ALIANGO, D., & Corhay, A. (22 November 2021). La formation et la recherche en sciences de gestion au service de la société congolaise : un exemple de collaboration [Paper presentation]. La Coopération universitaire au développement à l’épreuve de l’après Covid-19, Kinshasa, Congo - Kinshasa. |
Corhay, A. (2018). Discours de la séance de rentrée académique 2018 [Paper presentation]. Séance de rentrée académique, Liège, Belgium. |
Drion, P., Corhay, A., Haubruge, E., Cloots, R., Rentier, B., Balthazart, J., RADERMECKER, R., Bureau, F., DEFRAIGNE, J., Malgrange, B., Nguyen, L., Desmecht, D., Bakker, J., Vanderplasschen, A., Seutin, V., Noël, A., & Foidart, J.-M. (2018). Analyse détaillée de la seconde version de l’avant-projet de Code du bien-être animal wallon. Lecture commentée au 21/03/2018 du Chapitre 8 (Expérimentation animale). |
Amorim, C., Andris, F., Arckens, L., Arnould, T., Aron, S., Bakker, J., Balligand, M., Balthazart, J., Baron, F., Beck, B., Beguin, Y., Behets, C., Bellefroid, E., Bertrand, L., Bettendorff, L., Bindels, L., Blankert, B., Blanpain, C., Bondue, A., ... Wittamer, V. (2017). L’expérimentation animale reste indispensable (OPINION). La Libre Belgique. |
Corhay, A. (2017). Une Université à l’épreuve du temps et des territoires [Paper presentation]. Séance de rentrée académique et cérémonie du Dies Natalis, Liège, Belgium. |
Drion, P., Seutin, V., Balthazart, J., RADERMECKER, R., Corhay, A., Haubruge, E., Cloots, R., & Rentier, B. (2017). Avant-projet de décret relatif au Code wallon du Bien-être des animaux Lecture commentée au 04 juillet 2017 des chap. 4, 8, 11. |
Corhay, A. (2016). De la source à l'océan [Paper presentation]. Séance de rentrée académique, Liège, Belgium. |
Corhay, A. (2015). Repenser notre modèle de société [Paper presentation]. Séance de rentrée académique, Liège, Belgium. |
Detroz, P., Leduc, L., Deum, M., & Corhay, A. (11 January 2013). Etude de cas portant sur la révision du dispositif d'évaluation des enseignements à l'Université de Liège [Paper presentation]. Evaluation et autoévaluation. Quels espaces de formation ? 25ème colloque de l'ADMEE Europe, Fribourg, Switzerland. |
Corhay, A., & Crutzen, N. (07 November 2012). Responsabilité sociale et management durable dans une école de gestion: le cas de HEC-ULg [Paper presentation]. 2nd PRME MENA Regional Forum - "Doning Business Responsibly", Beyrouth, Lebanon. |
Corhay, A., & Mbangala, M. (2010). Ingéniérie des projets d'investissement. Liège, Belgium: Les Editions de l'Université de Liège. |
Corhay, A., Hübner, G., & Muller, A. (2009). Finance et valeur(s): Liber Amicorum et Discipulorum. Liège, Belgium: Les Editions de l'Université de Liège. |
Corhay, A., & El Khoury, G. (2009). Modèle d'équilibre des actifs financiers et autres facteurs de risque: le cas belge. In A. Corhay, G. Hübner, ... A. Muller (Eds.), Finance et valeur(s): Liber amicorum et discipulorum (pp. 7-20). Liège, Belgium: Les Editions de l'Université de Liège. |
El Khoury, G., Colmant, B., & Corhay, A. (2009). Predicting default probability and the default recovery ratio: evidence from the Lebanese external public debt. Banks and Bank Systems, 4 (2). Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Corhay, A., & Mbangala, M. (2009). Fondements de gestion financière: manuel et applications. (4ème édition, revue et corrigée). Liège, Belgium: Les Editions de l'Université de Liège. |
Corhay, A., & Mbangala, M. (2008). Diagnostic financier des entreprises: manuel et études de cas. Liège, Belgium: Editions de l'Université de Liège. |
El Khoury, G., Colmant, B., & Corhay, A. (2008). La dette publique libanaise : Anticipation de défaut de l’Etat libanais sur la dette souveraine en devises étrangères. Bulletin de Documentation, 3 (3), 223-260. Peer reviewed |
Capocci, D., Corhay, A., & Hübner, G. (October 2005). Hedge fund performance and persistence in bull and bear markets. European Journal of Finance, 11 (5), 361-392. doi:10.1080/1351847042000286676 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Corhay, A., & Vossaert, S. (2004). Evolution de la théorie du portefeuille et de la comptabilité. In J. Bair & V. Henry (Eds.), Regards croisés sur Les méthodes quantitatives de gestion. En hommage aux Prs Christian De Bruyn et René Moors (pp. 133-149). Editions de l'Université de Liège. |
Bastin, V., Corhay, A., Hübner, G., & Michel, P.-A. (2003). Development path and capital structure of belgian biotechnology firms. In P. Butzen (Ed.), Firms' investment and finance decisions: Theory and empirical methodology (pp. 167-190). Edward Elgar Publishing. |
Corhay, A., Teo, S., & Tourani Rad, A. (2002). The Long Run Performance of Malaysian Initial Public Offerings (IPOs): Value and Growth Effects. Managerial Finance, 28 (2), 52-64. doi:10.1108/03074350210767690 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Vossaert, S., Corhay, A., & Tourani Rad, A. (2000). Corporate gouvernance : the case of Belgium. |
