Zhu, S., Sun, H., Mu, T., & Richel, A. (April 2025). Characterization of physicochemical properties and techno-economic analysis of cellulose nanocrystals derived from pilot production of sweet potato residue. Sustainable Materials and Technologies, 43, 01232. doi:10.1016/j.susmat.2024.e01232 |
Zie, M., Jacquet, N., Karamoko, G., Alabi, T., Richel, A., Karoui, R., & Blecker, C. (01 February 2025). Characterization of a novel natural protein-polysaccharide complex from cashew apple bagasse and its functional implications. Food Chemistry, 464 (Pt 3), 141861. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2024.141861 |
Richel, A. (2025). La chimie se met au vert [Paper presentation]. CONNAISSANCE ET VIE D’AUJOURD'HUI, Verviers, Belgium. |
Wang, Z., An, Z., Richel, A., Huang, M., Gou, X., Xu, D., Zhang, M., Mo, H., Hu, L., & Zhou, X. (15 December 2024). Ferrous sulfate remodels the properties of sodium alginate-based hydrogel and facilitates the healing of wound infection caused by MRSA. Carbohydrate Polymers, 346, 122554. doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2024.122554 |
Fan, S., Yang, Q., Zhu, C., Li, X., Richel, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Fang, F., Zhang, D., & Hou, C. (05 December 2024). Zein/chitosan Janus film incorporated with tannic acid and cinnamon essential oil co-loaded Pickering emulsion for sustained controlled release and pork preservation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 286, 138429. doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.138429 |
Postiaux, A., Putra, F. J. N., Kahar, P., Richel, A., & Ogino, C. (2024). Maleic Acid-Butanol Pretreatment to Enhance Cellulose Accessibility for Enzymatic Hydrolysis and Ethanol Production from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch. ACS Environmental Au. doi:10.1021/acsenvironau.4c00045 |
Richel, A. (21 November 2024). Micropolluants: la menace invisible de la pollution moderne [Paper presentation]. Micropolluants organiques dans l'eau : des enjeux aux solutions, Liège, Belgium. |
Richel, A. (2024). Hydrogène: promesses et défis [Paper presentation]. Université provinciale du Temps libre de Mons, Mons, Belgium. |
Xie, M., Ding, A., Guo, Y., Sun, J., Qiu, W., Chen, M., Li, Z., Li, S., Zhou, G., Xu, Y., Wang, M., Richel, A., Gong, D., & Kong, Y. (03 October 2024). The transcription factors ZAT5 and BLH2/4 regulate homogalacturonan demethylesterification in Arabidopsis seed coat mucilage. Plant Cell, 36 (10), 4491 - 4510. doi:10.1093/plcell/koae209 |
Liu, Q., Martinez Villarreal, S. A., Wang, S., Ngoc Thanh Tien, N., Kammoun, M., De Roover, Q., Len, C., & Richel, A. (October 2024). The role of plastic chemical recycling processes in a circular economy context. Chemical Engineering Journal, 498, 155227. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2024.155227 |
Richel, A. (2024). L’hydrogène : promesses et défis [Paper presentation]. Collège de Belgique, Belgium. |
Richel, A. (2024). Les « couleurs » de l’hydrogène, un discours trompeur pour la transition énergétique. The Conversation. |
Liu, J., Fauconnier, M.-L., Richel, A., & Jin, Y. (2024). Preparation of active films with antioxidant and antimicrobial properties by combining ginger essential oil nanoemulsion with xylan and polyvinyl alcohol. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 135780. doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.135780 |
Zhu, S., Sun, H., Mu, T., & Richel, A. (12 September 2024). Cellulose nano-dispersions enhanced by ultrasound assisted chemical modification drive osteoblast proliferation and differentiation in PVA/HA bone tissue engineering scaffolds. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 279 (Pt 4), 135571. doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.135571 |
Zhang, Z., Liu, Q., Zhang, L., Liu, W., Richel, A., Zhao, R., & Hu, H. (2024). Potato dietary fiber effectively inhibits structure damage and digestibility increase of potato starch gel due to freeze-thaw cycles. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 135034. doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.135034 |
Richel, A. (August 2024). Lignin, an innovative biomolecule: case studies focused on a circular economy approach in Northwestern Europe [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on New Technologies for the Synthesis and Application of Biomass Based Fine Chemicals, Xi'an, China. |
Fan, S., Yang, Q., Wang, D., Zhu, C., Wen, X., Li, X., Richel, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Yang, W., Hou, C., & Zhang, D. (15 July 2024). Zein and tannic acid hybrid particles improving physical stability, controlled release properties, and antimicrobial activity of cinnamon essential oil loaded Pickering emulsions. Food Chemistry, 446, 138512. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2024.138512 |
Richel, A. (2024). Les matières plastiques face à l’inévitable dilemme environnemental. www.chem4us.be. |
Richel, A. (2024). L’hydrogène ou la quête de l’énergie infinie. www.chem4us.be. |
Richel, A. (2024). Le Greenwashing, l’art du mensonge écologique [Paper presentation]. Conférence-débat - Syndicat d'initiatives Barvaux-sur-Ourthe, Belgium. |
Richel, A. (2024). Synthetic polymers: facing the inescapable environmental dilemma [Paper presentation]. Plastics for Climate, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Richel, A. (2024). La chimie se met au vert [Paper presentation]. Exp'Osons 2024 _ Conférence lors de la remise des prix, Namur, Belgium. |
Postiaux, A., Denis, J., & Richel, A. (12 April 2024). Food by-products: opportunities and applications [Paper presentation]. Mix-Matters Project Workshop, Namur, Belgium. |
Richel, A. (2024). Hydrogène: promesses et défis [Paper presentation]. Programmation 2023-2024. |
Richel, A. (2024). Hydrogène: promesses et défis [Paper presentation]. Cycle de conférences 2023-2024, Arlon, Belgium. |
Roncero Ramos, B., Savaglia, V., Durieu, B., Van De Vreken, I., Richel, A., & Wilmotte, A. (2024). Ecophysiological and genomic approaches to cyanobacterial hardening for restoration. Journal of Phycology, 1-18. doi:10.1111/jpy.13436 |
Richel, A. (25 January 2024). Food by-products, opportunities to create new packaging [Paper presentation]. B-Resilient Training for Clusters n°2: Food by-products, opportunities to create new packaging, Belgium. |
Richel, A. (2024). La chimie verte: une solution pour un futur durable ? [Paper presentation]. Connaissance et Vie d'Aujourd'hui, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Richel, A. (18 January 2024). Le greenwashing ou l'art du mensonge écologique [Paper presentation]. Forum des Savoirs, Liège, Belgium. |
Annatelli, M., Sánchez Velandia, J., Mazzi, G., Pandeirada, S. V., Giannakoudakis, D. A., Rautiainen, S., Esposito, A., Thiyagarajan, S., Richel, A., Triantafyllidis, K. S., Robert, T., Guigo, N., Sousa, A. F., Garcia-Verdugo, E., & Aricò, F. (2024). Beyond 2,5-Furandicarboxylic Acid: Status Quo, Environmental Assessment, And Blind Spots Of Furanic Monomers For Bio-Based Polymers. Green Chemistry, 26, 8894-8941. doi:10.1039/d4gc00784k |
Jauquet, V., Denis, J., Liu, Q., Len, C., & Richel, A. (2024). Biorefining of Sugar-Rich Plant Materials. In Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/b978-0-443-15742-4.00083-1 |
Zie, M., Jacquet, N., Alabi, T., Karamoko, G., Richel, A., & Blecker, C. (2024). Physicochemical, structural and functional properties of a protein-polysaccharide complex from cashew apple bagasse [Poster presentation]. 13th International Colloids Conference, Barcelone, Sitges, Spain. |
Richel, A. (15 December 2023). Agriculture et énergie: entre passé et présent [Paper presentation]. Agr-e-Sommet. |
Richel, A. (14 December 2023). Production of new packaging plastics for the food industry: the role of food by-products and the European position [Paper presentation]. National Talent Introduction Demonstration Base. |
Fan, X., Guo, H., Richel, A., Zhang, L., Liu, C., Qin, P., Blecker, C., & Ren, G. (December 2023). Preparation, physicochemical properties, and formation mechanism of quinoa self-assembled peptide-based hydrogel. Food Hydrocolloids, 145, 109139. doi:10.1016/j.foodhyd.2023.109139 |
Richel, A. (2023). Le développement durable par les technologies vertes et l'hydrogène [Paper presentation]. Université du Temps Libre de Gaume, Virton, Belgium. |
Richel, A. (December 2023). Hydrogène: promesses et défis [Paper presentation]. Le futur du gaz naturel et les nouveaux gaz en Wallonie, Namur, Belgium. |
Richel, A. (2023). Les PFAS : avantages éphémères et soucis éternels ? www.chem4us.be. |
Richel, A. (17 November 2023). De l’importance de la vulgarisation dans le domaine de la chimie [Paper presentation]. Les défis de la communication scientifique : partager connaissance et passion, Belgium. |
Richel, A. (16 October 2023). Hydrogen : promises and challenges From past to nowadays, review of academic research directions [Paper presentation]. Joining forces on hydrogen, Brussels, Belgium. |
Richel, A. (October 2023). Matériaux pour l’emballage alimentaire: hier, aujourd’hui et demain [Paper presentation]. Workshop : Packaging écoresponsable dans l'agroalimentaire, Belgium. |
Richel, A. (2023). L’hydrogène: comment une molécule découverte il y a plus de 5 siècles est devenue l’objet d’un emballement très récent de la recherche scientifique. www.chem4us.be. |
Quieng, S. R., Bolaños, J., Dauchot, G., Navarro, P. A., Sharma, S., Karpichev, Y., Richel, A., & De Roover, Q. (18 July 2023). 3D Printing of Starch, PLA & Lignin [Poster presentation]. 3rd BIOCEB Summer School, Tallinn, Estonia. |
Kammoun, M., Margellou, A., Toteva, V. B., Aladjadjiyan, A., Sousa, A. F., Luis, S. V., Garcia-Verdugo, E., Triantafyllidis, K. S., & Richel, A. (12 July 2023). The key role of pretreatment for the one-step and multi-step conversions of European lignocellulosic materials into furan compounds. RSC Advances, 13 (31), 21395 - 21420. doi:10.1039/d3ra01533e |
Richel, A. (03 July 2023). Chimie verte: un nouveau paradigme technologique pour une chimie plus responsable ? [Paper presentation]. Colloques Limites Planétaires et enjeux de durabilité. |
Adhami, W., Richel, A., & Len, C. (July 2023). A review of recent advances in the production of furfural in batch system. Molecular Catalysis, 545, 113178. doi:10.1016/j.mcat.2023.113178 |
Fan, X., Guo, H., Teng, C., Yang, X., Qin, P., Richel, A., Zhang, L., Blecker, C., & Ren, G. (15 May 2023). Supplementation of quinoa peptides alleviates colorectal cancer and restores gut microbiota in AOM/DSS-treated mice. Food Chemistry, 408, 135196. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.135196 |
Zhang, H., Liu, H., Qi, L., Xv, X., Li, X., Guo, Y., Jia, W., Zhang, C., & Richel, A. (May 2023). Application of steam explosion treatment on the collagen peptides extraction from cattle bone. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 85, 103336. doi:10.1016/j.ifset.2023.103336 |
Zhu, S., Sun, H., Mu, T., Li, Q., & Richel, A. (March 2023). Preparation of cellulose nanocrystals from purple sweet potato peels by ultrasound-assisted maleic acid hydrolysis. Food Chemistry, 403, 134496. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.134496 |
Nguyen Ngoc Thanh Tien, Phuc, H. G., Nguyen, H. T. H., Le, N. L., Khoi, T. T., & Richel, A. (2023). Productivity of biogas production from dragon fruit branches co-digested with pig dung. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. doi:10.1007/s13399-023-03902-w |
Richel, A. (2023). Chimiophobie : quand les opinions irrationnelles prônent un retour vers le « naturel ». www.chem4us.be. |
Fan, S., Wang, D., Wen, X., Li, X., Fang, F., Richel, A., Xiao, N., Fauconnier, M.-L., Hou, C., & Zhang, D. (2023). Incorporation of cinnamon essential oil-loaded Pickering emulsion for improving antimicrobial properties and control release of chitosan/gelatin films. Food Hydrocolloids, 138, 108438. doi:10.1016/j.foodhyd.2022.108438 |
Lecart, B., Baumsteiger, C., Monie, F., Di Maria, A., Detrembleur, C., Richel, A., & Vanderschuren, H. (2023). Towards green chemicals and edible coatings from barks and peels with near critical extraction of suberin. Green Chemistry. doi:10.1039/d3gc02552g |
Martinez Villarreal, S. A., Kammoun, M., & Richel, A. (2023). The critical role of hydrogen in the development of new biofuels. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 39, 100716. doi:10.1016/j.cogsc.2022.100716 |
Richel, A. (2023). Towards a « zero-carbon » industry: myth or reality ? [Paper presentation]. 14th International Technology Meeting (ITM) - John Cockerill. |
Richel, A. (2023). Quelles énergies dans le monde de demain? [Paper presentation]. Quelles énergies dans le monde de demain?. |
Nguyen Ngoc Thanh Tien, Ngoc Lieu Le, Tran Tien Khoi, & Richel, A. (12 December 2022). Competence of biogas production from dragon fruit branch co-digested with pig dung [Poster presentation]. Young Researchers Overseas Day, Brussels, Belgium. |
Nguyen Ngoc Thanh Tien, Ngoc Lieu Le, Tran Tien Khoi, & Richel, A. (08 December 2022). Characterization of dragon fruit peel pectin extracted with natural deep eutectic solvent and sequential microwave-ultrasound assisted approach [Paper presentation]. 24th International Conference on Food Science and Nutrition. |
Richel, A. (November 2022). Le rôle des apports « énergie & matière(s) » dans les procédés de production et de mises en œuvre [Paper presentation]. Atelier Circular Design « Procédés de mise en oeuvre et éco-conception ». |
Wang, S., Yin, C., Li, F., & Richel, A. (15 October 2022). Innovative incentives can sustainably enhance the achievement of straw burning control in China. Science of the Total Environment, 857, 159498. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159498 |
Richel, A. (07 October 2022). Le carbone: des origines de la vie aux matériaux les plus élaborés [Paper presentation]. Circular Design in Plastics: vers la Plasturgie Circulaire, Namur, Belgium. |
Richel, A., Maireles-Torres, P., & Len, C. (October 2022). Recent advances in continuous reduction of furfural to added value chemicals. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 37, 100655. doi:10.1016/j.cogsc.2022.100655 |
Wang, S., Yin, C., Jiao, J., Yang, X., Shi, B., & Richel, A. (October 2022). StrawFeed model: An integrated model of straw feedstock supply chain for bioenergy in China. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 185, 106439. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2022.106439 ![]() |
Blanchard, S., Verheggen, F., Van De Vreken, I., Richel, A., & Detrain, C. (2022). Combined Elevation of Temperature and CO2 Impacts the Production and Sugar Composition of Aphid Honeydew. Journal of Chemical Ecology. doi:10.1007/s10886-022-01385-z |
