
Stouvenakers Gilles

Département GxABT > Gestion durable des bio-agresseurs

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Jijakli, Haissam  (22)
Massart, Sébastien  (20)
Sare, Abdoul  (3)
Eck, Mathilde  (2)
Goormachtig, Sofie (2)
Main Referenced Keywords
aquaponic (6); biocontrol (6); lettuce (5); aquaponics (4); pythium (4);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Centre de recherche en agriculture urbaine Gembloux (1)
Laboratoire de Phytopathologie intégrée et Urbaine (1)
Laboratory of Integrated and Urban Phytopathology, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, University of Liège (1)
Laboratory of Integrated and Urban Phytopathology, University of Liège, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (1)
Phytopathologie Intégrée et Urbaine (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Agriculture & agronomy (21)
Microbiology (2)
Entomology & pest control (1)
Phytobiology (plant sciences, forestry, mycology...) (1)

Publications (total 24)

The most downloaded
Stouvenakers, G., Dapprich, P., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (2019). Chapter 14: Plant Pathogens and Control Strategies in Aquaponics. In S. Goddek, A. Joyce, B. Kotzen, ... G. M. Burnell (Eds.), Aquaponics Food Production Systems: Combined Aquaculture and Hydroponic Production Technologies for the Future (pp. 353-378). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Open. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-15943-6_14

The most cited

45 citations (OpenAlex)

Stouvenakers, G., Dapprich, P., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (2019). Chapter 14: Plant Pathogens and Control Strategies in Aquaponics. In S. Goddek, A. Joyce, B. Kotzen, ... G. M. Burnell (Eds.), Aquaponics Food Production Systems: Combined Aquaculture and Hydroponic Production Technologies for the Future (pp. 353-378). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Open. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-15943-6_14

Parisis, O., Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (18 June 2024). Harnessing the complex microbiota of aquaponic systems for plant growth promotion [Poster presentation]. 5th Plant Microbiome Symposium, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Stouvenakers, G., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (25 January 2024). Biological control agent.

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (2023). Application of aquaponic microorganisms alone or in consortium as original biocontrol method of lettuce root rots in soilless culture. Acta Horticulturae, (1378), 289-294. doi:10.17660/actahortic.2023.1378.38
Editorial reviewed

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (13 July 2023). Aquaponics as future urban food production systems: phytopathological challenges and opportunities thanks to aquaponic microbiota characterization and original biocontrol agent isolation. Bulletin OILB/SROP, 165, 79-82.
Editorial reviewed

Stouvenakers, G., & Jijakli, H. (23 May 2023). AQUABIO - A new solution for plant disease biocontrol with microbial fungicides [Poster presentation]. Rendez-vous franco-belge de l'AgriTech.

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (2023). First Study Case of Microbial Biocontrol Agents Isolated from Aquaponics Through the Mining of High-Throughput Sequencing Data to Control Pythium aphanidermatum on Lettuce. Microbial Ecology, 86 (2), 1107-1119. doi:10.1007/s00248-022-02126-1
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Stouvenakers, G. (2022). From characterization of aquaponic microbiota toward identification of potential biocontrol microorganisms against diseases caused by Pythium aphanidermatum on lettuce [Doctoral thesis, ULiège. GxABT - Liège Université. Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (24 May 2022). In vivo screening of new biocontrol agents from an aquaponic origin to control Pythium aphanidermatum root rot disease on soilless lettuce [Paper presentation]. 73rd International Symposium on Crop Protection.
Editorial reviewed

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., Depireux, P., & Jijakli, H. (29 October 2020). Microbial Origin of Aquaponic Water Suppressiveness against Pythium aphanidermatum Lettuce Root Rot Disease. Microorganisms, 8 (11), 24. doi:10.3390/microorganisms8111683
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Sare, A. R., Stouvenakers, G., Eck, M., Lampens, A., Goormachtig, S., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (28 February 2020). Standardization of Plant Microbiome Studies: Which Proportion of the Microbiota is Really Harvested? Microorganisms, 8 (3), 342. doi:10.3390/microorganisms8030342
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (31 January 2020). Aquaponic water, a novel source of biocontrol agents against pythium aphanidermatum root rot in lettuce [Poster presentation]. 25th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS), Gembloux, Belgium.

