Publications and communications of Bernard Heinesch

Heinesch, B.* , & Longdoz, B.*. (13 November 2024). Réduire l'empreinte climatique de l'agriculture [Paper presentation]. 15aine du climat, Belgium.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Dumont, C., Verreyken, B., Schoon, N., Amelynck, C., & Heinesch, B. (10 September 2024). From forest to atmosphere: towards a more comprehensive assessment of BVOC exchanges in a mixed temperate forest [Paper presentation]. ICOS Science Conference 2024, Versailles, France.

Verreyken, B., Schoon, N., Dumont, C., Heinesch, B., & Amelynck, C. (10 September 2024). Volatile Organic Compounds: Concentrations and Fluxes at a Belgian Mixed Forest Site [Poster presentation]. iCACGP-IGAC 2024, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Dumont, C., Verreyken, B., Schoon, N., Amelynck, C., & Heinesch, B. (10 June 2024). From forest to atmosphere: towards a more comprehensive assessment of BVOC exchanges in a mixed temperate forest [Poster presentation]. Gordon Research Conference: Biogenic Hydrocarbons and the Atmosphere, Barcelona, Spain.

Verreyken, B., Dury, M., Gohy, M., Schoon, N., Bergmans, B., Dumont, C., Heinesch, B., & Amelynck, C. (15 May 2024). OH reactivity from NMVOCs at a mixed forest in Vielsalm (BE, July 2022) [Poster presentation]. Actris Science Conference 2024, Rennes, France.

Amelynck, C., Dumont, C., Verreyken, B., Schoon, N., & Heinesch, B. (27 January 2024). Characterization of volatile organic compound exchanges at a mixed forest site in the Belgian Ardennes [Poster presentation]. 9th INTERNATIONAL PTR-MS CONFERENCE, Innsbruck, Austria.

Bitton, J., Charles, C., Longdoz, B., & Heinesch, B. (2024). Influence of meteorological conditions on a young beech forest gross primary productivity: Insights from 24 year-long measurements using a novel wavelet-based approach [Paper presentation]. ICOS Science Conference 2024, Versailles, France.

Faurès, A., Nicolini, G., Papale, D., Sabbatini, S., & Heinesch, B. (2024). ICOS vs PI processing: focus on spectral denoising procedure [Paper presentation]. ICOS Ecosystem MSA, Antwerp, Belgium.

Faurès, A., Nicolini, G., Papale, D., Sabbatini, S., & Heinesch, B. (2024). Bridging the gap between historical and ICOS ecosystem flux data series: methodological choices and their impact on net fluxes [Paper presentation]. ICOS Science Conference 2024, Versailles, France.

Heinesch, B. (2024). Responses of terrestrial ecosystem CO2 fluxes to droughts and heat waves: insights from the ICOS network [Paper presentation]. Belgian Science for Climate Action Conference, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Verreyken, B., Dumont, C., Schoon, N., Heinesch, B., & Amelynck, C. (13 December 2023). Source characterization of reactive carbon in a mixed forest ecosystem (Vielsalm, BE) [Poster presentation]. AGU2023, San Francisco, United States - California.

Tang, A. C. I., Flechard, C. R., Arriga, N., Papale, D., Stoy, P. C., Buchmann, N., Cuntz, M., Douros, J., Fares, S., Knohl, A., Šigut, L., Simioni, G., Timmermans, R., Grünwald, T., Ibrom, A., Loubet, B., Mammarella, I., Belelli Marchesini, L., Nilsson, M., ... Loustau, D. (10 December 2023). Detection and attribution of an anomaly in terrestrial photosynthesis in Europe during the COVID-19 lockdown. Science of the Total Environment, 903, 166149. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.166149

Verreyken, B., Dumont, C., Schoon, N., Heinesch, B., & Amelynck, C. (17 November 2023). Source characterization of reactive carbon in a mixed forest ecosystem (Vielsalm, BE) [Poster presentation]. IGAC-iCACGP ECR 2023 Online conference.

Delandmeter, M., Léonard, J., Ferchaud, F., Heinesch, B., Manise, T., Faurès, A., Bindelle, J., & Dumont, B. (15 November 2023). Estimating CO2 fluxes (GPP, RECO, NEE) of diversified crop rotations from STICS outputs [Paper presentation]. XIII Séminaire STICS, Bordeaux, France.

Xie, M., Ma, X., Wang, Y., Li, C., Shi, H., Yuan, X., Hellwich, O., Chen, C., Zhang, W., Zhang, C., Ling, Q., Gao, R., Zhang, Y., Ochege, F. U., Frankl, A., De Maeyer, P., Buchmann, N., Feigenwinter, I., Olesen, J. E., ... Luo, G. (07 September 2023). Monitoring of carbon-water fluxes at Eurasian meteorological stations using random forest and remote sensing. Scientific Data, 10 (1), 587. doi:10.1038/s41597-023-02473-9

Vincke, C., Bogaerts, G., Chebbi, W., Demoulin, L., Douxfils, B., Engelmann, T., Faurès, A., Heinesch, B., Manise, T., Orgun, A., Piret, A., & Thyrion, T. (2023). ETC L2 ARCHIVE, Vielsalm.

Dumont, C., Verreyken, B., Schoon, N., Amelynck, C., & Heinesch, B. (26 February 2023). Study of biogenic volatile organic compound emissions and depositions over a mixed temperate forest by PTR-TOF-MS and eddy covariance [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienne, Austria. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14139

Dumont, B., Heinesch, B., Bodson, B., Bogaerts, G., Chopin, H., De Ligne, A., Demoulin, L., Douxfils, B., Engelmann, T., Faurès, A., Longdoz, B., Manise, T., Orgun, A., Piret, A., & Thyrion, T. (2023). ETC L2 ARCHIVE, Lonzee, 2016-2022.

Heinesch, B. (23 September 2022). Méthodes de mesure des flux de COVB [Paper presentation]. Formation COV, Paris, France.

Delandmeter, M., Dumont, B., Bindelle, J., Heinesch, B., Faurès, A., & Manise, T. (01 September 2022). Performance of the soil-crop model STICS for a wide variety of agronomic and environmental outputs under Belgian pedoclimatic conditions [Paper presentation]. XVII Congress in Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany.

Bitton, J., Heinesch, B., Charles, C., & Longdoz, B. (2022). Wavelet analysis as a tool to deduce temporal multi-scale influence of climatic events on a young beech forest CO2 exchanges [Paper presentation]. ICOS Science Conference 2022, Utrecht, Germany.