Martinez Villarreal, S. A., Breitenstein, A., Nimmegeers, P., Perez Saura, P., Hai, B., Asomaning, J., Alizadeh Eslami, A., Billen, P., Van Passel, S., Bressler, D. C., Debecker, D. P., Remacle, C., & Richel, A. (30 August 2022). Drop-in biofuels production from microalgae to hydrocarbons: Microalgal cultivation and harvesting, conversion pathways, economics and prospects for aviation. Biomass and Bioenergy, 165, 106555. doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2022.106555 |
Doucet, R., Bibang Bengono, G., Ruwet, M., Van De Vreken, I., Lecart, B., Doucet, J.-L., Fernandez Pierna, J. A., Lejeune, P., Jourez, B., Souza, A., & Richel, A. (22 August 2022). Highlighting a New Morphospecies within the Dialium Genus Using Leaves and Wood Traits. Forests, 13 (8), 1339. doi:10.3390/f13081339 |
Hong, J., Mu, T., Sun, H., Blecker, C., & Richel, A. (04 July 2022). Photoprotective effects of sweet potato leaf polyphenols and caffeic acid against UV-induced skin-damage in BALB/C nude mice. Food and Function, 13 (13), 7075-7087. doi:10.1039/d2fo00425a |
Chen, J., Sun, H., Mu, T., Blecker, C., Richel, A., Richard, G., Jacquet, N., Haubruge, E., & Goffin, D. (June 2022). Effect of temperature on rheological, structural, and textural properties of soy protein isolate pastes for 3D food printing. Journal of Food Engineering, 323, 110917. doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2021.110917 ![]() |
Richel, A. (19 May 2022). Nouveaux matériaux d’emballage à partir des ressources renouvelables: quelles innovations proposées par les universités ? [Paper presentation]. Empack Namur, Namur, Belgium. |
Segers, A., Dumoulin, L., Caparros Megido, R., Jacquet, N., Cartrysse, C., Malumba Kamba, P., Richel, A., Blecker, C., & Francis, F. (April 2022). Varietal and environmental effects on the production of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) seeds for the food industry by confrontation of agricultural and nutritional traits with resistance against Bruchus spp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 327. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2021.107831 |
Richel, A. (17 February 2022). La chimie, une source de nouvelles solutions énergétiques [Paper presentation]. Forum des Savoirs. |
Richel, A. (February 2022). La chimie, une science au service du développement durable [Paper presentation]. Les Amis de l'Université de Liège. |
Shi, Z., Blecker, C., Richel, A., Wei, Z., Chen, J., Ren, G., Guo, D., Yao, Y., & Haubruge, E. (February 2022). Three-dimensional (3D) printability assessment of food-ink systems with superfine ground white common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) protein based on different 3D food printers. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 155, 112906. doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2021.112906 ![]() |
Nguyen Ngoc Thanh Tien, Ngoc Lieu Le, Tran Tien Khoi, & Richel, A. (09 January 2022). Influence of location, weather condition, maturity, and plant disease on chemical profiles of dragon fruit (Hylocereus spp.) branches grown in Vietnam. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 13, 16085–16097. doi:10.1007/s13399-021-02146-w |
Danthine, S., Aman, P., Jansen, O., Ducrey, A., Richel, A., Lognay, G., Maesen, P., Mutwale Kapepula, P., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Franck, T., & Frederich, M. (2022). Prunella vulgaris L. seeds: a promising source of lipids, proteins, and original phenolic compounds presenting high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 26 (1), 1-15. doi:10.25518/1780-4507.19412 |
De Crane d'Heysselaer, S., Bockstal, L., Jacquet, N., Schmetz, Q., & Richel, A. (2022). Potential for the valorization of brewer’s spent grains: a case study for the sequential extraction of saccharides and lignin. Waste Management and Research: the Journal of the International Solid Wastes and Public Cleansing Association, 40 (7), 1007-1014. doi:10.1177/0734242X211055547 |
Jeannerod, L., Carlier, A., Schatz, B., Daise, C., Richel, A., Agnan, Y., Baude, M., & Jacquemart, A.-L. (2022). Some bee-pollinated plants provide nutritionally incomplete pollen amino acid resources to their pollinators. PLoS ONE, 17 (8), 0269992. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269992 |
Negui, M., Zhang, Z., Foucher, C., Guénin, E., Richel, A., Jeux, V., & Terrasson, V. (2022). Wood-Sourced Polymers as Support for Catalysis by Group 10 Transition Metals. Processes, 10 (2). doi:10.3390/pr10020345 |
Nguyen Ngoc Thanh Tien, Le, N. L., Khoi, T. T., & Richel, A. (2022). Characterisation of dragon fruit peel pectin extracted with natural deep eutectic solvent and sequential microwave-ultrasound-assisted approach. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. doi:10.1111/ijfs.15699 |
Nguyen Ngoc Thanh Tien, Ngoc Lieu Le, Tran Tien Khoi, & Richel, A. (January 2022). Optimization of microwave-ultrasound- assisted extraction (MUAE) of pectin from dragon fruit peels using natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES). Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 46 (1), 16117. doi:10.1111/jfpp.16117 |
Richel, A., Brunet, Y., & Dizier, S. (2022). Un encombrant déchet. POP'Science, 11, p. 6-11. |
Samikannu, A., Mikkola, J.-P., Tirsoaga, A., Tofan, V., Fierascu, R. C., Richel, A., & Verziu, M. N. (2022). The activation of C–O bonds in lignin Miscanthus over acidic heterogeneous catalysts: towards lignin depolymerisation to monomer units. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. doi:10.1007/s13399-022-03061-4 |
Zhang, H., Qi, L., Shen, Q., Wang, R., Guo, Y., Zhang, C., & Richel, A. (2022). Comparative Analysis of the Bioactive Compounds in Chicken Cartilage: Protective Effects of Chondroitin Sulfate and Type II Collagen Peptides Against Osteoarthritis Involve Gut Microbiota. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, 843360. doi:10.3389/fnut.2022.843360 |
Richel, A. (20 December 2021). Technical evaluation of the perspectives of valorization of agri-food residues or non-usual materials [Paper presentation]. Presentation à la Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. |
Richel, A. (12 October 2021). Hydrogène: promesses et défis - Retour sur plus de 5 siècles de découvertes [Paper presentation]. Rencontres de Liege Créative. |
Zhang, H., Liu, W., Shen, Q., Zhao, L., Zhang, C., & Richel, A. (15 September 2021). Discrimination of geographical origin and species of China's cattle bones based on multi-element analyses by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Food Chemistry, 356, 129619. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.129619 |
Guo, H., Hao, Y., Yang, X., Ren, G., & Richel, A. (2021). Exploration on bioactive properties of quinoa protein hydrolysate and peptides: a review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. doi:10.1080/10408398.2021.1982860 |
Richel, A. (2021). Le gaz naturel : opportunité énergétique ou désastre écologique ? www.chem4us.be. |
Richel, A. (2021). Carburants renouvelables et pollution aérienne : et si le CO2 n’était pas la bonne cible. www.chem4us.be. |
Shen, Q., Zhang, C., Qin, X., Zhang, H., Zhang, Z., & Richel, A. (15 August 2021). Modulation of gut microbiota by chondroitin sulfate calcium complex during alleviation of osteoporosis in ovariectomized rats. Carbohydrate Polymers, 266, 118099. doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2021.118099 |
Dumoulin, L., Jacquet, N., Malumba Kamba, P., Richel, A., & Blecker, C. (August 2021). Dry and wet fractionation of plant proteins: How a hybrid process increases yield and impacts nutritional value of faba beans proteins. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 72. doi:10.1016/j.ifset.2021.102747 |
Bibang Bengono, G., Souza, A., Tosso, D.-N. F., Doucet, R., Richel, A., & Doucet, J.-L. (30 June 2021). Les Dialium de la région guinéo-congolaise (synthèse bibliographique). Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 25 (3), 172-191. |
Berger, M., Radu, D.-C., Detienne, G., Deschuyteneer, T., Richel, A., & Ernst, D. (2021). Remote Renewable Hubs for Carbon-Neutral Synthetic Fuel Production. Frontiers in Energy Research. doi:10.3389/fenrg.2021.671279 |
Richel, A. (2021). Les mille et une sources du dioxyde de carbone. Chem4us. |
Morin, S.* , Dumoulin, L.* , Delahaye, L., Jacquet, N., & Richel, A. (01 May 2021). Green composites based on thermoplastic starches and various natural plant fibers: Impacting parameters of the mechanical properties using machine-learning. Polymer Composites, 42 (7), 3458-3467. doi:10.1002/pc.26071 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Richel, A., & Coulembier, O. (May 2021). Biosourcing et catalyse organique: deux options d’investissement synergiques à soutenir pour le développement de matériaux polymères. Actualité Chimique, 462, 25-33. |
Richel, A. (2021). L’enrichissement de l’uranium : tout comprendre en moins de 3 minutes. www.chem4us.be. |
Richel, A. (2021). L’Arctique : l’objet de toutes les convoitises en matière de ressources fossiles ? www.chem4us.be. |
Richel, A. (25 March 2021). Les ressources renouvelables pour la chimie : entre enjeux et limites [Paper presentation]. Conférence de formation continue Haute Ecole Leonard de Vinci HE VInci. |
Richel, A. (2021). Plastiques et bioplastiques : retour sur 200 ans d’histoire de recherche et développement. www.chem4us.be. |
Richel, A. (2021). Bleu, vert, gris : les couleurs de l’hydrogène. www.chem4us.be. |
Wang, S., Huang, X., Yin, C., & Richel, A. (March 2021). A critical review on the key issues and optimization of agricultural residue transportation. Biomass and Bioenergy, 146, 105979. doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2021.105979 |
Richel, A. (2021). Bioplastiques: de meilleures définitions pour une meilleure compréhension des enjeux ? [Paper presentation]. Liege Creative. |
Shen, Q., Zhang, C., Mo, H., Zhang, H., Qin, X., Li, J., Zhang, Z., & Richel, A. (15 February 2021). Fabrication of chondroitin sulfate calcium complex and its chondrocyte proliferation in vitro. Carbohydrate Polymers, 254, 117282. doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2020.117282 |
Kammoun, M., & Richel, A. (15 January 2021). Seawater promotes platform molecules formation from monosaccharides [Paper presentation]. Journée Jeunes Chercheurs Condorcet J2C2. |
Berchem, T., Schmetz, Q., Istasse, T., Jacquet, N., Haubruge, E., & Richel, A. (2021). Exploration of steam explosion treatment for the recovery of phenolic compounds. Exploration of steam explosion treatment for the recovery of phenolic compounds. |
Guidara, M., Yaich, H., Ben Amor, I., Fakhfakh, J., Gargouri, J., Lassoued, S., Blecker, C., Richel, A., Attia, H., & Garna, H. (2021). Effect of extraction procedures on the chemical structure, antitumor and anticoagulant properties of ulvan from Ulva lactuca of Tunisia coast. Carbohydrate Polymers, 253 (117283). doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2020.117283 |
Guo, H., Hao, Y., Fan, X., Richel, A., Everaert, N., Yang, X., & Ren, G. (2021). Administration with Quinoa Protein Reduces the Blood Pressure in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats and Modifies the Fecal Microbiota. Nutrients. doi:10.3390/nu13072446 |
Kammoun, M., Berchem, T., & Richel, A. (2021). Ultrafast Lignin Extraction from Unusual Mediterranean Lignocellulosic Residues. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 169, 61997. doi:10.3791/61997 |
Lepage, T., Kammoun, M., Schmetz, Q., & Richel, A. (2021). Biomass-to-hydrogen: A review of main routes production, processes evaluation and techno-economical assessment. Biomass and Bioenergy, 144, 105920. doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2020.105920 |
Liu, Q., He, W.-Q., Aguedo, M., Xia, X., Bai, W.-B., Dong, Y.-Y., Song, J.-Q., Richel, A., & Goffin, D. (2021). Microwave-assisted alkali hydrolysis for cellulose isolation from wheat straw: Influence of reaction conditions and non-thermal effects of microwave. Carbohydrate Polymers, 253, 117170. doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2020.117170 |
Morin, S., Lecart, B., Lang, M., & Richel, A. (2021). Lignocellulosic fibres surface interactions in enzymatic reaction using data-mining. Carbohydrate Polymers, 254. doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2020.117412 |
Richel, A. (2021). L’ammoniac liquide : un carburant vert pour le secteur du transport ? www.chem4us.be. |
Saha Tchinda, J.-B., Fetngna Tchebe, T. M., Abdou, T., Cheumani Yona, A. M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Ndikontar, M. K., & Richel, A. (2021). Fatty Acid Profiles, Antioxidant and Phenolic Contents of Oils Extracted from Acacia polycantha and Azadirachta indica (Neem) Seeds using Green Solvents. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 45 (2), 15115. doi:10.1111/jfpp.15115 |
Wang, S., Huang, X., Zhang, Y., Yin, C., & Richel, A. (2021). The effect of corn straw return on corn production in Northeast China: An integrated regional evaluation with meta-analysis and system dynamics. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 167, 105402. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.105402 |
Zhang, H., Zhao, L., Shen, Q., Qi, L., Jiang, S., Guo, Y., Zhang, C., & Richel, A. (2021). Preparation of cattle bone collagen peptides-calcium chelate and its structural characterization and stability. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 144, 111264. doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2021.111264 |
Zhou, M., Bi, J., Chen, J., Wang, R., & Richel, A. (2021). Impact of pectin characteristics on lipid digestion under simulated gastrointestinal conditions: Comparison of water-soluble pectins extracted from different sources. Food Hydrocolloids, 112, 106350. doi:10.1016/j.foodhyd.2020.106350 |
Zhou, M., Bi, J., Lyu, J., Chen, J., Wang, R., Liu, X., & Richel, A. (2021). Structural conversion of pectin fractions during heat processing in relation to the ability of inhibiting lipid digestion: A case study of hawthorn pectin. Food Hydrocolloids, 117. doi:10.1016/j.foodhyd.2021.106721 |
Richel, A. (2020). Le « renouvelable » : quand un mot mal défini risque de perturber le débat sur la transition écologique. www.chem4us.be. |
Richel, A. (2020). Le glyphosate ou l’histoire de la molécule la plus controversée de la chimie. www.chem4us.be. |
Richel, A. (2020). Le recyclage des matières plastiques : enjeu économique ou mirage environnemental ? www.chem4us.be. |
Kammoun, M., Ayeb, H., Bettaieb, T., & Richel, A. (20 August 2020). Chemical characterisation and technical assessment of agri-food residues, marine matrices, and wild grasses in the South Mediterranean area: A considerable inflow for biorefineries. Waste Management, 118. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2020.08.032 |
