Trachte Sophie

Département d'Architecture


See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Stiernon Dorothée (8)
Evrard, Arnaud (7)
Bouillard, Philippe (5)
Evrard Arnaud (4)
Pardoen, Thomas (4)
Main Referenced Keywords
économie circulaire (7); circular economy (6); energy retrofit (6); réemploi (6); sustainable retrofit (5);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
AAP - Art, Archéologie et Patrimoine - ULiège (2)
URA - Unité de Recherches de la Faculté d'Architecture - ULiège (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Architecture (57)
Materials science & engineering (3)
Agriculture & agronomy (1)

Publications (total 58)

The most downloaded
Trachte, S. (2023). Vers un « zéro déchet / zéro émission » en construction [Paper presentation]. En route vers le zéro déchet dans la construction, Namur, Belgium.

The most cited

31 citations (OpenAlex)

Ambroise Romnée, Evrard Arnaud, & Trachte, S. (2015). Methodology for a stormwater sensitive urban watershed design. Journal of Hydrology, 530, 87-102. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.09.054

Romboux, A., & Trachte, S. (03 September 2025). Bamboo in a temperate climate: what potential for integration and application(s) in sustainable, low-carbon, and circular architecture? [Poster presentation]. Built Environment in Transition, Cisbat 2025, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Peer reviewed

Romboux, A., & Trachte, S. (2025). Bamboo in temperate climate: what potential for integration and application(s) in sustainable, low carbon and circular architecture [Paper presentation]. Sustainable Built Environment, SBE 2025, Zurich, Switzerland.
Peer reviewed

Trachte, S., Romboux, A., Hallot, P., & Sosnowska, P. (2025). URMIBALI project: How digital documentation technologies can be a support for urban mining and reuse of building materials? A new method for data acquisition on traditional residential buildings in Liège [Poster presentation]. CISBAT2025, THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT IN TRANSITION, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Peer reviewed

Trachte, S. (2024). L'économie circulaire dans la construction, ambition réaliste ou utopie? [Paper presentation]. Grande Conférence de Verviers, Verviers, Belgium.

Trachte, S. (2024). Les matériaux bio et géosourcés, mise en contexte pour lever les aprioris [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Bruxelles Environnement "Matériaux bio & géo-sourcés : catalogue d’inspirations", Bruxelles, Belgium.

Trachte, S. (07 October 2024). Based on the reflexive process of the standard EN 16883, how can the energy retrofitting of historic and traditional residential buildings be supported? Decision-making tools provided by the “P-Renewal” research project [Paper presentation]. EEHB 2024, Krems, Austria.

Trachte, S., & De Mil, T. (July 2024). A sustainable and circular development of the wood sector in Wallonia, Southern Belgium [Poster presentation]. IUFRO World Congress 2024, Stockholm, Sweden.
Peer reviewed

Romboux, A., & Trachte, S. (May 2024). Bambou en climat tempéré : quel potentiel d’intégration et d’application(s) pour une architecture durable, bas-carbone et circulaire ? [Paper presentation]. Journées d'étude Régénérations, Liège, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Trachte, S., & Stiernon, D. (2024). P-Renewal project, a reflexive contribution to the evolution of energy performance standards for the renovation of historic buildings. Heritage. doi:10.3390/heritage7030074
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Horvath, M., Bollen, P., Trachte, S., & Pardoen, T. (March 2024). New circular, sustainable building composite material made of building wastes [Paper presentation]. TMS 2024.
Peer reviewed

Trachte, S., & Stiernon Dorothée. (15 January 2024). Choix équilibré d'un isolant thermique, comment répondre aux exigences de performances énergétiques tout en limitant l'impact environnemental global et en favorisant la circularité des matières? Lieuxdits, 24.
Peer reviewed

Trachte, S., & Stiernon Dorothée. (2024). How can the energy retrofitting of historic and traditional residential buildings be supported, based on the reflective process of the standard EN 16883? Decision-making tools provided by the “P-Renewal” research project [Paper presentation]. International Conference Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings, Krems, Austria.
Peer reviewed

Halbach, A., & Trachte, S. (2024). Passeport Matériau. Quelles données à intégrer pour en faire un réel support au réemploi ? [Paper presentation]. Dialogue URA #04, Liège, Belgium.