Heinesch, B., De Ligne, A., Gourlez de la Motte, L., & Manise, T. (2022). Fluxnet Archive Product, Dorinne. doi:10.18160/P7JG-DVR4

Heinesch, B., De Ligne, A., Manise, T., & Longdoz, B. (2022). Fluxnet Archive Product, Lonzee. doi:10.18160/46P3-WT1D

Vincke, C., Heinesch, B., & Longdoz, B. (2022). Fluxnet Archive Product, Vielsalm. doi:10.18160/DF9X-QMRK

Heinesch, B., Michel, C., Amelynck, C., Schoons, N., Mozzafar, A., Aubinet, M., & Dumortier, P. (29 April 2021). The role of cows on OVOC exchanges of a pasture [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2021.

Boas, T., Bogena, H., Grünwald, T., Heinesch, B., Ryu, D., Schmidt, M., Vereecken, H., Western, A., & Hendricks-Franssen. (28 April 2021). Improving the representation of cropland sites in the Community Land Model (CLM) version 5.0 [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2021.

Bachy, A., Aubinet, M., Amelynck, C., Schoon, N., Bodson, B., Delaplace, P., De Ligne, A., Digrado, A., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Mozaffar, A., Müller, J.-F., & Heinesch, B. (2020). Dynamics and mechanisms of volatile organic compound exchanges in a winter wheat field. Atmospheric Environment, 221, 117105. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2019.117105

De Gruyter, J., Weedon, J., Bazot, S., Dauwe, S., Fernandez-Garberi, P.-R., Geisen, S., Gourlez de la Motte, L., Heinesch, B., Janssens, I., Leblanc, N., Manise, T., Ogaya, R., Ottosson Lofvenius, M., Penuelas, J., Sigurdsson, B., Vincent, G., & Verbruggen, E. (2020). Patterns of local, intercontinental and interseasonal variation of soil bacterial and eukaryotic microbial communities. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. doi:10.1093/femsec/fiaa018

Dumortier, P., Gourlez de la Motte, L., Andriamandroso, A. L. H., Aubinet, M., Beckers, Y., Bindelle, J., De Cock, N., Lebeau, F., & Heinesch, B. (2020). Beef cattle methane emission estimation using the eddy covariance technique in combination with geolocation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.108249

Gourlez de la Motte, L., Beauclaire, Q., Heinesch, B., Cuntz, M., Foltýnová, L., Sigut, L., Kowalska, N., Manca, G., Goded Ballarin, I., Vincke, C., Roland, M., Ibrom, A., Lousteau, D., Sienicke, L., & Longdoz, B. (2020). Non-stomatal processes reduce gross primary productivity in temperate forest ecosystems during severe edaphic drought. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences, 375 (1810). doi:10.1098/rstb.2019.0527

Graf, A., Klosterhalfen, A., Arriga, N., Bernhofer, C., Bogena, H., Bornet, F., Brüggemann, N., Brümmer, C., Buchmann, N., Chi, J., Chipeaux, C., Cremonese, E., Cuntz, M., Dušek, J., El-Madany, T. S., Fares, S., Fischer, M., Foltýnová, L., Gharun, M., ... Vereecken, H. (2020). Altered energy partitioning across terrestrial ecosystems in the European drought year 2018. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences, 375 (1810), 20190524. doi:10.1098/rstb.2019.0524

Pastorello, G., Trotta, C., Canfora, E., Chu, H., Christianson, D., Cheah, Y.-W., Poindexter, C., Chen, J., Elbashandy, A., Humphrey, M., Isaac, P., Miller, S. D., Minerbi, S., Moderow, U., Monson, R. K., Montagnani, L., Moore, C. E., Moors, E., Moreaux, V., ... Meyers, T. (2020). The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data. Scientific Data, 7 (1), 225. doi:10.1038/s41597-020-0534-3

Bitton, J., Charles, C., & Heinesch, B. (03 October 2019). Multi-scale analysis of energy partitioning over a young beech forest using continuous wavelet transform [Poster presentation]. ICOS Belgium Science Conference 2019, Antwerp, Belgium.

Boland, F., De Ligne, A., Heinesch, B., & De Cock, N. (03 October 2019). Multiyear analysis of energy balance closure over a cropland in the silty loam region of Belgium [Poster presentation]. ICOS Belgium Science Conference 2019, Antwerpen, Belgium.

De Cock, N., Dumortier, P., & Heinesch, B. (03 October 2019). Effect of point source emission height on the error of the flux estimation through eddy covariance [Poster presentation]. 2019 ICOS Belgium Science Conference, Antwerp, Belgium.

Bitton, J., Charles, C., & Heinesch, B. (June 2019). Multi-scale analysis of the evolution of surface turbulent heat fluxes using continuous wavelet transform [Poster presentation]. Wavelets and Beyond - A celebration for Alexandre Grossmann and Yves Meyer, Orsay, France.

Dumortier, P., De Cock, N., Aubinet, M., Lebeau, F., Naiken, A., & Heinesch, B. (08 April 2019). Point source emission estimation through eddy covariance: Validation using an artificial source experiment [Poster presentation]. assemblée générale de l'European Geosciences Union.

Lognoul, M., Gourlez de la Motte, L., Naiken, A., Lonneux, M., Segers, J., Arriga, N., Roland, M., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (08 April 2019). Restoring a worn-out pasture: what impact on N2O exchanges ? [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienne, Austria.

Gourlez de la Motte, L., Dumortier, P., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (April 2019). Herd position habits can bias net CO2 ecosystem exchange estimates in free range grazed pastures [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienne, Austria.

Beauclaire, Q., Heinesch, B., & Longdoz, B. (2019). Impact of the 2018 drought on the CO2 exchanges of a seed potato crop (Solanum tuberosum L.) [Paper presentation]. National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences.

Boeraeve, F., Longdoz, B., Dumortier, P., Gourlez de la Motte, L., Heinesch, B., Lognoul, M., Carpio Villarroel, C., Verhaegen, E., Charlier, S., Chamochumbi, W., Collière, P., & Wiliquet, C. (Other coll.). (2019). Agroécologie:utopie ou vision d'avenir? (Eclosio).

Gourlez de la Motte, L., Beauclaire, Q., Heinesch, B., & Longdoz, B. (2019). Quantification of the 2018 drought for European forests and impacts of stomatal and non stomatal limitation of photosynthesis [Paper presentation]. ICOS Belgium 2nd Science conference, Anvers, Belgium.

