Publications and communications of Jean-Marc Lassance

Articles in scientific journals with peer reviewing

M. Lienard* , D. Baez-Nieto* , C.-C. Tsai, W. A. Valencia-Montoya, B. Werin, U. Johanson, J.-M. Lassance, J. Q. Pan, N. Yu, and N. E. Pierce. "TRPA5 encodes a thermosensitive ankyrin ion channel receptor in a triatomine insect." iScience, 27, no. 4 (April 2024): 109541. doi:10.1016/j.isci.2024.109541
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

E. P. Kingsley, E. R. Hager, J.-M. Lassance, K. M. Turner, O. S. Harringmeyer, C. Kirby, B. I. Neugeboren, and H. E. Hoekstra. "Adaptive tail-length evolution in deer mice is associated with differential Hoxd13 expression in early development." Nature Ecology and Evolution (2024). doi:10.1038/s41559-024-02346-3

A. F. Kautt, J. Chen, C. L. Lewarch, C. Hu, K. Turner, J.-M. Lassance, F. Baier, N. L. Bedford, A. Bendesky, and H. E. Hoekstra. "Evolution of gene expression across brain regions in behaviourally divergent deer mice." Molecular Ecology (2024): 17270. doi:10.1111/mec.17270

M. I. Dam, B.-J. Ding, G. P. Svensson, H.-L. Wang, D. J. Melo, J.-M. Lassance, P. H. G. Zarbin, and C. Löfstedt. "Sex pheromone biosynthesis in the sugarcane borer Diatraea saccharalis: paving the way for biotechnological production." Pest Management Science (2023). doi:10.1002/ps.7830

T. B. Wooldridge, A. F. Kautt, J.-M. Lassance, S. McFadden, V. S. Domingues, R. Mallarino, and H. E. Hoekstra. "An enhancer of Agouti contributes to parallel evolution of cryptically colored beach mice." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119, no. 27 (05 July 2022): 2202862119. doi:10.1073/pnas.2202862119

J.-M. Lassance* , B.-J. Ding* , and C. Lofstedt. "Evolution of the codling moth pheromone via an ancient gene duplication." BMC Biology, 19, no. 1 (23 April 2021): 83. doi:10.1186/s12915-021-01001-8
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

M. Lienard, G. D. Bernard, A. Allen, J.-M. Lassance, S. Song, R. R. Childers, N. Yu et al. "The evolution of red color vision is linked to coordinated rhodopsin tuning in lycaenid butterflies." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118, no. 6 (2021). doi:10.1073/pnas.2008986118

J.-M. Lassance, G. P. Svensson, M. V. Kozlov, W. Francke, and C. Lofstedt. "Pheromones and Barcoding Delimit Boundaries between Cryptic Species in the Primitive Moth Genus Eriocrania (Lepidoptera: Eriocraniidae)." Journal of Chemical Ecology, 45, no. 5-6 (June 2019): 429-439. doi:10.1007/s10886-019-01076-2

H. S. Fisher, E. Jacobs-Palmer, J.-M. Lassance, and H. E. Hoekstra. "The genetic basis and fitness consequences of sperm midpiece size in deer mice." Nature Communications, 7 (02 December 2016): 13652. doi:10.1038/ncomms13652

D. M. Bear, J.-M. Lassance, H. E. Hoekstra, and S. R. Datta. "The Evolving Neural and Genetic Architecture of Vertebrate Olfaction." Current biology : CB, 26, no. 20 (24 October 2016): 1039-R1049. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2016.09.011

P. L. Greer, D. M. Bear, J.-M. Lassance, M. L. Bloom, T. Tsukahara, S. L. Pashkovski, F. K. Masuda et al. "A Family of non-GPCR Chemosensors Defines an Alternative Logic for Mammalian Olfaction." Cell, 165, no. 7 (16 June 2016): 1734-1748. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2016.05.001

M. Lienard, H.-L. Wang, J.-M. Lassance* , and C. Lofstedt*. "Sex pheromone biosynthetic pathways are conserved between moths and the butterfly Bicyclus anynana." Nature Communications, 5 (27 May 2014): 3957. doi:10.1038/ncomms4957
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

A. K. Hagstrom, H.-L. Wang, M. Lienard, J.-M. Lassance, T. Johansson, and C. Lofstedt. "A moth pheromone brewery: production of (Z)-11-hexadecenol by heterologous co-expression of two biosynthetic genes from a noctuid moth in a yeast cell factory." Microbial Cell Factories, 12 (13 December 2013): 125. doi:10.1186/1475-2859-12-125

J.-M. Lassance, M. Lienard, B. Antony, S. Qian, T. Fujii, J. Tabata, Y. Ishikawa, and C. Lofstedt. "Functional consequences of sequence variation in the pheromone biosynthetic gene pgFAR for Ostrinia moths." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110, no. 10 (05 March 2013): 3967-72. doi:10.1073/pnas.1208706110

J. Lehmhus, G. Cordsen-Nielsen, C. Söderlind, G. Szőcs, J.-M. Lassance, J. Fodor, and A. Künstler. "First records of the Z-Race of European Corn Borer Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner 1796) from Scandinavia." Journal für Kulturpflanzen (2012). doi:10.5073/JfK.2012.05.03

J.-M. Lassance, S. M. Bogdanowicz, K. W. Wanner, C. Lofstedt, and R. G. Harrison. "Gene genealogies reveal differentiation at sex pheromone olfactory receptor loci in pheromone strains of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis." Evolution; international journal of organic evolution, 65, no. 6 (June 2011): 1583-93. doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.2011.01239.x

J.-M. Lassance. "Journey in the Ostrinia world: from pest to model in chemical ecology." Journal of Chemical Ecology, 36, no. 10 (October 2010): 1155-69. doi:10.1007/s10886-010-9856-5

M. Lienard, A. K. Hagstrom, J.-M. Lassance, and C. Lofstedt. "Evolution of multicomponent pheromone signals in small ermine moths involves a single fatty-acyl reductase gene." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107, no. 24 (15 June 2010): 10955-60. doi:10.1073/pnas.1000823107

J.-M. Lassance and C. Lofstedt. "Concerted evolution of male and female display traits in the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis." BMC Biology, 7 (03 March 2009): 10. doi:10.1186/1741-7007-7-10

C. M. Nieberding, H. de Vos, M. V. Schneider, J.-M. Lassance, N. Estramil, J. Andersson, J. Bang, E. Hedenstrom, C. Lofstedt, and P. M. Brakefield. "The male sex pheromone of the butterfly Bicyclus anynana: towards an evolutionary analysis." PLoS ONE, 3, no. 7 (23 July 2008): 2751. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002751

Other publications and communications

Articles in scientific journals without peer reviewing

J.-M. Lassance and C. Lofstedt. "Chemical communication: a jewel sheds light on signal evolution." Current biology : CB, 23, no. 9 (06 May 2013): 346-8. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2013.03.055