Horvath, M., Bollen Pierre, Pardoen Thomas, & Trachte, S. (December 2023). Evaluation of the properties of a new circular building composite material to upcycle building wastes. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 2600. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2600/19/192018
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Trachte, S., & Stiernon Dorothée. (2023). Isolants thermiques en rénovation, Réaliser un choix équilibré entre confort, performance énergétique, approche environnementale et gestion circulaire des ressources. (première édition). Lausanne, Switzerland: EPFL Press.
Editorial reviewed

Trachte, S. (2023). Vers un « zéro déchet / zéro émission » en construction [Paper presentation]. En route vers le zéro déchet dans la construction, Namur, Belgium.

Horvath, M., Pardoen, T., & Trachte, S. (13 September 2023). Evaluation of the properties of a new circular building composite material to upcycle building wastes [Poster presentation]. Conférence CISBAT 2023, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Peer reviewed

Trachte, S. (2023). Matériaux de construction et Recyclage, définitions et mise en contexte [Paper presentation]. Recyclage des matériaux une solution complémentaire au réemploi, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Trachte, S. (2023). Le recyclage des matériaux de construction [Paper presentation]. Le recyclage des déchets du bâtiment et ses défis à l’exemple de la laine minérale, Liège, Belgium.

Trachte, S. (2022). Économie circulaire dans la construction [Paper presentation]. Économie circulaire dans la construction et valorisation des flux résiduels en entreprises, Liège, Belgium.

Trachte, S. (2021). Economie circulaire et gestion durable de chantier Diminution des nuisances, évolution des compétences, implications des acteurs [Paper presentation]. Économie circulaire - Gestion de chantier, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Horvath, M., Trachte, S., & Pardoen, T. (2021). New circular building composite material to upcycle building wastes. Journal of Physics. Conference Series. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2042/1/012167
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Trachte, S., & Bos, M. (2021). Projet Feder BBSM : rapport scientifique WP8 - Résultats et retombées sociétales, environnementales et économiques.

Trachte, S., & Bos, M. (2021). Projet Feder BBSM : rapport scientifique WP3/4 - Analyse des filières existantes en RBC. Louvain la neuve, Belgium: UCLouvain.

Trachte, S., & Bos, M. (2021). Projet Feder BBSM : rapport scientifique WP9 - Recommandations pour le renforcement de la circularité des matières dans le secteur de la construction en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale.

Horvath, M., Trachte, S., & Pardoen, T. (2021). Nouveau matériau composite circulaire pour application dans le bâtiment [Paper presentation]. Conférence sur la recherche interdisciplinaire et transdisciplinaire "Transition et Développement durable".

Stiernon, D., & Trachte, S. (2020). Quel avenir pour les logements d’avant-guerre à valeur patrimoniale en Wallonie ? Lieuxdits, (18), 15-20. doi:10.14428/ld.vi18.55853
Peer reviewed

Gillis, C., & Trachte, S. (2020). Apprendre par l’expérience : Le modèle pédagogique d’apprentissage expérientiel au service de la formation à l’innovation en lien avec la question du réemploi des matériaux dans la conception architecturale. Lieuxdits, (18), 21-26. doi:10.14428/ld.vi18.55833
Peer reviewed

Dubois, S., Desarnaud, J., de Bouw, M., Stiernon, D., & Trachte, S. (2020). Contribution of photogrammetry and sensor networks to the energy diagnosis of occupied historical buildings. In E. V. K. V. B. Aziliz Vandensande, Preventive conservation - From Climate and Damage Monitoring to a Systemic and Integrated Approach. Londres, Unknown/unspecified: CRC Press.
Editorial reviewed

Stiernon, D., Trachte, S., Dubois, S., & Desarnaud, J. (2019). A method for the retrofitting of pre-1914 Walloon dwellings with heritage value [Paper presentation]. CISBAT 2019 Climate Resilient Cities – Energy Efficiency & Renewables in the Digital Era, Lausanne, Switzerland. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1343/1/012179

Dubois, S., Desarnaud, J., Vanhellemont, Y., de Bouw, M., Trachte, S., & Stiernon Dorothée. (2019). Combining multi-view photogrammetry and wireless sensor networks when modelling the hygrothermal behaviour of heritage buildings [Paper presentation]. WTA- PRECOM³ OS Symposium.

