., Jemine, G., Pichault, F., & Rondeaux, G. (22 June 2018). Beyond flexibility: confronting normative and lived spaces of New Ways of Working [Paper presentation]. “New Ways of Working (NWW): Rematerializing Organizations in the Digital Age”, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Pichault, F., & Benner, C. (June 2018). Building Collective Capacities for Non-Standard High-Tech Workers: A Comparative Perspective [Paper presentation]. Travail et emploi à l’ère du capitalisme de plateforme, Paris, France. |
Pichault, F., & Koene, B. (June 2018). New Forms of Collective Capabilities for Autonomous Workers: Exploring Belgian and Dutch Initiatives [Paper presentation]. Global Reordering: Prospects for Equality, Democracy and Justice, Kyoto, Japan. |
Antoine, M. (June 2018). The ‘new ways of work’ failure: testament of an organizational identity mimicry [Paper presentation]. The ‘new ways of work’ failure: testament of an organizational identity mimicry, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Naedenoen, F. (June 2018). New autonomous workers collectivism, The Belgian Deliveroo Riders case [Paper presentation]. 7th Ethnography & Qualitative Research Conference, Bergamo, Italy. Companies deviate more and more from the stable full time open-ended contract and enter to new at... |
Pichault, F. (April 2018). New Ways of Working: comment construire la confiance? [Paper presentation]. Chaire Confiance et Management, Paris, France. |
Antoine, M. (March 2018). Effects of an office reconfiguration on the construction of an organization’s identity. Illustration by the DOMO project in the company ORES [Paper presentation]. 7ème atelier doctoral sur les Perspectives Critiques en Management, Grenoble, France. |
Moreau, C., Mertens de Wilmars, S., & Pichault, F. (03 July 2017). HRM professionalization in social enterprises: the central concept of “Critical choice” [Paper presentation]. 6th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
Esposito, G., Pinto, M., & Trasciani, G. (30 June 2017). Labor market transformation and new forms of self-organizing: the case of Italian Clap [Paper presentation]. 29th SASE Annual Meeting, What’s Next - Disruptive/Collaborative Economy or Business as Usual?, Lyon, France. The late 20th century age of globalisation witnessed growing deregulation of national labour mark... |
Joiris, J., Fox, F., Naedenoen, F., & Pichault, F. (April 2017). Methodological sifting: the role of researchers in the production of social knowledge for trade union [Paper presentation]. Knowledge, Organisation and Policy Seminar. This presentation focuses on the role of social and management sciences researchers in enacting k... |
Rondeaux, G. (September 2005). The evolution of the organizational identity of a Federal Public Service in a context of change [Paper presentation]. Congrès de l’European Group of Public Administration (EGPA), Berne, Switzerland. |
Rondeaux, G., Beuker, L., & Pichault, F. (November 2024). Competing rationalities on the use of digital technologies in the recruitment process: a sociomaterial reading [Paper presentation]. Dutch HRM Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands. |
Jemine, G. (21 October 2024). L’implémentation d’une nouvelle politique de rémunération dans le secteur hospitalier [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Scientifique du DSSP. |
Weertz, L. (16 May 2024). Construction de projets de digitalisation en entreprise sociale : Etudes de cas dans le cadre d’une recherche-action [Paper presentation]. HEC Research Day, Liège, Belgium. Sous l'influence de discours politiques favorables, les entreprises sociales cherchent à se digit... |
Rondeaux, G. (15 November 2023). Striking the Balance: A Comprehensive Examination of Impact of Digitization on Sustainable Careers. Perspectives from Five Occupations in Belgium [Paper presentation]. Research seminar, Leeds, United Kingdom. The processes of digitalization exert significant effects on labor markets, impacting the allocat... |
Zabudkina, A. (15 November 2023). Don’t let them down: managerial perceptions shaping Industry 4.0 oriented strategic choices of SMEs [Paper presentation]. PhD Scientific Day - Breaking ground: celebrating 125 and 120 years of doctoral research excellence, Liège, Belgium. |
Alarda, L., Pichault, F., Esposito, G., & Crutzen, N. (06 July 2023). "Setting sustainability agenda at the local level: a process of compromise making" [Paper presentation]. European Group for organisation studies -EGOs. This paper examines how local actors set sustainability agenda. By relying on the economies of wo... |
