Publications and communications of Voahary Iangotiana Andriamaromanana

Andriamaromanana, V. I. (28 March 2024). CAPEX Versus FLEX: The Optimal Investment Mix to Integrate Decentralized Electricity Production [Paper presentation]. 2nd Conference on Decentralized Energy Systems, Rouen, France.

Andriamaromanana, V. I. (15 February 2024). CAPEX vs FLEX: The optimal investment mix to integrate decentralized electricity production [Paper presentation]. Séminaire interne, Liège, Belgium.

Andriamaromanana, V. I. (30 January 2024). Capex versus Flex: The optimal investment mix to integrate decentralized electricity production [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Montpellier Research in Economics, Montpellier, France.