
Urbanczyk Laetitia

Département de chimie (sciences) > Centre d'études et de rech. sur les macromolécules (CERM)


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Main Referenced Co-authors
Calberg, Cédric  (20)
Jérôme, Christine  (18)
Alexandre, Michaël  (13)
Detrembleur, Christophe  (13)
Jérôme, Robert  (11)
Main Referenced Keywords
nanocomposite (22); nanostructured material (22); green technology (20); supercritical carbon dioxide (20); clay (17);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Center for Education and Research on Macromolecules (CERM) (26)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Chemistry (27)
Materials science & engineering (26)

Publications (total 27)

The most downloaded
Gertsmans, A., Urbanczyk, L., Jérôme, R., Robert, J.-L., & Grandjean, J. (2008). XRD and NMR characterization of synthetic hectorites and the corresponding surfactant-exchanged clays. Clay Minerals, 43, 205-212. doi:10.1180/claymin.2008.043.2.05

The most cited

82 citations (OpenAlex)

Urbanczyk, L., Calberg, C., Detrembleur, C., Jérôme, C., & Alexandre, M. (08 July 2010). Batch foaming of SAN/clay nanocomposites with scCO2: A very tunable way of controlling the cellular morphology. Polymer, 51 (15), 3520-3531. doi:10.1016/j.polymer.2010.05.037

Urbanczyk, L., Calberg, C., Detrembleur, C., Jérôme, C., & Alexandre, M. (08 July 2010). Batch foaming of SAN/clay nanocomposites with scCO2: A very tunable way of controlling the cellular morphology. Polymer, 51 (15), 3520-3531. doi:10.1016/j.polymer.2010.05.037
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Urbanczyk, L., Bourbigot, S., Calberg, C., Detrembleur, C., Jérôme, C., Boschini, F., & Alexandre, M. (05 January 2010). Preparation of fire-resistant poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) foams using supercritical CO2 technology. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20, 1567-1576. doi:10.1039/b917539c
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Mainil, M., Urbanczyk, L., Calberg, C., Germain, A., Jérôme, C., Bourbigot, S., Devaux, J., & Sclavons, M. (January 2010). Morphology and properties of SAN-clay nanocomposites prepared principally by water-assisted extrusion. Polymer Engineering and Science, 50 (1), 10-21. doi:10.1002/pen.21501
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Urbanczyk, L., Calberg, C., Alexandre, M., Detrembleur, C., & Jérôme, C. (28 September 2009). Polymer foaming with supercritical CO2 and nanoclays: a very effective means to fine tune the desired cellular morphology [Paper presentation]. Functional Supramolecular Systems, PAI meeting in the frame of the work packages 4 and 7 on hybrid materials and functional coatings, Ghent, Belgium.

Chen, Y. Y., Urbanczyk, L., Thomassin, J.-M., Detrembleur, C., & Jérôme, C. (16 September 2009). Foams of polyurethane/MWNT nanocomposites for efficient EMI reduction [Poster presentation]. 11th International Conference on Blowing Agents and Foaming Processes 2009 , Iselin, New Jersey, United States.

Thomassin, J.-M., Urbanczyk, L., Huynen, I., Alexandre, M., Jérôme, C., & Detrembleur, C. (16 September 2009). Use of supercritical fluid technology to prepare efficient nanocomposite foams for environmental protection purpose [Paper presentation]. 11th International Conference on Blowing Agents and Foaming Processes 2009 , Iselin, New Jersey, United States.

Urbanczyk, L., Calberg, C., Detrembleur, C., Alexandre, M., & Jérôme, C. (19 June 2009). Production of polymer/clay nanocomposite foams with improved fire behaviour using supercritical fluid technology [Poster presentation]. International Society for Advancement of Supercritical Fluids (ISASF), Bordeaux, France.

Thomassin, J.-M., Urbanczyk, L., Alexandre, M., Jérôme, C., Detrembleur, C., & Huynen, I. (20 May 2009). Use of scCO2 for the preparation of polymer/carbon nanotube foams that are effective protective materials against electromagnetic pollution [Paper presentation]. 9th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids (ISSF 2009) : New Trends in Supercritical Fluids ; Energy, Materials, Processing, Arcachon, France.

Urbanczyk, L., Thomassin, J.-M., Huynen, I., Alexandre, M., & Jérôme, C. (19 May 2009). Use of the supercritical fluid technology to prepare efficient nanocomposite foams for environmental protection purpose [Paper presentation]. Blowing agents and foaming processes 2009, Hamburg, Germany.

Urbanczyk, L., Ngoundjo, F., Alexandre, M., Jérôme, C., Detrembleur, C., & Calberg, C. (March 2009). Synthesis of polylactide/clay nanocomposites by in situ intercalative polymerization in supercritical carbon dioxide. European Polymer Journal, 45 (3), 643-648. doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2008.11.033
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Urbanczyk, L., Benali, S., Calberg, C., Brocorens, P., Alexandre, M., Lazzaroni, R., Dubois, P., & Jérôme, C. (28 November 2008). A new method to prepare poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile)/clay nanocomposites with significantly improved properties [Poster presentation]. PAI P6/27 Annual Meeting, Leuven, Belgium.