Richel, A. (2020). Nitrate d’ammonium: pire qu’Hiroshima ? www.chem4us.be. |
Berchem, T., Schmetz, Q., Lepage, T., & Richel, A. (05 June 2020). Single and mixed feedstocks biorefining: comparison of primary metabolites recovery and lignin recombination during an alkaline process. Frontiers in Chemistry, 8. doi:10.3389/fchem.2020.00479 |
Morin, S., Lecart, B., Istasse, T., Bailly Maître Grand, C., Meddeb-Mouelhi, F., Beauregard, M., & Richel, A. (2020). Effect of a low melting temperature mixture on the surface properties of lignocellulosic flax bast fibers. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.01.232 |
Richel, A. (2020). La vie nomade des microplastiques. www.chem4us.be. |
Istasse, T., & Richel, A. (19 February 2020). Transformation of monosaccharides to furanic compounds and polymers in deep eutectic solvents [Paper presentation]. CHEMISTRY CONFERENCE FOR YOUNG SCIENTISTS (ChemCys), Blankenberge, Belgium. |
Richel, A. (2020). Chimie Végétale et valorisation haute technologie: l'exemple de la lignine [Paper presentation]. Liege Créative. |
Guidarra, M., Yaicha, H., Benelhadja, S., Adjouman, Y. D., Richel, A., Blecker, C., Sindic, M., Boufi, S., Attia, H., & Garna, H. (February 2020). Smart ulvan films responsive to stimuli of plasticizer and extraction condition in physico-chemical, optical, barrier and mechanical properties. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 150, 714-726. doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.02.111 |
Richel, A. (2020). Les fibres textiles : faut-il avoir peur de nos vêtements ? www.chem4us.be. |
Dumoulin, L., Jacquet, N., Malumba Kamba, P., Richel, A., & Blecker, C. (31 January 2020). Hybrid fractionation process for Faba bean protein extraction: Effect of combining dry and wet extraction steps on anti-nutritional factors content [Paper presentation]. 25th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences 2020, Gembloux, Belgium. |
Lecart, B., Vanderschuren, H., Richel, A., & Kammoun, M. (Other coll.). (31 January 2020). Development of a sustainable method for the extraction of suberin-related compounds from biomass using supercritical transesterification [Paper presentation]. 25th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS), Gembloux, Belgium. |
Morin, S., & Richel, A. (31 January 2020). Designing natural fibres for biocomposites [Poster presentation]. NSABS2020, Gembloux, Belgium. |
Guo, H., Hao, Y., Richel, A., Everaert, N., Chen, Y., Liu, M., Yang, X., & Ren, G. (2020). Antihypertensive effect of quinoa protein under simulated gastrointestinal digestion and peptide characterization. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. doi:10.1002/jsfa.10609 |
Guo, H., Richel, A., Hao, Y., Fan, X., Everaert, N., Yang, X., & Ren, G. (2020). Novel dipeptidyl peptidase-IV and angiotensin-I-converting enzyme inhibitory peptides released from quinoa protein by in silico proteolysis. Food Science and Nutrition, 8 (3), 1415-1422. doi:10.1002/fsn3.1423 |
Hong, J., Mu, T., Sun, H., Richel, A., & Blecker, C. (2020). Valorization of the green waste parts from sweet potato (Impoea batatas L.): Nutritional, phytochemical composition, and bioactivity evaluation. Food Science and Nutrition, 8 (8), 4086-4097. doi:10.1002/fsn3.1675 |
Istasse, T., Lemaur, V., Debroux, G., Bockstal, L., Lazzaroni, R., & Richel, A. (2020). Monosaccharides dehydration assisted by formation of borate esters of α-hydroxyacids in choline chloride-based low melting mixtures. Frontiers in Chemistry. doi:10.3389/fchem.2020.00569 |
Istasse, T., & Richel, A. (2020). Mechanistic aspects of saccharides dehydration to furan derivatives for reaction media design. RSC Advances. doi:10.1039/d0ra03892j |
Jacquet, N., Eudes, A., Dutta, T., Kwang, H. K., Bouxin, F., Benites, V., Baidoo, A., Singh, S., Simmons, B., Loqué, D., & Richel, A. (2020). Influence of hydrocracking and ionic liquid pretreatments on composition and properties of Arabidopsis thaliana wild type and CAD mutant lignins. Renewable Energy. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2020.01.153 |
Schmetz, Q., Muzyka, C., Berchem, T., & Richel, A. (2020). Monitoring technical lignin partition in aqueous/alcohol biphasic systems according to pH: influences of the molecular structure and solvent characteristics. RSC Green Chemistry. doi:10.1039/d0gc01905d |
Tiappi Deumaga, M., Jacquet, N., Vanderghem, C., Aguedo, M., Thomas, H. G., Gerin, P., Deleu, M., & Richel, A. (2020). Fractionation and Structural Characterization of Hemicellulose from Steam-Exploded Banana Rachis. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 11 (5), 2183-2192. doi:10.1007/s12649-018-0457-9 |
Uerlings, J., Schroyen, M., Bautil, A., Courtin, C., Richel, A., Arevalo Sureda, E., Bruggeman, G., Tanghe, S., Willems, E., Bindelle, J., & Everaert, N. (2020). In vitro prebiotic potential of agricultural by-products on intestinal fermentation, gut barrier and inflammatory status of piglets. British Journal of Nutrition, 123 (3), 293-307. doi:10.1017/S0007114519002873 |
Richel, A. (2019). Une nouvelle matière plastique sur le point de révolutionner le secteur des emballages ? www.chem4us.be. |
Richel, A. (2019). Biodiesel: chronique d’une tragédie environnementale annoncée ? www.chem4us.be. |
Dumoulin, L., Jacquet, N., Malumba Kamba, P., Richel, A., & Blecker, C. (29 November 2019). Hybrid fractionation process for Faba bean protein extraction: effect of combining dry and wet extraction steps on anti-nutritional factors content [Poster presentation]. Bioforum de Liège, 2019, Liège, Belgium. |
Morin, S., Meddeb, F., Beauregard, M., & Richel, A. (November 2019). Fibres surface macromolecular rearrangement for biocomposites production [Poster presentation]. Bioforum 2019, Liège, Belgium. |
Richel, A. (2019). « Biocarburants », « carburants de synthèse », « kérosène vert » ou l’éloge de la diversité terminologique. www.chem4us.be. |
Morin, S., Bockstal, L., Jacquet, N., & Richel, A. (2019). One-step enzymatic grafting of ferulic acid with cellulose to enhance matrices–fibres compatibility in bio-composites. Journal of Materials Science. doi:10.1007/s10853-019-03832-x |
Bockstal, L., Berchem, T., Schmetz, Q., & Richel, A. (2019). Devulcanisation and reclaiming of tires and rubber by physical and chemical processes: A review. Journal of Cleaner Production. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.07.049 |
Schmetz, Q., Teramura, H., Morita, K., Oshima, T., Richel, A., Ogino, C., & Kondo, A. (2019). Versatility of a Dilute Acid/Butanol Pretreatment Investigated on Various Lignocellulosic Biomasses to Produce Lignin, Monosaccharides and Cellulose in Distinct Phases. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering. doi:10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b05841 |
Bockstal, L., Richel, A., & Jacquet, N. (23 May 2019). Présentation des voies de valorisation des drêches de brasserie ECOCIR2019 [Paper presentation]. 2ième Edition des Assises de l'Economie Circulaire et bas Carbone, Gembloux, Belgium. |
Istasse, T., Hospied, A., Bockstal, L., & Richel, A. (09 May 2019). Production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from D-fructose in low-transitiontemperature mixtures enhanced by chloride anions and low amounts of organic acids [Poster presentation]. GREENWIN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES GREEN CHEMISTRY - WHITE BIOTECHNOLOGY - 5TH EDITION, Gosselies, Belgium. |
Guidara, M., Yaich, H., Richel, A., Blecker, C., Attia, H., & Garna, H. (19 March 2019). Effects of extraction procedures and plasticizer concentration on the optical, thermal and antioxidant proprieties of new ulvan edible films [Paper presentation]. 7è Journées Scientifiques de l'Agro-alimentaire, Hammamet, Tunisia. |
Kammoun, M., Istasse, T., Ayeb, H., Rassaa, N., Bettaieb, T., & Richel, A. (2019). Hydrothermal dehydration of monosaccharides promoted by seawater: fundamentals on the catalytic role of inorganic salts. Frontiers in Chemistry. doi:10.3389/fchem.2019.00132 |
Tiappi Deumaga, M., villani, N., Aguedo, M., Jacquet, N., Happi, G. T., Gerin, P., Deleu, M., & Richel, A. (2019). Chemical composition analysis and structural features of banana rachis lignin extracted by two organosolv methods. Industrial Crops and Products. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2019.02.022 |
Chen, J., Mu, T., Goffin, D., Blecker, C., Richard, G., Richel, A., & Haubruge, E. (2019). Application of soy protein isolate and hydrocolloids based mixtures as promising food material in 3D food printing. Journal of Food Engineering, 261, 76-86. doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2019.03.016 |
Guidara, M., Yaich, H., Richel, A., Blecker, C., Boufi, S., Attia, H., & Garna, H. (2019). Effects of extraction procedures and plasticizer concentration on the optical, thermal, structural and antioxidant properties of novel ulvan films. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 135, 647–658. doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.05.196 |
Kalala Bolokango, G., Kambashi, B., Taminiau, B., Schroyen, M., Everaert, N., Beckers, Y., Richel, A., Njeumen Lemotio, G. P., Pachikian, B., Neyrinck, A. M., Hiel, S., Rodriguez, J., Fall, P. A., Daube, G., Thissen, J.-P., Delzenne, N. M., & Bindelle, J. (2019). In vitro approach to evaluate the fermentation pattern of inulin-rich food in obese individuals. British Journal of Nutrition, 1-19. doi:10.1017/S0007114519002915 |
Maniet, G., Jacquet, N., & Richel, A. (2019). Recovery of sterols from vegetable oil distillate by enzymatic and non-enzymatic processes. Comptes Rendus Chimie. doi:10.1016/j.crci.2019.01.004 |
Qingshan, S., Chunhui, Z., Wei, J., Xiaojie, Q., Xiong, X., Mengliang, Y., Haizhen, M., & Richel, A. (2019). Liquefaction of chicken sternal cartilage by steam explosion to isolate chondroitin sulfate. Carbohydrate Polymers, 215, 73-81. doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2019.03.032 |
Richel, A. (2019). Carburants de synthèse, biocarburants, kérosène vert… De quoi parle-t-on exactement ? The Conversation. |
Schmetz, Q., Lepage, T., & Richel, A. (2019). Production of biofuels from sugar industry by-products [Poster presentation]. 22nd International Conference on Past and Present Research systems on Green Chemistry. |
Shen, Q., Zhang, C., Jia, W., Qin, X., Cui, Z., Mo, H., & Richel, A. (2019). Co-production of chondroitin sulfate and peptide from liquefied chicken sternal cartilage by hot-pressure. Carbohydrate Polymers, 215, 73-81. doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2019.115015 |
Uerlings, J., Bindelle, J., Schroyen, M., Richel, A., Bruggeman, G., Willems, E., & Everaert, N. (2019). Fermentation capacities of fructan- and pectin-rich by-products and purified fractions via an in vitro piglet faecal model. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. doi:10.1002/jsfa.9837 |
Zhao, Z., Mu, T.-H., Zhang, M., & Richel, A. (2019). Effects of high hydrostatic pressure and microbial transglutaminase treatment on structure and gelation properties of sweet potato protein. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 115. doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2019.108436 |
Istasse, T., Hospied, A., Bockstal, L., & Richel, A. (29 November 2018). Production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from D-fructose in low-transition temperature mixtures enhanced by chloride anions and low amounts of organic acids [Poster presentation]. PORTEFEUILLE FEDER LCFM : VALORISATION DE LA BIOMASSE EN MATÉRIAUX POLYMÈRES ET COMPOSITES, Gosselies, Belgium. |
Schmetz, Q., Berchem, T. (Other coll.), Lepage, T. (Other coll.), & Richel, A. (Other coll.). (06 November 2018). Présentation des premiers résultats du Projet BioResidu [Paper presentation]. Workshop Tropical Plant Factory & Ecosol - VERDIR, Liège, Belgium. |
Costes, L., Aguedo, M., Brison, L., Brohez, S., Richel, A., & Laoutid, F. (July 2018). Lignin fractionation as an efficient route for enhancing Polylactide thermal stability and flame retardancy. Flame Retardancy and Thermal Stability of Materials, 1, 14-24. doi:10.1515/flret-2018-0002 |
Mabossy-Mobouna, G., Malaisse, F., Richel, A., Maesen, P., Latham, P., Roulon-Doko, P., Madamo Malasi, F., & Lognay, G. (28 June 2018). Imbrasia obscura, an Edible Caterpillar of Tropical Africa: Chemical Composition and Nutritional Value. Tropicultura, Vol. 36, N° 4, 298-811. doi:10.25518/2295-8010.522 |
Kammoun, M., Istasse, T., Rassaa, N., Bettaieb, T., & Richel, A. (04 May 2018). Hydrothermal dehydration of D-glucose and D-xylose in deionized water [Poster presentation]. Maroua Kammoun, Berlin, Germany. |
Kammoun, M., Jacquet, N., Rassaa, N., Bettaieb, T., & Richel, A. (04 May 2018). Inorganic salts effect on wheat straw during steam explosion treatment [Poster presentation]. Maroua Kammoun, Mounastir, Tunisia. |
Guidara, M., Yaich, H., Benelhadj, S., Boufi, S., Richel, A., Blecker, C., Attia, H., & Garna, H. (21 March 2018). Effect of extraction procedures and plasticizer concentration on the physical and structural proprieties of new ulvan edible films [Paper presentation]. 6è Journées scientifiques de l'Agro-Alimentaire, Sousse, Tunisia. |
Ben Amira, A., Blecker, C., Richel, A., Fickers, P., Francis, F., Besbes, S., & Attia, H. (18 March 2018). Influence of the ripening stage and the lyophilization of wild cardoon flowers on their chemical composition, enzymatic activities of extracts and technological properties of cheese curds [Poster presentation]. 6è Journées scientifiques de l'Agro-Alimentaire, Sousse, Tunisia. |
Istasse, T., Kammoun, M., & Richel, A. (03 March 2018). New insights into the production of platform chemicals from biomass using deep eutectic solvents [Paper presentation]. Nexus of Food, Energy & Water, New Orleans, United States - Louisiana. |
Nicodème, T., Berchem, T., Jacquet, N., & Richel, A. (03 March 2018). Thermochemical conversion of sugar industry by-products to biofuels. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 88, 151-159. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2018.02.037 |
Hospied, A., Schmetz, Q., & Richel, A. (March 2018). Invasive plants in Western Europe as renewable raw materials for biorefining: the case study of Japanese knotweed [Paper presentation]. 255th american chemical society national meeting & exposition. nexus of food, energy & water, Nouvelles-Orléans, United States. |
Lecart, B., Jacquet, N., anseeuw, L., Renier, M., Njeumen, P., Bodson, B., Vanderschuren, H., & Richel, A. (02 January 2018). Nonconventional enzymatic method to determine free asparagine level in whole-grain wheat. Food Chemistry, 251, 64-68. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.01.026 |