Gourlez de la Motte, L., Dumortier, P., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (2019). Herd position habits can bias net CO2 ecosystem exchange estimates in free range grazed pastures. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 268. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.01.015

Graf, A., Klosterhalfen, A., Bernhofer, C., Brümmer, C., Drüe, C., Gottschalk, P., Grünwald, T., Heinemann, G., Heinesch, B., Klatt, J., Konopka, J., De Ligne, A., Longdoz, B., Mauder, M., Nez, P., Rabbel, I., Rebmann, C., Sachs, T., Schmidt, M., ... Vereecken, H. (2019). Energy partitioning and water use efficiency anomalies 2018 at Eddy-Covariance sites across ecosystems [Paper presentation]. European Geoscience Union Général assembly 2019, Vienne, Austria.

Lognoul, M., Debacq, A., De Ligne, A., Dumont, B., Manise, T., Bodson, B., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (2019). N2O flux short-term response to temperature and topsoil disturbance in a fertilized crop: An eddy covariance campaign. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 271, 193-206. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.02.033

Longdoz, B., & Heinesch, B. (2019). Impact actuel et futur des écosystèmes terrestres sur notre climat. Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 88 (2019). doi:10.25518/0037-9565.9160

Lognoul, M., Gourlez de la Motte, L., Debacq, A., Naiken, A., Lonneux, M., Segers, J., Arriga, N., Roland, M., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (12 September 2018). Restoring a worn-out pasture : What impact on greenhouse gas exchanges ? [Poster presentation]. ICOS 3rd Science Conference, Prague, Czechia.

Lognoul, M., Debacq, A., Manise, T., De Ligne, A., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (11 September 2018). N2O flux short-term response to meteorological solicitations and farming practices in a fertilized crop [Poster presentation]. ICOS 3rd Science Conference, Prague, Czechia.

Michel, C., Amelynck, C., Aubinet, M., Bachy, A., Delaplace, P., Digrado, A., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., & Heinesch, B. (11 April 2018). Environmental controls of biogenic volatile organic compound emissions from a grazed grassland in Dorinne, Belgium [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienne, Austria.

Gourlez de la Motte, L., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (April 2018). Rotational and continuous grazing does not affect the total net ecosystem exchange of a pasture grazed by cattle but modifies CO2 exchange dynamics [Paper presentation]. European Geoscience Union general assembly 2018, Vienne, Austria.

Aubinet, M., Hurdebise, Q., Chopin, H., Debacq, A., De Ligne, A., Heinesch, B., Manise, T., & Vincke, C. (2018). Inter-annual variability of Net Ecosystem Productivity for a temperate mixed forest: A predominance of carry-over effects? Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 262, 340-353. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.07.024

Bauwens, M., Stavrakou, T., Müller, J.-F., Van Schaeybroeck, B., De Cruz, L., De Troch, R., Giot, O., Hamdi, R., Termonia, P., Laffineur, Q., Amelynck, C., Schoon, N., Heinesch, B., Holst, T., Arneth, A., Ceulemans, R., Sanchez-Lorenzo, A., & Guenther, A. (2018). Recent past (1979-2014) and future (2070-2099) isoprene fluxes over Europe simulated with the MEGAN-MOHYCAN model. Biogeosciences, 15 (12), 3673-3690. doi:10.5194/bg-15-3673-2018

Blaise, Y., Andriamandroso, A., Beckers, Y., Heinesch, B., Castro Muñoz, E., Soyeurt, H., Froidmont, E., Lebeau, F., & Bindelle, J. (2018). The time after feeding alters methane emission kinet- ics in Holstein dry cows fed with various restricted diets. Livestock Science, 217, 99-107. doi:10.1016/j.livsci.2018.07.004

Colaux, C., Beckers, Y., Brostaux, Y., Charles, C., Claessens, H., Heinesch, B., Sindic, M., & Degré, A. (2018). Soft Skills: how to make the young engineers aware of their new talents? In J. Stanzione & M. Savelski, Creating the holistic engineer (pp. 159-166).

Digrado, A., Gourlez de la Motte, L., Bachy, A., Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., Bussotti, F., Amelynck, C., Dalcq, A.-C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., du Jardin, P., & Delaplace, P. (2018). Decrease in the photosynthetic performance of temperate grassland species does not lead to a decline in the gross primary production of the ecosystem. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 16 p., article 67. doi:10.3389/fpls.2018.00067

Franz, D., Acosta, M., Altimir, N., Arriga, N., Arrouays, D., Aubinet, M., Aurela, M., Ayres, E., Lopez-Ballesteros, A., Barbaste, M., Berveiller, D., Biraud, S., Boukir, H., Brown, T., Brümmer, C., Buchmann, N., Burba, G., Carrara, A., Cescatti, A., ... Vesala, T. (2018). Towards long-term standardised carbon and greenhouse gas observations for monitoring Europe´s terrestrial ecosystems: a review. International Agrophysics. doi:10.1515/intag-2017-0039

Mozaffar, M. A., Schoon, N., Bachy, A., Digrado, A., Heinesch, B., Aubinet, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., & Amelynck, C. (2018). Biogenic volatile organic compound emissions from senescent maize leaves and a comparison with other leaf developmental stages. Atmospheric Environment, 176, 71-81. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.12.020

Nemitz, E., Mammarella, I., Ibrom, A., Aurela, M., Burba, G. G., Dengel, S., Gielen, B., Grelle, A., Heinesch, B., Herbst, M., Hörtnagl, L., Klemedtsson, L., Lindroth, A., Lohila, A., McDermitt, D. K., Meier, P., Merbold, L., Nelson, D., Nicolini, G., ... Zahniser, M. (2018). Standardisation of eddy-covariance flux measurements of methane and nitrous oxide. International Agrophysics, 32 (4), 517-549. doi:10.1515/intag-2017-0042

Nicolini, G., Aubinet, M., Feigenwinter, C., Heinesch, B., Lindroth, A., Mamadou, O., Moderow, U., Mölder, M., Montagnani, L., Rebmann, C., & Papale, D. (2018). Impact of CO2 storage flux sampling uncertainty on net ecosystem exchange measured by eddy covariance. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 248, 228-239. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.09.025

Lognoul, M., Debacq, A., Manise, T., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (20 October 2017). N2O flux response to meteorological solicitations and farming practice in a sugar beet crop [Poster presentation]. ICOS BE Science CONFERENCE, Gembloux, Belgium.