Naedenoen, F. (07 February 2023). Vers le Total Workforce Management? Exploration du concept et analyse des pratiques en Belgique [Paper presentation]. Chaire Mutations Anticipations Innovations, Paris, France. |
Jemine, G. (19 January 2023). L’innovation technologique et la co-production des services comptables [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de recherche Comptabilité-Contrôle EMLyon, Lyon, France. |
Pichault, F. (December 2022). Enjeux organisationnels et RH du travail hybride [Paper presentation]. Journées nationales des Médecins du Travail, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Pichault, F. (November 2022). Table-ronde "Externalities and territories" [Paper presentation]. EU Seminar Towards an Alternative Vision of CCTPs, Paris, France. |
Lisein, O. (September 2022). Manager l’Innovation et Gérer le Changement par une immersion virtuelle au Domaine des Grottes de Han: retour sur le développement d’une étude de cas pédagogique multimédia [Paper presentation]. Go Digital Day, HEC Liège, Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium. Développé sous la forme d’un site web pédagogique, l’étude de cas "DGH - Innovation and Change Ma... |
Pichault, F. (July 2022). Qui prend soin des travailleurs externes ? Un nouvel enjeu pour la GRH [Paper presentation]. Séminaire scientifique « Sécurité-Sûreté-Vulnérabilité », Sofia, Bulgaria. |
Sulbout, J. (01 December 2021). Evolutions in non-standard forms of work: challenges for sustainable careers - The case of Skilled Contingent Workers [Paper presentation]. Antwerp Management School - 10 Years of Creating Sustainable Careers: Roundtables, Online, Belgium. |
Esposito, G., Terlizzi, A., & Pichault, F. (July 2021). Managing performance in global megaprojects: the case of the TEN-T policy [Paper presentation]. 5th International Conference on Public Policy. Riding the wave of NPM reforms, since the 1970s Performance Management Systems (PMSs) have spread... |
Sulbout, J., Pichault, F., & Jemine, G. (26 May 2021). The way towards sustainability? A qualitative investigation of skilled contingent workers’ sustainable career scripts [Paper presentation]. HEC Research Day, Liège, Belgium. |
Sulbout, J., Pichault, F., & Jemine, G. (15 January 2021). We need to talk about sustainability! A focus on skilled contingent workers’ career scripts [Paper presentation]. Paper Development Workshop, Remote, Belgium. |
Sulbout, J. (29 May 2019). How to deal with project-based workers? HR practices and sustainable careers for project-based workers [Paper presentation]. Research Day @ HEC, Liège, Belgium. |
Naedenoen, F. (30 April 2019). Lampiris, agile durablement? [Paper presentation]. LIEGE CREATIVE in Plug-R, Liège, Belgium. Analyse de l'évolution de Lampiris et de ses méthodes agiles |
Jemine, G. (30 May 2018). Behind the scenes of New Ways of Working: Exploring the issues of legitimation and black-boxing [Paper presentation]. HEC Liège Research Day. |
Florin, L., & Pichault, F. (21 February 2018). Exploring the various dimensions of autonomy in project-based work [Paper presentation]. Between Capital and the State: Autonomous Workers, the Platform Economy, and the Challenge of Labor Regulation, Leuven, Belgium. Work that falls outside of what has been seen as ‘standard’ or ‘typical’ employment arrangements ... |
Esposito, G., Pinto, M., & Trasciani, G. (22 September 2017). New Mutualism and Old Practices: When Cooperatives’ Members Need a new Form of Self-Organisation [Paper presentation]. X Conferenza di ESPAnet: "Il Welfare e i perdenti della globalizzazione: le politiche sociali di fronte a nuove e vecchie disuguaglianze", Forli, Italy. |
Fox, F. (01 June 2017). L’entreprise libérée, vers une (r)évolution organisationnelle ? [Paper presentation]. Conférence Liège Créative. |
Bleys, E., Jemine, G., & Pichault, F. (25 October 2024). Donner sens aux changements organisationnels liés au travail hybride : Le management de proximité à l’épreuve de la distance [Paper presentation]. Congrès de l'AGRH 2024. |
Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (09 August 2024). Towards total talent management practices: An exploration of management practices of external talents by Belgian companies [Paper presentation]. AOM 2024. A growing external workforce and the rise of 'alternative work arrangements' (Cappelli & Keller, ... |
Colmont, C. (01 February 2024). Front commun syndical dans le secteur du commerce alimentaire en Belgique : quels échanges ? quels conflits ? [Paper presentation]. Association belge de Sciences Politiques- Partis et syndicats, toujours frères ? Echanges, adhésions, politisations, Liège, Belgium. L’accélération du temps induit les exigences de productivité économiques et post-moderne (Vignes,... |