Ben Amira, A., Blecker, C., Richel, A., Arguelles Arias, A., Fickers, P., Francis, F., Besbes, S., & Attia, H. (2018). Influence of the ripening stage and the lyophilization of wild cardoon flowers on their chemical composition, enzymatic activities of extracts and technological properties of cheese curds. Food Chemistry, 245, 919-925. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.11.082 |
Bousfield, G., Morin, S., Jacquet, N., & Richel, A. (2018). Extraction and refinement of agricultural plant fibers for composites manufacturing. Comptes Rendus Chimie, 21 (9), 897-906. doi:10.1016/j.crci.2018.07.001 |
Istasse, T., Bockstal, L., & Richel, A. (2018). Production of 5‐hydroxymethylfurfural from D‐fructose in low‐transition‐temperature mixtures enhanced by chloride anions and low amounts of organic acids. ChemPlusChem, 83 (12), 1135-1143. doi:10.1002/cplu.201800416 |
Kalala Bolokango, G., Kambashi Mutiaka, B., Everaert, N., Beckers, Y., Richel, A., Pachikian, B., Neyrinck, A., Delzenne, N., & Bindelle, J. (2018). Characterization of fructans and dietary fibre profiles in raw and steamed vegetables. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 69, 682–689. doi:10.1080/09637486.2017.1412404 |
Kamdem, I., Hiligsmann, S., Vanderghem, M., Jacquet, N., Tiappi, F. M., Richel, A., Jacques, P., & Thonart, P. (2018). Enhanced Biogas Production During Anaerobic Digestion of Steam-pretreated Lignocellulosic Biomass from Williams Cavendish Banana Plants. Waste and Biomass Valorization. doi:10.1007/s12649-016-9788-6 |
Richel, A., & Maesen, P. (2018). Chimie: rupture et paradoxe [Paper presentation]. Cérémonie d'ouverture de la Rentrée académique 2018-2019 à Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, leçon inaugurale, Gembloux, Belgium. |
Vanderplanck, M., Decleves, S., Roger, N., Decroo, C., Caulier, G., Glauser, G., Gerbaux, P., Lognay, G., Richel, A., Escaravage, N., & Michez, D. (2018). Is non-host pollen suitable for generalist bumblebees? Insect Science. doi:10.1111/1744-7917.12410 |
Verziu, M., Tirsoaga, A., Cojocaru, B., Bucur, C., Tudora, B., Richel, A., Aguedo, M., Samikannu, A., & Mikkola, J. P. (2018). Hydrogenolysis of lignin over Ru-based catalysts: The role of the ruthenium in a lignin fragmentation process. Molecular Catalysis, 450, 65-76. doi:10.1016/j.mcat.2018.03.004 |
Zhao, Z., Mu, T.-H., Zhang, M., & Richel, A. (2018). Effect of salts combined with high hydrostatic pressure on structure and gelation properties of sweet potato protein. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 93, 36-44. doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2018.03.007 |
Zhao, Z., Mu, T.-H., Zhang, M., & Richel, A. (2018). Chemical Forces, Structure, and Gelation Properties of Sweet Potato Protein as Affected by pH and High Hydrostatic Pressure. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 11 (9), 1719-1732. doi:10.1007/s11947-018-2137-y |
Kalala Bolokango, G., KAMBASHI, B., Everaert, N., Beckers, Y., Richel, A., & Bindelle, J. (13 December 2017). Effet de la cuisson sur le profil en fibres de quelques légumes tropicaux [Poster presentation]. Congrès International sur les journées Francophones de Nutrition, Nantes, France. |
Richel, A. (28 November 2017). Vers une valorisation des déchets organiques [Paper presentation]. WORKSHOP DECHETS ORGANIQUES (FFOM et FFOI&E), Gosselies, Belgium. |
Yaich, H., Garna, H., Ennouri, M., Besbes, S., Richel, A., Blecker, C., & Attia, H. (07 September 2017). Effet des Procédés d’extraction sur les propriétés rhéologiques du polysaccharide sulfaté de l’algue marine Ulva lactuca. |
Miazek, K., Remacle, C., Richel, A., & Goffin, D. (2017). Effect of Enzymatic Beech Fagus Sylvatica Wood Hydrolysate on Chlorella Biomass, Fatty Acid and Pigment Production. Applied Sciences. doi:10.3390/app7090871 |
Miazek, K., Kratky, L., Sulc, R., Jirout, T., Aguedo, M., Richel, A., & Goffin, D. (2017). Effect of Organic Solvents on Microalgae Growth, Metabolism and Industrial Bioproduct Extraction: A Review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. doi:10.3390/ijms18071429 |
Miazek, K., Remacle, C., Richel, A., & Goffin, D. (16 June 2017). Wood hydrolysates as potential feedstocks for microalgae biomass, fatty acid and pigment production [Paper presentation]. BioTech 2017, Prague, Czechia. |
Eudes, A., Dutta, T., Deng, K., Jacquet, N., Sinha, A., Benites, V. T., Baidoo, E. E. K., Richel, A., Sattler, S. E., Northen, T. R., Singh, S., Simmons, B. A., & Loqué, D. (08 June 2017). SbCOMT (Bmr12) is involved in the biosynthesis of tricin-lignin in sorghum. PLoS ONE, 12 (6), 1-11. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0178160 |
Liu, Q., Lu, Y., Aguedo, M., Jacquet, N., Canbin, O., He, W., Yan, C., Bai, W., Guo, R., Goffin, D., Song, J., & Richel, A. (2017). Isolation of high-purity cellulose nanofibers from wheat straw through the combined environmentally friendly methods of steam explosion, microwave-assisted hydrolysis, and microfluidization. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering. doi:10.1021/acssuschemeng.7b01108 |
Cornet, I., Soti, V., Richel, A., & Jacquet, N. (22 May 2017). Laccase detoxification of lignocellulose hydrolysate [Poster presentation]. 3rd edition of international conferences "Green chemistry and White biotechnology: Industry of the future". |
Lecart, B., & Richel, A. (16 May 2017). Suberin isolation : A better way to valorize potato peels [Paper presentation]. 4th International Symposium on Green Chemistry, La Rochelle, France. |
Miazek, K., Remacle, C., Richel, A., & Goffin, D. (25 January 2017). Beech wood Fagus sylvatica dilute-acid hydrolysate as a feedstock to support Chlorella sorokiniana biomass, fatty acid and pigment production. Bioresource Technology, 230 (April 2017), 122–131. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2017.01.034 |
Awedem Wobiwo, F., Happi Emaga, T., Fokou, E., Boda, M., Gillet, S., Deleu, M., Richel, A., & Gerin, P. A. (2017). Comparative biochemical methane potential of some varieties or residual banana biomass and renewable energy potential. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, on-line. doi:10.1007/s13399-016-0222-x |
Berchem, T., Roiseux, O., Vanderghem, C., Boisdenghien, A., Foucart, G., & Richel, A. (2017). Corn stover as feedstock for the production of ethanol: chemical composition of different anatomical fractions and varieties. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining. doi:10.1002/bbb.1755 |
Bombeck, P.-L., Khatri, V., Meddeb‐Mouelhi, F., Montplaisir, D., Richel, A., & Beauregard, M. (2017). Predicting the most appropriate wood biomass for selected industrial applications: comparison of wood, pulping, and enzymatic treatments using fluorescent-tagged carbohydrate-binding modules. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 10, 293. doi:10.1186/s13068-017-0980-0 |
Gillet, S., Aguedo, M., Petrut, R. F., Olive, G., Anastas, P., Blecker, C., & Richel, A. (2017). Structure impact of two galactomannan fractions on their viscosity properties in dilute solution, unperturbed state and gel state. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 96, 550-559. doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2016.12.057 |
Jacquet, N., & Richel, A. (2017). Adaptation of Severity Factor Model According to the Operating Parameter Variations Which Occur During Steam Explosion Process. In H. M. Thomsen, H. L. Trajano, ... H. A. Ruiz (Ed.), Hydrothermal Processing in Biorefineries Production of Bioethanol and High Added-Value Compounds of Second and Third Generation Biomass. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-56457-9_13 |
Maniet, G., Schmetz, Q., Jacquet, N., Temmerman, M., Gofflot, S., & Richel, A. (2017). Effect of steam explosion treatment on chemical composition and characteristic of organosolv fescue lignin. Industrial Crops and Products, 99, 79-85. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2017.01.015 |
Odjo, D. P. S., Huart, F., Bera, F., Jacquet, N., Richel, A., Blecker, C., & Malumba Kamba, P. (2017). Influence of corn variety, drying temperature, and moisture content at harvest on the saccharides released during an in vitro pepsin-pancreatin digestion. Starch-Stärke. doi:10.1002/star.201600292 |
Roger, N.* , Moerman, R.* , Carvalheiro, L. G., Aguirre-Guitiérrez, J., Jacquemart, A.-L., Kleijn, D., Lognay, G., Moquet, L., Quinet, M., Rasmont, P., Richel, A., Vanderplanck, M.* , & Michez, D.*. (2017). Impact of pollen resources drift on common bumblebees in NW Europe. Global Change Biology, 23 (1), 68-76. doi:10.1111/gcb.13373 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Vandecasteele, B., Debode, J., Muylle, H., De Windt, I., Van Acker, J., Jacquet, N., Richel, A., Ameloot, N., & Moreaux, K. (2017). Plant fibers for renewable growing media: acidification or inoculation with biocontrol fungi to reduce the N drawdown in extruded Miscanthus straw [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Growing Media, Soilless Cultivation, and Compost Utilization in Horticulture. |
wertz, J.-L., Deleu, M., Coppée, S., & Richel, A. (2017). Hemicelluloses and Lignin in Biorefineries. Boca Raton, United States: CRC Press. doi:10.1201/b22136 |
Yaich, H., Ben Amira, A., Abbes, F., Bouaziz, M., Besbes, S., Richel, A., Blecker, C., & Attia, H. (2017). Effect of extraction procedures on structural, thermal and antioxidantproperties of ulvan from Ulva lactuca collected in Monastir coast. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 105, 1430-1439. doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2017.07.141 |
Schmetz, Q., Maniet, G., Jacquet, N., Teramura, H., Ogino, C., Kondo, A., & Richel, A. (30 December 2016). Comprehension of an organosolv process for lignin extraction on Festuca arundinacea and monitoring of the cellulose degradation. Industrial Crops and Products, 94, 308-317. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2016.09.003 |
Kalala Bolokango, G., Kambashi Mutiaka, B., Njeumen, P., Everaert, N., Beckers, Y., Richel, A., Pachikian, B., Neyrinck, A., Delzenne, N., & Bindelle, J. (01 December 2016). Le profil en fibres alimentaires de légume modifie leur fermentation intestinale et la production d’acides gras à chaine courte dans modèle in vitro humain [Poster presentation]. Les Journées Francophones de Nutrition, Montpellier, France. |
Paul, A., Frederich, M., Uyttenbroeck, R., Malik, P., Filocco, S., Richel, A., Heuskin, S., Alabi, T., Caparros Megido, R., Franck, T., Bindelle, J., Maesen, P., Francis, F., Lognay, G., Blecker, C., Haubruge, E., & Danthine, S. (December 2016). Nutritional Composition and Rearing Potential of the Meadow Grasshopper (Chorthippus parallelus Zetterstedt). Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 19 (4), 1111-1116. doi:10.1016/j.aspen.2016.09.012 |
Jacquet, N., & Richel, A. (16 November 2016). Hydrocracking and ionic liquids pretreatments effects on aldehydes extraction and lignin modification of Arabidopsis and Sorghum [Paper presentation]. Feedstock Meeting, Berkeley, United States. |
Lecart, B., Vanderschuren, H., & Richel, A. (16 November 2016). Suberin isolation: a better way to valorize potato peels [Poster presentation]. Bioforum, Liège, Belgium. |
Nicodème, T., Jacquet, N., & Richel, A. (24 October 2016). Thermochemical conversion of sugar industry by-products to biofuel [Poster presentation]. 1st International Conference on Bioresource Technology for Bioenergy, Bioproducts & Environmental Sustainability, SITGES, Spain. |
Miazek, K., Goffin, D., & Richel, A. (September 2016). Wood hydrolysates as feedstocks for Chlorella growth and fatty acid production [Paper presentation]. 2ND INTEGRATED PLANT AND ALGAL PHENOMICS MEETING (IPAP) 2016, Prague, Czechia. |
Istasse, T., Jacquet, N., Berchem, T., Haubruge, E., Nguyen, B. K., & Richel, A. (10 August 2016). Extraction of honey polyphenols: Method development and evidence of cis isomerization. Analytical Chemistry Insights, 11, 49-57. doi:10.4137/ACI.S39739 |
Schmetz, Q., Teramura, H., Jacquet, N., Richel, A., Ogino, C., & Kondo, A. (07 July 2016). Novel butanol pretreatment significantly improves delignification and saccharification of different lignocellulosic biomasses [Poster presentation]. Les Journées Condorcet 2016 5 & 6 juillet, Gembloux, Belgium. |
Berchem, T., Schmetz, Q., Jacquet, N., & Richel, A. (06 July 2016). Etude de la composition chimique de Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco et évaluation de l’impact de divers prétraitements lignocellulosiques sur l’extraction de la lignine [Poster presentation]. Journées SFR Condorcet, Gembloux, Belgium. |
Istasse, T., Jacquet, N., & Richel, A. (06 July 2016). Optimisation de la production d’acide furan-2,5-dicarboxylique à partir de déchets verts pour la conception de plastiques bio-basés [Poster presentation]. Journées Condorcet (5 et 6 juillet 2016), Gembloux, Belgium. |
Lecart, B., Jacquet, N. (Other coll.), Anseeuw, L. (Other coll.), Renier, M. (Other coll.), Njeumen, P. (Other coll.), Bodson, B. (Other coll.), Vanderschuren, H. (Other coll.), & Richel, A. (Other coll.). (05 July 2016). Identifying wheat varieties with low acrylamide potential [Poster presentation]. Journées condorcet 2016, Gembloux, Belgium. |
Kammoun, M., Rassaa, N., Bettaieb, T., & Richel, A. (July 2016). Oil analysis of wheat germ [Poster presentation]. Journée des condorcées, Gembloux, Belgium. |
Lecart, B., Jacquet, N. (Other coll.), Anseeuw, L. (Other coll.), Renier, M. (Other coll.), Njeumen, P. (Other coll.), Bodson, B. (Other coll.), Vanderschuren, H. (Other coll.), & Richel, A. (Other coll.). (23 June 2016). Assaying asparagine content in a complex matrix using a spectrophotometric method [Poster presentation]. Exploring lignocellulosic Biomass!, Reims, France. |
Kalala Bolokango, G., Kambashi Mutiaka, B., Njeumen Lemotio, G. P., Beckers, Y., Richel, A., Pachikian, B., Neyrinck, A. M., Delzenne, N., Everaert, N., & Bindelle, J. (21 June 2016). Impact of cooking and species on intestinal fermentation patterns of vegetables in a humanized in vitro model of the gastro-intestinal tract [Poster presentation]. 10th symposium gut microbiology 20 years and counting, Clermont Ferrand, France. |
Istasse, T., Jacquet, N., & Richel, A. (12 June 2016). Lignin as a bio-based flame retardant additive: Pretreatments overview [Poster presentation]. Conférences internationales: Chimie verte et Biotechnologie blanche, deux industries d'avenir pour la Wallonie!, Gembloux, Belgium. |
Awedem Wobiwo, F., Korangi Alleluya, V., Happi Emaga, T., Boda, M., Fokou, E., Gillet, S., Deleu, M., Richel, A., & Gerin, P. A. (12 May 2016). Recovery of fibers and biomethane from banana peduncles biomass through anaerobic digestion [Poster presentation]. Green chemistry and White biotechnology, Gembloux, Belgium. |