Corhay, A., & Tourani-Rad, A. (2000). L'impact de l'introduction des contrats d'options sur la Bourse de Bruxelles. Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, (166), 109-130. Peer reviewed |
Corhay, A., & Tourani-Rad, A. (2000). International acquisitions and shareholder wealth: evidence from the Netherlands. International Review of Financial Analysis, 9 (2), 163-174. doi:10.1016/S1057-5219(00)00025-9 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Corhay, A., Tourani Rad, A., & Urbain, J.-P. (March 1997). Estimating Systematic Risk in the Presence of Thin Trading and Conditional Heteroscedasticity. In The Money, 2, 22-23. |
Corhay, A., & Tourani Rad, A. (1996). Returns Interval and Variability in Risk Measurement. Belgian Journal of Operations Research, Statistics and Computer Science, 36, 3-10. Peer reviewed |
Corhay, A., Dighaye, A., & Michel, P.-A. (1996). The Impact of the New Corporate Governance Code on Belgian Stock Market. In P. Ali & G. Gregoriou (Eds.), International Corporate Governance after Sarbannes-Oxley (pp. 95-125). Wiley. |
Adriaanse, F., Corhay, A., & Tourani-Rad, A. (1996). Effecten van internationale overnames op aandelenrendementen. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 70 (3), 123-132. Peer reviewed |
Corhay, A., & Tourani-Rad, A. (1996). Conditional heteroskedasticity adjusted market model and an event study. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 36 (4), 529-538. doi:10.1016/S1062-9769(96)90050-2 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Corhay, A., & Tourani Rad, A. (1996). The Market Valuation of Corporate Restructuring in the Netherlands. In H. Sander, K. Kim, S. Foster, ... M. El-Namaki (Eds.), Economic and Corporate Restructuring: Experiences and Challenges of the Decade (pp. 297-310). Leiderdorp, Netherlands: Lansa Publishing. |
Corhay, A., Fatemi, A. M., & Tourani-Rad, A. (1995). On the presence of a day-of-the-week effect in the foreign exchange market. Managerial Finance, 21 (8), 32-43. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Corhay, A., Tourani-Rad, A., & Urbain, J.-P. (1995). Long run behaviour of Pacific-Basin stock prices. Applied Financial Economics, 5 (1), 11-18. doi:10.1080/758527666 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Corhay, A., Tourani-Rad, A., & Urbain, J.-P. (1994). Co-movements and dynamic interrelationships in pacific basin stock markets. Research in International Business and Finance, 11B, 93-105. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Corhay, A., Herst, A., & Tourani Rad, A. (1994). MBO en Aandeelhouder. Bedrifskunde, 4, 42-47. Peer reviewed |
Corhay, A., & Tourani-Rad, A. (1994). Expected returns and volatility in european stock markets. International Review of Economics and Finance, 3 (1), 45-56. doi:10.1016/1059-0560(94)90041-8 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Corhay, A., & Tourani-Rad, A. (1994). Statistical properties of daily returns : evidence from european stock markets. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 21 (2), 271-282. doi:10.1111/j.1468-5957.1994.tb00318.x Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Corhay, A., & Tourani-Rad, A. (1993). Return interval, firm size and systematic risk on the Dutch stock market. Review of Financial Economics, 2 (2), 19-28. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Corhay, A., & Tourani Rad, A. (1993). Stochastic Behaviour of European Stock Indices. In R. Flavell (Ed.), Modelling Reality and Personal Modelling (Contributions to Management Science, pp. 48-71). Heidelberg, Germany: Physica-Verlag. |
Corhay, A.* , & Tourani Rad, A.*. (1993). Risk Measurement and Size Effect on the Dutch Stock Market. In Proceedings 12th meeting of the Euro Working group on Financial Modelliing (pp. 15-30). Springer-Verlag. Editorial reviewed * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Corhay, A., Tourani-Rad, A., & Urbain, J.-P. (1993). Common stochastic trends in European stock markets. Economics Letters, 42 (4), 385-390. doi:10.1016/0165-1765(93)90090-Y Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Corhay, A., & Tourani-Rad, A. (1993). Sell-Off en de welvaart van aandeelhouders. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 67 (10), 471-477. Peer reviewed |
Corhay, A., & Tourani-Rad, A. (1993). Conditional heteroscedasticity in pacific-basin stock market returns. Research in International Business and Finance, 10, 327-338. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Corhay, A., & Tourani Rad, A. (1993). Conditional Heteroscedasticity in stock Returns: International Evidence. In K. Fatemi & D. Salvatore (Eds.), Foreign Exchange Issues, Capital Markets and International Banking in the 1990's (pp. 191-203). Taylor and Francis. |
Corhay, A., & Tourani Rad Alireza. (01 July 1992). De parallelmarkt werkt efficient. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 3866, 645-647. Peer reviewed |
