Bekar, K., & Cherkaoui, F. (12 April 2024). First Inter-PhD Students Journal Club. Topic: Pre-Metastatic Niche [Paper presentation]. Journal club organized for PhD/Post Docs at the GIGA. |
Cherkaoui, F. (06 February 2024). Tissue remodeling of lymph nodes in premetastatic stages [Poster presentation]. Télévie seminar - ULB. |
Cherkaoui, F. (27 October 2023). Tissue remodeling and expression of integrin a11 in premetastatic niche of lymph nodes [Poster presentation]. BACR - UCLouvain. |
Cherkaoui, F. (02 February 2023). Tissue remodeling and expression of integrin α11 in premetastatic niches of lymph nodes [Poster presentation]. Séminaire Télévie, bruxelles, Belgium. |
Cherkaoui, F. (30 September 2022). The expression of Integrin alpha11 in premetastatic lymph nodes [Poster presentation]. BACR, GAND, Belgium. |