Schmetz, Q., Istasse, T., Jacquet, N., & Richel, A. (12 May 2016). La légistation REACH: une opportunité d’innovation pour l’économie biobasée [Paper presentation]. Chimie verte et Biotechnologie blanche, deux industries d'avenir pour la Wallonie!, Gembloux, Belgium. |
Richel, A., Haubruge, E., & Jacquet, N. (May 2016). PRODUCTION OF BIOFUELS AND BIOBASED COMPOUNDS IN URBAN BIOREFINERIES: A STRATEGY TO MANAGE WASTE IN WALLONIA? [Paper presentation]. 6th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Albi, France. |
Schmetz, Q., Teramura, H. (Other coll.), Jacquet, N. (Other coll.), Richel, A. (Other coll.), Ogino, C. (Other coll.), & Kondo, A. (Other coll.). (05 April 2016). Novel butanol pretreatment significantly improves delignification and saccharification of different lignocellulosic biomasses [Paper presentation]. FP1306 COST Action - Second Workshop & Third MC Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia. |
Guidara, M., Yaich, H., Danthine, S., Richel, A., Blecker, C., & Attia, H. (21 March 2016). EFFET DES PROCEDURES D'EXTRACTION SUR LA COMPOSITION, LA STRUCTURE CHIMIQUE ET L'ACTIVITE ANTITUMORALE DES ULVANES DE L'ALGUE ULVA LACTUCA [Poster presentation]. Quatrièmes Journées Scientifiques de l'Agro-Alimentaire, Sousse, Tunisia. |
Yaich, H., Garna, H., Abbès, F., Bouaziz, M., Besbes, S., Richel, A., Blecker, C., & Attia, H. (21 March 2016). IMPACT OF EXTRACTION CONDITIONS ON CHEMICAL STRUCTURE, THERMAL PROPERTIES AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIES OF ULVAN FROM THE GREEN SEAWEED ULVA LACTUCA [Poster presentation]. Quatrièmes Journées Scientifiques de l'Agro-Alimentaire, Sousse, Tunisia. |
Berchem, T., Istasse, T., Schmetz, Q., Jacquet, N., & Richel, A. (2016). La Chimie Biologique Industrielle à Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech [Paper presentation]. Journée Enseignement Secondaire, Liège, Belgium. |
Istasse, T., Nguyen, B. K., & Richel, A. (20 January 2016). Caractérisation et étude du potentiel de valorisation des composés phénoliques de miels monofloraux [Paper presentation]. Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Condorcet 2016 (Université de Reims), Reims, France. |
Schmetz, Q., Richel, A., Jacquet, N. (Other coll.), & Haubruge, E. (Other coll.). (20 January 2016). La législation REACH: une opportunité d’innovation pour l’économie biobasée [Paper presentation]. Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Condorcet 2016, Reims, France. |
Berchem, T., Jacquet, N., & Richel, A. (19 January 2016). Etude du potentiel des sous-produits vinicoles pour des applications à haute valeur ajoutée [Paper presentation]. Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Condorcet, Reims, France. |
Bombeck, P.-L., Richel, A., Jacquet, N., & Hebert, J. (19 January 2016). Production de nanocellulose à partir de pâte à papier: Hydrolyse enzymatique et valorisation des coproduits dans une stratégie de bioraffinage forestier intégré [Paper presentation]. Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Condorcet 2016, Reims, France. |
Tahiri, A., Richel, A., Destain, J., Druart, P., Thonart, P., & Ongena, M. (04 January 2016). Comprehensive comparison of the chemical and structural characterization of landfill leachate and leonardite humic fractions. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 408 (7), 1917-1928. doi:10.1007/s00216-016-9305-6 |
Arshadi, M., Attard, T. M., Bogel-Lukasik, R. M., Brncic, M., da Costa Lopes, A. M., Finell, M., Geladi, P., Gerschenson, L. N., Gogus, F., Herrero, M., Hunt, A. J., Ibanez, E., Kamm, B., Mateos-Aparicio Cediel, I., Matias, A., Mavroudis, N., Montoneri, E., Morais, A. R. C., Nilsson, C., ... Yuste, F. (2016). Pre-treatment and extraction techniques for recovery of added value compounds from wastes throughout the agri-food chain. Green Chemistry, (18), 6160-6204. doi:10.1039/C6GC01389A |
Berchem, T., Istasse, T., & Richel, A. (2016). Individual lignocellulosic components as raw materials for the biobased sector: strategic innovations in the Belgian context [Paper presentation]. Conference @JBEI Joint BioEnergy Institute, Berkeley, CA, United States. |
Bombeck, P.-L., Hebert, J., & Richel, A. (2016). L’utilisation de l’hydrolyse enzymatique pour la production de nanocellulose dans une stratégie de bioraffinage forestier intégré (Synthèse Bibliographique). Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 20 (1), 94-103. |
Costes, L., Laoutid, F., Aguedo, M., Richel, A., Brohez, S., Delvosalle, C., & Dubois, P. (2016). Phosphorus and nitrogen derivatization as efficient route for improvement of lignin flame retardant action in PLA. European Polymer Journal, 84, 652 - 667. doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2016.10.003 |
Miazek, K., Lebecque, S., Hamaïdia, M., Paul, A., Danthine, S., Willems, L., Frederich, M., De Pauw, E., Deleu, M., Richel, A., & Goffin, D. (2016). Sphingolipids: Promising lipid-class molecules with potential applications for industry. A review. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 20 (S1), 321-336. |
Nicodème, T., Jacquet, N., & Richel, A. (2016). Production of biofuels from Brazil’s sugarcane bagasse via thermochemical pathway. A review [Paper presentation]. 1st International Conference on Bioresource Technology (BIORESTEC) 2016, SITGES, Spain. |
Odjo, D. P. S., Bera, F., Jacquet, N., Richel, A., & Malumba Kamba, P. (2016). Characterization of saccharides released during an in vitro pepsin-pancreatin digestion of corn flour using HPAEC-PAD. Stärke, 68, 1-9. doi:10.1002/star.201500281 |
Paul, A., Frederich, M., Uyttenbroeck, R., Hatt, S., Malik, P., Lebecque, S., Hamaïdia, M., Miazek, K., Goffin, D., Willems, L., Deleu, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Richel, A., De Pauw, E., Blecker, C., Monty, A., Francis, F., Haubruge, E., & Danthine, S. (2016). Grasshoppers as a food source? A review. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 20 (AgricultureIsLife), 337-352. |
Perimenis, A., van Aarle, I., Nicolay, T., Jacquet, N., Meyer, L., Richel, A., & Gérin, P. (2016). Metabolic profile of mixed culture acidogenic fermentation of lignocellulosic residues and the effect of upstream substrate fractionation by steam explosion. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 6, 25-37. doi:10.1007/s13399-015-0164-8 |
Richel, A. (2016). La stratégie wallonne en terme de biomasse et de technologies vertes [Paper presentation]. Colloque VERTECH. |
Richel, A. (2016). Aspects stratégiques de la valorisation de la biomasse en Wallonie: innover pour la qualité ? [Paper presentation]. Chaire universitaire qualité - 22ème édition "La Qualité: un plus pour l"économie circulaire ?". |
Roger, N., Moerman, R., Carvalheiro, L., Aguirre-Guitiérrez, J., Jacquemart, A.-L., Kleijn, D., Lognay, G., Quinet, M., Rasmont, P., Richel, A., Vanderplanck, M., & Michez, D. (2016). Impact of pollen resources drift on common bumble bees in NW Europe [Paper presentation]. EURO IUSSI, Helsinki, Finland. |
Sallem-Idrissi, N., Vanderghem, C., Pacary, T., Richel, A., Debecker, D. P., Devaux, J., & Sclavons, M. (2016). Lignin degradation and stability: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) analysis throughout processing. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 130, 30-37. doi:10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2016.05.028 |
Sòti, V., Jacquet, N., Apers, S., Richel, A., Lenaerts, S., & Cornet, I. (2016). Monitoring the laccase reaction of vanillin and poplar hydrolysate. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 91 (6), 1914-1922. doi:10.1002/jctb.4789 |
Jacquet, N., Haubruge, E., & Richel, A. (17 December 2015). Steam Explosion Process [Paper presentation]. Conférence scientifique organisée au Joint Bioenergy Institute, Berkeley, United States. |
Kambashi Mutiaka, B., Everaert, N., Richel, A., Pachikian, B., Neyrinck, A., Delzenne, N., & Bindelle, J. (December 2015). Teneurs en fructanes et nutriments coliques de légumes crus et cuits [Poster presentation]. Journées Francophones de Nutrition, Marseille, France. |
Jacquet, N., & Richel, A. (26 November 2015). Industrial Biological Chemistry laboratory activities [Paper presentation]. Functional Ingredients Cooperation Forum. |
Miazek, K., Iwanek, W., Remacle, C., Richel, A., & Goffin, D. (09 October 2015). Effect of Metals, Metalloids and Metallic Nanoparticles on Microalgae Growth and Industrial Product Biosynthesis: A Review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 16, 23929-23969. doi:10.3390/ijms161023929 |
Berchem, T., Istasse, T., Schmetz, Q., Jacquet, N., & Richel, A. (2015). La chimie biologique industrielle à Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech : Un aperçu de nos activités [Paper presentation]. Matière à penser. Matière à rêver - Les nouveaux matériaux, Liège, Belgium. |
Richel, A. (October 2015). Valorisation de la biomasse pour des applications vers des marchés de niche [Paper presentation]. 12èmes Rencontres de la Biomasse. |
Richel, A. (2015). Bioresources and circular economy - Strategic approach for Wallonia [Paper presentation]. Talk dans le cadre de la Mission économique princière au Canada, Toronto, Canada. |
Richel, A., Jacquet, N., Berchem, T., Istasse, T., & Schmetz, Q. (2015). Et si nos déchets devenaient la source de nouveaux produits. Notion d'économie circulaire [Paper presentation]. Matière à penser. Matière à rêver - Les nouveaux matériaux, Liège, Belgium. |
Villani, N., Aguedo, M., & Richel, A. (05 August 2015). Alternatives to traditional valorisation ways for brewer’s spent grains [Poster presentation]. From waste to resource: the biorefinery concept applied to food productions, Milan, Italy. |
Jacquet, N., & Richel, A. (08 July 2015). Présentation des activités de l’unité de chimie biologique industrielle (GxABT-CBI) [Paper presentation]. Les Journées Condorcet. |
Kammoun, M., Rassaa, N., Mejri-Gaïda, M., & Richel, A. (2015). Biochemical characterization of the oil of durum wheat germ (Tunisian variety). Journal of New Sciences. |
Richel, A. (July 2015). Urban biorefineries: a solution to manage and upgrade wastes in Wallonia ? Strategic aspects, proof-of-concept and industrial transfert [Paper presentation]. Meeting at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Denver, United States - Colorado. |
Miazek, K., Goffin, D., Richel, A., & Remacle, C. (24 June 2015). Wood Acid Hydrolysate as a Feedstock for Chlorella Growth [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Conference: Tailor-Made Fuels from Biomass, Aachen, Germany. |
Miazek, K., Goffin, D., Richel, A., & Remacle, C. (June 2015). Effect of light and beech Fagus sylvatica wood acid hydrolysate on Chlorella growth [Poster presentation]. International Plant and Algal Phenomics Meeting IPAP 2015, Prague, Czechia. |
Richel, A. (2015). Et si nos déchets devenaient de nouveaux produits: notion d'économie circulaire [Paper presentation]. Journée de la Chimie. |
Jacquet, N., Istasse, T., Berchem, T., & Richel, A. (2015). Et si nos déchets devenaient la source de nouveaux produits. Notion d'économie circulaire [Paper presentation]. Journées de la Chimie, Liege, Belgium. |
Jacquet, N., & Richel, A. (22 April 2015). Présentation des activités de l’unité de Chimie Biologique Industrielle (GxABT-CBI) [Paper presentation]. Conseil Scientifique de la SFR Condorcet. |
Richel, A. (20 April 2015). Les stratégies de valorisation de la biomasse en Région Wallonne [Paper presentation]. Meeting UQTR (Université de Québec à Trois-Rivières) - Université de Liège, Trois-Rivières, Canada. |
Guidara, M., Yaich, H., Garna, H., Richel, A., Blecker, C., & Attia, H. (15 March 2015). Caractérisation physico-chimique et structurale de la poudre et des ulvanes de l'algue ulva lactuca [Poster presentation]. Troisièmes Journées Scientifiques de l'Agro-Alimentaire, Hammamet, Tunisia. |
Paul, A., Frederich, M., Uyttenbroeck, R., Malik, P., Alabi, T., Heuskin, S., Blecker, C., Richel, A., Monty, A., Francis, F., Haubruge, E., Lognay, G., & Danthine, S. (15 March 2015). Food Compounds from Meadow Grasshoppers [Poster presentation]. Troisièmes Journées Scientifiques de l'Agro-Alimentaire, Hammamet, Tunisia. |
Aguedo, M., Ruiz, H. A., & Richel, A. (2015). Non-alkaline solubilization of arabinoxylans from destarched wheat bran using hydrothermal microwave processing and comparison with the hydrolysis by an endoxylanase. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 96, 72-82. doi:10.1016/j.cep.2015.07.020 |
Beye, C., Aguedo, M., Hiligsmann, S., Tounkara, L. S., Richel, A., & Thonart, P. (2015). Preliminary characterisation of residual biomass from Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces. African Journal of Biotechnology, 14 (36), 2683 - 2692. |
Bindels, L. B., Neyrinck, A. M., Salazar, N., Taminiau, B., Druart, C., Muccioli, G. G., Francois, E., Blecker, C., Richel, A., Daube, G., Mahillon, J., de Los Reyes-Gavilan, C. G., Cani, P. D., & Delzenne, N. M. (2015). Non Digestible Oligosaccharides Modulate the Gut Microbiota to Control the Development of Leukemia and Associated Cachexia in Mice. PLoS ONE, 10 (6), 0131009. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0131009 |
Costa, M. J., Cerqueira, M. A., Ruiz, H. A., Fougnies, C., Richel, A., Vicente, A. A., Teixeira, J. A., & Aguedo, M. (2015). Use of wheat bran arabinoxylans in chitosan-based films: Effect on physicochemical properties. Industrial Crops and Products, 66, 305–311. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2015.01.003 |
Dedrie, M., Jacquet, N., Bombeck, P.-L., Hebert, J., & Richel, A. (2015). Oak barks as raw materials for the extraction of polyphenols for the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors: a regional case study. Industrial Crops and Products, 70, 316-321. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2015.03.071 |
Jacquet, N., Desquay, L., Jadot, B., Kenne, T., Villani, N., Maniet, G., Bombeck, P.-L., Gillet, S., & Richel, A. (2015). Les initiatives commerciales de bioraffinage en Région Wallonne: production de biocarburants et voies de valorisation connexes. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 19 (2), 197-203. |
Jacquet, N., Haubruge, E., & Richel, A. (2015). Production of biofuels and biomolecules in the framework of circular economy: A regional case study. Waste Management and Research: the Journal of the International Solid Wastes and Public Cleansing Association, 33 (12), 1121-1126. doi:10.1177/0734242X15613154 |
Jacquet, N., Maniet, G., Vanderghem, C., Delvigne, F., & Richel, A. (2015). Application of Steam Explosion as Pretreatment on Lignocellulosic Material: A Review. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 54 (10), 2593-2598. doi:10.1021/ie503151g |