Corhay, A. (May 1992). The intervalling effect bias in beta: a note. Journal of Banking and Finance, 16 (1), 61-73. doi:10.1016/0378-4266(92)90078-E Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Corhay, A., & Tourani-Rad, A. (1992). Beta estimates of dutch firms : alternate methods. VBA Journaal, 8 (4), 2-6. Peer reviewed |
Corhay, A. (1992). Market index specification and estimation of risk on the Brussels Stock Exchange. Recherches Economiques de Louvain, 58 (1), 85-107. Peer reviewed |
Corhay, A., Tourani Rad, A., & Urbain, J.-P. (1992). GARCH and Cointegration in European Stock Markets. In K. Fatemi (Ed.), International Trade and Finance Association (pp. 37-51). Laredo, United States: LSU Press. |
Corhay, A., Tourani Rad, A., & Urbain, J.-P. (1992). Are There Common Trends in European Stock Markets? ORBi-University of Liège. |
Corhay, A. (1991). Daily Seasonalities on the Brussels Spot Equity Market. Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, (132), 415-430. Peer reviewed |
Corhay, A., & Tourani Rad, A. (1991). Conditional Heteroscedasticity in Stock Returns: International Evidence. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Corhay, A. (February 1990). The Equilibrium Princing Models : Their Relationships and their Application to Portfolio theory. Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, 125 (1er Trimestre), 33-51. Peer reviewed |
Corhay, A. (1990). The equilibrium pricing models: their relationships and their application to portfolio theory. Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, (125), 33-51. Peer reviewed |
Corhay, A. (1990). Effet d'intervalle et estimation du risque systématique à la bourse de Bruxelles. Journal de la Société de Statistique de Paris, 131, 69-85. Peer reviewed |
Corhay, A. (1990). Daily anomalies in the Brussels equity markets. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Corhay, A., Hawawini, G., & Michel, P.-A. (1989). A Look at the Validity of the CAPM in Light of Equity Market Anomalies: The Case of the Belgian Common Stocks. In R. Guimaraes, B. Kingsman, ... S. Taylor (Eds.), A Reappraisal of the Efficiency of Financial Markets. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag. |
Corhay, A. (1989). Option Pricing Models : A Binomial Approach. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Corhay, A. (1988). The adjustment for the intervalling effect bias in beta : a broader and multi period test. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Corhay, A., Hawawini, G., & Michel, P.-A. (1988). The Pricing of Equity on the London Stock Exchange: Seasonality and Size premium. In E. Dimson (Ed.), Stock Market Anomalies (pp. 197-214). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. |
Corhay, A. (1987). Option Pricing Models: An Additive Approach. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Corhay, A., Hawawini, G., & Michel, P.-A. (1987). Seasonality in the risk-return relationship : some international evidence. Journal of Finance, 42 (1), 49-68. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6261.1987.tb02549.x Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Hawawini, G., Michel, P.-A., & Corhay, A. (1987). The pricing of common stocks on the Brussels stock exchange : a re-examination of the évidence. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Corhay, A., Hawawini, G., & Michel, P.-A. (1986). Risk-Premia Seasonality in US and European Equity Markets. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Hawawini, G. A., Michel, P.-A., & Corhay, A. (1985). New evidence on beta stationarity and forecast for belgian common stocks. Journal of Banking and Finance, 9 (4), 553-560. doi:10.1016/0378-4266(85)90006-8 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Corhay, A., De Bruyn, C., & Ghammachi, K. (1982). Essai de diagnostic externe de processus de changements dans les Petites et Moyennes Entreprises, partie III. Revue Belge des Sciences Commerciales, 233-264. |
Corhay, A., De Bruyn, C., & Gnammachi, K. (1982). Essai de diagnostic externe de processus de changements dans les Petites et Moyennes Entreprises, partie II. Revue Belge des Sciences Commerciales, 213-228. |
Corhay, A., De Bruyn, C., & Ghammachi, K. (1982). Essai de diagnostic externe de processus de changements dans les Petites et Moyennes Entreprises, partie I. Revue Belge des Sciences Commerciales, 179-188. |
Corhay, A. (1982). Goal Programming et décisions financières. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Colson, G., & Corhay, A. (November 1981). Analyse informationnelle de banques de données en vue d'une exploration rapide [Paper presentation]. Congrès du Laboratoire d'Analyse Statistique des Langues Anciennes. |
De Bruyn, C., & Corhay, A. (1981). Les ensembles de données comptables centralisés: un exemple d'analyse, un débat sur leur aide potentielle en gestion de PME. In J. Wilkin & D. Dubois (Eds.), L'informatique de gestion à la portée des P.M.E (pp. 61-83). |