Michel, C., Heinesch, B., Bachy, A., Aubinet, M., Digrado, A., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Amelynck, C., Schoon, N., & Mozaffar, A. (20 October 2017). Environmental controls of methanol emissions from a grazed grassland in Dorinne, Belgium [Poster presentation]. ICOS Belgium Science Conference, Gembloux, Belgium.

Michez, A., Bauwens, S., Heinesch, B., Manise, T., Glesener, M., Mercatoris, B., Dumont, B., & Lejeune, P. (20 October 2017). Upscaling winter wheat above-ground biomass measurements using multispectral imagery and 3D data from unmanned aerial vehicle [Poster presentation]. ICOS BELGIUM Science Conference 2017, Gembloux, Belgium.

Blaise, Y., Andriamandroso, A., Heinesch, B., Beckers, Y., Castro Muñoz, E., Lebeau, F., & Bindelle, J. (2017). Influences of feeding behaviour and forage quality on diurnal methane emission dynamics of grazing cows. In D. Berckmans & K. Keita, Precision Livestock Farming ‘17 (pp. 759-769).

Lognoul, M., Theodorakopoulos, N., Hiel, M.-P., Bodson, B., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (July 2017). Impact of tillage on greenhouse gas emissions by a maize crop and dynamics of N2O fluxes [Paper presentation]. Les 13e Journées d'Etude des Sols, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Michel, C., Heinesch, B., Bachy, A., Aubinet, M., Digrado, A., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Amelynck, C., Schoon, N., & Mozaffar, A. (15 June 2017). Environmental controls of biogenic volatile organic compound emissions from a grazed grassland in Dorinne, Belgium [Poster presentation]. New Perspectives in Modeling and Measurement of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions by Remote Sensing, Anvers, Belgium.

Dumont, B., Leemans, V., Garré, S., Hamdi, R., De Cruz, L., Heinesch, B., Delaplace, P., & Longdoz, B. (23 May 2017). Using crop modelling to determine the meteorological conditions to be implemented in an Ecotron facility - Prerequisites to improve the experimental design? [Poster presentation]. MACSUR Science Conference 2017, Berlin, Germany.

Digrado, A., Gourlez de la Motte, L., Bachy, A., Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., Bussotti, F., Amelynck, C., Dalcq, A.-C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., du Jardin, P., & Delaplace, P. (30 April 2017). Long-term field study of the influence of the photosynthetic performance of temperate grassland species on ecosystem CO2 exchange fluxes at the ecosystem-scale [Poster presentation]. CO2 Assimilation in Plants from Genome to Biome Gordon Research Conference.

Lognoul, M., Debacq, A., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (28 April 2017). N2O eddy covariance fluxes : from field measurements to flux analysis [Poster presentation]. European Geoscience Union General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria.

Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., Bachy, A., Digrado, A., Heinesch, B., Aubinet, M., Fauconnier, M.-L., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., & Amelynck, C. (28 April 2017). Grazing-induced BVOC fluxes from a managed grassland [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Vienne, Austria.

Broux, F., Lognoul, M., Theodorakopoulos, N., Hiel, M.-P., Bodson, B., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (24 April 2017). Reduced Tillage generates higher N2O emissions: results of continuous chamber-based measurement in a winter wheat field [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria.

Hurdebise, Q., De Ligne, A., Vincke, C., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (24 April 2017). Momentum, sensible heat and CO2 correlation coefficient: what can we learn from 20 years of eddy covariance measurements [Poster presentation]. European Goesciences Union General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria.

Hurdebise, Q., De Ligne, A., Vincke, C., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (24 April 2017). Canopy aerodynamic distance (z-d) estimation and impact on eddy covariance measurements [Paper presentation]. European Geosciences Union 2017, Vienna, Austria.

Digrado, A., Bachy, A., Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., Bussotti, F., Amelynck, C., Dalcq, A.-C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., du Jardin, P., & Delaplace, P. (26 March 2017). Long-term field study of the photosynthetic performance and acclimation potential of Lolium perenne L. facing combined environmental constraints in a temperate managed grassland [Poster presentation]. 2nd Agriculture and Climate Change Conference.

Broux, F., Lognoul, M., Theodorakopoulos, N., Hiel, M.-P., Bodson, B., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (2017). 10. 2. Le travail superficiel du sol, plutôt qu’un labour conventionnel, permet-il de réduire les émissions de N2O vers l’atmosphère ? Campagne sur un essai en froment d’hiver. In B. Bodson & B. Watillon, Livre Blanc Céréales (pp. 10/11 - 10/16).

Andriamandroso, A., Lebeau, F., Beckers, Y., Froidmont, E., Dufrasne, I., Heinesch, B., Dumortier, P., Blanchy, G., Blaise, Y., & Bindelle, J. (2017). Development of an open-source algorithm based on inertial measurement units (IMU) of a smartphone to detect cattle grass intake and ruminating behaviors. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 139, 126-137. doi:10.1016/j.compag.2017.05.020

Digrado, A., Bachy, A., Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., Bussotti, F., Amelynck, C., Dalcq, A.-C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., du Jardin, P., & Delaplace, P. (2017). Long-term measurements of chlorophyll a fluorescence using the JIP-test show that combined abiotic stresses influence the photosynthetic performance of the perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) in a managed temperate grassland. Physiologia Plantarum, 161 (3), 355-371. doi:10.1111/ppl.12594

Dumortier, P., Aubinet, M., Lebeau, F., Naiken, A., & Heinesch, B. (2017). Development and validation of a point source emission quantification method based on eddy covariance [Poster presentation]. ICOS Belgium Science Conference, Gembloux, Belgium.

Fernández-Martínez, M., Vicca, S., Janssens, I. A., Ciais, P., Obersteiner, M., Bartrons, M., Sardans, J., Verger, A., Canadell, J. G., Chevallier, F., Wang, X., Bernhofer, C., Curtis, P. S., Gianelle, D., Grünwald, T., Heinesch, B., Ibrom, A., Knohl, A., Laurila, T., ... Peñuelas, J. (2017). Atmospheric deposition, CO2, and change in the land carbon sink. Scientific Reports, 7 (1). doi:10.1038/s41598-017-08755-8

Gourlez de la Motte, L., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (2017). Rotational and continuous grazing does not affect the total net ecosystem exchange of a pasture grazed by cattle but modifies CO2 exchange dynamics [Paper presentation]. ICOS belgium first science conference, Gembloux, Belgium.