Hannuzet, A., De Clercq, M., & Parmentier, M. (2024). L’éco-anxiété : frein ou levier à la mise en place de comportements pro-environnementaux ? [Paper presentation]. Réduire les freins à l'engagement climatique, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Le dérèglement climatique constitue un des défis majeurs de notre société et il devient aujourd’h... |
Colmont, C. (14 March 2023). Echanges autour des innovations dans le dialogue social sectoriel et leurs implications sur les transformations des relations professionnelles [Paper presentation]. COLLOQUE DU CIRTES / Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain la Neuve, Belgium. |
Zabudkina, A. (05 May 2022). Industry 4.0: Organisational and Human Challenges in the reality of Walloon industrial companies [Paper presentation]. HEC Research Day, Liège, Belgium. |
Beuker, L., & Pichault, F. (22 January 2021). « Action collective et autonomie au travail : étude comparative de nouvelles formes de dialogue social pour les travailleurs autonomes » [Paper presentation]. L'avènement d'un modèle de dialogue social?, Nancy, France. La présente communication vise à exposer les résultats d’une recherche menée dans le cadre de la ... |
Wuidar, S., & Bakebek, L. (15 December 2020). Les effets de la sous-traitance sur les configurations d’emploi dans le secteur de la construction au Cameroun : Une analyse de la relation entre grands groupes européens et acteurs locaux [Paper presentation]. Conférence MANAGLOBAL, Dakar, Senegal. Cette recherche sur le secteur de la construction au Cameroun privilégie une approche hybride (ni... |
Wuidar, S. (13 March 2020). Building regulations : The construction sector facing its evolution [Paper presentation]. Research day HEC. The study of regulation processes is particularly interesting as it combines insights from manage... |
Pichault, F., & Rondeaux, G. (23 May 2019). Digitalisation des métiers RH: éléments de méthode [Paper presentation]. Colloque HRpro "La digitalisation des emplois, processus RH et compétences RH", Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Pichault, F. (30 April 2019). Vers l’autonomie? La sécurité sociale à l’épreuve des nouvelles formes d’emploi [Paper presentation]. La sécurité sociale du futur, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Pichault, F., & Naedenoen, F. (2019). Vers l'autonomie ? Enjeux RH liés aux nouveaux arrangements de travail [Paper presentation]. 23ème Congrès des économistes, Charleroi, Belgium. |
Pichault, F. (30 November 2018). Discussion des nouveaux enjeux de la concertation sociale [Paper presentation]. Organes et instruments de la concertation sociale, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
Florin, L. (23 November 2018). Exploring the autonomy of independent professionals: towards an analytical framework [Paper presentation]. Séminaire EDTSS Sociologie du travail, emploi et action organisée. |
Jemine, G. (23 November 2018). When local actors strike back: Power, Resources and Critical Uncertainties in New Ways of Working projects [Paper presentation]. Séminaire doctoral en sociologie des organisations, du travail et des professions. |
Pichault, F. (25 October 2018). Managerial challenges linked to new flexible work arrangements [Paper presentation]. Social Academy, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Pichault, F. (19 October 2018). La conceptualisation des nouvelles formes d’emploi du point de vue de la gestion des ressources humaines [Paper presentation]. La 4ième Révolution Industrielle et le droit social, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Pichault, F. (10 October 2018). New Ways of Working: comment réussir le changement? [Paper presentation]. Forum Financier, Liège, Belgium. |
Florin, L., & Pichault, F. (05 June 2018). Exploring the autonomy/control paradox of independent professionals: towards an analytical framework [Paper presentation]. 34th Colloquium European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Tallinn, Estonia. Research has highlighted that professionals, usually seen as workers with high autonomy, can be c... |
Pichault, F. (03 May 2018). La fonction RH face aux New Ways of Working: grilles d’analyse et retours d’expérience [Paper presentation]. Quelle fonction RH à 10 ans » ?, Liège, Belgium. |
Pichault, F. (03 May 2018). La GRH comme levier d’accompagnement des transformations de l’Université [Paper presentation]. XXIe colloque du Groupement International des Secrétaires Généraux des Universités Francophones (GISGUF), Liège, Belgium. |