Kamdem, I., Jacquet, N., Tiappi Deumaga, M., Hiligsmann, S., Vanderghem, C., Richel, A., Jacques, P., & Thonart, P. (2015). Comparative biochemical analysis after steam pretreatment of lignocellulosic agricultural waste biomass from Williams Cavendish banana plant (Triploid Musa AAA group). Waste Management and Research: the Journal of the International Solid Wastes and Public Cleansing Association, 33 (11), 1022-1032. doi:10.1177/0734242X15597998 |
Manara, P., Vamvuka, V., Sfakiotakis, S., Vanderghem, C., Richel, A., & Zabaniotou, A. (2015). Mediterranean agri-food processing wastes pyrolysis after pre-treatment and recovery of precursor materials: A TGA-based kinetic modeling study. Food Research International, 73, 44-51. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2014.11.033 |
Nguyen, H. T., Razafindralambo, H., Richel, A., Jacquet, N., Evrard, P., Antoine, P., Thonart, P., & Delvigne, F. (2015). Scalable temperature induced stress for the large-scale production of functionalized Bifidobacteria. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. doi:10.1007/s10295-015-1650-5 |
Richel, A., & Haubruge, E. (2015). Production of biofuels and biobased compounds in urban biorefineries. Journal of Fundamental Renewable Energy and Applications, 5 (6), 93. |
Richel, A., Haubruge, E., & Jacquet, N. (2015). Production of biofuels and biobased compounds in urban biorefineries: A new paradigm for green chemistry. Organic Chemistry Current Research, 4 (2), 88. |
Richel, A., & Jacquet, N. (2015). Microwave-assisted thermochemical and primary hydrolytic conversions of lignocellulosic resources: a review. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 5 (1), 115-124. doi:10.1007/s13399-014-0124-8 |
Tiappi Deumaga, M., Happi Emaga, T., Tchokouassom, R., Vanderghem, C., Aguedo, M., Gillet, S., Jacquet, N., Danthine, S., Deleu, M., & Richel, A. (2015). Genotype contribution to the chemical composition of banana rachis and implications for thermo/biochemical conversion. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 5 (4), 409-416. doi:10.1007/s13399-015-0158-6 |
Wertz, J.-L., Richel, A., & Gérin, P. (2015). Molécules issues de la valorisation de la lignine. ValBiom, (Mars), 1-37. |
Yaich, H., Garna, H., Bchir, B., Besbes, S., Paquot, M., Richel, A., Blecker, C., & Attia, H. (2015). Chemical composition and functional properties of dietary fibre extracted by Englyst and Prosky methods from the alga Ulva lactuca collected in Tunisia. Algal Research, 9, 65-73. doi:10.1016/j.algal.2015.02.017 |
Bindels, L. B., Neyrinck, A. M., Salazar, N., Taminiau, B., Druart, C., Muccioli, G. G., François, E., Blecker, C., Richel, A., Daube, G., Mahillon, J., de los Reyes-Gavilan, C., Cani, P. D., & Delzenne, N. M. (December 2014). P180: Intérêt de la modulation du microbiote intestinal par les oligosaccharides non digestibles dans le contrôle de la leucémie et de la cachexie cancéreuse. Nutrition Clinique et Metabolisme, 28 (S1), 162. doi:10.1016/S0985-0562(14)70822-2 |
Gillet, S., Jacquet, N., & Richel, A. (2014). Sustainable Chemistry. |
Gillet, S., Aguedo, M., Blecker, C., Jacquet, N., & Richel, A. (25 November 2014). Use of 13C-NMR in structural elucidation of polysaccharides: case of locust bean gum [Poster presentation]. Young Belgium Magnetic Resonance Scientist 2014 (YBMRS 2014), Spa, Belgium. |
Maniet, G., Jacquet, N., Gillet, S., & Richel, A. (24 November 2014). Impact of steam explosion treatment on chemical configuration of Tall Fescue lignin : structural elucidation using NMR spectroscopy [Poster presentation]. Young Belgium Magnetic Resonance Scientist 2014, SPA, Belgium. |
Richel, A. (November 2014). Les stratégies industrielles de valorisation de la biomasse végétale en Région Wallonne [Paper presentation]. Pré-colloque et Colloque VERTECH - Les technologies vertes prennent leur envol, Victoriaville & Sherbrooke, Canada. |
Richel, A. (November 2014). Biorefining in Wallonia: towards a regional strategy for a biobased economy [Paper presentation]. Meeting University of Liege - Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech - JBEI (Joint BioEnergy Institute). |
Qi, L., Weiping, H., Yongguang, Y., Richel, A., Canbin, O., Huan, L., Rui, G., Xu, X., Jing, Y., Jiqing Song, S., & Goffin, D. (16 October 2014). Effects of Size and Dispersity of Microcrystalline Celluloses on Size, Structure and Stability of Nanocrystalline Celluloses Extracted by Acid Hydrolysis. Nano LIFE, 4 (4). doi:10.1142/S1793984414410141 |
Miazek, K., Remacle, C., Richel, A., & Goffin, D. (14 October 2014). Chlorophyll: natural sources, extraction methods and application for textile industry [Paper presentation]. 1st International Conference - Science for Business: Innovations for textiles, polymers and leather, Lodz, Poland. |
Bindels, L. B., Neyrinck, A., Salazar, N., Taminiau, B., Druart, C., François, E., Blecker, C., Richel, A., Daube, G., Mahillon, J., de los Reyes-Gavilán, C. G., Cani, P. D., & Delzenne, N. M. (October 2014). Non digestible oligosaccharides modulate the gut microbiota to control the development of leukemia and associated cachexia [Paper presentation]. 2nd World Congress on Targeting Microbiota 2014 : towards Clinical Revolution, Paris, France. |
Gillet, S., & Richel, A. (2014). La relation extraction-structure-propriétés des polysaccharides : cas des galactomannanes et des alginates. |
Richel, A. (October 2014). Biorefining in Wallonia – Expertise of the Laboratory of Biological and Industrial Chemistry [Paper presentation]. FP1306 COST Action (LIGNOVAL) First WG1 Meeting "Preatreatment/fractionation of lignocellulosic biomass". |
Danthine, S., Simon, C., Richel, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Blecker, C. (September 2014). Batch enzymatic interesterification of fat blends using microwave [Poster presentation]. Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Montpellier, France. |
Richel, A. (15 August 2014). Biorefining: a new paradigm for the green chemistry [Paper presentation]. Meeting Yale University - University of Liege, Yale, United States. |
Richel, A. (13 August 2014). Green Chemistry and the Biorefinery: a SWOT analysis for the European Region [Paper presentation]. Meeting Cornell University - University of Liege, United States. |
Miazek, K., Remacle, C., Richel, A., & Goffin, D. (11 July 2014). Effect of lignocellulose related compounds on microalgae growth and product biosynthesis: a review. Energies, 7 (2014), 4446-4481. doi:10.3390/en7074446 |
Miazek, K., Goffin, D., Richel, A., & Remacle, C. (19 June 2014). Growth of Chlorella in the presence of organic carbon: A photobioreactor study [Paper presentation]. Procesni Technika 2014, Prague, Czechia. |
Bosquée, E., Vandermoten, S., Richel, A., Haubruge, E., & Francis, F. (June 2014). Inhibitors of glycosylhydrolases as potential insecticides : focus on aphid model [Poster presentation]. Hemipteran Plant Interactions Symposium, Riverside, United States. |
Aguedo, M., Fougnies, C., & Richel, A. (21 May 2014). A multi-step process for an alternative wheat bran biorefinery [Poster presentation]. « Chimie verte » et « Biotechnologie blanche », Gembloux, Belgium. |
Richel, A. (May 2014). Green chemistry and the biorefinery: an innovative sector for the walloon region [Paper presentation]. Conférences internationales "Chimie verte et Biotechnologie blanche, deux industries d'avenir", Gembloux, Belgium. |
Gillet, S., Blecker, C., Paquot, M., & Richel, A. (April 2014). La relation structure chimique-propriétés physiques des galactomannanes extraits de la caroube. Comptes Rendus Chimie, 17 (4). doi:10.1016/j.crci.2013.09.014 |
Miazek, K., Goffin, D., & Richel, A. (05 March 2014). Chemical Hydrolysis of Fagus sylvatica Wood: Dilute Acid vs. Alkaline Treatment [Poster presentation]. ENVITAM PhD Student Day 2014, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
Despy, J., Wymeersch, N., Bouchat, I., Destrée, C., Burette, A., Richel, A., & Olive, G. (2014). Old inks: pigments extracted from plants. In BOOK OF SHORT ABSTRACTS - POSTER PRESENTATIONS 19TH NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON APPLIED BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (pp. 83). |
Jacquet, N., Vanderghem, C., Danthine, S., Blecker, C., & Richel, A. (07 February 2014). INFLUENCE OF STEAM EXPLOSION ON THECRYSTALLINITY OF CELLULOSE FIBER [Poster presentation]. 19th National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences. |
Olive, G., & Richel, A. (2014). Paints based on renewable materials. In BOOK OF SHORT ABSTRACTS - POSTER PRESENTATIONS 19TH NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON APPLIED BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (pp. 94). |
Richel, A. (February 2014). Les modèles économiques du bioraffinage en région wallonne : de l'exploration des débouchés et des niches de marché aux stratégies de développement industriel [Paper presentation]. Colloque "vers une chimie doublement verte" Colloque à l’occasion de la clôture du projet de recherche ANR AEPRC2V « Une Approche Economique de l'intégration des dimensions socio-économiques et techniques dans les Programmes de Recherche en Chimie Doublement Verte », Reims, France. |
Aguedo, M., Fougnies, C., DERMIENCE, M., & Richel, A. (2014). Extraction by three processes of arabinoxylans from wheat bran and characterization of the fractions obtained. Carbohydrate Polymers, 105, 317-324. doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2014.01.096 |
Gillet, S., Blecker, C., Aguedo, M., Laurent, P., Paquot, M., & Richel, A. (2014). Impact of purification and fractionation process on the chemical structure and physical properties of locust bean gum. Carbohydrate Polymers. doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2014.02.092 |
Gillet, S., Simon, M., Paquot, M., & Richel, A. (2014). Synthese bibliographique de l'influence du procédé d'extraction et de purification sur les caractéristiques et les propriétés d'une gomme de caroube. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 18 (1). |
Jacquet, N., Maniet, G., Richel, A., & Paquot, M. (2014). Enzymatic hydrolysis of softwood and hardwood regenerated celluloses. Current Chemical Biology, 8 (2), 103-108. doi:10.2174/2212796808666141119221048 |
Manara, P., Zabaniotou, A., Vanderghem, C., & Richel, A. (2014). Lignin extraction from Mediterranean agro-wastes: Impact of pretreatment conditions on lignin chemical structure and thermal degradation behavior. Catalysis Today, 223, 25-34. doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2013.10.065 |
Rabetafika, H.-N., Bchir, B., Blecker, C., & Richel, A. (2014). Fractionation of apple by-products as source of new ingredients: Current situation and perspectives. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 40 (1), 99-114. doi:10.1016/j.tifs.2014.08.004 |
Richel, A. (2014). Biorefining: conversion of vegetal resources into biofuels and bioproducts [Paper presentation]. Meeting at Osaka Prefecture University, Japan. |
Richel, A., Vanderghem, C., Jacquet, N., & Aguedo, M. (2014). Lignin as a raw material for industrial materials applications [Poster presentation]. National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences. |
Simon, C., Richel, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Blecker, C., & Danthine, S. (2014). Microwave-assisted batch enzymatic interesterification of palm stearin/rapeseed oil blends [Poster presentation]. Food Structure & Functionality Forum Symposium, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Simon, M., Brostaux, Y., Vanderghem, C., Jourez, B., Paquot, M., & Richel, A. (2014). Optimization of a formic/acetic acid delignification treatment on beech wood and its influence on the structural characteristics of the extracted lignins. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 89 (1), 128-136. doi:10.1002/jctb.4123 |
Valepyn, E., Cabrera, J.-C., Richel, A., & Paquot, M. (January 2014). Water soluble exo-polysaccharide from Syncephalastrum racemosum, a strong inducer of plant defence reactions. Carbohydrate Polymers, 101, 941-946. doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2013.10.018 |
Vanderghem, C., Jacquet, N., & Richel, A. (2014). Can Lignin Wastes Originating From Cellulosic Ethanol Biorefineries Act as Radical Scavenging Agents? Australian Journal of Chemistry, 67, 1693-1699. doi:10.1071/CH14074 |
Wenkin, M., Delvaux, M. H., de Lame, C., Lourtie, A., Pirmez, A., Richel, A., & Olive, G. (2014). Evaluation of bio-based additives in architectural paints [Poster presentation]. ETCC - 2nd European Technical Coatings Congress / New Functions and Sustainability - Drivers for Future Coatings, Cologne, Germany. |
Olive, G., & Richel, A. (27 November 2013). Bio-based paints [Poster presentation]. 10es rencontres de la Biomasse "Hiérarchisation des utilisations de la biomasse", Gembloux, Belgium. |
Wymeersch, N., Despy, J., Bouchat, I., Destrée, C., Burette, A., Richel, A., & Olive, G. (27 November 2013). Old inks: plant-based inks [Poster presentation]. 10es rencontres de la Biomasse "Hiérarchisation des utilisations de la biomasse", Gembloux, Belgium. |
Manara, P., Zabaniotou, A., Vanderghem, C., & Richel, A. (October 2013). Lignocellulosic biomass pretreatment impact on the extracted lignins chemical structure [Poster presentation]. 4th International Workshop of COST Action CM0903 UBIOCHEM IV: Utilization of Biomass for Sustainable Fuels & Chemicals, Valencia, Spain. |
Richel, A., Vanderghem, C., Jacquet, N., & Aguedo, M. (October 2013). Lignin as a raw material for industrial materials applications [Poster presentation]. 4th International Workshop of COST Action CM0903 UBIOCHEM IV: Utilization of Biomass for Sustainable Fuels & Chemicals, Valencia, Spain. |
Miazek, K., Goffin, D., & Richel, A. (August 2013). Growth of Chlorella in vanillin enriched medium [Poster presentation]. 6th International Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry (GSC-6), Nottingham, United Kingdom. |
Gillet, S., Blecker, C., Aguedo, M., Paquot, M., & Richel, A. (02 July 2013). Impact d'un fractionnement soustractif sur la relation structure-fonction de la gomme de caroube [Poster presentation]. Réunion annuelle du département de chimie et bioindustries, Gembloux, Belgium. |
Richel, A. (30 May 2013). Développement de nouveaux bioproduits générant une valeur ajoutée [Paper presentation]. First Research Speed Dating. |
Aguedo, M., & Richel, A. (May 2013). A multi-step process for the production of value-added fractions from wheat bran [Paper presentation]. COST TD1203 meeting “WP1 Pre-treatment and extraction”, Stockholm, Sweden. |