Haeni, M., Zweifel, R., Eugster, W., Gessler, A., Zielis, S., Bernhofer, C., Carrara, A., Grünwald, T., Havránková, K., Heinesch, B., Herbst, M., Ibrom, A., Knohl, A., Lagergren, F., Law, B. E., Marek, M., Matteucci, G., McCaughey, J. H., Minerbi, S., ... Buchmann, N. (2017). Winter respiratory C losses provide explanatory power for net ecosystem productivity. Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences, 122 (1), 243-260. doi:10.1002/2016JG003455

Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., Digrado, A., Bachy, A., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., & Amelynck, C. (2017). Methanol emissions from maize: Ontogenetic dependence to varying light conditions and guttation as an additional factor constraining the flux. Atmospheric Environment, 152, 405-417. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.12.041

Broux, F., Theodorakopoulos, N., Heinesch, B., Aubinet, M., & Lognoul, M. (Other coll.). (27 September 2016). Chamber-based continuous measurement of N2O fluxes in a winter wheat field: comparison of tillage treatments and identification of emission peak dynamic [Paper presentation]. The 2nd ICOS Science Conference on greenhouse gases and biogeochemical cycles (27-29 September 2016), Helsinki, Finland.

Buysse, P., Manise, T., De Ligne, A., Moureaux, C., Bodson, B., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (27 September 2016). Climatic and management drivers of CO2 exchanges by a production crop: Analysis over three successive 4-year crop rotation cycles [Poster presentation]. 2nd ICOS Science Conference, Helsinki, Finland.

Digrado, A., Bachy, A., Mozaffar, A., schoon, N., Amelynck, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., du Jardin, P., & Delaplace, P. (09 June 2016). Photosynthetic apparatus response of the Lolium perenne L. to environmental stresses [Paper presentation]. EDT Plant Science Annual Meeting.

Aubinet, M., Vincke, C., Heinesch, B., Hurdebise, Q., & Manise, T. (June 2016). Vingt ans de mesures des échanges de CO2 et de vapeur d'eau à l'Observatoire Terrestre de Vielsalm. Forêt.Nature, 139 (Avril-Mai-Juin), p. 17-28.

Bachy, A., Mozaffar, A., Aubinet, M., Amelynck, C., Schoon, N., Bodson, B., Moureaux, C., Digrado, A., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., & Heinesch, B. (June 2016). Disentangling soil from plant methanol exchanges in a maize field: a first step [Poster presentation]. GRC conference "Biogenic Hydrocarbons & the Atmosphere", Girona, Spain.

Mozaffar, A., schoon, N., Digrado, A., Bachy, A., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., & Amelynck, C. (June 2016). BVOC fluxes from maize: flux intensity, pattern, and composition changes from leaf emergence to senescence [Poster presentation]. Gordon Research Conference on Biogenic Hydrocarbons & the Atmosphere.

Digrado, A., Bachy, A., Mozaffar, A., Schoon, N., Amelynck, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., du Jardin, P., & Delaplace, P. (20 May 2016). Chlorophyll a fluorescence : a tool to assess the photosynthetic apparatus behavior [Poster presentation]. Terra inovation Fair.

Bachy, A., Aubinet, M., Schoon, N., Amelynck, C., Bodson, B., Moureaux, C., & Heinesch, B. (28 April 2016). Are BVOC exchanges in agricultural ecosystems overestimated? Insights from fluxes measured in a maize field over a whole growing season. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16 (8). doi:10.5194/acp-16-5343-2016

Lognoul, M., Theodorakopoulos, N., Hiel, M.-P., Heinesch, B., Bodson, B., & Aubinet, M. (20 April 2016). Impact of tillage on CO2 and N2O efflux in an agricultural crop [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienne, Austria.

Bachy, A., Aubinet, M., Schoon, N., Amelynck, C., Bodson, B., Moureaux, C., & Heinesch, B. (18 April 2016). Are BVOC exchanges in agricultural ecosystems overestimated? Insights from fluxes measured in a maize field over a whole growing season [Paper presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Vienne, Austria.

Hurdebise, Q., Vincke, C., De Ligne, A., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (18 April 2016). Canopy proximity estimation and impact on long term turbulent fluxes above a heterogeneous forest [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria.

Lognoul, M., Theodorakopoulos, N., Hiel, M.-P., Heinesch, B., Bodson, B., & Aubinet, M. (April 2016). Impact of tillage on N2O and CO2 efflux in an agricultural crop [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Vienne, Austria.

Blaise, Y., Lebeau, F., Andriamandroso, A., Beckers, Y., Heinesch, B., & Bindelle, J. (February 2016). LINKING CATTLE GRAZING BEHAVIOR TO METHANE AND CARBON DIOXIDE DYNAMICS. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 81 (1), 107-112.

Dumortier, P., Andriamandroso, A., Aubinet, M., Beckers, Y., Bindelle, J., Gourlez de la Motte, L., Lebeau, F., & Heinesch, B. (February 2016). OUTDOOR MEASUREMENT OF CATTLE METHANE EMISSIONS USING THE EDDY-COVARIANCE TECHNIQUE IN COMBINATION WITH GEOLOCALIZATION DEVICES [Poster presentation]. 6th Greenhouse Gas and Animal Agriculture Conference.

Blaise, Y., Lebeau, F., Andriamandroso, A., Beckers, Y., Heinesch, B., & Bindelle, J. (2016). High rate monitoring CH4 production dynamics and their link with behavioral phases in cattle. In EAAP – 67 th Annual Meeting, Belfast 2016.

Chen, Y., Ryder, J., Bastrikov, V., McGrath, M. J., Naudts, K., Otto, J., Ottlé, C., Peylin, P., Polcher, J., Valade, A., Black, A., Elbers, J. A., Moors, E., Foken, T., Van Gorsel, E., Haverd, V., Heinesch, B., Tiedemann, F., Knohl, A., ... Luyssaert, S. (2016). Evaluating the performance of land surface model ORCHIDEE-CAN v1.0 on water and energy flux estimation with a single-and multi-layer energy budget scheme. Geoscientific Model Development, 9 (9), 2951-2972. doi:10.5194/gmd-9-2951-2016

Gourlez de la Motte, L., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (2016). Carbon balance of an intensively grazed permanent grassland in southern Belgium [Paper presentation]. The 2nd ICOS science conference, Helsinki, Finland.