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (09 October 2019). AQUAPONIC WATER SUPPRESSIVENESS ON PYHTIUM APHANIDERMATUM ROOT ROT IN LETTUCE AND ITS ORIGIN [Paper presentation]. Aquaculture europe 19, Berlin, Germany.

Stouvenakers, G., Dapprich, P., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (2019). Chapter 14: Plant Pathogens and Control Strategies in Aquaponics. In S. Goddek, A. Joyce, B. Kotzen, ... G. M. Burnell (Eds.), Aquaponics Food Production Systems: Combined Aquaculture and Hydroponic Production Technologies for the Future (pp. 353-378). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Open. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-15943-6_14
Peer reviewed

Quaghebeur, C., Serteyn, L., Stouvenakers, G., Sarles, L., Ongena, M., Ramirez, C. C., & Francis, F. (August 2018). Effect of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria on aphids reproduction and feeding behaviour [Poster presentation]. 34th Annual Meeting of International Society of Chemical Ecology, Budapest, Hungary.

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (22 May 2018). AQUAPONIC WATER: A NOVEL SOURCE TO ISOLATE BCAs AGAINST PYTHIUM APHANIDERMATUM? [Poster presentation]. 70th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Ghent, Belgium.

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (24 April 2018). Suppressive effect of aquaponic water on the development of root rot caused by Pythium aphanidermatum in lettuce [Paper presentation]. XV Meeting of the Working Group ‘Biological and integrated control of plant pathogens’: Biocontrol products: from lab testing to product development, Lleida, Spain.

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (10 April 2018). SUPPRESSIVE ACTION OF AQUAPONIC WATER AGAINST PYTHIUM APHANIDERMATUM, AN IMPORTANT ROOT PATHOGEN ON LETTUCE [Poster presentation]. COST Action: FA1305 Meeting Title: Final Conference and MC meeting, Londre, United Kingdom.

Jijakli, H., Stouvenakers, G., & Massart, S. (April 2018). Suppressive action of aquaponic water against Pythium aphanidematum , an important root pathogen on lettuces [Poster presentation]. COST aquaponics, Londres, United Kingdom.

Jijakli, H., Massart, S., Stouvenakers, G., Sare, A. R., & Eck, M. (November 2017). Importance of Microbiota characterization in two original agronomical situations [Paper presentation]. European summit of Biotechnology, Graz, Austria.

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (18 October 2017). BIOCONTROL PROPERTIES OF RECIRCULATING AQUACULTURE WATER AGAINST HYDROPONIC ROOT PATHOGENS [Paper presentation]. Aquaculture Europe 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Sare, A. R., Stouvenakers, G., Lampens, A., Goormachtig, S., Jijakli, H., & Massart, S. (23 May 2017). Plant microbiome study: The importance and potential bias of microbiota harvesting techniques: an example from apple skin and lettuce root [Poster presentation]. 69th International Symposium on Crop Protection, University of Ghent, Gand, Belgium.

Jijakli, H., & Stouvenakers, G. (2016). Satellites, LED, aquaponie: l'agriculture réinventée. L'Echo, p. 46-47.

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (17 May 2016). Characterization and biocontrol properties of Lactuca sativa rhizosphere microbiota in an aquaponic system [Poster presentation]. 38th international symposium on crop protection, Ghent, Belgium.

Stouvenakers, G., Massart, S., & Jijakli, H. (23 March 2016). Biocontrol in aquaponic systems: Toward a better characterization of microbiota properties [Paper presentation]. COST FA1305, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

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