Pichault, F. (24 April 2018). New ways of working : grilles d’analyse et retours d’expérience [Paper presentation]. Digitalisation et économie collaborative, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Pichault, F. (28 March 2018). Emerging forms of collective representation for autonomous workers: an analytical grid [Paper presentation]. Journée d’Etudes sur « Le droit de négociation collective des travailleurs indépendants », Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Pichault, F. (30 November 2017). Nouvelles formes d’emploi : l’autonomie et ses risques [Paper presentation]. Comment devenir centenaire, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Ska, M.-H., Verteneuil, R., Timmermans, P., Lacomble, J.-P., & Pichault, F. (23 October 2017). Vers un nouveau pacte social ? [Paper presentation]. Dessinons l’avenir de la concertation sociale belge, Namur, Belgium. |
Pichault, F. (12 September 2017). Analyse critique du dispositif du groupement d’employeurs en Belgique [Paper presentation]. Le groupement d’employeurs : un levier pour l’emploi et le développement des PME, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
De Clercq, M., Lacassagne, D., & Parmentier, M. (2024). Comprendre la nature des processus d’adoption des comportements pro-environnementaux : une analyse en réseaux [Poster presentation]. Réduire les freins à l'engagement climatique, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Limiter le dérèglement climatique constitue un des plus grands enjeux sociétaux de ces dernières ... |
Jemine, G. (2023). En route vers la "fiduciaire 4.0"? Pas si vite. La Libre Belgique. |
Sulbout, J. (2022). Consultants et freelances : sont-ils soutenus dans leur carrière ? Spirit of Management. On observe aujourd’hui une augmentation considérable du nombre de travailleurs qualifiés travaill... |
Franssen, M., Jemine, G., & Rondeaux, G. (February 2022). L’Humain au-delà de la digitalisation: repenser les espaces de travail, les compétences et les pratiques RH. Cahiers du Digital, 3. The aim of the Les Cahiers du Digital collection, published by the Digital Lab of HEC-Liège, is t... |
Jemine, G. (2021). Une nouvelle façon de travailler, mais à quel prix? La Libre Belgique. |
Fox, F. (2017). Dossier « Entreprise libérée » : « Une telle dynamique impacte surtout la hiérarchie qui le vit de diverses façons ». HR Square. |
Fox, F. (2017). Quand la confiance remplace le contrôle. La Libre Belgique. |
Rondeaux, G. (2024). La digitalisation et l'IA dans les métiers RH [Paper presentation]. Webinaire "La digitalisation et l'IA dans les métiers des ressources humaines". |
Lisein, O., Brolis, O., Moreau, C., & Weertz, L. (2024). Les spécificités des entreprises d'économie sociale dans la transition numérique: quels enjeux en matière de Change Management ? [Paper presentation]. Evénement-Rencontre "Le numérique au service de votre finalié sociale", Namur, Belgium. |
Jemine, G. (2023). L'espace de travail: quelle place dans une vision managériale? [Paper presentation]. Conférence Liège Creative. |
Lisein, O., Desmedt, E., Beuker, L., & Goffin, K. (2023). Avenir de l'emploi dans le secteur de l'aide et des soins à domicile. Recommandations issues de 10 projets pilotes [Paper presentation]. « L’emploi dans l’aide et les soins – Quel avenir ? » - « Werken in de zorg – Welke toekomst? », Bruxelles, Belgium. Présentation des recommandations – articulées autour de 6 chantiers stratégiques clés – issues du... |
Desmedt, E., Lisein, O., Goffin, K., & Beuker, L. (2023). Toekomstgericht werken in de thuiszorg. Aanbevelingen vanuit de ervaringen van 10 projecten [Paper presentation]. « Werken in de zorg – Welke toekomst? » - « L’emploi dans l’aide et les soins – Quel avenir ? », Bruxelles, Belgium. Presentatie van de aanbevelingen - gestructureerd rond 6 strategische werven - die voortvloeien u... |
Naedenoen, F. (2023). Vers le Total Workforce Management [Paper presentation]. RobertHalf Conference Networking. |
Weertz, L., Lisein, O., Sadzot, H., Moreau, C., & Brolis, O. (2023). DigitalEES - Rapport de projet [Paper presentation]. Comité de Pilotage. Cette communication présente les résultats tirés du projet DigitalEES et de l'accompagnement réal... |
Naedenoen, F. (2023). Vers le Total Workforce Management - HEC Business Breakfast [Paper presentation]. HEC Business Breakfast. |
Zabudkina, A., & JENNES, G. (2022). Industrie 4.0 : les défis humains et organisationnels [Paper presentation]. Rencontre-conférence "Industrie 4.0 : les défis humains et organisationnels", Liège, Belgium. |
Lisein, O. (2022). Evolutions des pratiques de Change Management: quels enjeux et défis pour les RH ? [Paper presentation]. Conférence d'ouverture du Séminaire "Change Management - Quels rôles et leviers pour les RH ?", Buxelles, Belgium. Les multiples pressions auxquelles font aujourd’hui face les entreprises amènent les directions à... |