Gourlez de la Motte, L., Jerome, E., Mamadou, O., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (2016). Carbon balance of an intensively grazed grassland in southern Belgium [Poster presentation]. European Geoscience Union genral assembly 2016, Vienne, Austria.

Mamadou, O., Gourlez de la Motte, L., De Ligne, A., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (2016). Unexpected sensitivity of the annual net ecosystem exchange to the high frequency loss corrections in a grazed grassland site in Belgium [Poster presentation]. European Geoscience Union genral assembly 2016.

Soubie, R., Heinesch, B., Granier, A., Aubinet, M., & Vincke, C. (2016). Evapotranspiration assessment of a mixed temperate forest by four methods: Eddy covariance, soil water budget, analytical and model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 228-229, 191-204. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.07.001

Theodorakopoulos, N., Degrune, F., Lognoul, M., Regaert, D., Heinesch, B., Bodson, B., Aubinet, M., & Vandenbol, M. (December 2015). Monitoring the dynamic of bacterial community and nitrogen cycle functional genes expression during a N2O emission peak [Poster presentation]. Ecology of soil Microorganisms 2015.

Hurdebise, Q., Vincke, C., De Ligne, A., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (18 November 2015). Phénologie des hêtres dans une forêt ardennaise: comparaison de méthodes de suivi et relations avec les flux de CO2 [Poster presentation]. Colloque Francophone Phénologie 2015, Clermont-Ferrand, France.

Hurdebise, Q., Vincke, C., De Ligne, A., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (18 November 2015). Phénologie des hêtres dans une forêt ardennaise: comparaison de méthodes de suivi et relation avec les flux de CO2 [Poster presentation]. Colloque Phéno de l'INRA, Clermont Ferrand, France.

Wingate, L., Ogée, J., Cremonese, E., Filippa, G., Mizunuma, T., Migliavacca, M., Moisy, C., Wilkinson, M., Moureaux, C., Wohlfahrt, G., Hammerle, A., Hörtnagl, L., Gimeno, C., Porcar-Castell, A., Galvagno, M., Nakaji, T., Morison, J., Kolle, O., Knohl, A., ... Grace, J. (21 October 2015). Interpreting canopy development and physiology using a European phenology camera network at flux sites. Biogeosciences, 12 (10), 5995-6015. doi:10.5194/bg-12-5995-2015

Lognoul, M., SALERNO, G., Debacq, A., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (20 October 2015). Setting up an eddy covariance system to measure N2O fluxes exchanged by a production crop - First steps [Poster presentation]. GHG Flux Workshop - From Natural to Urban Systems, Potsdam, Germany.

Delille, B., Van Der Linden, F., Fripiat, F., Champenois, W., Heinesch, B., Zhou, J., Schoemann, V., Carnat, G., Moreau, S., Vivier, F., Lourenço, A., Kotovitch, M., Haskell, T., & Tison, J.-L. (08 September 2015). Year Round Survey of Ocean-Sea Ice-Air Exchanges – the YROSIAE survey [Poster presentation]. SOLAS Open Science Conference 2015, Kiel, Germany.

Wohlfahrt, G., Amelynck, C., Ammann, C., Arneth, A., Bamberger, I., Goldstein, A. H., Gu, L., Guenther, A. B., Hansel, A., Heinesch, B., Holst, T., Hörtnagl, L., Karl, T., Laffineur, Q., Neftel, A., McKinney, K., Munger, J. W., Pallardy, S. G., Schade, G. W., ... Schoon, N. (2015). An ecosystem-scale perspective of the net land methanol flux: synthesis of micrometeorological flux measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, (15), 7413-7427. doi:10.5194/acp-15-7413-2015

Hurdebise, Q., Vincke, C., De Ligne, A., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (04 June 2015). Critical periods and critical values explaining fluxes inter-annual variability in a temperate mixed forest [Poster presentation]. ICOS-NEON Carbon Workshop, Observatoire de Haute-Provence (St-Michel l'Observatoire), France.

Regaert, D., Moureaux, C., Heinesch, B., Aubinet, M., Debacq, A., & Wilmus, F. (30 January 2015). Nitrous oxide flux measurement with a closed chamber system : data treatment [Poster presentation]. National symposium of applied biological science, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.

Hurdebise, Q., Vincke, C., Soubie, R., De Ligne, A., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (23 September 2014). Seasonal and inter-annual variability of photosynthetic capacity in a temperate forest [Poster presentation]. 1st ICOS Science conference, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Heinesch, B., Amelynck, C., Aubinet, M., Bachy, A., Digrado, A., Delaplace, P., du Jardin, P., Fauconnier, M.-L., Mozaffar, A., & Schoon, N. (01 July 2014). CROSTVOC : an integrated project for studying the impact of abiotic stresses on BVOC production of field crops and grasslands [Poster presentation]. Gordon Research Conference « Biogenic Hydrocarbons & the Atmosphere, Interactions in a Changing World », Girona, Spain.

Digrado, A., Mozaffar, A., Bachy, A., Schoon, N., Amelynck, C., Fauconnier, M.-L., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., du Jardin, P., & Delaplace, P. (07 February 2014). Impact of abiotic stresses on volatile organic compound production of field crops and grasslands [Poster presentation]. 19th National Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences.

Dumortier, P., Aubinet, M., Beckers, Y., Debacq, A., Jerome, E., Wilmus, F., & Heinesch, B. (2014). Yearly Follow-up of Methane Turbulent Exchange Over an Intensively Grazed Pasture in Belgium. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 79 (1), 91-96.

Dumortier, P., Aubinet, M., Debacq, A., Gourlez de la Motte, L., & Heinesch, B. (2014). MEASUREMENT OF CATTLE METHANE EMISSIONS USING THE EDDY-COVARIANCE TECHNIQUE [Poster presentation]. 1st ICOS International Conference on Greenhouse Gases and Biogeochemical Cycles.

Jerome, E., Dumortier, P., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., Heinesch, B., Moureaux, C., & Aubinet, M. (2013). Etablissement du bilan de carbone d’une exploitation agricole wallonne pratiquant le système allaitant : effets du climat et de la gestion du pâturage. Rapport de synthèse. Janvier 2012 – Décembre 2013. Belgium: Service Public de Wallonie.