Razafindralambo, H., Nicks, F., Richard, G., Laurent, P., Richel, A., Blecker, C., & Paquot, M. (08 April 2013). Amphiphilic structure-surface property relationships of monosaccharide-based surfactants [Poster presentation]. 245th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, New Orleans, United States - Louisiana. |
Aguedo, M., Vanderghem, C., Goffin, D., Richel, A., & Paquot, M. (2013). Fast and high yield recovery of arabinose from destarched wheat bran. Industrial Crops and Products, 43, 318-325. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2012.07.029 |
Blecker, C., Richel, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Declerck, S., & Brasseur, R. (2013). Bioraffinerie végétale : chimie et technologie des structures osidiques (TECHNOSE). (11). GxABT. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/156954 |
Manara, P., Zabaniotou, A., & Richel, A. (January 2013). Extraction of lignin from Mediterranean agro-wastes: correlation between pretreatment conditions and lignin chemical structure [Paper presentation]. UBIOCHEM Workshop, Palermo, Italy. |
Nicks, F., Richel, A., Dubrowski, T., Wathelet, B., Wathelet, J.-P., Blecker, C., & Paquot, M. (2013). Effect of New Synthetic PEGylated Ferulic Acids in Comparison to Ferulic Acid and Commercial Surfactants on the Properties of Wheat Flour Dough and Bread. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 93 (10), 2415-2420. doi:10.1002/jsfa.6047 |
Richel, A. (2013). Présentation des activités de l'Unité de Chimie Biologique Industrielle en matière de bioraffinage lignocellulosique. |
Richel, A. (2013). Extraction des molécules à haute valeur ajoutée dans un but de maximisa!on de la valeur créée [Paper presentation]. 10 èmes rencontres de la biomasse. |
Richel, A. (2013). Extraction de molécules à haute valeur ajoutée dans un but de maximisation de la valeur créée [Paper presentation]. 10èmes Rencontres de la Biomasse - Hiérarchisation des utilisations de la biomasse, Gembloux, Belgium. |
Rochez, O., Zorzini, G., Amadou, J., Claes, M., & Richel, A. (2013). Dispersion of multiwalled carbon nanotubes in water by lignin. Journal of Materials Science, 48 (14), 4962-4964. doi:10.1007/s10853-013-7278-9 |
Richel, A. (November 2012). Production of surface-active agents and antioxidants from renewable resources under microwave heating [Paper presentation]. UBIOCHEM-III: Sustainable production of fuels/energy, materials & chemicals from biomass, Thessaloniki, Greece. |
Richel, A. (November 2012). La lignine, une molécule d'intérêt issue du bioraffinage lignocellulosique [Paper presentation]. 9èmes Rencontres de la Biomasse , Quel avenir pour les produits biobasés en Wallonie ?, Gembloux, Belgium. |
Simon, M., Richel, A., Vanderghem, C., & Paquot, M. (August 2012). Optimization of a formic/acetic acid treatment of beech wood for lignin extraction [Paper presentation]. Belgian Biomass workshop in the frame of BERA (Belgian Energy Research Alliance), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
Nicks, F., Richel, A., Richard, G., Laurent, P., Wathelet, B., Wathelet, J.-P., & Paquot, M. (09 May 2012). Green synthesis and antioxidant activity of new PEGylated ferulic acids. Tetrahedron Letters, 53 (19), 2402-2405. doi:10.1016/j.tetlet.2012.02.118 |
Finch, K. B., Richards, R., Richel, A., Medvedovici, A., Gheorghe, N. G., Verziu, M., Corman, S. M., & Parvulescu, V. I. (2012). Catalytic hydroprocessing of lignin under thermal and ultrasound conditions. Catalysis Today, 196, 3-10. doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2012.02.051 |
Manara, P., Richel, A., & Zabaniotou, A. (2012). Mediterranean lignocellulosic biomass delignification and lignin valorization into high-added value components [Paper presentation]. UBIOCHEM-III: Sustainable production of fuels/energy, materials & chemicals from biomass, Thessaloniki, Greece. |
Razafindralambo, H., Richel, A., Paquot, M., Lins, L., & Blecker, C. (2012). Liquid Crystalline Phases Induced by the Hydroxyl Group Stereochemistry of Amphiphilic Carbohydrate Bicatenary Derivatives. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 116 (13), 3998-4005. doi:10.1021/jp209765j |
Richel, A. (2012). La lignine, une molécule d'intérêt issue du bioraffinage. Chimie Nouvelle, 111, 18-22. |
Richel, A., Nicks, F., Laurent, P., Wathelet, B., Wathelet, J.-P., & Paquot, M. (2012). Efficient microwave-promoted synthesis of glucuronic and galacturonic acid derivatives using sulfuric acid impregnated on silica. Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews, 5 (2), 179-186. doi:10.1080/17518253.2011.607852 |
Richel, A., & Paquot, M. (2012). Conversion of carbohydrates under microwave heating. In C. F. Chang (Ed.), Carbohydrates - Comprehensive Studies on Glycobiology and Glycotechnology (pp. 21-36). Intech. |
Richel, A., Vanderghem, C., Simon, M., Wathelet, B., & Paquot, M. (2012). Evaluation of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry for second-generation lignin analysis. Analytical Chemistry Insights, 7, 79-89. doi:10.4137/ACI.S10799 |
Wertz, J.-L., de Moreau d'Andoy, G., & Richel, A. (2012). De nouveaux débouchés pour petits bois et rémanents ? Silva Belgica, 119 (3), 24-29. |
Razafindralambo, H., Richel, A., Wathelet, B., Blecker, C., Wathelet, J.-P., Brasseur, R., Lins, L., Miñones, J., & Paquot, M. (August 2011). Monolayer Properties of Uronic Acid Bicatenary Derivatives at the Air-Water Interface: Effect of Hydroxyl Group Stereochemistry Evidenced by Experimental and Computational Approaches. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (33), 15291–15298. doi:10.1039/c1cp21365b |
Richel, A. (August 2011). La chimie verte. Principes généraux et illustration pour la valorisation des agroressources [Paper presentation]. Congrès Pluraliste des Sciences, Namur, Belgium. |
DETHIER, B., Richel, A., Laurent, P., & Wathelet, J.-P. (June 2011). Diallyl disulfides: comparison between classical and microwave assisted synthesis [Poster presentation]. Youth Scientifics' Meeting of the Phytochemical Society of Europe, Kolimvari, Greece. |
Razafindralambo, H., Richel, A., Richard, G., Laurent, P., Mavakala, D., Wathelet, J.-P., Blecker, C., & Paquot, M. (June 2011). Structure-Surface Activity Relationships Of Uronic Acid-Derivative Surfactants From Renewable Resources Applications [Poster presentation]. 8th World Surfactant Congress and Business Convention, Vienna, Austria. |
Richel, A. (May 2011). La chimie verte [Paper presentation]. Week end de la chimie et des Sciences de la vie, Gembloux, Belgium. |
Richel, A., Gillet, S., & Wathelet, B. (2011). CHIMIE THÉORIQUE ET PHYSIQUE APPLIQUÉE À L’ANALYSE STRUCTURALE DES BIOMOLÉCULES (CG 204) - travaux pratiques. (ULiège. GxABT - Liège Université. Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, CG 204). |
Gillet, S., Richel, A., & Wathelet, B. (2011). CHIMIE THÉORIQUE ET PHYSIQUE APPLIQUÉE À L’ANALYSE STRUCTURALE DES BIOMOLÉCULES (CG 204) - Exercices. (ULiège. GxABT - Liège Université. Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, CG 204). |
Richel, A., & Paquot, M. (10 February 2011). Green Chemistry in Wallonia. Focus on lignocellulosic transformations [Paper presentation]. Duurzame Chemie Vanuit Biomassa, Antwerpen, Belgium. |
DETHIER, B., Richel, A., Laurent, P., & Wathelet, J.-P. (2011). Diallyl disulfides: comparison between classical and microwave-assisted synthesis. In E. Ioannou & V. Roussis (Eds.), Trends in Natural Products Research: Abstracts of the Phytochemical Society of Europe (pp. 126-127). Athens, Greece: Phytochemical Society of Europe. |
Laurent, P., Roiz, J., Wertz, J.-L., Richel, A., & Paquot, M. (2011). Le bioraffinage, une alternative prometteuse à la pétrochimie. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 15 (4), 597-610. |
Richel, A. (2011). La chimie verte. Probio-Revue, (septembre 2011, n°4), 171-176. |
Richel, A., Laurent, P., Wathelet, B., Wathelet, J.-P., & Paquot, M. (2011). Microwave-assisted conversion of carbohydrates. State of the art and outlook. Comptes Rendus Chimie, 14, 224-234. doi:10.1016/j.crci.2010.04.004 |
Richel, A., Laurent, P., Wathelet, B., Wathelet, J.-P., & Paquot, M. (2011). Current perspectives on microwave-enhanced reactions of monosaccharides promoted by heterogeneous catalysts. Catalysis Today, 167, 141-147. doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2011.01.001 |
Richel, A., & Paquot, M. (2011). Utilisation des micro-ondes pour la conversion hydrolytique de la biomasse lignocellulosique. Chimie Nouvelle, 108, 26-32. |
Simon, M., Richel, A., Vanderghem, C., & Paquot, M. (2011). Optimization of a formic/acetic acid treatment of beech wood (Fagus sylvatica L.) for delignification [Poster presentation]. WOODCHEM 2011 Congress, Strasbourg, France. |
Simon, M., Richel, A., Vanderghem, C., & Paquot, M. (2011). Impact of a formic/acetic acid treatment of beech wood on delignification and chemical structure of lignins [Paper presentation]. WOODCHEM 2011 Congress, Strasbourg, France. |
Simon, M., Vanderghem, C., Richel, A., & Paquot, M. (2011). Impact of the treatment conditions of a formic/acetic acid delignification method on chemical structure and antioxidant activity of beech wood lignin [Poster presentation]. Italic 6 Italian meeting on lignocellulosic chemistry - COST FP0901 Workshop, Viterbo, Italy. |
Valepyn, E., Nys, J., Richel, A., Laurent, P., Berezina, N., Talon, O., & Paquot, M. (January 2011). Lipase-catalyzed synthesis of L-cysteine glucosyl esters in organic media. Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 29 (1), 25-30. doi:10.3109/10242422.2010.548555 |
Vanderghem, C., Richel, A., Jacquet, N., Blecker, C., & Paquot, M. (2011). Impact of formic/acetic acid and ammonia pre-treatments on chemical structure and physico-chemical properties of Miscanthus x giganteus lignins. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 96 (10), 1761-1770. doi:10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2011.07.022 |
Verziu, M., Richel, A., Filip, P., Velea, M., Medvedovici, A., & Parvulescu, V. (2011). Catalytic conversion of lignin to low molecular weight compounds [Paper presentation]. 2nd Workshop of COST Action CM0903 (UBIOCHEM-II) /International Conference on Materials and Technologies for Green Chemistry. |
Laurent, P., Richel, A., Wathelet, B., Wathelet, J.-P., & Paquot, M. (14 October 2010). Synthèse assistée par Micro-ondes de dérivés d'acides uroniques [Poster presentation]. Journée Scientifique Annuelle de la Société Royale de Chimie, Gembloux, Belgium. |
Richel, A., Wathelet, J.-P., & Paquot, M. (14 October 2010). New insights into the transformation of carbohydrates into platform chemicals [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique annuelle de la Société Royale de Chimie, Gembloux, Belgium. |
Razafindralambo, H., Blecker, C., Richel, A., Laurent, P., Richard, G., Wathelet, B., Wathelet, J.-P., & Paquot, M. (12 October 2010). CARBOHYDRATE-BASED SURFACTANTS FOR FORMING AND STABILIZING COLLOIDAL SYSTEMS AS EMULSIONS AND FOAMS [Poster presentation]. 5th editon of world congress on emulsion, Lyon, France. |
Razafindralambo, H., Blecker, C., Richel, A., Laurent, P., Richard, G., Wathelet, B., Wathelet, J.-P., & Paquot, M. (2010). CARBOHYDRATE-BASED SURFACTANTS FOR FORMING AND STABILIZING COLLOIDAL SYSTEMS AS EMULSIONS AND FOAMS. In Abstracts book of 5th edition of world congress on emulsions (pp. 98). |
Laurent, P., Richel, A., Wathelet, B., Wathelet, J.-P., & Paquot, M. (May 2010). Microwave – assisted synthesis of carbohydrate compounds, focus on uronic acid derivatives [Poster presentation]. First Workshop of the COST Action CM09030 (UBIOCHEM I): Utilisation of Biomass for fuels and chemicals – The road to sustainability, Cordoba, Spain. |
Richel, A., Laurent, P., Wathelet, B., Wathelet, J.-P., & Paquot, M. (May 2010). Microwave-assisted conversion of carbohydrates. State of the art and outlook [Paper presentation]. 1st Workshop of the COST Action CM09030 (Utilisation of Biomass for Fuels and Chemicals) - The road to sustainability, Cordoba, Spain. |
Laurent, P., Richel, A., Wathelet, J.-P., & Paquot, M. (2010). Procédé micro-ondes - valorisation des acides uroniques [Paper presentation]. Commission biomolécules - Technologies micro-ondes et extrusion réactive appliquées aux agroressources, Amiens, France. |
Richel, A. (2010). Microwave-assisted transformations of carbohydrates. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/60834 |
Richel, A. (2010). Microwave-assisted transformations of agroresources: an example of green chemistry. SciTopics-Research summarises by Experts. |
Richel, A., Laurent, P., & Paquot, M. (2010). Microwave-assisted transformations of agroresources: an example of green chemistry. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/62248 |
Richel, A., Laurent, P., Wathelet, B., Wathelet, J.-P., & Paquot, M. (2010). Microwave-assisted synthesis of D-glucuronic acid derivatives using cost-effective solid acid catalysts. Tetrahedron Letters, 51, 1356-1360. doi:10.1016/j.tetlet.2009.12.065 |
Richel, A., Wathelet, J.-P., & Paquot, M. (2010). Microwave-assisted transformations of carbohydrates. SciTopics / Research Summaries by Experts. |
Laurent, P., & Richel, A. (21 October 2009). Chimie verte et nouvelles molécules issues du Programme d'Excellence Technose [Paper presentation]. 6emes Rencontres de la Biomasse - Le bioraffinage des matériaux lignocellulosiques, Gembloux, Belgium. |
Richard, G., Laurent, P., Nott, K., Richel, A., Helleputte, M., Paquot, M., & Wathelet, J.-P. (January 2009). Chemical and enzymatical modifications of sugar derived from lignocellulose [Poster presentation]. Carbohydrate as Organic Raw materials V : building a sustainable future, Lisbonne, Portugal. |
Richel, A., Laurent, P., Richard, G., Wathelet, J.-P., Paquot, M., & Wathelet, B. (September 2008). Synthesis of uronic acid derivatives bearing a single or two alkyl chains as new surfactants [Poster presentation]. 20th French-Japenese Symposium of Medicinal and Fine Chemistry, Bordeaux, France. |
Laurent, P., Richel, A., Richard, G., Wathelet, B., Wathelet, J.-P., & Paquot, M. (2008). Synthèse de nouveaux surfactants dérivés des acides D-glucuronique et D-galacturonique [Poster presentation]. Société Royale belge de Chimie, Belgium. |
Richel, A. (09 March 2007). Natural Oils and Fats as Renewable Raw Materials for the Polymer Industry. |
Borguet, Y., Richel, A., Delfosse, S., Leclerc, A., Delaude, L., & Demonceau, A. (2007). Microwave-enhanced ruthenium-catalysed atom transfer radical additions. Tetrahedron Letters, 48 (36), 6334-6338. doi:10.1016/j.tetlet.2007.07.029 |
Richel, A. (2007). Control of radical reactions by transition-metal complexes [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/34348 |
