
Vandenbol Mélissa

Département de Psychologie > Neuropsychologie de l'adulte


See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Geurten, Marie  (3)
Bastin, Christine  (2)
Gardier, Marion  (1)
Léonard, Christina  (1)
Willems, Sylvie  (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
Autobiographic memory, interpersonal memory monitoring, social cognition, metacognition (1); Contrôle mnésique interpersonnel (1); enfants (1); jugements de fidélité (1); mémoire autobiographique (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
PsyNCog - Psychologie et Neuroscience Cognitives - ULiège (3)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Theoretical & cognitive psychology (3)

Publications (total 3)

The most downloaded
Vandenbol, M., Bastin, C., & Geurten, M. (27 November 2024). Memory detectives : how children make judgments on others’ memories and use them to navigate the social world [Poster presentation]. Social Cognition Workshop - From self-knowledge to knowing others, NEW ADVANCES IN UNLOCKING THE PLASTICITY OF SOCIAL COGNITION IN GENERAL AND CLINICAL POPULATIONS, bruxelles, Belgium.

Vandenbol, M., Bastin, C., & Geurten, M. (06 December 2024). L'influence de la valence émotionnelle et de la spécificité sur les jugements que les enfants portent sur la fidélité des souvenirs d’autrui [Poster presentation]. Journée d'hiver, Paris, France.

Vandenbol, M., Bastin, C., & Geurten, M. (27 November 2024). Memory detectives : how children make judgments on others’ memories and use them to navigate the social world [Poster presentation]. Social Cognition Workshop - From self-knowledge to knowing others, NEW ADVANCES IN UNLOCKING THE PLASTICITY OF SOCIAL COGNITION IN GENERAL AND CLINICAL POPULATIONS, bruxelles, Belgium.

Vandenbol, M., Geurten, M., Willems, S., Gardier, M., & Léonard, C. (21 November 2024). The effect of parental reminiscing style on preschoolers' well-being [Poster presentation]. 10th international congress of clinical and health psychology in children and adolescents, Elche, Spain.

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