Unger, N., Harper, K., Zheng, Y., Kiang, N. Y., Aleinov, I., Arneth, A., Schurgers, G., Amelynck, C., Goldstein, A., Guenther, A., Heinesch, B., Hewitt, C. N., Karl, T., Laffineur, Q., Langford, B., McKinney, K. A., Misztal, P., Potosnak, M., Rinne, J., ... Serça, D. (22 October 2013). Photosynthesis-dependent isoprene emission from leaf to planet in a global carbon-chemistry-climate model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 10243-10269. doi:10.5194/acp-13-10243-2013

Colaux-Castillo-Bocanegra, C., Colinet, G., Debouche, C., Degré, A., Garré, S., Heinesch, B., & Lebeau, F. (2013). Élaboration du référentiel de compétences du master bioingénieur en Sciences et Technologies de l'Environnement. In R. Poulin (Ed.), Séminaire CITEF 2013 La liaison formation-emploi : l'approche compétences et la formation tout au long de la vie (pp. 8). CITEF.

Dumortier, P., Aubinet, M., Beckers, Y., Chopin, H., Debacq, A., Jerome, E., Wilmus, F., & Heinesch, B. (September 2013). Cattle methane fluxes measurement over an intensively grazed grassland using eddy covariance [Poster presentation]. Greenhouse Gas Management in European Land Use Systems.

Bachy, A., Aubinet, M., SALERNO, G., Schoon, N., Amelynck, C., Bodson, B., Moureaux, C., & Heinesch, B. (10 June 2013). Long term measurements of VOC exchanges above a maize field at Lonzée (Belgium) [Poster presentation]. 2nd International Workshop on BVOC Modelling and Applications, Exeter, United Kingdom.

Dumortier, P., Aubinet, M., Chopin, H., Debacq, A., Jerome, E., Beckers, Y., & Heinesch, B. (June 2013). Yearly follow-up of methane turbulent exchange over an intensively grazed grassland in Belgium [Poster presentation]. Greenhouse Gases & Animal Agriculture.

Dumortier, P., Aubinet, M., Chopin, H., Debacq, A., Jerome, E., Beckers, Y., & Heinesch, B. (2013). Initiation of methane turbulent flux measurements over a grazed grassland in Belgium. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15.

Zhou, J., Delille, B., Eicken, H., Vancoppenolle, M., Brabant, F., Carnat, G., Geilfus, N.-X., Papakyriakou, T., Heinesch, B., & Tison, J.-L. (2013). Physical and biogeochemical properties in landfast sea ice (Barrow, Alaska): insights on brine and gas dynamics across seasons. Journal of Geophysical Research, 118 (6), 3172-3189. doi:10.1002/jgrc.20232

Jerome, E., Beckers, Y., Bodson, B., Dumortier, P., Beekkerk van Ruth, J., Heinesch, B., Moureaux, C., & Aubinet, M. (December 2012). Agriculture et changements climatiques: bilan de carbone d'une prairie pâturée en Région wallonne. Côté Boeuf: Magazine Semestriel de la FVBW, 10, p. 3-8.

Ago, E. E., Agbossou, E. K., Galle, S., Cohard, J.-M., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (08 February 2012). Diurnal CO2 flux responses in cultivated savanna in Benin (West Africa) [Paper presentation]. PhD Student day of ENVITAM and GEPROC, Gembloux, Belgium.

Ago, E. E., Agbossou, E. K., Galle, S., Cohard, J.-M., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (October 2011). CO2 exchange above a cultivated savanna in sudanian region in northern part of Benin (West Africa) [Poster presentation]. GEO-Carbon Conference: "Carbon in a changing world", Rome, Italy.

Heinesch, B., Laffineur, Q., Schoon, N., Amelynck, C., Müller, J.-F., Dewulf, J., Van Langenhove, H., Steppe, K., & Aubinet, M. (12 May 2011). Disjunct eddy-covariance as a tool for biogenic volatile organic compounds flux estimation at the ecosystemscale [Paper presentation]. Class of Excellence (Prof. John S. King, International Francqui Professor 2010-2011), Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.

Zhou, J., Tison, J.-L., Eicken, H., Petrich, C., Geilfus, N.-X., Brabant, F., Carnat, G., Papakyriakou, T., Heinesch, B., & Delille, B. (08 April 2011). O2/Ar and CH4 measurements in sea ice : clues for the key status of sea ice in the climate system. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13.

Laffineur, Q., Heinesch, B., Amelynck, C., Schoon, N., Müller, J.-F., Dewulf, J., Van Langenhove, H., Joó, E., Steppe, K., & Aubinet, M. (07 April 2011). Isoprene and monoterpene emissions from a mixed temperate forest [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria.

Laffineur, Q., Heinesch, B., Amelynck, C., Schoon, N., Müller, J.-F., Dewulf, J., Van Langenhove, H., Steppe, K., & Aubinet, M. (07 April 2011). Measurement and modeling of methanol deposition/emission in a mixed forest. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13.

Demarcke, M., Amelynck, C., Schoon, N., Müller, J.-F., Joó, E., Dewulf, J., Van Langenhove, H., Simpraga, M., Steppe, K., Laffineur, Q., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (2011). Effect of seasonality and short-term light and temperature history on monoterpene emissions from European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). In A. Hansel & J. Dunkl (Eds.), 5th International PTR-MS Conference on Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry and its Applications (pp. 165-168). Austria: Innsbruck university press.

Laffineur, Q., Aubinet, M., Schoon, N., Amelynck, C., Müller, J.-F., Dewulf, J., Van Langenhove, H., Steppe, K., Simpraga, M., & Heinesch, B. (2011). Isoprene and monoterpene emissions from a mixed temperate forest. Atmospheric Environment, 45, 3157-3168. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.02.054

Laffineur, Q., Heinesch, B., Schoon, N., Amelynck, C., Müller, J.-F., Dewulf, J., Van Langenhove, H., Joó, E., Steppe, K., & Aubinet, M. (2011). What can we learn from year-round BVOC disjunct eddycovariance measurements? A case example from a temperate forest. In A. Hansel & J. Dunkl (Eds.), 5th International PTR-MS Conference on Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry and its Applications (pp. 45-49). Austria: Innsbruck university press.