Gobbo, E., Trachte, S., & Massart, C. (2019). Energy retrofit scenarios: material flows and circularity. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 225. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/225/1/012029
Peer reviewed

Gobbo, E., Trachte, S., & Massart, C. (2019). Influence of energy retrofit on material flows: comparison between various strategies. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 1343 (012175), 6. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1343/1/012175
Editorial reviewed

Stiernon Dorothée, & Trachte, S. (2018). Outil de gestion décentralisée à la parcelle des eaux pluviales en zones urbanisables en Région wallonne [Paper presentation]. Séminaire AABW - Le passeport eau, un défi majeur pour les architectes.

Stiernon Dorothée, & Trachte, S. (2018). Présentation du projet de recherche "P-RENEWAL" à l'Union des Villes et des Communes de Wallonie [Paper presentation]. Après-midi d'étude sur la rénovation énergétique des bâtiments.

Dubois, S., de Bouw, M., Vanhellemont, Y., Stiernon Dorothée, & Trachte, S. (2018). Combining multi-view photogrammetry and wireless sensor networks when modelling the hygrothermal behaviour of heritage buildings [Paper presentation]. Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings 2018, Visby, Sweden.

Stiernon Dorothée, Trachte, S., de Bouw Michaël, Dubois Samuel, & Vanhellemont Yves. (2017). Heritage value combined with energy and sustainable retrofit: representative types of old Walloon dwellings built before 1914. In Energy efficiency from nano to urban scale, Energy Procedia volume 122. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier.
Peer reviewed

Evrard Arnaud, Trachte, S., Hermand Cédric, Bouillard Philippe, & De Herde André. (2016). SUSTAINABLE RETROFITTING OF DWELLINGS IN BRUSSELS CAPITAL REGION: FIVE SCENARIOS OF EVOLUTION USING A MULTI-SCALE AND -CRITERIA PRE-ASSESSMENT TOOL. In S. M. La Roche P, Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture PLEA 2016. PLEA Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Gobbo Emilie, & Trachte, S. (2016). Building as material deposit: Material balances and “recoverability” into retrofitting processes. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference PLEA 2016. Los Angeles, United States - California: PLEA Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Gobbo, E., & Trachte, S. (2016). Projet Feder BBSM - Rapport scientifique WP1 - État de l’Art - Photographie de l’état des connaissances et pratiques chez les acteurs du secteur : déchets de construction et économie circulaire. Louvain la neuve, Unknown/unspecified: UCLouvain.

Gobbo Emilie, & Trachte, S. (2015). Energy retrofits of residential buildings in Brussels: What impacts on stocks and material flows? In Proceedings of CISBAT 2015 International Conference on Future Buildings and Districts - Sustainability from Nano to Urban Scale - Vol. I. Lausanne, Unknown/unspecified: Lausanne, EPFL Solar Energy and Building Physics Laboratory.
Peer reviewed

Galan, A., Deltenre, Q., Athanassiadis, A., Trachte, S., Evrard, A., "lastName":"Acha", F. C., & Bouillard, P. (2015). PRESERVING BRUSSELS IDENTITY: METHODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES FOR THE RETROFITTING OF CITY BLOCKS. In Proceedings of CISBAT 2015 International Conference on Future Buildings and Districts - Sustainability from Nano to Urban Scale - Vol. I. Lausanne, Unknown/unspecified: Lausanne, EPFL Solar Energy and Building Physics Laboratory.
Peer reviewed

Galan, A., Bouillard, P., Consolacion, A., Trachte, S., & Evrard, A. (July 2015). TCS Matrix: Evaluation of optimal energy retrofitting strategies [Paper presentation]. 7th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, Lisbonne, Portugal.
Peer reviewed

Trachte, S., Galán Aranzazu, Evrard Arnaud, & Athanassiadis Aristide. (May 2015). B³-RETROTOOL: DEVELOPMENT OF A MULTI-SCALE AND MULTI-CRITERIA PRE-ASSESSMENT TOOL FOR THE SUSTAINABLE RETROFIT OF BRUSSELS CAPITAL REGION [Paper presentation]. 2ème Congrès interdisciplinaire du développement durable, Louvain la neuve, Belgium.