Delfosse, S., Richel, A., Delaude, L., Demonceau, A., & Noels, A. (2006). Controlled radical polymerization of vinyl monomers catalyzed by ruthenium N-heterocyclic carbene complexes. In K. Matyjaszewski, Progress in Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization / ACS Symposium Series 944 (pp. 40-55). Amer. Chem. Soc. |
Richel, A. (2006). Projet FIRST Europe Objectif 1 (OLIPOL-Synthèse de (co)-polymères d'origine végétale par voie catalytique) Rapport Final. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/62744 |
Richel, A., Demonceau, A., & Noels, A. (2006). Electrochemistry as a correlation tool with the catalytic activities in [RuCl2(p-cymene)(PAr3)]-catalysed Kharasch additions. Tetrahedron Letters, 47, 2077-2081. doi:10.1016/j.tetlet.2006.01.138 |
Demonceau, A., Delfosse, S., Richel, A., Sauvage, X., Delaude, L., & Noels, A. (November 2005). Métathèse des oléfines et réactions radicalaires catalysées par des complexes ruthénium-carbène N-hétérocycliques. |
Delfosse, S., Richel, A., Wei, H., Demonceau, A., & Noels, A. (August 2005). Microwave-assisted ruthenium-catalysed atom transfer radical reactions [Poster presentation]. 5th International School on Molecular Catalysis, "Organic and Polymer Synthesis and Catalysis", Poznan-Rosnówko, Poland. |
Demonceau, A., Delaude, L., Delfosse, S., Maj, A., Noels, A., Richel, A., Sauvage, X., & Tudose, A. (August 2005). Catalytic activity of N-heterocyclic carbene complexes of ruthenium and palladium in C-C bond forming reactions [Paper presentation]. 5th International School on Molecular Catalysis, "Organic and Polymer Synthesis and Catalysis", Poznan-Rosnówko, Poland. |
Delfosse, S., Richel, A., Borguet, Y., Delaude, L., Demonceau, A., & Noels, A. (2005). Controlled radical polymerisation of vinyl monomers catalysed by ruthenium N-heterocyclic carbene complexes. In K. Matyjaszewski (Ed.), Controlled/living radical polymerization. From synthesis to materials (pp. 191-192). Washington, United States - District of Columbia: American Chemical Society. |
Delfosse, S., Richel, A., Wei, H., Demonceau, A., & Noels, A. (2005). Microwave-assisted ruthenium-catalysed atom transfer radical reactions [Paper presentation]. 5th International School on Molecular Catalysis, "Organic and Polymer Synthesis and Catalysis" (ISMC 2005), Poznan - Rosnówko, Poland. |
Demonceau, A., Delfosse, S., Richel, A., Borguet, Y., Delaude, L., & Noels, A. (2005). Controlled radical polymerization of vinyl monomers catalyzed by ruthenium N-heterocyclic carbene complexes. |
Demonceau, A., Richel, A., Tutusaus, O., Viñas, C., Teixidor, F., & Noels, A. (2005). Electrochemistry as a correlation tool candidate with catalytic activities in ruthenium(II)-catalysed atom transfer radical polymerisation? [Poster presentation]. 230th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Symposium on Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization, Washington (DC), United States. |
Richel, A. (2005). Utilisation des techniques électrochimiques pour l'étude des mécanismes de polymérisation. |
Richel, A. (2005). Projet FIRST Europe Objectif 1 (OLIPOL-Synthèse de nouveaux (co)-polymères d'origine végétale par voie catalytique) Rapport VIII. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/62739 |
Richel, A. (2005). Projet FIRST Europe Objectif 1 (OLIPOL-Synthèse de nouveaux (co)-polmères d'origine végétale par voie catalytique) Rapport VII. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/62738 |
Richel, A., Leclerc, A., Demonceau, A., & Noels, A. (2005). Microwave-Enhanced Ruthenium Catalysed Atom Transfer Radical Additions [Poster presentation]. Recent Advances in Organometallic Chemistry and Applied Catalysis Pre-OMCOS 13, Paris, France. |
Richel, A., Tutusaus, O., Viñas, C., Teixidor, F., Demonceau, A., & Noels, A. (2005). Electrochemistry as a correlation tool candidate with catalytic activities in ruthenium(II)-catalysed atom transfer radical polymerisation ? Polymer Preprints, 46 (2), 227-228. |
Sauvage, X., Tudose, A., Delfosse, S., Richel, A., Delaude, L., Maj, A., Demonceau, A., & Noels, A. (2005). Catalytic applications of transition metal N-heterocyclic carbene complexes bearing nitrogen-containing substituents [Poster presentation]. 5th International School on Molecular Catalysis, "Organic and Polymer Synthesis and Catalysis", Poznan-Rosnówko, Poland. |
Sauvage, X., Tudose, A., Delfosse, S., Richel, A., Delaude, L., Maj, A., Demonceau, A., & Noels, A. (2005). Catalytic applications of transition metal N-heterocyclic carbene complexes bearing nitrogen-containing substituents [Paper presentation]. 5th International School on Molecular Catalysis, "Organic and Polymer Synthesis and Catalysis", Poznan-Rosnówko, Poland. |
Tudose, A., Sauvage, X., Delfosse, S., Richel, A., Delaude, L., & Demonceau, A. (July 2004). Catalytic applications of transition metal N-heterocyclic carbene complexes bearing nitrogen-containing side-groups [Poster presentation]. 10th Belgian Organic Synthesis Symposium (BOSS), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
Delfosse, S., Richel, A., Delaude, L., Maj, A., Demonceau, A., & Noels, A. (2004). In situ generated ruthenium N-heterocyclic carbene catalysts for atom transfer radical reactions [Poster presentation]. 8th Sigma Aldrich Organic Synthesis Meeting, Spa, Belgium. |
Richel, A. (2004). Projet FIRST Europe Objectif 1 (OLIPOL-Synthèse de nouveaux (co)-polymères d'origine végétale par voie catalytique) Rapport VI. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/62737 |
Richel, A. (2004). Projet FIRST Europe Objectif 1 (OLIPOL-Synthèse de nouveaux (co)-polymères d'origine végétale par voie catalytique) Rapport V. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/62736 |
Demonceau, A., Richel, A., Delfosse, S., Crémasco, C., Delaude, L., & Noels, A. (August 2003). Ruthenium N-heterocyclic carbene complexes: Versatile catalysts precursors for olefin metathesis, olefin cyclopropanation, and radical reactions [Paper presentation]. XVth FECHEM Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Zurich, Switzerland. |
Delaude, L., Filmon, K., Delfosse, S., Richel, A., Demonceau, A., & Noels, A. (May 2003). Dual activity of ruthenium catalysts in controlled radical reactions and olefin metathesis [Paper presentation]. 4th POLYCAT Meeting / Polymerization by single-site metal Catalysis, Sevilla, Spain. |
Delfosse, S., Richel, A., Demonceau, A., & Noels, A. (May 2003). Ruthenium alkylidenes: a new class of catalysts for Kharasch addition and controlled radical polymerisation of vinyl monomers [Poster presentation]. Recent Progress in Macromolecular Chemistry, Liege, Belgium. |
Delfosse, S., Richel, A., Peters, C., Simal, F., Demonceau, A., & Noels, A. (May 2003). Ruthenium alkylidenes: a new class of catalysts for Kharasch addition and controlled radical polymerisation of vinyl monomers [Poster presentation]. Belgian Polymer Group (BPG) Annual Meeting 2003, Spa, Belgium. |
Sauvage, X., Richel, A., Delfosse, S., Delaude, L., Demonceau, A., & Noels, A. (May 2003). New ruthenium catalysts bearing N-heterocyclic carbene ligands for ATRP [Poster presentation]. Recent Progress in Macromolecular Chemistry, Liege, Belgium. |
Delaude, L., Delfosse, S., Richel, A., Demonceau, A., & Noels, A. (2003). Tuning of ruthenium N-heterocyclic carbene catalysts for ATRP. Chemical Communications, (13), 1526-1527. doi:10.1039/b301733h |
Delaude, L., Delfosse, S., Richel, A., Demonceau, A., & Noels, A. (2003). Dual activity of ruthenium catalysts in controlled radical reactions and olefin metathesis. In Y. Imamoglu & L. Bencze (Eds.), Novel metathesis chemistry: designing well-defined initiator systems for specialty chemical synthesis, tailored polymers and advanced material application (pp. 87-100). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer. |
Delfosse, S., Richel, A., Demonceau, A., & Noels, A. (2003). Ruthenium alkylidenes: a new class of catalysts for Kharasch addition and controlled radical polymerisation of vinyl monomers. e-Polymers. doi:10.1002/1521-3765(20020703)8:13<3047::AID-CHEM3047>3.0.CO;2-V |
Delfosse, S., Richel, A., Simal, F., Demonceau, A., Noels, A., Tutusaus, O., Núñez, R., Viñas, C., & Teixidor, F. (2003). Controlled radical polymerization catalyzed by ruthenium complexes: Variations on Ru-Cp#. In K. Matyjaszewski, ADVANCES IN CONTROLLED/LIVING RADICAL POLYMERIZATION (pp. 116-129). WASHINGTON, DC, United States - Washington: American Chemical Society. |
Delfosse, S., Richel, A., Simal, F., Demonceau, A., Noels, A., Tutusaus, O., Nuñez, R., Viñas, C., & Teixidor, F. (2003). Controlled radical polymerization catalysed by ruthenium complexes: Variations on Ru-Cp#. In K. Matyjaszewski, Advances in Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization / ACS Symposium Series 854 (pp. 116-129). Amer. Chem. Soc. |
Demonceau, A., Delfosse, S., Richel, A., Maj, A., Tudose, A., Delaude, L., & Noels, A. (2003). Tuning of ruthenium N-heterocyclic carbene catalysts for olefin polymerisation and fine chemistry. |
Demonceau, A., Richel, A., Delfosse, S., Delaude, L., & Noels, A. (2003). Tuning of rethenium N-heterocyclic carbene catalysts for olefin polymerisation and fine chemistry. |
Richel, A. (2003). Projet FIRST Europe Ojectif 1 (OLIPOL-Synthèse de nouveaux (co)-polymères d'origine végétale par voie catalytique) Rapport III. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/62734 |
Richel, A. (2003). Projet FIRST Europe Objectif 1 (OLIPOL-Synthèse de nouveaux (co)-polymères d'origine végétale par voie catalytique) Rapport IV. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/62735 |
Richel, A., Delfosse, S., Cremasco, C., Delaude, L., Demonceau, A., & Noels, A. (2003). Ruthenium catalysts bearing N-heterocyclic carbene ligands in atom transfer radical reactions. Tetrahedron Letters, 44 (32), 6011-6015. doi:10.1016/S0040-4039(03)01477-1 |
Richel, A., Delfosse, S., Demonceau, A., Noels, A., Le Gendre, P., Richard, P., & Moïse, C. (2003). Atom Transfer Radical Polymerisation (ATRP) and Kharasch addition mediated by titanium-ruthenium bimetallic systems [Poster presentation]. Recent Progress in Macromolecular Chemistry, Liege, Belgium. |
Sauvage, X., Richel, A., Delfosse, S., Delaude, L., Demonceau, A., & Noels, A. (2003). New ruthenium catalysts bearing N-heterocyclic carbene ligands for ATRA and ATRP. e-Polymers. |
Tudose, A., Delfosse, S., Richel, A., Delaude, L., Demonceau, A., & Noels, A. (2003). New ruthenium catalysts bearing N-heterocyclic carbene ligands in Kharasch chemistry [Poster presentation]. Recent Progress in Macromolecular Chemistry Symposium, Liège, Belgium. |
Tudose, A., Delfosse, S., Richel, A., Delaude, L., Demonceau, A., & Noels, A. (2003). New ruthenium catalysts bearing N-heterocyclic carbene ligands for ATRP. e-Polymers, 023. |
Demonceau, A., Delfosse, S., Guillaume, B., Richel, A., Noels, A., Tutusaus, O., Nuñez, R., Viñas, C., Teixidor, F., & Baran, J. (2002). Controlled Radical Polymerisation catalysed by rutehnium complexes. Variations on Ru-Cp#. In ACS Symposium Series. |
Richel, A., Delfosse, S., Demonceau, A., Noels, A., Paavola, S., Kivekäs, R., Viñas, C., & Teixidor, F. (August 2002). Radical polymerisation of methyl methacrylate catalysed by palladium(II) complexes containing chelating o-carboranyldiphosphine ligands [Poster presentation]. 224th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Symposium on Advances in Controlled Radical Polymerization, Boston (Massachusetts), United States. |
Demonceau, A., Delfosse, S., Delaude, L., Richel, A., & Noels, A. (July 2002). Polymerisation of olefins catalysed by transition-metal complexes. Contribution of the Laboratory of Macromolecular Chemistry and Organic Catalysis of the University of Liège [Paper presentation]. COST D17/0006/00 (Oligomers, polymers and copolymers via metal catalysis) Meeting, Bellaterra (Barcelona), Spain. |
Richel, A., Delfosse, S., Demonceau, A., Noels, A., Le Gendre, P., Richard, P., & Moïse, C. (May 2002). Atom transfer radical polymerisation (ATRP) and Kharasch addition mediated by titanium-ruthenium bimetallic systems [Poster presentation]. Belgian Polymer Group Meeting 2002, Belgium. |
Delfosse, S., Guillaume, B., Richel, A., Demonceau, A., Noels, A., Tutusaus, O., Núñez, R., Viñas, C., Teixidor, F., & Baran, J. (2002). Controlled radical polymerisation catalysed by ruthenium complexes: Variations on Ru-Cp#. Polymer Preprints, 5-6. |
Richel, A. (2002). Projet FIRST Europe Ojectif 1 (OLIPOL-Synthèse de nouveaux (co-polymères d'origine végétale par voir catalytique) Rapport I. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/62732 |
Richel, A. (2002). Projet FIRST Europe Objectif 1 (OLIPOL-Synthèse de nouveaux (co)polymères d'origine végétale par voie catalytique) Rapport II. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/62733 |
Richel, A. (2002). Control of radical reactions by bimetallic systems [Paper presentation]. COST D17/0006/00 Meeting, Bellaterra (University of Barcelona), Spain. |
Richel, A., Delfosse, S., Demonceau, A., & Noels, A. (2002). Ruthenium alkylidenes : a new class of catalysts for Kharasch addition and controlled radical polymerisation of vinyl monomers [Poster presentation]. European Younger Chemists' Conference, Heidelberg, Germany. |
Richel, A., Delfosse, S., Demonceau, A., Noels, A., Le Gendre, P., Richard, P., & Moïse, C. (2002). Atom Transfer Radical Polymerisation (ATRP) and Kharasch Addition Mediated by Titanium-Ruthenium Bimetallic Systems. e-Polymers, 083. |
Richel, A., Delfosse, S., Demonceau, A., Noels, A., Paavola, S., Kivekäs, R., Viñas, C., & Teixidor, F. (2002). Radical polymerisation of methyl methacrylate catalysed by palladium(II) complexes containing chelating o-carboranyldiphosphine ligands [Paper presentation]. 224th American Chemical Society National Meeting Polymer Chemistry, Boston, United States. |
Richel, A., Delfosse, S., Demonceau, A., Noels, A., Paavola, S., Kivekäs, R., Viñas, C., & Teixidor, F. (2002). Radical polymerisation of methyl methacrylate catalysed by palladium(II) complexes containing chelating o-carboranyldiphosphine ligands. Polymer Preprints, 43 (2), 77-78. |
Johnson, N. P., McComb, D. W., Richel, A., Treble, B. M., & De La Rue, R. M. (2001). Synthesis and optical properties of opal and inverse opal photonic crystals. Synthetic Metals, 116 (1-3), 469-473. doi:10.1016/S0379-6779(00)00417-3 |
Richel, A., Delfosse, S., Demonceau, A., Le Gendre, P., Richard, P., & Moïse, C. (2001). Control of radical reactions mediated by bimetallic systems [Poster presentation]. 5th Sigma-Aldrich Organic Synthesis Meeting, Spa, Belgium. |
Richel, A. (1999). Comportement éléctrochimique du C60 et du C70 en milieu aqueux [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/60660 |