Stavrakou, T., Guenther, A., Razavi, A., Clarisse, L., Clerbaux, C., Coheur, P.-F., Hurtmans, D., Karagulian, F., De Mazière, M., Vigouroux, C., Amelynck, C., Schoon, N., Laffineur, Q., Heinesch, B., Aubinet, M., Rinsland, C., & Müller, J.-F. (2011). First space-based derivation of the global atmospheric methanol emission fluxes. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 4873-4898. doi:10.5194/acp-11-4873-2011

Zhou, J., Tison, J.-L., Eicken, H., Petrich, C., Geilfus, N.-X., Brabant, F., Carnat, G., Papakyriakou, T., Heinesch, B., Laing, R., & Delille, B. (2011). Dynamic processes in sea ice captured by the temporal evolution of its biogeochemical. VLIZ Special Publication, 48, 111.

Aubinet, M., Feigenwinter, C., Heinesch, B., Bernhofer, C., Canepa, E., Lindroth, A., Montagnani, L., Rebmann, C., Sedlak, P., & Van Gorsel, E. (15 May 2010). Direct advection measurements do not help to solve the night-time CO2 closure problem: Evidence from three different forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150 (5), 655-664. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2010.01.016

Heinesch, B., Aubinet, M., Carnat, G., Geilfus, N.-X., Goosens, T., Eicken, H., Papakyriakou, T., Petrich, C., Tison, J.-L., Yernaux, M., & Delille, B. (April 2010). Air-sea ice CO2 fluxes measurement with eddy-covariance micrometeorological technique [Paper presentation]. 42nd International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liège, Belgium.

Heinesch, B., Tison, J.-L., Carnat, G., Eicken, H., Petrich, C., Geilfus, N.-X., Goosens, T., Papakyriakou, T., Yernaux, M., Brabant, F., & Delille, B. (April 2010). Micrometeorological survey of air-sea ice CO2 fluxes in arctic coastal waters. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12 (EGU2010-10570).

De Ligne, A., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (2010). New Transfer Functions for Correcting Turbulent Water Vapour Fluxes. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 137 (2), 205-221. doi:10.1007/s10546-010-9525-9

Demarcke, M., Schoon, N., Van Langenhove, H., Dewulf, J., Joo, E., Steppe, K., Simpraga, M., Heinesch, B., Aubinet, M., Amelynck, C., & Muller, J. F. (2010). History effect of light and temperature on monoterpenoid emissions from Fagus sylvatica L. Atmospheric Environment, 44 (27), 3261-3268. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.05.054

Heinesch, B., Yernaux, M., & Aubinet, M. (Other coll.). (2010). Comparison of two drainage flow situations on a gentle forested slope [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union - General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Van Den Hoof, C., Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., & Vincke, C. (October 2009). Evaluation of the suitability of the land surface model JULES for climate impact studies in Belgian ecosystem [Paper presentation]. International Conference of Atmospheric Transport and Chemistry in Forest Ecosystems, Thurnau, Germany.

Heinesch, B., Yernaux, M., Aubinet, M., Geilfus, N.-X., Papakyriakou, T., Carnat, G., Eicken, H., Tison, J.-L., & Delille, B. (June 2009). Measuring air-ice CO2 fluxes in the Arctic. FluxLetter: the Newsletter of FLUXNET, 2 (2), 9-10.

Aubinet, M., Moureaux, C., Bodson, B., Dufranne, D., Heinesch, B., Suleau, M., Vancutsem, F., & vilret, A. (April 2009). CO2 fluxes exchanged by a 4-year crop rotation cycle [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria.

Heinesch, B., & Yernaux, M. (April 2009). Mesures de flux dans le grand Nord. FACtuel, 7, 7-8.

De Ligne, A., Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (2009). New transfert functions for correcting eddy-covariance fluxes of water vapour [Poster presentation]. Second annual IMECC meeting, Genève, Switzerland.

Delpierre, N., Soudani, K., Kostner, B., Pontailler, J.-Y., Nikinmaa, E., Misson, L., Aubinet, M., Bernhofer, C., Granier, A., Grunwald, T., Heinesch, B., Longdoz, B., Ourcival, J., Rambal, S., Vesala, T., Dufrene, E., & François, C. (2009). Exceptional Carbon Uptake In European Forests During The Warm Spring Of 2007: A Data-Model Analysis. Global Change Biology, 15 (6), 1455-1474. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2008.01835.x

Eerdekens, G., Gielen, B., Neirynck, J., Heinesch, B., & Janssens, I. (Other coll.). (2009). VOC and ozone fluxes from a pine forest in the north of Belgium [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union - General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria.

Feigenwinter, C., ADVEX team, Heinesch, B., & Aubinet, M. (2008). Advection mechanism and their impact on CO2 net ecosystem exchange at three Carboeurope forest sites [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Heinesch, B. (2007). Mesure et analyse du transport advectif de CO2 dans une forêt sur versant [Doctoral thesis, ULiège. GxABT - Liège Université. Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Heinesch, B., Aubinet, M., & Yernaux, M. (2007). Some Methodological Questions Concerning Advection Measurements: A Case Study. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 122 (2), 457-478. doi:10.1007/s10546-006-9102-4

Heinesch, B. (2006). Sampling strategy for CO2 sampling [Paper presentation]. Summer school "eddy covariance flux measurements, Namur, Belgium.

Heinesch, B. (2006). Coordinate rotations [Paper presentation]. Summer school "eddy-covariance flux measurements", Namur, Belgium.

Heinesch, B., Yernaux, M., & Aubinet, M. (2005). Some methodological aspects of local advection measurements: a case study [Poster presentation]. 2nd CarboEurope-IP Integrated Project Meeting, Dublin, Ireland.

Aubinet, M., Bernhofer, C., Cescatti, A., Grünwald, T., Havrankova, K., Heinesch, B., Longdoz, B., Marcolla, B., Montagnani, L., & Sedlak, P. (2004). COMPARING NIGHT CO2 STORAGE AND ADVECTION AT FIVE FORESTED SITES. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 6.

Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., & Moureaux, C. (2004). Combining CO2 flux measurementss and modelling to evaluate footprint predictions at a heterogeneous site. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 6 (1).

Aubinet, M., Heinesch, B., & Yernaux, M. (2003). Horizontal And Vertical Co2 Advection In A Sloping Forest. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 108 (3), 397-417. doi:10.1023/A:1024168428135

Heinesch, B. (2001). Analyse de la qualité des mesures de flux de CO2 échangés par les écosystèmes forestiers [Specialised master, ULiège. GxABT - Liège Université. Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech]. ORBi-University of Liège.