Reciputi, P., Marneffe, J., Morsa, M., & Di Schiena, R. (September 2024). Shared decision making in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: A qualitative investigation on the psychiatrists ‘perspective [Poster presentation]. Belgian hackathons Mental Health. |
Di Schiena, R., Morsa, M., Joiret, E., & Piccinin, B. (26 April 2024). Le “Rétablissement” en santé mentale: Spécificités et limites de son application à une population adoléscente [Paper presentation]. Ruche (Research Unit for a life-Course perspective on Health & Education). |
Marneffe, J., Delhalle, M., Blavier, A., & Di Schiena, R. (26 April 2024). Validation d’un outil d’évaluation de l’attachement chez l’enfant : Les histoires à compléter [Paper presentation]. Santé et éducation à tous les âges de la vie. |
Stassart, C., Gemoets, E., Marneffe, J., Michaux, R., & Di Schiena, R. (26 April 2024). Nouvelles perspectives dans la prise en soin des patient·es mineur·es [Paper presentation]. 1er Congrès de la Research Unit for a life-Course perspective on Health and Education Santé et éducation à tous les âges de la vie Regards transdisciplinaires au service de la qualité de vie. |
Di Schiena, R. (25 November 2023). La prise en charge institutionnelle des enfants et adolescents: des protocols d'intervention standardisés à la réalité de terrain [Paper presentation]. 5Oième JS AEMTC. |
Marneffe, J., Delhalle, M., Di Schiena, R., & Blavier, A. (25 November 2023). Validation d'un outil d'évaluation de l'attachement chez l'enfant : les Histoires à compléter [Poster presentation]. 50ème journée scientifique : l'AEMTC fête ses 50 ans, LIEGE, Belgium. |
Di Schiena, R., Charles, & Piccinin. (2023). The Role of affective and Cognitive and Empathy in Anti-social Behaviour: An Investigation among Adolescents Hospitalized in a Forensic Psychiatric Unit [Poster presentation]. Belgian Associations of Psychological Science, mons, Belgium. |
Di Schiena, R., Piccinin, B., & Joiret, E. (2022). Spécificités et limites de l’application du modèle du rétablissement à une population adolescente : L’expérience des unités Karibu et Kallima du Centre Hospitalier Jean Titeca. Acta Psychiatrica Belgica, 122 (2), 55–60. |
Di Schiena, R., Picinin, & Joiret. (2022). La désinstitutionalisation des adolescents avec trouble mental : l’expérience de l’équipe mobile Karavelle en Belgique francophone [Paper presentation]. Alter Conference, European Association for Disability Research, Brussel, Belgium. |
Di Schiena, R., & Charles Stéphanie. (18 July 2019). The Role of Depression and Empathy in Anti-social Behaviour: An Investigation among Adolescents Hospitalized in a Forensic Psychiatric Uni [Poster presentation]. World Conference of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy, berlin, Germany. |
Di Schiena, R., Letens, G., Van Aken, E., & Farris, J. (September 2013). Relationship between leadership and characteristics of learning organizations in deployed military units: An exploratory study. Administrative Sciences, 3 (3), 143 - 165. doi:10.3390/admsci3030143 |
Di Schiena, R., Luminet, O., Chang, B., & Philippot, P. (August 2013). Why are depressive individuals indecisive? Different modes of rumination account for indecision in non-clinical depression. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 37 (4), 713 - 724. doi:10.1007/s10608-012-9517-9 ![]() |
Di Schiena, R., Luminet, O., Philippot, P., & Douilliez, C. (October 2012). Adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism in depression: Preliminary evidence on the role of adaptive and maladaptive rumination. Personality and Individual Differences, 53 (6), 774 - 778. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2012.05.017 |
Di Schiena, R., Letens, Farris, & van Aken. (22 May 2012). Learning Organizations in Crisis Environments: Characteristics of Deployed Military Units [Paper presentation]. Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Orlando, United States - Florida. |
Bellelli, G., & Di Schiena, R. (2012). Decisioni ed Emozioni. Come la psicologia spiega il conflitto tra ragione e sentimento. Bologna: Il Mulino. |
Di Schiena, R., & Bellelli, G. (2012). Dalle scelte razionali alle scelte emotive. In G. Bellelli & R. Schiena (Eds.), Decisioni ed Emozioni. Come la psicologia spiega il conflitto tra ragione e sentimento. Bologna: Il Mulino. |
Di Schiena, R., & Zeelenberg, M. (2012). Il regret anticipato come principo regolatore della scelta. In G. Bellelli & R. Schiena (Eds.), Decisioni ed Emozioni. Come la psicologia spiega il conflitto tra ragione e sentimento. Bologna: Il Mulino. |
Chang, B., & Di Schiena, R. (2011). Autobiographical memory and cognitive resources in dysphoria [Paper presentation]. Belgian Association of Psychological Science, Ghent, Belgium. |
Di Schiena, R., Luminet, O., & Philippot, P. (2011). Adaptive and maladaptive rumination in alexithymia and their relation with depressive symptoms. Personality and Individual Differences, 50 (1), 10 - 14. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2010.07.037 |
Di Schiena, R., Luminet, & Philippot. (April 2010). Why are dysphoric also indecisive? Modes of thinking as antecedent of indecision [Paper presentation]. Third Conference of CERE. |
Dell'Erba, G. L., & Di Schiena, R. (2010). Lo standard del profilo SCL90R. Studio su campione di N.1216 soggetti per la costruzione di norme italiane locali. Psicopuglia, Notiziario Ordine Psicologi della Puglia, 1 (avril). |
Di Schiena, R., Luminet, & Philippot, P. (August 2009). Rumination and Decision Making Difficulty in Depression [Paper presentation]. Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making Conference, Rovereto, Italy. |
Di Schiena, R. (2009). Why are depressive individuals also indecisive? Abstract-analytic rumination as an antecedent of indecisiveness in depression [Poster presentation]. Changing Emotions. |
Di Schiena, R. (2009). Problem-solving e decision-making. In G. Bellelli & R. Schiena (Eds.), A. Curci, Abilità formative trasversali nel percorso di orientamento: Una guida Teorico-pratica. Bari, Unknown/unspecified: Fondo Sociale Europeo, MIUR, Università di Bari. |
Di Schiena, R., & Bellelli, G. (03 September 2008). Analytical evaluation strategies in omission bias [Paper presentation]. 10th Conference of the European Social Cognition Network, Volterra, Italy. |
Di Schiena, R., & Bellelli, G. (September 2008). Analytical evaluation strategies in omission bias [Paper presentation]. European Social Cognition Network. |
Di Schiena, R., & Bellelli, G. (2008). To do or not to do: Il ruolo del rimpianto nella scelta tra azione e omissione. In S. Nuovo & G. Sprini (Eds.), Teorie e metodi della psicologia italiana: tendenze attuali. Milan, Italy: Franco Angeli. |
Di Schiena, R., Zeelenberg, M., & Bellelli, G. (August 2007). Omission bias and Anticipated Regret [Paper presentation]. VI Symposium on Psychology and Economics, Tilburg, Netherlands. |
Di Schiena, R., & Belletti, G. (2007). Bias di omissione: Un contributo al dibattito attraverso la proposta di un test empirico. Psychofenia : Ricerca ed Analisi Psicologica, 10 (17), 147–174. doi:10.1285/i17201632vXn17p147 ![]() |
Di Schiena, R. (June 2006). Reconsidering Omission Bias. Oral presentation at FUR XIII [Paper presentation]. FUR Conference: Foundations of Utility and Risk, Rome, Italy. |