Urbanczyk, L., Alexandre, M., Benali, S., Bourbigot, S., Dubois, P., & Jérôme, C. (08 September 2008). Thermal behaviour of well-dispersed poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile)/clay nanocomposites prepared by using supercritical technology [Poster presentation]. MoDest 2008 "Modification, Degradation and Stabilization of Polymers", Liège, Belgium.

Naveau, E., Urbanczyk, L., Calberg, C., & Jérôme, C. (31 August 2008). Production of highly efficient nanoclays in supercritical carbon dioxide [Poster presentation]. Copenmind, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Urbanczyk, L., Calberg, C., Stassin, F., Alexandre, M., Jérôme, R., Jérôme, C., & Detrembleur, C. (26 August 2008). Synthesis of PCL/clay masterbatches in supercritical carbon dioxide. Polymer, 49 (18), 3979-3986. doi:10.1016/j.polymer.2008.06.052
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Urbanczyk, L., Calberg, C., Benali, S., Bourgibot, S., Espuche, E., Gouanvé, F., Dubois, P., Germain, A., Jérôme, C., Detrembleur, C., & Alexandre, M. (August 2008). Poly(caprolactone)/clay masterbatches prepared in supercritical CO2 as efficient clay delamination promoters in poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile). Journal of Materials Chemistry, 18 (39), 4623-4630. doi:10.1039/b807357k
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Grignard, B., Urbanczyk, L., Stassin, F., Calberg, C., Detrembleur, C., & Jérôme, C. (02 June 2008). Supercritical carbon dioxide, a tool for the dispersion ROP of lactone and PCL foaming: Part A [Poster presentation]. Workshop on biomacromolecules, Renewable, Degradable and Biomedical Polymers, Stockholm, Sweden.

Urbanczyk, L., Calberg, C., Stassin, F., Bourbigot, S., Espuche, E., Jérôme, R., Jérôme, C., & Detrembleur, C. (22 May 2008). Effect of the addition of nanoclay on the extrusion foaming of poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) with supercritical carbon dioxide [Paper presentation]. Belgian Polymer Group (BPG) annual meeting 2008, De Haan, Belgium.

Urbanczyk, L., Calberg, C., Alexandre, M., Jérôme, C., & Detrembleur, C. (05 May 2008). Extrusion foaming of poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) using supercritical carbon dioxide [Paper presentation]. 11th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Barcelona, Spain.

Gertsmans, A., Urbanczyk, L., Jérôme, R., Robert, J.-L., & Grandjean, J. (2008). XRD and NMR characterization of synthetic hectorites and the corresponding surfactant-exchanged clays. Clay Minerals, 43, 205-212. doi:10.1180/claymin.2008.043.2.05
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Urbanczyk, L., Stassin, F., Calberg, C., & Jérôme, R. (31 August 2007). Use of supercritical carbon dioxide for polym/clay nanocomposites preparation and foaming [Poster presentation]. Polymers: Last achievements and prospects, in honour of Professor Jérôme, Liège, Belgium.

Naveau, E., Urbanczyk, L., Calberg, C., & Jérôme, R. (31 August 2007). Production of highly efficient nanoclays in supercritical carbon dioxide [Poster presentation]. Polymers: Last achievements and prospects, in honour of Professor Jérôme, Liège, Belgium.

Urbanczyk, L., Stassin, F., Calberg, C., & Jérôme, R. (27 August 2007). Synthesis of PCL/clay masterbatches and their redispersion in poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) [Poster presentation]. Eurofillers 2007, Zalakaros, Hungary.

Urbanczyk, L., Hrobarikova, J., Jérôme, R., & Grandjean, J. (17 November 2006). Motional heterogeneity of intercalated species in modified clays and poly(ε-caprolactone)/clay nanocomposites [Paper presentation]. 5th one-day symposium of the young belgian magnetic resonance scientists (5th YBMRS), Brussels, Belgium.

Urbanczyk, L., Hrobarikova, J., Calberg, C., Jérôme, R., & Grandjean, J. (09 May 2006). Motional heterogeneity of intercalated species in modified clays and poly(epsilon-caprolactone)/clay nanocomposites. Langmuir, 22 (10), 4818-4824. doi:10.1021/la060041u
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Urbanczyk, L., Grignard, B., Stassin, F., Calberg, C., & Jérôme, R. (01 June 2005). Synthesis of polymer nanocomposites and microspheres in supercritical carbon CO2 [Poster presentation]. Advanced nanomaterials for biofunctional surfaces, Liège, Belgium.

Urbanczyk, L., Grignard, B., Stassin, F., Calberg, C., & Jérôme, R. (01 June 2005). Synthesis and foaming of polymer nanocomposites and microspheres in supercritical CO2 [Poster presentation]. Advanced nanomaterials for biofunctional surfaces, Liège, Belgium.

Calberg, C., Stassin, F., Urbanczyk, L., Dodet, C., Germain, A., & Jérôme, R. (11 May 2005). Preparation of preexfoliated poly(ε-caprolactone)/clay masterbatches in supercritical carbon dioxide [Poster presentation]. 8th european symposium on polymer blends and eurofillers 2005, Bruges, Belgium.

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