
Valentin Morgane

Département de chimie (sciences) > GREEnMat


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Main Referenced Co-authors
Boschini, Frédéric  (10)
Cloots, Rudi  (10)
Vertruyen, Bénédicte  (3)
Coibion, Damien  (2)
Malherbe, Cédric  (2)
Main Referenced Keywords
Pharmaceutical (2); Batteries (1); Budesonide (1); Budésonide (1); DPI (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Chemistry (12)

Publications (total 12)

The most downloaded
Valentin, M., Coibion, D., Vertruyen, B., Malherbe, C., Cloots, R., & Boschini, F. (21 December 2022). Macroporous Mannitol Granules Produced by Spray Drying and Sacrificial Templating. Materials, 16 (1), 25. doi:10.3390/ma16010025

The most cited

4 citations (Scopus®)

Valentin, M., Coibion, D., Vertruyen, B., Malherbe, C., Cloots, R., & Boschini, F. (21 December 2022). Macroporous Mannitol Granules Produced by Spray Drying and Sacrificial Templating. Materials, 16 (1), 25. doi:10.3390/ma16010025

Valentin, M., Coibion, D., Vertruyen, B., Malherbe, C., Cloots, R., & Boschini, F. (21 December 2022). Macroporous Mannitol Granules Produced by Spray Drying and Sacrificial Templating. Materials, 16 (1), 25. doi:10.3390/ma16010025
Peer reviewed

Valentin, M., Coibion, D., Malherbe, C., Cloots, R., & Boschini, F. (05 October 2022). Using polystyrene beads as sacrificial template to produce porous mannitol particles by a spray-drying process for pharmaceutical applications [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology.

Valentin, M., Streel Bruno, Cloots, R., & Boschini, F. (15 July 2021). Using sonocrystallization process and design of experiments to control particle size and morphology of budesonide for dry powder inhaler [Poster presentation]. 15th International conference on materials chemistry (MC15).

Valentin, M., Cloots, R., & Boschini, F. (05 May 2021). Using spray-drying process with the addition of PVP to control the particle morphology and the polymorphism of mannitol [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting BCerS 2021.

Valentin, M., Cloots, R., & Boschini, F. (17 March 2021). Spray dried mannitol carrier particles - Influence of process parameters and PVP addition on the polymorphism and morphology of mannitol [Poster presentation]. Belgian Crystallography Symposium BCS11.

Valentin, M., Streel, B., Cloots, R., & Boschini, F. (06 March 2020). Particle engineering of budesonide using LAS precipitation combined with ultrasound for dry powder inhaler [Paper presentation]. One-dray meeting of Young Chemists.

Valentin, M., Devaux, F., Hubert, S., Duwez, A.-S., Cloots, R., & Boschini, F. (05 July 2018). Study of surface roughness of spray-dried mannitol particles [Paper presentation]. Journée du Département de Chimie de l'Université de Liège.

Piffet, C., Valentin, M., Vertruyen, B., Mahmoud, A., Cloots, R., & Boschini, F. (2018). Using Spray-Drying process to control the particle morphology for battery and pharmaceutical applications [Poster presentation]. Seminaire des utilisateurs de microscopie CAREM, Liege, Belgium.

Valentin, M., & Dellicour, A. (12 October 2017). Controlling powder microstructure for pharmaceutical applications [Poster presentation]. BePCIS seminar : From Hard Grains to Soft Matter, Liege, Belgium.

Valentin, M., Roex, E., Cloots, R., Vertruyen, B., & Boschini, F. (05 September 2017). Microencapsulation of budesonide using a biocompatible matrix for dry powder inhaler [Poster presentation]. 19th International Sol-Gel Conference, Liège, Belgium.

Valentin, M., Cloots, R., & Boschini, F. (07 July 2016). Particle engineering of budesonide using sonocrystallization technique for DPI : optimization of process parameters [Poster presentation]. Journée du Département de Chimie ULG.

Valentin, M. (2015). Mise en forme de budésonide par précipitation anti-solvant et formulation de poudre à base de budésonide pour IPS [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

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