Wuidar, S., Cornet, A., & Pichault, F. (2022). Femmes dans le métier numérique: présentation résultats recherche 2021 [Paper presentation]. Femmes et numérique, Namur, Belgium. présentation résultats recherche pour ADN sur femmes dans numérique |
Jemine, G. (2022). Du télétravail contraint au travail hybride: perceptions managériales et enjeux organisationnels [Paper presentation]. HR Club. |
Franssen, M., & Rondeaux, G. (2021). Impacts de l'IA sur les métiers et compétences: focus sur les métiers RH [Paper presentation]. Comment envisager positivement l’impact de l’intelligence artificielle au sein des organisations ?. Présentation des résultats de l’étude prospective menées au sein d'un groupe de télécom sur l’imp... |
Franssen, M. (2021). La digitalisation des processus RH [Paper presentation]. Les petits déjeuners de l'ADP, Grace-Hollogne, Belgium. |
Jemine, G. (2021). Dans les coulisses de projets « NWoW »: Les engrenages du processus de changement. |
Jemine, G. (2021). "New Ways of Working": Origins, Legimation, and Challenges [Paper presentation]. Nouvelles Organisations de Travail. |
Jemine, G. (2021). New Ways of Working: de l'espace conçu à l'espace vécu [Paper presentation]. L’aménagement des espaces de travail NWoW : un idéal fantasmé ?. |
Jemine, G. (2021). Télétravail massif, contrôle et régulation [Paper presentation]. L’impact de la Covid et du télétravail massif sur le travail des membres de la fonction publique et sur les rôles syndicaux. |
Jemine, G. (2021). Générations, polyphonie, et participation [Paper presentation]. Régionale des directions des établissements secondaires du diocèse du 19 mars 2021. |
Jemine, G. (2021). New Ways of Working: du contenu aux processus. |
Franssen, M., & Rondeaux, G. (2020). Faut-il être data scientist pour travailler avec l'intelligence artificielle ? [Paper presentation]. Pecha Kucha Intelligence Artificielle. Prenant appui sur les résultats d'une étude menée dans une grande entreprise du secteur des téléc... |
Pichault, F. (2019). Performance Management: quand le succès est collectif. |
Lisein, O., & Pire, J.-L. (2019). Gérer le changement dans une logique participative: Apports du leadership transformationnel [Paper presentation]. La Fabrique du Changement, Namur, Belgium. Dans leur conférence - débat, Olivier Lisein (LENTIC - HEC Liège - ULiège) et Jean-Louis Pire (HE... |
Lisein, O. (2019). Gérer le changement dans une logique participative. Des règles de base évidentes et pourtant si peu suivies… Pourquoi ? [Paper presentation]. Webinaire HEC Liège Executive Education, Liège, Belgium. Webinaire « Gérer le changement dans une logique participative. Des règles de base évidentes et p... |
Lisein, O., & Pire, J.-L. (2019). Gérer le changement dans une logique participative: défis et enjeux du leadership transformationnel [Paper presentation]. HEC Business Breakfast, Liège, Belgium. Mettre en œuvre des pratiques de gestion du changement efficaces, qui intègrent impératifs straté... |
Pichault, F., & Rondeaux, G. (2019). L’impact des technologies et de l’intelligence artificielle sur les ressources humaines. |
Lisein, O. (2019). L'intrapreneuriat, stimulateur d'innovation pour les entreprises [Paper presentation]. HEC Business Breakfast, Liège, Belgium. Olivier Lisein anime ce mercredi 03 avril matin (7h30-9h00, HEC Liège) un Business Breakfast sur ... |
Jemine, G. (2019). Siffler en travaillant? De Marx à l'intelligence artificielle [Paper presentation]. Doc'Café, Liège, Belgium. |
Jemine, G. (2018). Nouveaux modes d'organisation: enjeux stratégiques, managériaux et opérationnels [Paper presentation]. Journée d'étude: Les nouvelles formes de travail, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
Fox, F., & Pichault, F. (2018). vuCa – Vers la décomplexification ? Conditions de succès dans le secteur public [Paper presentation]. Colloque HR Public - Cycle VUCA, Belgium. |
Fox, F. (2017). Innovation et concertation sociale - Impacts de la digitalisation pour les travailleurs et les acteurs syndicaux [Paper presentation]. Congrès CSC Alimentation et Services. |
Fox, F. (2017). Les enjeux RH de la digitalisation : focus sur le secteur public. |
Fox, F., Franssen, M., & Naedenoen, F. (2017). Les défis de la révolution digitale pour les travailleurs et pour les acteurs syndicaux [Paper presentation]. Congrès régional de la CSC Liège-Huy-Waremme, Liège, Belgium. |
Fox, F., & Naedenoen, F. (2016). Nouvelles formes de travail et impacts sur le dialogue social [Paper presentation]. Congrès annuel du SETCa, Liège, Belgium. |