Ambroise Romnée, Evrard Arnaud, & Trachte, S. (2015). Methodology for a stormwater sensitive urban watershed design. Journal of Hydrology, 530, 87-102. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.09.054
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Galan, A., Consolacion, A., Bouillard, P., Trachte, S., & Evrard, A. (2015). Old buildings, new cities: Analysis of Brussel's Leopold Quarter building typologies as a driver to identify optimal retrofitting strategies [Paper presentation]. Euro - Elecs 2015, Guimaraes, Portugal.
Peer reviewed

Trachte, S., Evrard Arnaud, Arancha Galan, & Athanassiadis Aristide. (2014). Assessing Sustainable Retrofit of the old Dwellings Stock in Brussels Capital Region. In Rajan Rawal, PLEA2014 Sustainable Habitat for developping societies. Ahmedabad, India: CEPT UNIVERSITY PRESS.
Peer reviewed

Trachte, S., & Salvesen, F. (2014). Sustainable renovation of non residential buildings, a response to lowering the environmental impact of the building sector in Europe. Energy Procedia, 48. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.02.171
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Galán González, A., Trachte, S., Athanassiadis, A., Evrard, A., Bouillard, P., & Acha Román, C. (2014). Old buildings, New cities: Energy renovation strategies for the historic residential stock of Brussels [Poster presentation]. World Sustainable Building Conference 2014, Barcelone, Spain.
Peer reviewed

Trachte, S., & Deherde, A. (2014). Sustainable refurbishment of school buildings – A Guide for designers and planners. Louvain la neuve, Belgium: Presses universitaires de Louvain.
Peer reviewed

Athanassiadis, A., Galan, A., Evrard, A., Trachte, S., Bouillard, P., & Deherde, A. (2014). Assessing the energy use of the pre-war residential building stock of Brussels Capital Region at a neighbourhood scale [Poster presentation]. WORLD SB14 Barcelona, Barcelone, Spain.
Editorial reviewed

Trachte, S. (2013). Transportation of building materials, an environmental issue? In Cisbat 2013 Proceedings. Lausanne, Unknown/unspecified: EPFL Conférence CISBAT 2023.
Peer reviewed

Trachte, S. (2012). Matériau, matière d'architecture soutenablechoix responsable des matériaux de construction pour une conception globale de l'architecture soutenable [Doctoral thesis, UCLouvain]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Trachte, S., Evrard, A., Regniers, V., & Aubecq, C. (2011). WHAT IS A “NATURAL INSULATION MATERIAL”? ASSESSMENT MODEL BASED ON THE LIFE CYCLE. In Cisbat 2011 Proceedings. Lausanne, Unknown/unspecified: EPFL Conférence CISBAT 2011.
Peer reviewed

Evrard, A., Regniers, V., Aubecq, C., Trachte, S., & Deherde, A. (2011). Élaboration de critères dans le cadre de la surprime isolants naturels. Louvain la neuve, Unknown/unspecified: UCLouvain.

Trachte, S., & Massart Catherine. (2011). Reducing the environmental impact of new dwellings: Analyse of the balance between heating energy savings and environmental assessment of the building materials [Paper presentation]. PLEA2011 "Architecture and Sustainable Development", Louvain la neuve, Belgium.

Trachte, S., & Deherde André. (2010). Advanced and Sustainable Housing Renovation,A guide for Designers and Planners. Louvain la neuve, Belgium: UCLouvain.

Trachte, S., & De Herde André. (2010). ÉLABORATION D’UN OUTIL D’AIDE À LA CONCEPTION DE MAISONS À TRÈS BASSE CONSOMMATION D’ÉNERGIE: Choix des MATÉRIAUX - ÉCOBILAN de parois. Louvain la neuve, Unknown/unspecified: UCLouvain.

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